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jorgej edited this page Dec 13, 2010 · 55 revisions

RapidFTR is a mobile app and database system that lets aid workers collect and share information about children in emergency situations, so they can be reunited with their families. That process, called Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR), is currently done on paper. The project initially came out of an ITP class called Design for UNICEF, taught by Clay Shirky. It is now in active development with help from volunteers from ThoughtWorks and the open source community. Get more information on the project website: and follow @rapidftr on Twitter.

Prospective and active contributors should join the RapidFTR Google Group

All RapidFTR Wiki Pages — Click through to here. There’s lots more to look at.

Some of the more Important Wiki Pages:
Contributing to RapidFTR

Install and run RapidFTR on OSX

Install and run RapidFTR on Linux

Install and run RapidFTR on Windows

Seeding CouchDB

Working on the Blackberry client

Setting up SSL

Testing Strategy

Architectural overview

Tools being used

API Overview

Build Server

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