diff --git a/fhe-endpoints.md b/fhe-endpoints.md
index fe2633146d6..8226f614fdc 100644
--- a/fhe-endpoints.md
+++ b/fhe-endpoints.md
@@ -25,14 +25,29 @@ Like with any other model available on the Hugging Face platform, select _Deploy
+Inference Endpoint (dedicated)
Next, choose the Endpoint name or the region, and most importantly, the CPU (Concrete ML models do not use GPUs for now; we are [working](https://www.zama.ai/post/tfhe-rs-v0-5) on it) as well as the best machine available - in the example below we chose eight vCPU. Now click on _Create Endpoint_ and wait for the initialization to finish.

+Create Endpoint
After a few seconds, the Endpoint is deployed, and your privacy-preserving model is ready to operate.

+Endpoint is created
> [!NOTE]: Don’t forget to delete the Endpoint (or at least pause it) when you are no longer using it, or else it will cost more than anticipated.
## Using the Endpoint
@@ -43,6 +58,11 @@ The goal is not only to deploy your Endpoint but also to let your users play wit

+Clone Repository
They will be given a small command line that they can run in their terminal: