All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- implement some stuff from system process with a general approach in mind
- get inspired by ShellCommand
- implement input validation
- implement commands for unix and windows like
if (PHP_OS === 'Windows') {
exec("rd /s /q {$path}");
} else {
exec("rm -rf {$path}");
- implement validateSystemEnvironment() and usage in "this->execute"
* @throws InvalidSystemEnvironmentException
protected function validateSystemEnvironment($pathToTheCommand)
if (!is_executable('/usr/bin/rm')) {
throw new InvalidSystemEnvironmentException(
'/usr/bin/rm is mandatory'
- fixed license issue in the composer.json
- moved examples into command collection
- removed not needed develop dependency of mockery
2.0.0 - released at 2018-01-13
- dropped support for all PHP Versions below 7.0
1.3.0 - released at 2017-05-26
- dropped official support for php version below 5.6
- moved documentation to
- moved history into changelog file
- replaced deprecated >>array()<< syntax with >>[]<<
1.2.2 - released at 2016-02-22
- added integration test for php 7.0
- moved to psr-4 autoloading
- removed integration test for php 5.3.3
- updated dependency
1.2.1 - released at 2015-12-11
- updated dependency
1.2.0 - released at 2015-09-18
- extracted main code to AbstractCommand and extended Command from this
1.1.0 - released at 2015-09-13
- added output of command output to exit code validation exception
1.0.11 - released at 23.08.2015
- updated dependencies
1.0.10 - released at 2015-07-30
- updated dependencies
1.0.9 - released at 2015-07-04
- updated dependencies
1.0.8 - released at 2015-06-29
- updated dependencies
1.0.7 - released at 2015-05-26
- implement __invoke() to use a command as a callable
1.0.6 - released at 2015-02-08
- removed dependency to apigen
1.0.5 - released at 2015-02-08
- added "passthru" as public method
- covered "$validateReturnValue" with a unit test
- implement linux/unix commands (not as example but as ready to use)
- implemented "validateSystemEnvironment" in example commands
- implemented usage of "$validateReturnValue" in example commands
- updated dependencies
1.0.4 - released at 2014-12-18
- implemented optional parameter "$validateReturnValue" in method "Command::execute()"
1.0.3 - released at 2014-12-17
- implement "validateSystemEnvironment" (throws "InvalidSystemEnvironmentException")
1.0.2 - released at 2014-12-14
- added api
- added example as php scripts
- removed @todos
1.0.1 - released at 2014-12-12
- add unit tests
- add usage / example in readme
1.0.0 - released at 2014-12-11
- initial release