Sensor | Map Type | Objects | Features | Link | |
\cite{grisetti2007improved} | laser scanner | grid map | 2D grid | [b01] | |
\cite{leigh2015person} | laser scanner | grid map | labelled points | hard-coded features | [b02] |
\cite{himstedt2017online} | RGB-D | grid map | visual objects | top-to-down projection | [b03] |
\cite{pang2019efficient} | laser scanner, RGB | grid map | labelled points | back-projection | [b04] |
\cite{zaenker2020hypermap} | laser scanner, RGB-D | grid map | polygon | multiple layers | [b05] |
\cite{sivananda2022augmented} | laser scanner, RGB-D | grid map | object model | multiple layers | [b06] |
\cite{newcombe2011kinectfusion} | RGB-D | point cloud map | dense map | [b07] | |
\cite{pham2015hierarchical} | RGB-D | point cloud map | object point | features and contextual information | [b08] |
\cite{sunderhauf2017meaningful} | RGB-D | point cloud map | object point | object segmentation | [b09]) |
\cite{mccormac2017semanticfusion} | RGB-D | point cloud map | object point | object segmentation | [b10] |
\cite{hornung2013octomap} | RGB-D | voxel map | 3D occupancy octomap | [b11] | |
\cite{oleynikova2017voxblox} | RGB-D | voxel map | 3D TSDF map | [b12] | |
\cite{rosinol2020kimera} | RGB-D | voxel map | object mesh | semantic segmentation | [b13] |
\cite{pham2019real} | RGB-D | voxel map | object voxel | super-voxel clustering | [b14] |
\cite{grinvald2019volumetric} | RGB-D | voxel map | object voxel | volumetric map | [b15] |
\cite{li2020incremental} | RGB-D | voxel map | object voxel | Gaussian mixture model | [b16] |
\cite{mascaro2022volumetric} | RGB-D | voxel map | object voxel | label fusion | [b17] |
[b08] Hierarchical higher-order regression forest fields: An application to 3d indoor scene labelling
Other Reference: