PHP >=7.3
- Shop Id 361
- Shop secret key b8647b68898b084b836474ed8d61ffe117c9a01168d867f24953b776ddcb134d
- Shop Id 362
- Shop secret key 9ad8ad735945919845b9a1996af72d886ab43d3375502256dbf8dd16bca59a4e
- Card name John Doe
- Card expiry month 01 to get a success payment
- Card expiry month 10 to get a failed payment
- CVC 123
Refer to the documentation for valid test card numbers.
Before to use the library classes you must configure it. You have to setup values of variables as follows:
This data you will receive from your payment processor.
BeGateway\Settings::$shopId = 361;
BeGateway\Settings::$shopKey = 'b8647b68898b084b836474ed8d61ffe117c9a01168d867f24953b776ddcb134d';
BeGateway\Settings::$gatewayBase = '';
BeGateway\Settings::$checkoutBase = '';
Simple usage looks like:
require_once __DIR__ . 'PATH_TO_INSTALLED_LIBRARY/BeGateway.php';
BeGateway\Settings::$shopId = 361;
BeGateway\Settings::$shopKey = 'b8647b68898b084b836474ed8d61ffe117c9a01168d867f24953b776ddcb134d';
$transaction = new BeGateway\GetPaymentToken;
$transaction->customer->setAddress('Demo str 12');
$transaction->customer->setEmail('[email protected]');
$response = $transaction->submit();
if ($response->isSuccess() ) {
header("Location: " . $response->getRedirectUrl() );
Simple usage looks like:
require_once __DIR__ . 'PATH_TO_INSTALLED_LIBRARY/BeGateway.php';
\BeGateway\Settings::$shopId = 361;
\BeGateway\Settings::$shopKey = 'b8647b68898b084b836474ed8d61ffe117c9a01168d867f24953b776ddcb134d';
$transaction = new \BeGateway\Payment;
$transaction->setDescription('test order');
$transaction->card->setCardHolder('John Doe');
$transaction->customer->setAddress('Demo str 12');
$transaction->customer->setEmail('[email protected]');
$response = $transaction->submit();
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
print("Status: " . $response->getStatus() . PHP_EOL);
print("Transaction UID: " . $response->getUid() . PHP_EOL);
} elseif ($response->isFailed()) {
print("Status: " . $response->getStatus() . PHP_EOL);
print("Transaction UID: " . $response->getUid() . PHP_EOL);
print("Reason: " . $response->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
} else {
print("Status: error" . PHP_EOL);
print("Reason: " . $response->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
See the examples directory for integration examples of different transactions.
Visit for up-to-date documentation.
To run tests