diff --git a/src/modality-specific-files/microelectrode-electrophysiology.md b/src/modality-specific-files/microelectrode-electrophysiology.md
index 53f7609c3c..3bfe780983 100644
--- a/src/modality-specific-files/microelectrode-electrophysiology.md
+++ b/src/modality-specific-files/microelectrode-electrophysiology.md
@@ -32,12 +32,7 @@ The current list of allowed data file formats:
| [Neuroscience Information Exchange Format](https://nixio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) | `.nix` | A generic and open framework with an hdf5 backend and a defined interface to many ephys formats via the [Neo library](https://neo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). The `.nix` file has to contain a valid Neo structure. |
| [Neurodata Without Borders](https://www.nwb.org) | `.nwb` | BRAIN Initiative Data Standard based on an hdf5 backend ... |
-{{ MACROS___make_suffix_table(
- [
- "nix",
- "nwb"
- ]
Both of these formats can also store essential metadata of the datasets.
Some of these need to be duplicated in BIDS `.tsv` and `.json` sidecar files.
@@ -86,3 +81,143 @@ The participants.tsv file is located at the root of the data set directory. Its
On top of the existing columns that can be present in this file and that are described in the BIDS specifications (participant_id, species, strain, strain_rrid, sex, handedness and age), we propose to allow adding the following ones:
+{{ MACROS___make_columns_table("modality_agnostic.Participants_micro") }}
+## EPHYS specific files
+The following **metadata files are required for a ** given animal-ephys session:
+1. *[_ses-]_probes.tsv: A REQUIRED probes .tsv file listing information on the device used to acquire the electrophysiology data (implant / probe specification, location, material, etc.)
+2. *[_ses-]_electrodes.tsv: A REQUIRED electrodes .tsv file listing information on the points of electrical contact to the tissue (impedance, names, relative positions etc.)
+3. *[_ses-]_channels.tsv: A REQUIRED channels.tsv file listing information on the recorded signals (preprocessing, filtering, ids, etc)
+As with all tsv-based metadata files in BIDS the probes, electrodes and channels tsv files can be accompanied by json sidecar files.
+### Coordinate System JSON (*_coordsystem.json) & Photos of electrode positions (`_photo.jpg)
+This file provides metadata on the global coordinate system in which the electrodes are placed. This file is RECOMMENDED, the listed required fields below have to be contained in case a `*_coordsystem.json` is provided. This system can be defined via reference pictures, anatomical landmarks, images of the brain or a reference atlas. For more details see the [BIDS Coordinate Systems specifications](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/appendices/coordinate-systems.html).
+Fields relating to the ephys probe and electrode positions:
+* `MicroephysCoordinateSystem`: REQUIRED - Defines the coordinate system for the ephys probes. See the[ Coordinate Systems Appendix](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/appendices/coordinate-systems.html) for a list of restricted keywords for coordinate systems. If `"Other"`, provide definition of the coordinate system in `ephysCoordinateSystemDescription`. If positions correspond to pixel indices in a 2D image (of either a volume-rendering, surface-rendering, operative photo, or operative drawing), this MUST be `"Pixels"`. For more information, see the section on[ 2D coordinate systems](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/04-modality-specific-files/04-intracranial-electroencephalography.html#allowed-2d-coordinate-systems). For a list of valid values for this field, see the[ associated glossary entry](https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/glossary.html#objects.metadata.iEEGCoordinateSystem).
+* `MicroephysCoordinateUnits`: REQUIRED - Units of the `MicroephysCoordinateSystem`. MUST be `"pixels"` if `MicroephysCoordinateSystem` is `Pixels`. Must be one of: `"m"`, `"mm"`, `"cm"`, `"pixels"`, `"n/a"`. Unless specified explicitly in the sidecar file in the `ephysCoordinateUnits` field, the units are assumed to be mm.
+* `MicroephysCoordinateSystemDescription`: RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if ephysCoordinateSystem is “Other”.
+* `MicroephysCoordinateSystemPhoto`: OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if ephysCoordinateSystem is “Pixels” - The reference to the reference photo used as coordinate system. See optional `_photo.jpg` files below.
+### **Allowed 2D coordinate systems**
+If electrodes are localized in 2D space (only x and y are specified and z is `"n/a"`), then the positions in this file MUST correspond to the locations expressed in pixels on the photo/drawing/rendering of the electrodes on the brain. In this case, `ephysCoordinateSystem` MUST be defined as `"Pixels"`, and `ephysCoordinateUnits` MUST be defined as `"pixels"` (note the difference in capitalization). Furthermore, the coordinates MUST be (row,column) pairs, with (0,0) corresponding to the upper left pixel and (N,0) corresponding to the lower left pixel.
+## **Photos of the electrode positions (*_photo.jpg)**
+These can include photos of the electrodes on the brain surface, photos of anatomical features or landmarks (such as sulcal structure), and fiducials. Photos can also include an X-ray picture, a flatbed scan of a schematic drawing made during surgery, or screenshots of a brain rendering with electrode positions. The photos may need to be cropped and/or blurred to conceal identifying features or entirely omitted prior to sharing, depending on obtained consent.
+If there are photos of the electrodes, the [acq-