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Theme development


When you start a new Themosis framework project, Composer also installs the themosis-theme theme boilerplate inside the htdocs/content/themes directory.

The theme is already setup to work with the Themosis framework core and brings configuration for autoloading theme classes, configuration files, service providers, routing and more.

Since release 1.3.0, the theme also bundles GulpJS, WebPack (1.x), BrowserSync and Bower in order to help you work with your theme assets (css, js).

Do not forget to rename your theme folder and remove the dependency of the themosis-theme in your root project composer.json file.


The themosis-theme theme structure, since release 1.3.0, is slightly different than previous versions. Here is the new theme file structure:

+-- assets/
|   +-- js/
|   +-- sass/
|   +-- stylus/
+-- dist/
|   +-- css/
|   +-- images/
|   +-- js/
+-- languages/
+-- resources/
|   +-- admin/
|   +-- config/
|   +-- controllers/
|   +-- models/
|   +-- providers/
|   +-- views/
|   +-- widgets/
|   +-- routes.php
+-- functions.php
+-- gulpfile.js
+-- index.php
+-- package.json
+-- style.css
+-- webpack.config.js

When working with the theme assets, all your sass, stylus, js source files should be inside the appropriate assets directory. The theme Gulp configuration is set to compile and "minify" all assets into the dist directory.

For example, a JS file stored in assets/js/theme.js is compiled into the dist directory like so dist/js/theme.min.js.

So when calling an Asset::add() statement, the asset referenced in the method should always be stored into the dist directory. Here is an example:

// The following asset is stored into the 'dist/js/theme.min.js'
Asset::add('theme-js', 'js/theme.min.js', ['jquery'], '1.0.0', true);

Read the command line tools section below for details regarding the available tools and their commands.


Since release 1.3.0, all classes used in a theme (as well as in a custom plugin) have to use a PHP namespace.

By default, the themosis-theme theme comes with a Theme base namespace for its classes. Here is the list of the default namespaces inside the theme and to which directory it points to:

+-- Theme\Controllers -> 'resources/controllers'
+-- Theme\Models -> 'resources/models'
+-- Theme\Providers -> 'resources/providers'

Note: the resources could have been map to the default Theme namespace but it's not. Do no try to put a class at the root of the resources directory as it won't be autoloaded.

Namespace management and autoloading

In order to control your theme namespace, you need to edit the loading.config.php file stored into the resources/config directory of your theme.

Within the file, you can define as the key, your classes namespace and as the value, the path to the directory where you store your PHP classes.

Here is the default configuration:

return [
    'Theme\\Controllers\\' => themosis_path('theme.resources').'controllers',
    'Theme\\Models\\' => themosis_path('theme.resources').'models',
    'Theme\\Providers\\' => themosis_path('theme.resources').'providers'

The theme is using the PSR-4 autoloading. So you can as many directories and namespace definitions to your custom theme.

If you no longer wish to use the default Theme namespace, and for example use your company name as default like Themosis, make sure to update all namespace definitions into your theme classes.

In the above example, the themosis_path() is global helper function which helps you retrieve any registered path within your theme. Theme paths are defined inside the theme's functions.php file.

Command line tools

The theme is bundled with a package.json file and define the following development dependencies:


Before going further, you need to install the theme dependencies defined inside the package.json file.

In order to work, make sure to have NodeJs installed on your computer as well as its package manager npm. Please read the official documentation for installing npm.

Once NodeJs is installed, open your Terminal or Console and go to the theme's root directory then type the following command npm install and press enter. It will take a moment to install the dependencies into a node_modules folder (which you should make sure to add to your .gitignore rules).

Use GulpJs

Because we use GulpJs 4 (beta) for development, there is a chance that your default global Gulp command won't work. Also as GulpJs is defined as a dependency, all you need to do work with it is to call it locally from your theme's root folder like so:

./node_modules/.bin/gulp -v

The previous command should output the CLI Gulp version if installed globally as well as the local version (the one from the theme). If you don't install GulpJs 4.x (beta) globally, make sure to always reference the local version like in the example above.

For brevity, I'll write the shorthand gulp command instead of the local command.

Gulp Commands

The theme gulpfile.js configuration contains 2 commands that are available to developers from the command-line:

  • gulp watch
  • gulp build


The watch command is the development command. It continuessly look after any changes done to one of your sass, stylus or js files stored inside the assets directory.

Every time you change one of your asset, gulp compiles and minifies the asset to its proper dist folder, provides source maps and refreshes your active browser window thanks to BrowserSync.

In order to start working, simply run the gulp watch command from the theme's root directory.


The build command is the production command. It compiles, compresses and minifies your sass or stylus files as well as your js files and stores them into the same dist directory as when using the watch command so your Asset calls do not trigger errors.


BrowserSync saves you time by handling live-reloading and synchronizing your browsers during development and testing. By default, the BrowserSync feature is only active on a local environment.

In order to start working with BrowserSync, simply run the gulp watch command from your theme's root directory. Once the command is started, you should see a message like the following in your Terminal or Console:

[15:27:30] Starting 'watch'...
[BS] Copy the following snippet into your website, just before the closing </body> tag
<script id="__bs_script__">//<![CDATA[
    document.write("<script async src='https://HOST:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js?v=2.18.9'><\/script>".replace("HOST", location.hostname));

[BS] Access URLs:
         UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:

Like the above message explains, you have to copy/paste the following code snippet right before the closing body tag </body>:

<script id="__bs_script__">//<![CDATA[
    document.write("<script async src='https://HOST:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js?v=2.18.9'><\/script>".replace("HOST", location.hostname));

Please note the version number right after the v query string variable from the snippet above. In this example, the version number is 2.18.9. Now, from your text editor or IDE, please open the resources/admin/actions.php stored in your theme. Look after the code called from the wp_footer action hook:

Action::add('wp_footer', function()
    if (defined('BS') && BS):
        <script type="text/javascript" id="__bs_script__">
            document.write('<script async src="http://HOST:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.2.12.7.js"><\/script>'.replace("HOST", location.hostname));

Within the code block, look after the version v query string and if the default theme's code version number is not the same as the one from your Terminal or Console, please update it, save your file and reload the browser.

BrowserSync is currently only ran in the front-end part of your application. If your assets are for the WordPress administration, change the action hook to admin_footer

Toggle BrowserSync On/Off

If you have installed the Themosis full stack framework, there is BS constant parameter defined into each environment file that controls whether or not the theme should output the BrowserSync script:

// Stored in the config/environments/local.php
define('BS', true);

By default, it is set to true for the local environment. Set it to false to toggle off BrowserSync.


The guplfile.js file has tasks defined in order to compile .scss files stored inside the theme's assets folder assets/sass.

By default, a screen.scss file is located at the root of the sass directory. It is the main sass file. This file will be compiled as screen.min.css into your dist/css folder.

Important: In fact, all sass files stored at the root of the sass directory are compiled to their respective filename.min.css file inside the dist/css folder.

We highly encourage you to structure your sass files within sub-directories of the assets/sass folder and to import them into the main screen.scss file. This allows you to create many CSS files depending of their use (for administration for example) and import only the shared or specific styles per main file.

During development, using the watch command, your assets are compiled with sourcemaps for debugging. When releasing your theme, always make sure to run the build command in order to fully minified and compressed your CSS file.

Bootstrap CSS

The sass tasks are also compatible and set to work with the Bootstrap CSS framework in its sass version.


For those who like to save some typos and enjoy working with Stylus, we got you covered.

Just like for Sass, by default, a screen.styl file is defined at the root of the assets/stylus folder. All files located at the root of the assets/stylus folder are compiled to the dist/css directory.

If for some reasons you work with both sass ans stylus files, make sure that their main files do not have the same filename as at each compilation one is overwriting the other.


All your compiled Sass or Stylus files are parsed through the Autoprefixer library so you don't need to care about browsers prefixes in your CSS.

Javascript & WebPack

Javascript files are handled by WebPack 1.x. At the root of the themosis-theme, you'll find a webpack.config.js file in order to manage WebPack compilation.

The theme is working with WebPack version 1.x.

Within the webpack.config.js file, you'll find one entry point by default:

entry: {
    theme: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/js/theme.js')

By default, the theme is looking after the assets/js/theme.js file and compiles it to the dist/js/theme.min.js file. The assets/js/theme.js file is your theme's main JS file. Both watch and build commands handle ES2015 and beyond javascript thanks to the use of the BabelJs compiler that compiles your modern code to its respective Ecmascript 5 version.

Define multiple JS files

Like explained above, the webpack.config.js file, by default, only contains one entry point which is the assets/js/theme.js file. Adding Js files to the root of the assets/js directory won't automatically compiled them.

In order to define another main JS file, you need to add an entry point to the webpack.config.js file. For example, let's add a assets/js/superfeature.js file that compiles to a dist/js/admin.js file by modifying the entry property of our configuration file:

entry: {
    theme: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/js/theme.js'),
    admin: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/js/superfeature.js')

If a watch command is already running when you edit the webpack.config.js file, you need to restart your watch command in order for WebPack to take your changes into consideration.

Now, each time you modify any JS files, or build your scripts for production, you'll find a dist/js/theme.min.js and dist/js/admin.min.js files.


If you have Bower installed on your machine, the theme contains a .bowerrc configuration file as well as a bower.json file for storing dependencies.

When installing dependencies (components) through Bower, they will be stored into the assets/components directory.


The themosis-theme theme is translation ready.

At the root of the theme, a languages directory is defined with sampled .po files. During theme development, use the THEME_TEXTDOMAIN constant as a textdomain value for the gettext functions. For example:

// From a Blade view
<button>{{ __("Read more", THEME_TEXTDOMAIN) }}</button>

// From a Twig view
<button>{{ __("Read more", constant('THEME_TEXTDOMAIN')) }}</button>

WordPress themes only need .po files with a locale filename. For example: en_US, fr_BE,...

Based on defined locale from WordPress, the theme is automatically loading the corresponding translation file for you.

We recommend the use of PoEdit in order to update and translate your files. Check the Twig or Blade guides in order to configure PoEdit for your views.