- Short description: a single-sentence description
- Contact: name
- Author(s): name, affiliation(s)
- Affiliation(s): affiliation(s) details
- License: license type
- Location of the code: either the mention "in this directory" or a link to an external repository
- Contiki version: either a verision number, hash, or a link to the contiki code
- Intended CALIPSO scenario: specific scenarios or list of requirements
- Intended platforms: e.g. Tmote Sky
- Tested platforms: e.g. Tmote Sky
- Tested environment: e.g. COOJA, Indriya testbed, etc.
A more detailled of this contribution. You may cite publications like this [1,2,3].
- [1] a first CALIPSO-acknowledged publication
- [2] an other CALIPSO-acknowledged publication
- [3] a publication that does not acknowledge CALIPSO