temporary location for writing better notes, connecting them to form When notes are good enough to be permanent, they must move into appropriate PARA organisation.
TODO: My writing steps need to be adapted for my work challenges, outputs and outcomes.
- write fleeting notes
- Make reference notes (literature notes)
- Make permanent notes - ideally once per day
- the idea is not to collect, but to develop (understanding) ideas, arguments, discussions
- Similarities and differences with other notes?
- does the new information contradict, correct, support, add, or supersede what i already have
- Can you combine ideas to generate something new?
- What questions are triggered by them?
- Make notes as if for someone else (actually will be your future self), with full sentences, references and try to be as precise, clear and brief as possible
- Throw away the fleeting notes from step 1.
- Add permanent notes to slip-box
- add to folder
- link with other notes
- add tags
- how you would retrieve this
- Develop your topics, questions and research from the bottom up
- Look for the emergent ideas to select a topic
- Create an outline, then a rough draft
- Edit and proofread