RISC-V DV creates random test with jumps, branches and loop instructions with constrained randomization. Constrained randomization allows random test generation without falling in infinite loops scenarios.
Follow the steps given below for jumps, branches and loop tests.
Use base testlist in google_riscv_dv
to populate the testlist in riscv_dv_extension/testlist.yaml
Include the following tests for jumps, branches and loop testing.
- riscv_jump_stress_test
- riscv_loop_test
- riscv_rand_jump_test
For riscv_jump_stress_test
and riscv_loop_test
, nothing needs to be changed to set up the environment, however, for riscv_rand_jump_test
, follow the procedure mentioned in load_store_dccm section. To run the test follow the commands given in next section.
Use the following commands to run the desired test
#for random seed
make TEST=<test-name>
#for fixed seed
make TEST=<test-name> SEED=<fixed_number>