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File metadata and controls

410 lines (350 loc) · 17.3 KB


English Korean

Server options

  • Useful options of collector server (It's not every option. you can get whole options on the source code that the file name is

  • you can use the variable name as the property name you want to set in configuration file. (aka in the file scouter.conf by default)

  • example

db_dir = /user/home/scouter/server/database
log_dir = /user/home/scouter/server/logs
net_udp_listen_port = 6100
net_tcp_listen_port = 6100
@ConfigDesc("Store directory of database")
public String db_dir = "./database";
@ConfigDesc("Path to log directory")
public String log_dir = "./logs";
@ConfigDesc("Path to plugin directory")
public String plugin_dir = "./plugin";
@ConfigDesc("Path to client related directory")
public String client_dir = "./client";

@ConfigDesc("Retaining log according to date")
public boolean log_rotation_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Keeping period of log")
public int log_keep_days = 31;

@ConfigDesc("UDP Port")
public int net_udp_listen_port = 6100;
@ConfigDesc("TCP Port")
public int net_tcp_listen_port = 6100;
@ConfigDesc("Http Port for scouter-pulse")
public int net_http_port = 6180;

@ConfigDesc("Activating automatic deletion function in the database")
public boolean mgr_purge_enabled = true;

@ConfigDesc("Condition of disk usage for automatic deletion. if lack, delete profile data first exclude today data.")
public int mgr_purge_disk_usage_pct = 80;

@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion. delete profile data first.")
public int mgr_purge_profile_keep_days = 10;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion.")
public int mgr_purge_xlog_keep_days = 30;
@ConfigDesc("Retaining date for automatic deletion")
public int mgr_purge_counter_keep_days = 70;

@ConfigDesc("Activating IP-based city/country extraction")
public boolean geoip_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Path to GeoIP data file")
public String geoip_data_city_file = CONF_DIR + "GeoLiteCity.dat";

Java agent options

  • Useful options of java agent (It's not every option. you can get whole options on the source code that the file name is

  • you can use the variable name as the property name you want to set in configuration file. (aka in the file scouter.conf by default)

  • example

net_colector_ip =
_hook_spring_rest_enabled = true
@ConfigDesc("Collector IP")
public String net_collector_ip = "";
@ConfigDesc("Collector UDP Port")
public int net_collector_udp_port = 6100;
@ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Port")
public int net_collector_tcp_port = 6100;

@ConfigDesc("Escaping literal parameters for normalizing the query")
public boolean profile_sql_escape_enabled = true;

//Naming / grouping
@ConfigDesc("Deprecated. It's just an alias of system_group_id which overrides this value.")
public String obj_type = "";
@ConfigDesc("monitoring group type, commonly named as system name and a monitoring type.\neg) ORDER-JVM, WAREHOUSE-LINUX ...")
public String monitoring_group_type = "";
public String obj_name = "";
@ConfigDesc("Host Type")
public String obj_host_type = "";
@ConfigDesc("Host Name")
public String obj_host_name = "";
@ConfigDesc("Activating for using object name as PID")

@ConfigDesc("Http Query String profile")
public boolean profile_http_querystring_enabled;
@ConfigDesc("Http Header profile")
public boolean profile_http_header_enabled;
@ConfigDesc("Service URL prefix for Http header profile")
public String profile_http_header_url_prefix = "/";
@ConfigDesc("spring controller method parameter profile")
public boolean profile_spring_controller_method_parameter_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("http header names for profiling with comma separator")
public String profile_http_header_keys = "";
@ConfigDesc("Calculating CPU time by profile")
public boolean profile_thread_cputime_enabled = false;

@ConfigDesc("Adding assigned header value to the service name")
public String trace_service_name_header_key;
@ConfigDesc("Adding assigned get parameter to the service name")
public String trace_service_name_get_key;
@ConfigDesc("Adding assigned post parameter to the service name")
public String trace_service_name_post_key;

@ConfigDesc("warning color marking threshold duration(ms) on active service view")
public long trace_activeserivce_yellow_time = 3000;
@ConfigDesc("fatal color marking threshold duration(ms) on active service view")
public long trace_activeservice_red_time = 8000;

@ConfigDesc("Identifying header key of Remote IP")
public String trace_http_client_ip_header_key = "";

@ConfigDesc("Activating gxid connection in HttpTransfer")
public boolean trace_interservice_enabled = false;

@ConfigDesc("Session key for user counting")
public String trace_user_session_key = "JSESSIONID";

public String trace_delayed_service_mgr_filename = "";

//trace request queuing
@ConfigDesc("measure queuing time from load balancer, reverse proxy, web server...\n if set, you can open Queuing Time view.")
public boolean trace_request_queuing_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("the name of server that set request start time")
public String trace_request_queuing_start_host_header = "X-Request-Start-Host";
@ConfigDesc("set request start time.\n - time format : t=microsecond (or) ts=second.milli")
public String trace_request_queuing_start_time_header = "X-Request-Start-Time";

@ConfigDesc("the name of server that set the trace_request_queuing_start_2nd_time_header")
public String trace_request_queuing_start_2nd_host_header = "X-Request-Start-2nd-Host";
@ConfigDesc("set request passing time measured by 2nd layered server.\n - time format : t=microsecond (or) ts=second.milli")
public String trace_request_queuing_start_2nd_time_header = "X-Request-Start-2nd-Time";
@ConfigDesc("Plugin directory")
public File plugin_dir = new File(agent_dir_path + "/plugin");
@ConfigDesc("Dump directory")
public File dump_dir = new File(agent_dir_path + "/dump");
//public File mgr_agent_lib_dir = new File("./_scouter_");

//Auto dump options when active service count is exceed the set threshold.
@ConfigDesc("Activating auto dump - append dumps onto the dump file in dump directory.")
public boolean autodump_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Auto dump trigger point (dump when exceeding this active service count)")
public int autodump_trigger_active_service_cnt = 10000;
@ConfigDesc("Minimum interval(ms) for operating auto dump function - hard min : 5000")
public long autodump_interval_ms = 30000;
@ConfigDesc("Auto dump level (1 : ThreadDump, 2 : active service, 3 : thread list)")
public int autodump_level = 1; // 1:ThreadDump, 2:ActiveService, 3:ThreadList

//generate thread dump if stucked threads exsist
@ConfigDesc("Dump when a thread are running over this time - 0 is disabled")
public int autodump_stuck_thread_ms = 0;
public int autodump_stuck_check_interval_ms = 10000;

//Auto dump options on exceeded process cpu
@ConfigDesc("Enable the function to generate dump file when this process cpu is over than the set threshold")
public boolean autodump_cpu_exceeded_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Threshold of cpu to generate dump file")
public int autodump_cpu_exceeded_threshold_pct = 90;
@ConfigDesc("Threshold of over-cpu-threshold duration")
public int autodump_cpu_exceeded_duration_ms = 30000;
@ConfigDesc("Dump file generation interval")
public int autodump_cpu_exceeded_dump_interval_ms = 3000;
@ConfigDesc("value of how many dump is generated.")
public int autodump_cpu_exceeded_dump_cnt = 3;

@ConfigDesc("Log directory")
public String log_dir = "";
@ConfigDesc("Retaining log according to date")
public boolean log_rotation_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Keeping period of log")
public int log_keep_days = 7;

//Detect spring Rest url
@ConfigDesc("use @RequestMapping value as service name on a spring REST web application.")
public boolean _hook_spring_rest_enabled = false;

//Hook method
@ConfigDesc("Method set for method hooking")
public String hook_method_patterns = "";

@ConfigDesc("Prefix ignrore Method hooking")
public String hook_method_ignore_prefixes = "get,set";
@ConfigDesc("Class set without Method hookingt")
public String hook_method_ignore_classes = "";
public String hook_method_exclude_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("Activating public Method hooking")
public boolean hook_method_access_public_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("Activating private Method hooking")
public boolean hook_method_access_private_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Activating protected Method hooking")
public boolean hook_method_access_protected_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Activating default Method hooking")
public boolean hook_method_access_none_enabled = false;

//this option should be used only if the application is non-servlet.
//In case of servlet web application, detect HttpServlet.service() method as hook-service-patterns automatically.
@ConfigDesc("Method set for service hooking")
public String hook_service_patterns = "";

//Hook options for pulgin
@ConfigDesc("Method set for argument hooking")
public String hook_args_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("Method set for return hooking")
public String hook_return_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("Method set for constructor hooking")
public String hook_constructor_patterns = "";

//hook for exception handling
public String hook_exception_class_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("Exception class exlude patterns")
public String hook_exception_exlude_class_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("Exception handler patterns - exceptions passed to these methods are treated as error on xlog view. (ex)")
public String hook_exception_handler_method_patterns = "";

//XLog error marking
@ConfigDesc("Leave an error message at XLog in case of over fetching. (fetch count)")
public int xlog_error_jdbc_fetch_max = 10000;
@ConfigDesc("Leave an error message at XLog in case of over timing query. (ms)")
public int xlog_error_sql_time_max_ms = 30000;
@ConfigDesc("Leave an error message at XLog when UserTransaction's begin/end unpaired")
public boolean xlog_error_check_user_transaction_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("mark as error on xlog flag if SqlException is occured.")
public boolean xlog_error_on_sqlexception_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("mark as error on xlog flag if Api call errors are occured.")
public boolean xlog_error_on_apicall_exception_enabled = true;

//XLog hard sampling options
@ConfigDesc("XLog hard sampling mode enabled\n - for the best performance but it affects all statistics data")
public boolean _xlog_hard_sampling_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog hard sampling rate(%) - discard data over the percentage")
public int _xlog_hard_sampling_rate_pct = 10;

//XLog soft sampling options
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling mode enabled")
public boolean xlog_sampling_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling but discard profile only not XLog.")
public boolean xlog_sampling_only_profile = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling bound millisecond - step1(lowest : range - from 0 to here)")
public int xlog_sampling_step1_ms = 100;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling step1 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_sampling_step1_rate_pct = 3;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling bound millisecond - step2(range - from step1 to here)")
public int xlog_sampling_step2_ms = 1000;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling step2 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_sampling_step2_rate_pct = 10;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling bound millisecond - step3(highest : range - from step2 to here)")
public int xlog_sampling_step3_ms = 3000;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling step3 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_sampling_step3_rate_pct = 30;
@ConfigDesc("XLog sampling over step3 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_sampling_over_rate_pct = 100;

//XLog sampling for service patterns options
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling mode enabled")
public boolean xlog_patterned_sampling_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling service patterns\neg) /user/{userId}<GET>,/device/*")
public String xlog_patterned_sampling_service_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling but discard profile only not XLog.")
public boolean xlog_patterned_sampling_only_profile = false;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling bound millisecond - step1(lowest : range - from 0 to here)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step1_ms = 100;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling step1 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step1_rate_pct = 3;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling bound millisecond - step2(range - from step1 to here)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step2_ms = 1000;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling step2 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step2_rate_pct = 10;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling bound millisecond - step3(highest : range - from step2 to here)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step3_ms = 3000;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling step3 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_step3_rate_pct = 30;
@ConfigDesc("XLog patterned sampling over step3 percentage(%)")
public int xlog_patterned_sampling_over_rate_pct = 100;

//Async processing support
@ConfigDesc("Hook for supporting async servlet")
public boolean hook_async_servlet_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("startAsync impl. method patterns")
public String hook_async_servlet_start_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("asyncContext dispatch impl. method patterns")
public String hook_async_context_dispatch_patterns = "";

@ConfigDesc("spring async execution submit patterns")
public String hook_spring_async_submit_patterns = "";
@ConfigDesc("spring async execution hook enabled")
public boolean hook_spring_async_enabled = true;

@ConfigDesc("PRE-released option before stable release!\nhook threadpool executor for tracing async processing.")
public boolean hook_async_thread_pool_executor_enabled = false;

@ConfigDesc("Hook callable and runnable for tracing async processing.\n It hook only 'hook_async_callrunnable_scan_prefixes' option contains pacakage or classes")
public boolean hook_async_callrunnable_enabled = true;
@ConfigDesc("scanning range prefixes for hooking callable, runnable implementations and lambda expressions.\n usually your application package.\n 2 or more packages can be separated by commas.")
public String hook_async_callrunnable_scan_package_prefixes = "";

@ConfigDesc("Experimental! test it on staging environment of your system before enable this option.\n enable lambda expressioned class hook for detecting asyncronous processing. \nOnly classes under the package configured by 'hook_async_callrunnable_scan_package_prefixes' is hooked.")
public boolean hook_lambda_instrumentation_strategy_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Activating Reject service")
public boolean control_reject_service_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Minimum count of rejecting active service")
public int control_reject_service_max_count = 10000;
@ConfigDesc("Activating Reject URL")
public boolean control_reject_redirect_url_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("Reject Text")
public String control_reject_text = "too many request!!";
@ConfigDesc("Reject URL")
public String control_reject_redirect_url = "/error.html";

// SFA(Stack Frequency Analyzer)
@ConfigDesc("Activating period threaddump function")
public boolean sfa_dump_enabled = false;
@ConfigDesc("SFA thread dump Interval(ms)")
public int sfa_dump_interval_ms = 10000;

@ConfigDesc("User ID based(0 : Remote Address, 1 : JSessionID, 2 : Scouter Cookie)")
public int trace_user_mode = 2; // 0:Remote IP, 1:JSessionID, 2:SetCookie

@ConfigDesc("Path to file creation directory of process ID file")
public String counter_object_registry_path = "/tmp/scouter";

@ConfigDesc("think time (ms) of recent user")
public long counter_recentuser_valid_ms = DateUtil.MILLIS_PER_FIVE_MINUTE;

@ConfigDesc("PermGen usage for send alert")
public int alert_perm_warning_pct = 90;

public String mgr_static_content_extensions = "js, htm, html, gif, png, jpg, css";

Host agent options

  • Useful options of host agent (It's not every option. you can get whole options on the source code that the file name is

  • you can use the variable name as the property name you want to set in configuration file. (aka in the file scouter.conf by default)

  • example

net_colector_ip =
cpu_alert_enabled = false
@ConfigDesc("Collector IP")
public String net_collector_ip = "";
@ConfigDesc("Collector UDP Port")
public int net_collector_udp_port = 6100;
@ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Port")
public int net_collector_tcp_port = 6100;

@ConfigDesc("Log directory")
public String log_dir = "./logs";
@ConfigDesc("Keeping period of log")
public int log_keep_days = 365;

public boolean disk_alert_enabled = true;
public int disk_warning_pct = 70;
public int disk_fatal_pct = 90;
public StringSet disk_ignore_names = new StringSet();

public boolean cpu_alert_enabled = true;
public long cpu_check_period_ms = 300000;
public long cpu_alert_interval_ms = 30000;
public int cpu_warning_pct = 70;
public int cpu_fatal_pct = 90;
public int cpu_warning_history = 3;
public int cpu_fatal_history = 3;
public int _cpu_value_avg_sec = 10;

public boolean mem_alert_enabled = false;
public long mem_alert_interval_ms = 30000;
public int mem_warning_pct = 80;
public int mem_fatal_pct = 90;