The project is to create a web app based on your research or interests that performs a prediction algorithm or some other non-trivial data calculation. The prediction algorithm can be based on any model (though should be more complex than straight arithmetic, like a BMI calculator). In addition, your file in your github repo should be a brief writeup of your project (no more than a page if your print it up). You will give a brief presentation screencast of your app. This will be no more than 5 minutes (points deducted if it's longer).
The project directory in your github classroom repo will include at least 3 files. First, the necessary files for your web app to run. In a readme file, describe the structure and give a live link to the hosted video. The video can be hosted on a video hosting service or a file hosting service (Gdrive, onedrive, box, dropbox, ...).
You may work in a team of no more than 5 students. If on a team, each person's contribution must be delineated in the project readme and all 5 team mumbers must separately submit the assignment, including their own video.
Project grading rubric
Web app details [0, 1]
- Does the app run?
- Does the app take data input?
- Does the un calculations and put out data output?
- Is the app documented so that users know how to use the app?
Project details [0, 1]
- Does the algorithm do some non-trivial data processing or analysis?
- Does the algorthm have some display, graphics or output depending on the input?
Quality details (fraction of [0 - 1] scale)
- Novelty
- Quality of underlying algorithm or method
- Quality of implementation
- Quality of output
- Ease of use
- Documentation
Presentation [0, 1], 5 minute video
- Clarity of presentation
- Stayed within the time limit
- Described the scientific background?
- Described the functioning of the app
Github submission [0, 1]
- Does the github submission have a readme describing the app?
- Does the readme accurately describe the app and link to the documentation (may be in the app itself)?
- Is the code for the app included?
- Is there an example to run the app?
- Does the app run locally?
- Does the readme accurately describe the system / library requirements of the app?