- 08/21/17 - 08/27/17 Read Class Syllabus
- 08/22/17 Completed Bio Assignment
- 08/27/17 Created github,futuresystems and chameloncloud accounts
- 08/28/17 - 09/01/17 Learnt about Piazaa folders usage
- 09/03/17 Read Summary of Online Meeting of Aug 31
- 09/04/17 - 09/10/17 Learning about LaTex and jabref
- 09/22/17 Fixed Readme.md entries
- 09/23/17 Working on to fix notebook.md format
- 09/23/17 Watched 09/18/17 Meeting notes video https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8936_ytjfjmcXNCdTkyNllTeVU to understand sharelatex and jabref
- 09/26/17 Added Meetings and Location sections to Notebook
- 11/05/17 Submtted Big Data and YAML graded quiz
- 11/10/17 Installed jypyter on windows7 as a part of anaconda3 installation
- 08/22/17 - 09/01/17 Read and watched Videos at Introduction(3.1)
- 08/22/17 - 09/01/17 Watched video on Paper writing by Simon Peyton Jones
- 11/10/17 - Watched video 3.8.1. Internet of Things
- 11/10/17 - Watched video 3.8.2. Robotics and IOT Expectations
- 09/04/17 - 09/10/17 Installed VM, Ubuntu 16.4, pyenv and python 2.7 and 3.6 versions
- 09/01/17 Bought CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit - 32 GB Edition
- 09/04/17 - 09/10/17 Learning about Markdown(.md) syntax to prepare notebook.md
- 09/21/17 Tried to install texlive-full on Ubuntu but failed due to lack of space
- 10/29/17 Working on wordcount experiment
- 10/31/17 Completed wordcount program
- 11/09/17 Completed Precision/recall experiment
- 11/12/17 Tried sample program to access oracle db from python
- 11/24/17 Completed crossvalidation experiment for KNN algorithm
- 09/04/17 Worked with Anil(HID333) to decide Paper 1 topic
- 09/13/17 Worked with Anil(HID337) to decide Paper 2 topic
- 09/22/17 Fixed paper1 folder entries at github
- 09/24/17 Working on paper1:Introduction section
- 09/30/17 - 10/09/17 Working on paper1.Studied articles
- 10/09/17 Submitted paper1. Fixed minor issues like having space before \cite
- 10/12/17 Wrote paper1 review
- 10/15/17 Working on Paper2
- 10/20/17 Fixed paper1 issues as per TA's comments. Prepared paper2 files
- 10/29/17 Fixed paper1 issues as per turnitin feedback
- 11/03/17 - 11/05/17 - Worked on paper2. Submitted paper2
- 11/18/17 Researching on Algorighms to use for final project
- 11/23/17 Working on setups needed for final project
- 11/24/17 - 12/03/17 - Working on the final project
- 12/03/17 - 12/11/17 - Fixing Project issues as per teacher's feedback
- 09/15/17 Attended 4to5pm Zoom meeting with Saber
- 09/25/17 Attended 7-8pm zoom meeting
- 10/02/17 Attended 7-8pm zoom meeting
- 10/30/17 Attended 6-7pm zoom meeting
- Address: 366 Floral View, Irvine, CA, 92618
- Latitude: 33.680444
- Longitude: -117.745506