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File metadata and controls

248 lines (181 loc) · 12.1 KB


dev provides a rich bash-based project-oriented shell environment for software developers, but should be useful for for all types of digital content creation.


This project began as a way to easily move a consistent working enviroment around from system to system, but quickly became a well-rounded IDE. The goal of this project is to have a fully isolated, lightweight, consistent, virtual environment dedicated to an individual project.

The "environments" are managed by an intuitive CLI tool, each one containing common development tools needed for most day-to-day tasks (code development, script execution in various langunages, etc.). The dev CLI tool allows treating a docker container instance, via the volume mount system, as an individual project. Essentially, a fully dedicated, extremely lightweight, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit Linux instance dedicated to a single project. The docker image can easily be extended to suit the specific needs of a project.


Installation is really just a matter of copying a bash script into your path, but the script makes use of Docker and assumes that you can run docker commands without sudo:


  1. Install docker on your system. This command varies from system to system so you're on your own, but there are tons of instructions online so it should be easy. For example, if you happen to be using a Debian-based system it's as simple as sudo apt-get install docker. If you're on a Mac, things are less simple but still pretty easy.
  2. Linux users will want to make sure your user can run docker commands without sudo.


  1. MacOS users will need to add some core utilities before proceeding in order to get super unusual rarely used unique functionality such as realpath (some barebones Linux distributions may need to install some similar packages)...
  • Install Homebrew
  • Run brew install coreutils
  • Add /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin to your path (see the output of brew install coreutils for the exact path)
  1. Select an installation directory in your path for the dev utility (lets assume /usr/bin) and run:
  • sudo wget -nv -O /usr/bin/dev
  • sudo chmod +rwx /usr/bin/dev (write permission lets it self-update as any user).
  • dev self-update

Docker image

The Linux environment is based on ubuntu:20.04. The default bash shell is based on mkenney/.dotfiles and, when using the dev cli, initializes and attaches to a tmux session when you connect to the container. The default tmux command-prefix key has been remapped to M-space (meta+space) to avoid conflicts with nested Tmux sessions. You can specify a secondary command-prefix key with the --tmux-prefix option or use your own .tmux.conf file with the --tmux option.

The default user is modified when the container is initialized so it runs as the owner of the project directory on the host and belongs to the same group so new files will be created with the same uid and gid on the host.

By default, ~/.ssh/ and ~/.oracle/ (for oracle wallet) are mounted into the home directory and if a tnsnames.ora file exists on the host at /oracle/product/latest/network/admin/tnsnames.ora it will be copied to the same location inside the container. This should be enough to automate connecting to oracle (sqlplus is installed in the container) but ymmv. If the connection fails, make sure the path to the wallet files is correct. Take a look at ~/.oracle/network/admin/sqlnet.ora and make sure the path doesn't contain your username from the host machine. (DIRECTORY = $HOME/.oracle/network/wallet) should work for both the container and the host in most environments.

Several additional directories are also automatically mounted if they exist to provide a seamless experience, including:

  • ~/.aws
  • ~/.config
  • ~/.helm
  • ~/.kube
  • ~/.npm
  • ~/.oracle
  • ~/.ssh
  • ~/.tmux.conf
  • ~/.vim
  • ~/.vimrc


Powerline is installed and enabled in the default tmux and vim configurations. You can easily override it with your own configuration files by passing the --tmux or --vimrc options when starting a new instance with the init or restart commands.

If you do want to use powerline, you may want to install and use a compatible font in your terminal emulator. I use iTerm 2 with the Fira Code font without any issues. If you're using iTerm, you should also uncheck the "Treat ambiguous-width characters as double width" setting.

Common packages

  • curl dialog emacs exuberant-ctags fonts-powerline git graphviz htop less libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libmcrypt-dev libpng12-dev libbz2-dev libaio1 locate man powerline python python-dev python3 python3-dev python-pip python-powerline python-powerline-doc rsync rsyslog ruby sbcl slime sudo tcpdump telnet tmux unzip wget vim-nox vim-addon-manager

Node packages

  • nodejs:v5 build-essential npm:v3.8 bower:v1.7 grunt-cli:v1.1 gulp-cli:v1.2 yo:v1.7 generator-webapp

Oracle packages

  • instantclient:v11.2 basic devel sqlplus


 dev -- Manage bdlm/.bdlmrc docker work environment containers


 dev [-t TARGET] [-p PATH] [-d] [command]


 The dev utility is used to manage bdlm/.bdlmrc docker containers to
 create a consistent bash-based shell environment. To detach from an
 instance, simply detach from the 'tmux' session (':detach')


 Command modifiers and alternate data inputs. Most commands take their
 own arguments.

     -h, -?
         Show the command usage screen

     --help, help
         Show this extended help screen

         Used to specify files or directories that should be excluded when
         compiling the tags file. The value can be either a comma-
         separated list of glob patterns or this option can be specified
         multiple times.

     -d, --daemonize
         Used when initializing or restarting an instance. If specified,
         allow the instance to continue running after detaching from the
         session, otherwise the container will be paused automatically.

         This is useful executing a long-running script to come back to
         or starting a daemon. If you forget to daemonize an instance,
         you can start it with the 'unpause' command after you detach.

     -p PATH, --path=PATH
         Specify the project path, this directory is mounted into /src
         inside the container. If omitted, the project path is set to
         the current directory.

     -t TARGET, --target=TARGET
         Specify an instance name. If omitted, current instances will be
         searched to see if any are attached to the project path. If none
         are found, TARGET is set to the basename of the project path.

     --tmux, --tmux=PATH
         Specify a tmux configuration file. If PATH is omitted then
         $HOME/.tmux.conf will be assumed. If the --tmux option
         is omitted then the .tmux.conf file from the docker image will
         be used.

         The default prefix key has been set to `M-space` (meta+space)
         to keep it from interfering with the default vim 'PageUp'
         binding. You can specify your preferred prefix binding when
         initializing an instance with this option. For example, to
         restore the default tmux prefix binding, use '--tmux-prefix=C-b'
         when initializing a new instance.

     --vimrc, --vimrc=PATH
         Specify a vim configuration file. If PATH is omitted then
         $HOME/.vimrc will be assumed. If the --vimrc option is
         omitted entirely then the default .vimrc file included with the
         docker image will be used.

         In addition, this script will attempt to mount a .vim/ folder
         from the same location as the .vimrc file.


 Available commands 'dev' can execute. Most commands accept the
 optional TARGET or PATH arguments. TARGET refers to the name of the
 instance you are manipulating and PATH refers to the working directory
 that gets mounted into the /src directory in the instance.

 If PATH is omitted, it defaults to the current directory. If TARGET is,
 omitted, current instances are searched to see if any are attached to
 PATH, and if so, TARGET is set to that instance name. If not, TARGET
 defaults to the basename of the PATH value.

 If TARGET is specified but PATH is omitted, the reverse behavior happens
 and current instances are searced for one named TARGET. If one is found,
 PATH is set to the path the TARGET instance is attached to, otherwise the
 default again becomes the current directory.

 Both TARGET and PATH can be specified using the option arguments --target
 and --path respectively.

     attach [TARGET]
         Attach to an instance specified by the [TARGET] argument.

             dev attach TARGET
             dev -t TARGET attach
             dev -p PATH attach

     build-tags [TARGET]
         Update the project ctags file.

             dev build-tags TARGET
             dev -t TARGET build-tags
             dev -p PATH build-tags

     init [TARGET] [PATH]
         Create a new instance.

             dev init TARGET PATH
             dev -p PATH create TARGET
             dev -t TARGET create PATH
             dev -t TARGET -p PATH create

     kill [TARGET]
         Stop a running instance and clean up.

             dev kill TARGET
             dev -t TARGET kill
             dev -p PATH kill

     ls [pattern]
         List currently running instances, optionally filtering results
         with a glob pattern. If pattern is '-q' (quiet) only instance
         names are returned.

             dev ls
             dev ls java*
             dev ls *-php-v7.?
             dev ls -q

     pause [TARGET]
         Pause a running instance.

             dev pause TARGET
             dev -t TARGET pause
             dev -p PATH pause

     restart [TARGET]
         Kill and re-create the specified running instance.

             dev restart TARGET
             dev -t TARGET restart
             dev -p PATH restart

     rename [TARGET] NEW_NAME
         Rename a running or stopped instance. 'rename' does not accept a
         PATH argument.

             dev rename TARGET NEW_NAME
             dev -t TARGET rename NEW_NAME

         Update to the latest 'bdlm/.bdlmrc' docker image and 'dev' control

             dev self-update

     unpause [TARGET]
         Start a paused instance.

             dev unpause TARGET
             dev -t TARGET unpause
             dev -p PATH unpause


 - Improve error handling and messages


 Michael Kenney <[email protected]>