- Unlocked access to ICC Overclocking lib
- Per core control
- Complete manual control over -- Manual parameter(s) config for non Optimus GPUs [ the /JL variant isn't supported yet ] -- Tj Max Temp [!CAUTION] -- Triple Point Temp [!CAUTION] -- Boot time Performance / Battery mode -- Acoustic control for SSDs and other devices [ depends on HW support ] -- Override OS performance setting -- Customised ThunderBolt security
- Graphics settings aren't accessible on the JL variant, probably due to a physically disabled chipset.
- Make sure to take a dump before you proceed.
- Use flasher from Asus : https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Apps_for_Win10/Winflash/Winflash_Win10_64_VER301.zip
- Flash the provided image
- Place the backup image in the root of a USB Flash [ FAT32 only ] drive and connect to the first USB port on the left side [ID : 0] and invoke the failsafe mechanism by pressin CTRL + HOME keys at the same time.