- https://github.com/sstuddard/Moe.StateMachine (C# 😍)
- https://github.com/AlexandreDecan/sismic
- https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/libs/statechart/doc/reference.html
- https://gitlab.com/scion-scxml/scion (https://github.com/jbeard4/SCION.NET)
- Handling Events with Data
- Validate Transition Targets
- Validate no Final Statenode
- Quick Fix, wrap Action, Invocation in Run/Service.DefineTask
- WrapInParallelState/WrapInOrthogonalState
- QuickFix InsertStateBefore, ...
- Parse Tree without non local variables and map with visualizer
- detect possible faulty Null ExtensionMethodInvocations
merging json: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25621089 building DSLs in C#: https://www.codemag.com/Article/0902041/Building-Domain-Specific-Languages-in-C statecharts comments: https://www.bcobb.net/hacker-school-read-along-statecharts/#fn1 C# async antipatterns: https://markheath.net/post/async-antipatterns C# monads and links: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/pfxteam/tasks-monads-and-linq/ C# TaskCompletionSource: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11969208/non-generic-taskcompletionsource-or-alternative
/************** interpreter **************/
// execute
for(var macroStep = execute_once; macroStep != null; macroStep = execute_once)
return list of macroSteps
// execute_once
if (len(computed_steps > 0))
return macroStep
// compute_steps # Compute and returns the next steps based on current configuration and event queues.
??? # statechart not initialized
??? # no transitions can be triggered
??? # should the step consume an event
return create_steps
# originally integrated in execute_once.if
// execute_micro_steps
??? # consume event if it triggered a transition
for step in computed_steps:
executed_steps += apply_step(step)
executed_steps += stabilize()
return macroStep
// apply_step # Apply given *MicroStep* on this statechart
for state in exited_states:
execute exitActions
if step.transition
execute transitionActions
for state in entered_states:
execute entryActions
return microStep
// stabilize
for(var microStep = create_stabilization_step; microStep != null; microStep = create_stabilization_step)
return list of microSteps
// create_stabilization_step
leaves = statechart.leaf_for(currentConfig)
states = statechart.state_for(leaves)
for state in states:
is FinalState && ??? # self._statechart.parent_for(leaf.name) == self._statechart.root
is OrthogonalState && statechart.children_for
is Compoundstate && state.initial
return microStep
// select_event # Return the next event to process. Internal events have priority over external ones.
return (internal, external).merge.first
// select_transitions
??? # select all eventless transitions and the one event matches, TODO: what has to be prioritized how
??? # evaluate guards and remove transitions that were rejected
return selected_transitions
// sort_transitions
return ??? # transitions should be ordered by document order by document order by default in this implementation
// create_steps
for transition in transitions:
??? # handle internal transitions
lca = (source, target).LCA
last_before_lca = source.OneBeneath(lca)
exited = [last_before_lca, last_before_lca.descendants].Where(isActive)
entered = target.AncestorsUntil(lca).Reverse
return microStep
return returned_steps
/************** statechart **************/
// leaf_for
return states.filter isLeave
// state_for
return states.lookup(key)
// children_for
return state_for.children