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RxSwift to ReactiveSwift Cheatsheet

This is a Cheatsheet for RxSwift developers migrating to projects using ReactiveSwift.

Inspired by the RxSwift to Combine cheatsheet


RxSwift ReactiveSwift
Deployment Target iOS 8.0+ iOS 8.0+
Platforms supported iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux
Spec Reactive Extensions (ReactiveX) Originally ReactiveX, with significant divergence
Framework Consumption Third-party Third-party
Maintained by Open-Source / Community Open-Source / Community
UI Bindings RxCocoa ReactiveCocoa

Core Components

RxSwift ReactiveSwift Notes
AnyObserver Signal.Observer In practice, since there are no different Observer types, the AnyObserver concept is redundant in ReactiveSwift
BehaviorRelay Property / MutableProperty Since MutableProperty can never have errors, we don't need a Relay specific version.
BehaviorSubject Property / MutableProperty
Completable Signal / SignalProducer A Signal or SignalProducer where Value == Never can only complete or emit an error event
CompositeDisposable CompositeDisposable
Disposable Disposable In ReactiveSwift you rarely have to keep hold of Disposables or manage their lifetime manually, it's mostly automatic.
DisposeBag CompositeDisposable The concepte of a DisposeBag is not really needed in ReactiveSwift, see above.
Maybe Trivial to create using take(first: 1)
Observable Signal / SignalProducer Signal is a "hot" observable, and SignalProducer is a "cold" observable that will only emit values once a subscription is started
Observer Signal.Observer
PublishRelay Could be recreated easily in ReactiveSwift using the flatMapError operator on a Signal.pipe()
PublishSubject Signal.pipe() There is no Subject type, but Signal.pipe() returns a tuple of (output: Signal, input: Signal.Observer) which you use to both observe and send values
ReplaySubject Can be created using the replayLazily(upTo:) operator
SchedulerType Scheduler
SerialDisposable SerialDisposable
Signal Not to be confused with ReactiveSwift Signal which is completely different
Single Could easily be created as an initializer for SignalProducer
SubjectType Signal.pipe() There is no Subject type, but Signal.pipe() returns a tuple of (output: Signal, input: Signal.Observer) which you use to both observe and send values
TestScheduler TestScheduler


RxSwift ReactiveSwift Notes
amb() flatten(.race)
asObservable() Not required in ReactiveSwift, although Property.producer and Property.signal are similar
bind(to:) <~ operator (BindingTargets)
buffer (it used to exist, but was removed)
catchError flatMapError
catchErrorJustReturn Easy to create as flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer<Value, Never> (value: value) }
combineLatest combineLatest
compactMap compactMap
concat concat / prefix
create SignalProducer.init { }
debounce debounce
debug logEvents
deferred Trivial to create
delay delay
dematerialize dematerialize
distinctUntilChanged skipRepeats
do on
empty SignalProducer.empty
error SignalProducer.init(error:)
filter filter
first take(first:) See also take(last:)
flatMap flatMap(.merge)
flatMapFirst flatMap(.throttle)
flatMapLatest flatMap(.latest)
from(optional:) Easy to create using .init(.value: Value?).skipNil()
ignoreElements Easy to create
just SignalProducer.init(value:)
map map
materialize materialize
merge merge
multicast replayLazily(upTo:)
never SignalProducer.never
observeOn observe(on:)
of SignalProducer.init(_ values:)
reduce reduce
refCount Not meaningful in ReactiveSwift
repeatElement repeat
retry, retry(3) retry(upTo:)
sample sample(on:), sample(with:)
scan scan
share replayLazily(upTo:)
skip skip(first:)
skipUntil skip(until:)
skipWhile skip(while:)
startWith prefix
subscribe startWithValues / observeValues
subscribeOn start(on:) / observe(on:)
takeLast take(last:)
takeUntil take(until:)
throttle throttle
timeout timeout
timer SignalProducer.timer
toArray collect
withLatestFrom combineLatest
zip zip