Scouter do not require any installation except java.
- JDK 1.6+ (1.8+ recommended)
- download lateset version of scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz.
- Extract the file.(You can see the dircetory ./scouter/server)
- execute start script.
cd ./scouter/server
# Windows : use startup.bat file
____ _
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___) | (_| (+) | |_| | || __/ |
|____/ \___\___/ \__,_|\__\___|_|
Scouter version 0.0.1 ${date}
Open Source Performance Monitoring
System JRE version : 1.7.0_51
- UDP Receive Port : 6100 (This port is used for gathering performance metrics.)
- TCP Service Port : 6100 (This port is used for commuication with scouter client and agents.)
- configuration file location.(default)
# Agent Control and Service Port(Default : TCP 6100)
# UDP Receive Port(Default : 6100)
# DB directory(Default : ./database)
# Log directory(Default : ./logs)
All options and default values are available from the scouter client's Collector > Configure menu.
- JDK 1.5+(Required), 1.6+(Recommended)
- Download scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz
- Extract the file.(you can see the directory ./scouter/ for running host monitoring agent.)
- Run it.
cd ./scouter/
All options and default values are available from the scouter client's Host > Configure menu.
- JDK 1.5+(Required), 1.6+(Recommended)
- Download scouter-yyyyMMdd.tar.gz
- Extract the file.(you can see scouter.agent.jar file on the directory ./scouter/
- Add -javaagent JVM options on your java application. (Refer to java option example below.)
Append below options in ${TOMCAT_DIR}/bin/ or
JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -javaagent:${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/scouter.agent.jar"
JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dscouter.config=${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR}/conf/scouter1.conf"
JAVA_OPTS=" ${JAVA_OPTS} -Dobj_name=myFirstTomcat1"
- ${SCOUTER_AGENT_DIR} means the directory that contains scouter.agent.jar file.
- If you are using multiple Tomcat instances in one VM, you must define their respective configuration files.
- You can specify the conf file through the -Dscouter.config environment variable as in the example above.
- Also, in this case, you should specify the name through the obj_name option so that the name of the monitored object is not duplicated in one VM.
# Scouter Server IP Address (Default :
# Scouter Server Port (Default : 6100)
# Scouter Name(Default : tomcat1)
All options and default values are available from the scuoter client's Object > Configure menu.
- JRE 1.8+
- Download suitable one of
- Extract all files to new directory
- Execute scouter.exe(windows), or scouter(linux)
- You will see a dialog
- Fill the authentication info(default : admin/admin) and press OK button (First, the scouter server must be running.)
- The real-time chart will be shown.