Update the User Manual. In 1997, Richard Stallman wrote: “The biggest deficiency in free operating systems is not in the software — it is the lack of good free manuals that we can include in these systems.”
Include a chapter on the Topological router in User Manual.
Include DJ's Getting Started in the User Manual.
Extend Getting Started for both autorouter and topological router.
Add more step-by-step / tutorials / examples for existing exporters:
Usage of Nelma.
Usage of GSvit.
Usage of Blind and buried vias.
Appendix B: add chapter B.10 Problems related to Microsoft Windows.
I18n / L11n:
Get more translators --> better and more language translations.
Update the Dutch translations.
Update the French translations.
Update the Cyrillic translations.
Use Launchpad for common translations.
Check on what should be translatable strings.
Check on plural forms in exotic languages (Japanese, etc).
Respect "Right-To-Left" reading users (Arabic, GUI layouts ?).
Unify and combine the READMEs.
Assist the User with repetitive tasks.
Respect the "outline", "invisible", "route" and non-copper layers with the autorouter.
Respect the "outline", "invisible", "route" and non-copper layers with the toporouter.
Add via placement to the toporouter.
Respect the "keepout" layer.
Importing routing style and other data from the netlist (if available).
Implement the "lessgtk" GUI:
Separate layout window for artwork (primary screen).
Separate window for button box and pull-down menu-items (secondary screen).
Activate button box (popup dialog) with Right Mouse Button (RMB).
More routing styles (in pull-down combo-box ?).
Make the use and visibility of the trackball configurable.
HTML5 (+java) GUI (web based pcb layout designer).
Android GUI for tablets and smart-phones.
wxWindows GUI for native Microsoft windows look-and-feel UX.
Layout vs netlist/schematic check or just trust the "import schematic" netlist.
Rebuilding a netlist from scratch, based on connectivity of copper layers/wire bridges.
Introduce a "wire" layer for wire bridges.
Connectivity for wire bridges.
Add a configurable watch for the source schematics. If the source is newer than pcb layout (on startup/during layout time) update the netlist [Off, Auto-mode or Interactive-mode (popup dialog)].
Layer definition awareness (copper, non-copper, soldermask, comments, silk, outline, anti-mask, keepout).
Editable soldermask (gang solder mask clearance … for QFP, SO, PLCC, etc. package types).
Grouping of elements, traces and vias.
Show / define solder paste (per pad, per part, per footprint, global percentage of pad area, etc.).
Show / define IPC-356-D test points.
Back annotation (output).
Pin swapping.
Pinout awareness (in, out, inout, pas, pwr extracted from gschem schematic).
Routing style awareness of traces (and watch dog functionality if a routing style definition is changed !).
Padstack definitions.
Layer stackup definitions.
Create multiple pcb executables during build time (bpcb for batch, gpcb for GTK, lpcb for lesstif).
Multiple Document Interface mode (lessGTK UI ?).
Multiple Document Interface mode (lesstif UI ?).
Travis-CI Continuous Integration for pcb on Travis (https://travis-ci.org shutting down June 15th, 2021). Latest news: Travis CI has become a commercial service travis-ci.com free for FOSS (credits upon request).
Circle-CI ?
Codacy automated code review.
Under the hood structural improvements:
Start a pcb-5.x.y development blueprint.
Start a pcb-5.x.y branch "devel" ?
Object Oriented approach in source tree / files.
libpcb for helper functions or abstraction stuff ?
Pin/pad/traces know to which net they belong (cross reference index).
Developer documentation !
Doxygenation of source files.
Descriptions of "state machines" within actions and Drakon flow diagrams.
Breakout plug-in for BGAs.
MUCS "Manhattan style" router plug-in.
Pcb shopper quotation plug-in.
Stripline/Double Stripline/Microstrip Impedance Calculator plug-in.
Entity inspector/editor plug-in.
Serpentine length matching plug-in.
Differential pair routing plug-in.
Panelize plug-in.
Bus routing plug-in.
Push and Shove routing plug-in.
Parasitic capacitance/inductance extraction plug-in.
Load plug-ins on demand.
Bill of Materials in MarkDown format (for OSH Park project descriptions and other net publishing).
Separate the XY-coordinates list from the BOM exporter into a Pick-and-Place exporter, conforming to industry standard(s) and generate separate top side and bottom side files.
Ignore the "invisible" layer while generating gerber files.
Ignore the "invisible" layer while DRC.
Netlist import:
QUCS schematic / netlist import.
TinyCAD schematic / netlist import.
File exchange:
IDF exporter (ECAD --> MCAD).
IDF importer (MCAD --> ECAD).
XML exporter.
XML importer.
DXF exporter (ECAD --> MCAD).
DXF importer (MCAD --> ECAD).
DSN exporter (pcb --> external routing).
DSN importer (external routing --> pcb).
Verilog-AMS exporter (--> simulation / analysis, see Albert Davis's talk FOSDEM-2015).
GnuCAP exporter (--> simulation / analysis).
Gerber files as a background (for reverse engineering).
Import gerber project (for reverse engineering).
Geometric model representation:
VRML exporter (--> eye-candy for visualisation / sales pitch).
OpenSCAD exporter (--> MCAD integration / 3D printing / mock-up).
STEP exporter (--> MCAD integration).
DXF exporter (--> MCAD integration).
STL exporter (--> MCAD integration / 3D printing / mock-up).
Electro magnetics exporters:
Validate workflow for GSvit.
Validate workflow for Nelma.
Cygwin port for windows.
W32 port with minipack ?
WIN32 port with a NSIS installer ?
Flatpak (http://flatpak.org) pcb packages for multiple linux distributions ?
Ubuntu PPA by developers ?
Charles Parker.
Bert Timmerman.
It's releatively easy to re-schedule Launchpad bug reports and switch them to other releases.
Minor version number increments apply to releases requiring pcb native file format changes, micro version number increments apply to releases without pcb native file format changes.
pcb-4.0.0 (January 2017): bugfixes and new feature (requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.0.1 (May 2017): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.0.2 (September 2017): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.1.0 (January 2018): bugfixes and new feature (requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.1.1 (April 2018): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.1.2 (May 2018): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.1.3 (October 2018): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.2.0 (February 2019): bugfixes and new feature (requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.2.1 (December 2019): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.2.2 (January 2020): bugfixes and new features (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.3.0 (March 2021): bugfixes and new features (requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.3.1 (March 2023 ?): bugfixes (not requiring a file format change).
pcb-4.4.0 (December 2023 ?): bugfixes and new features (requiring a file format change).
pcb-5.0.0 (December 2025 ?):
Object Oriented approach in source tree files.