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84 lines (58 loc) · 2.83 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (58 loc) · 2.83 KB


A small utility to fetch data from Vega APIs.


  • Automatically prefixes data node URL
  • Can use a custom URL if set via environment variable (VEGA_DATA_NODE)
  • Requests more pages of data automatically if results don't fit in a single page
  • Emits result data in JSON lines format (suitable for piping rows to grep, visidata, etc.)
  • Limit number of pages, customisable by environment variable (VEGA_MAX_PAGES)
  • Emits results as they arrive for multi-page queries

Running it

For the impatient Mac user (h/t @edd):

brew install saulpw/vd/visidata; brew install fennel; brew install luarocks; luarocks install dkjson; make; ./vquery markets | vd

Run or compile the script yourself with Fennel. It requires the dkjson library, which can be installed with Luarocks or probably some other way if you prefer.

You can also download a binary (which bundles the transpiled output and a Lua runtime into a single excutable) from the release page. Currently the only binary release is for macOS but cross compilation for other systems is theoretically possible, and I may also release the transpiled Lua output in future.

On a Mac, running make install will compile the binary and copy it to ~/Library/bin, at least if you have Fennel and Lua installed via Homebrew.

Usage examples

List markets:

% vquery markets

Get up to 5 pages of positions:

% VEGA_MAX_PAHGES=5 vquery positions

View open depsosits in Visidata:

% vquery deposits | grep STATUS_OPEN | vd

See all accounts and their balances on Fairground testnet:

% VEGA_DATA_NODE= vquery accounts

Bonus: zsh aliases

Add these aliases to you .zshrc file to enable quickly querying mainnet or Fairground.

This gives you:

  • Shorter names, save your fingers!
  • Separate aliases qv (query Vega) for mainnet and qf (query Fairground) for testnet
  • Takes a second parameter to filter the output using grep
  • Automatically passes the response to Visidata
  • Saves the Visidata output (when you exit vd with ctrl-q) to a file specified with the 3rd argument, or .last.vega.tsv or .last.fairground.tsv in your home directory if no file is specified
function mainnet() {
  vquery "$1" \
    | grep -i "$2" \
    | vd 2&>/dev/null \
    | tee ${3:-~/.last.vega.tsv}
alias qv=mainnet
function fairground() {
  vquery "$1" \
    | grep -i "$2" \
    | vd 2&>/dev/null \
    | tee ${3:-~/.last.fairground.tsv}
alias qf=fairground