Releases: binance/binance-api-swagger
Releases · binance/binance-api-swagger
v1.14.0 Release
VIP Loans:
GET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/collateral/account
: Check Locked Value of VIP Collateral AccountGET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/ongoing/orders
: Get VIP Loan Ongoing OrdersPOST /sapi/v1/loan/vip/repay
: VIP Loan RepayGET /sapi/v1/loan/vip/repay/history
: Get VIP Loan Repayment History
Crypto Loan:
GET /sapi/v1/loan/loanable/data
: Get interest rate and borrow limit of loanable assets. The borrow limit is shown in USD value.GET /sapi/v1/loan/collateral/data
: Get LTV information and collateral limit of collateral assets. The collateral limit is shown in USD value.GET /sapi/v1/loan/repay/collateral/rate
: Get the the rate of collateral coin / loan coin when using collateral repay, the rate will be valid within 8 second.POST /sapi/v1/loan/customize/margin_call
: Customize margin call for ongoing orders only.
GET /sapi/v1/convert/exchangeInfo
: Query for all convertible token pairs and the tokens’ respective upper/lower limitsGET /sapi/v1/convert/assetInfo
: Query for supported asset’s precision informationPOST /sapi/v1/convert/getQuote
: Request a quote for the requested token pairsPOST /sapi/v1/convert/acceptQuote
: Accept the offered quote by quote ID.GET /sapi/v1/convert/orderStatus
: Query order status by order ID.
GET /sapi/v1/asset/ledger-transfer/cloud-mining/queryByPage
: The query of Cloud-Mining payment and refund history
GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/apiRestrictions/ipRestriction/thirdPartyList
: To query Sub-Account API key Third Party IP whitelistPOST /sapi/v2/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction
: To support master account update IP Restriction for Sub-Account API key
Binance Code:
POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode
: For buying a fixed-value Binance Code.GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode/token-limit
: To verify which tokens are available for you to purchase fixed-value gift cards as mentioned in section 2 and its’ limitation.
v1.13.1 Release
- Upgrade Swagger UI
- New endpoints for Futures:
POST /sapi/v1/futures/transfer
GET /sapi/v1/futures/transfer
GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/borrow/history
GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/repay/history
GET /sapi/v2/futures/loan/wallet
GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/adjustCollateral/history
GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/liquidationHistory
GET /sapi/v1/futures/loan/interestHistory
- New endpoints for Futures Algo:
POST /sapi/v1/algo/futures/newOrderVp
POST /sapi/v1/algo/futures/newOrderTwap
DELETE /sapi/v1/algo/futures/order
GET /sapi/v1/algo/futures/openOrders
GET /sapi/v1/algo/futures/historicalOrders
GET /sapi/v1/algo/futures/subOrders
- New endpoint for Margin:
GET /sapi/v1/margin/tradeCoeff
: Get personal margin level information
- New endpoints for Wallet:
POST /sapi/v1/asset/convert-transfer
: Convert transfer, convert between BUSD and stablecoins.POST /sapi/v1/asset/convert-transfer/queryByPage
: Query convert transfer
- New endpoints for Crypto Loan
POST /sapi/v1/loan/borrow
: Borrow - Crypto Loan BorrowGET /sapi/v1/loan/borrow/history
: Borrow - Get Loan Borrow HistoryGET /sapi/v1/loan/ongoing/orders
: Borrow - Get Loan Ongoing OrdersPOST /sapi/v1/loan/repay
: Repay - Crypto Loan RepayGET /sapi/v1/loan/repay/history
: Repay - Get Loan Repayment HistoryPOST /sapi/v1/loan/adjust/ltv
: Adjust LTV - Crypto Loan Adjust LTVGET /sapi/v1/loan/ltv/adjustment/history
: Adjust LTV - Get Loan LTV Adjustment History
- Changes to
GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo
- New optional parameter permissions added to display all symbols with the permissions matching the parameter provided. (eg.SPOT, MARGIN, LEVERAGED)
- If not provided, the default value will be ["SPOT","MARGIN", "LEVERAGED"].
- Update endpoint for Sub-Account:
POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction
: Add new param thirdPartyPOST /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList
: Add new param thirdPartyNameDELETE /sapi/v1/sub-account/subAccountApi/ipRestriction/ipList
: Add new param thirdPartyName
v1.12.0 Release
New endpoint for Market:
GET /api/v3/uiKlines
New kline interval:
New field
has been added toGET /api/v3/account
- Changes to
GET /api/v3/ticker
andGET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
- New optional parameter type added
- Supported values for parameter type are FULL and MINI
- FULL is the default value and the response that is currently being returned from the endpoint
- MINI omits the following fields from the response: priceChangePercent, weightedAvgPrice, bidPrice, bidQty, askPrice, askQty, and lastQty
v1.11.0 Release
New endpoint for Portfolio Margin:
GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/pmLoan
to query Portfolio Margin Bankruptcy Loan Record.POST /sapi/v1/portfolio/repay
to repay Portfolio Margin Bankruptcy Loan.GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/collateralRate
to get Portfolio Margin Collateral Rate.
Changed endpoints for Trade:
POST /api/v3/order/test
New optional fieldsstrategyId
.POST /api/v3/order
New optional fieldsstrategyId
.POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
New optional fieldsstrategyId
.POST /api/v3/order/oco
New optional fieldslimitStrategyId
New endpoint for Market:
GET /api/v3/ticker
for rolling window price change statistics based on windowSize provided.
New endpoint for Trade:
POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
to cancel an existing order and place a new order on the same symbol.
Update endpoint for Fiat:
GET /sapi/v1/fiat/orders
: Weight changes from IP(1) to UID(90000)
Update endpoint for Pay:
GET /sapi/v1/pay/transactions
: Param names changed: startTimestamp -> startTime; endTimestamp -> endTime.
New endpoint for Margin:
POST /sapi/v3/asset/getUserAsset
to get user assets.
New endpoint for Wallet:
GET /sapi/v1/margin/dribblet
to query the historical information of user's margin account small-value asset conversion BNB.
Update endpoint for Convert:
GET /sapi/v1/fiat/orders
: Weight changes from IP(3000) to IP(100)
New endpoint for Gift Card:
GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/cryptography/rsa-public-key
to fetch RSA public key.
Update endpoint for Gift Card:
POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/redeemCode
: new optional parameter externalUid. Each external unique ID represents a unique user on the partner platform. The function helps you to identify the redemption behavior of different users.
New endpoints for Staking:
GET /sapi/v1/staking/productList
to get Staking product listPOST /sapi/v1/staking/purchase
to stake productPOST /sapi/v1/staking/redeem
to redeem productGET /sapi/v1/staking/position
to get Staking product holding positionGET /sapi/v1/staking/stakingRecord
to inquiry Staking history recordsPOST /sapi/v1/staking/setAutoStaking
to set Auto Staking functionGET /sapi/v1/staking/personalLeftQuota
to inquiry Staking left quota
New endpoint for Portfolio Margin:
GET /sapi/v1/portfolio/account
to support query portfolio margin account info.
New endpoint for Margin:
GET /sapi/v1/margin/rateLimit/order
to display the user's current margin order count usage for all intervals.
Update endpoints for Market:
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
,GET /api/v3/ticker/price
andGET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker
new optional parameter symbols.
1.8.0 - 2022-04-25
GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/accountSnapshot
- New endpoint to support investor master account query asset snapshot of managed sub-account.POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/universalTransfer
- New transfer typesMARGIN
and parametersymbol
POST /api/v3/order
- New optional field trailingDeltaPOST /api/v3/order/test
- New optional field trailingDeltaPOST /api/v3/order/oco
- New optional field trailingDelta
GET /sapi/v1/sub-account/universalTransfer
- The query time period must be less then 30 days; IfstartTime
not sent, return records of the last 30 days by default.GET /sapi/v1/capital/withdraw/history
are now optional.
1.7.0 - 2022-03-04
- Parameter
toPOST /sapi/v1/bswap/liquidityAdd
- Response field
toGET /api/v3/exchangeInfo
- Response fields
toGET /sapi/v1/sub-account/list
- Corrected multiple parameters from different endpoints to be in sync with the API Doc
- Updated parameter
fromGET api/v3/depth
to englobe its new functionality
1.6.0 - 2022-02-17
- New endpoints for Binance Gift Card:
POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/createCode
to create a Binance Code.POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/redeemCode
to redeem a Binance Code.GET /sapi/v1/giftcard/verify
to verify a Binance Code.
- New endpoint
POST /sapi/v1/asset/dust-btc
to get assets that can be converted into BNB.
- Added missing field
200 response - Correct from
POST /sapi/v1/bswap/unclaimedRewards
toPOST /sapi/v1/bswap/claimRewards
- Correct
GET /sapi/v1/asset/assetDividend
- Correct
POST /sapi/v1/asset/dust
- Update description of ENUM parameters to follow same format for values explanation
- Update query limits of
GET /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot