To add an interactive multiple-choice question, copy and paste the following block of HTML code into your Markdown file:
<div class="mc">
What is your name?
<pre><code>(any code
goes in a block like this)
<ans text="Answer A" explanation="Explanation A" correct></ans>
<ans text="Answer B" explanation="Explanation B"></ans>
<ans text="Answer C" explanation="Explanation C"></ans>
<!-- and so on -->
In this case, the question is "What is your name?", and the correct answer is A.
Of course, you shouldn't always make Answer A the correct answer.
The three important things to remember are:
- Markdown does not work inside these blocks.
- There can be only one correct answer per question.
- These blocks will not render correctly in GitHub's Markdown preview.
See this page for a demo of an interactive MC question.
The source for this demo question is below:
<div class="mc">
Given the following class, what color is the dress?<pre><code>(define-class (test-penguin name)
(parent (emperor-penguin name))
(method (eat) ( ... )))
<ans text="Blue and black." explanation="The dress was verified to be blue and black." correct></ans>
<ans text="White and gold." explanation="Well sure, maybe to <i>you</i> it looks like that."></ans>
<ans text="What dress? <code>help()</code> me please." explanation="Hah."></ans>