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Philippe Jean Guillaumie edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 71 revisions

Post-install hints & tips

Enlightenment's most useful key bindings:

  • Alt+Escape to launch Everything

  • Alt+Tab to switch between windows on the same desktop

  • Ctrl+Alt+End to restart Enlightenment

Run enlightenment_remote -help in a terminal to display E's hidden commands.

Useful edge bindings:

  • Settings P. -> Input -> Edge Bindings (Settings) -> “Add” and select the left vertical edge of the miniature view, then “Apply”

  • Scroll down the Action pannel and click on “Flip Desktop Left”, then “Apply”

  • Add another binding (select the right vertical edge) to flip desktop right

Localized (Main) Applications menu: Settings P. -> Menus -> Menu Settings -> Applications -> Lxde (Applications) or select Xfce (Applications) on Xubuntu

Settings P. -> Preferences -> Elementary Config -> More -> Rendering -> OpenGL/OpenGL-ES and tick “Tear-free rendering (VSync)” then restart Enlightenment

Settings P. -> Apps -> Startup Applications -> System -> and tick “Network” then launch Everything and type/select nm-applet to add it to the systray

Look and feel of Qt applications:

  • Install qt5ct and qt5-style-plugins

  • Run Qt5 Settings then select “gtk2” in Appearance -> Style

  • Settings Panel -> Advanced -> Environment variables: Add QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE in the first box and qt5ct in the next one

Preferred fonts: Settings P. -> Look -> Fonts -> Fonts Settings -> Noto Sans

Preferred theme: Settings P. -> Look -> GTK Applications -> Arc-Dark

Preferred icons: Settings P. -> Look -> Icons -> Papirus-Dark

Settings P. -> Look -> Compositor -> Composite Settings -> General and tick “Don't fade backlight

Extra | Other cool icons: (Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark)

Extra | Another cool gtk theme: (Kali-Dark)

Extra | Awesome fonts for Terminology and coding tasks: sudo apt install fonts-firacode

Xephyr can be useful for testing and debugging purposes, or simply to access Enlightenment if you're not able to do it otherwise. To use xephyr, open a terminal and cd to your enlightenment source folder. Two little scripts are available. Just run ./ or ./

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