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File metadata and controls

619 lines (448 loc) · 35.3 KB

BIOM-Format ChangeLog



  • Allow testing for nan and inf values with "hasnan" and "hasinf" error states. See issue #982.
  • Python 3.7 and 3.8 removed from CI as they are end-of-life. Python 3.13 added to CI. See PR#986.

biom 2.1.16

Maintenance, bug fix, performance and feature release, May 9th 2024.

New features:

  • Add Windows support. PR#951 revises codebase to be Windows compatible and adds this support to the CI testing matrix.
  • Add NumPy 2.0 support. PR #950 ensures code compatibility with NumPy 2.0. This support is yet to be added to the CI testing matrix.
  • Expand API for Table.partition to allow for passing dict mappings from ids to groups and vice versa, remove of empty vectors, and ignoring None partitions. See issue #937
  • NumPy 2.0 support, see issue #956
  • The optimized subsample without replacement method is now exposed as biom.subsample. Note that this method operates inplace on SciPy csr_matrix and csc_matrix objects. See issue #958

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an edge case on in align_tree when a feature was empty, see issue #948
  • In subsample(..., with_replacement=True), it was possible to trigger a numerical stability on sum, see issue #952
  • update_ids(..., strict=False) could yield truncated IDs, see issue #957

Performance improvements:

  • Revise Table._fast_merge to use COO directly. For very large tables, this reduces runtime by ~50x and memory by ~5x. See PR #913.
  • Drastically reduce the memory needs of subsampling when sums are large. Also adds 64-bit support. See PR #935.
  • Improve handling of not-perfectly-integer inputs. See PR #938.

biom 2.1.15

Maintenance and bug fix release, May 4th 2023.

Bug fixes:

  • Allow Table.to_json to properly handle numpy types in metadata, see issue #886
  • Do not modify IDs in place in the presence of duplicate relabels, see issue #892
  • Catch an edge case where a failured ID update in place would actually change IDs, see issue #892

New features:

  • biom.parse.save_table makes saving less tedious, see issue #897
  • biom.util.biom_open now supports pathlib.Path, see issue #894
  • You can now set a random seed at the call to Table.subsample, see issue #914.

General maintenance:

  • Allow specifying a creation time on write, see issue #895
  • h5py optional code blocks have been removed, see issue #896
  • Many warnings from the test suite have been resolved, see issue #912
  • Politely error when validating non biom-format files, see issue #901
  • Disallow head with -n <= 0 and -m <= 0, see issue #899

biom 2.1.14

Bug fix, released on 3 January 2023.


  • Table.collapse(..., one_to_many=True) had a lingering dense conversion being performed. Avoiding this conversion yields nearly a 100x performance gain PR #888.

biom 2.1.13

Substantial performance improvement and bug fix, released on 9 December 2022.


  • Python 3.6 testing support has been removed.

New features:

  • Table.collapse(..., one_to_many=True) now uses a sparse matrix on construction, substantially reducing memory overhead PR #884.

Bug fixes:

  • Table.metadata_to_dataframe() now considers all rows for column names, see PR #881

biom 2.1.11

General maintenance and feature expansion, released on 25 March 2022.

Bug fixes:

  • Table.from_json now respects the creation date issue #770 in Python 3.7 and higher

New Features

  • Python 3.10 support, see PR #865
  • 10x improvement on Table.collapse when operating over many partitions, see PR #866
  • Minor performance improvement, see PR #871
  • Coerce consistent, and fixed width, types for IDs, see PR #872
  • Table / metadata alignment support, see PR #859

biom 2.1.10

Bug fix, released on 16 November 2020.

Bug fixes:

  • During deployment testing for QIIME 2 2020.11, it was observed that certain combinations of hdf5 or h5py dependencies can result in metadata strings parsing as ASCII rather than UTF-8. Parse of BIOM-Format 2.1.0 files now normalize metadata strings as UTF-8, see PR #853.

New Features

  • Added support for aligning dataframes and trees against biom tables with Table.align_to_dataframe and Table.align_tree. see PR #859

biom 2.1.9

New features and support for Pandas >= 1.0, released on 5 November 2020.


  • Cython and numpy are no more required to be present before building, see PR #840

New Features:

  • Added support for the AnnData format, see PR #845

  • Performance boost to Table.remove_empty. For large tables this cuts the running time from 20 seconds to ~1.1 seconds, see PR #847

  • A much faster way to merge tables (without metadata) has been added. For large tables, this was a few minutes rather than a few hours. This method is implicitly invoked when calling Table.merge if unioning both axes, and the tables lack metadata. Table.concat is still much faster, but assumes one axis is disjoint. See PR #848.

  • Simplify interaction with the concatenation method, allowing for passing in an individual table and support for a general biom.concat(tables) wrapper. See PR #851.

  • Added support for parsing adjacency table structures, see issue #823.

Bug fixes:

  • Support for pandas >= 1.0, see the comment and commits here

biom 2.1.8

New features and bug fixes, released on 28 January 2020.


  • Python 2.7 and 3.5 support has been dropped.
  • Python 3.8 support has been added into Travis CI.
  • A change to the defaults for Table.nonzero_counts was performed such that the default now is to count the number of nonzero features. See issue #685
  • We now require a SciPy >= 1.3.1. See issue #816

New Features:

  • The detailed report is no longer part of the table validator. See issue #378.
  • load_table now accepts open file handles. See issue #481.
  • biom export-metadata has been added to export metadata as TSV. See issue #820.
  • Table.to_tsv has been modified to allow for direct_io. See issue #836.

Bug fixes:

  • Table.to_dataframe(dense=False) does now correctly produce sparse data frames (and not accidentally dense ones as before). See issue #808.
  • Order of error evaluations was unstable in Python versions without implicit OrderedDict. See issue #813. Thanks @gwarmstrong for identifying this bug.
  • Table._extract_data_from_tsv would fail if taxonomy was provided, and if the first row had the empty string for taxonomy. See issue #827. Thanks @KasperSkytte for identifying this bug.

biom 2.1.7

New features and bug fixes, released on 28 September 2018.


  • Python 3.4 support has been dropped. We now only support Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.
  • We will be dropping Python 2.7 support on the next release.
  • Pandas >= 0.20.0 is now the minimum required version.
  • pytest is now used instead of nose.

New Features:

  • Massive performance boost to Table.collapse with the default collapse function. The difference was 10s of milliseconds vs. minutes stemming from prior use of operator.add. See issue #761.
  • Table.align_to for aligning one table to another. This is useful in multi-omic analyses where multiple preparations have been performed on the sample physical samples. This is essentially a helper method around Table.sort_order. See issue #747.
  • Added additional sanity checks when calling Table.to_hdf5, see PR #769.
  • Table.subsample() can optionally perform subsampling with replacement. See issue #774.
  • Table.to_dataframe() now supports a dense argument to return pd.DataFrame. See issue #762.
  • Parsing methods for BIOM-Format 1.0.0 tables now preserve dict ordering. See issue #781.

Bug fixes:

  • Table.subsample(by_id=True, axis='observation') did not subsample over the 'observations'. Because of the nature of the bug, an empty table was returned, so the scope of the issue is such that it should not have produced misleading results but instead triggered empty table errors, with the exception of the pathological case of the ID namespaces between features and samples not being disjoint. See PR #759 for more information.
  • Tables of shape (0, n) or (n, 0) were raising exceptions when being written out. See issue #619.
  • Tables loaded with a list of empty dicts will have their metadata attributes set to None. See issue #594.

biom 2.1.6

New features and bug fixes, released on 27 April 2017.

New Features:

  • Table.from_hdf5 now supports a rapid subset in the event that metadata is not needed. In benchmarking against the Earth Microbiome Project BIOM table, the reduction in runtime was multiple orders of magnitude while additionally preserving substantial memory.
  • Table.rankdata has been added to convert values to ranked abundances on either axis. See issue #645.
  • Format of numbers in biom summarize-table output is now more readable and localized. See issue #679.
  • Table.concat has been added to the API and allows for concatenating multiple tables in which the IDs of one of the axes are known to be disjoint. This has substantial performance benefits over Table.merge.
  • Table.sort_order was performing an implicit cast to dense, and not leveraging fancy indexing. A substantial performance gain was acheived. See PR #720.
  • biom subset-table now accepts a QIIME-like mapping file when subsetting by IDs Issue #587
  • Table.del_metadata was added to support the removal of metadata entries from the table Issue #708.
  • Table.to_dataframe was added to cast the internal matrix data to a Pandas SparseDataFrame Issue #622.
  • Table.metadata_to_dataframe was added to cast axis metadata to a Pandas DataFrame Issue #622.
  • and now use a stable random seed. See issue #728
  • Failure to cast a value when parsing a TSV will now print the associated line number which had the bad value. See #284.
  • Table.remove_empty has been added to remove zero'd samples, observations or both. See #721.
  • A subcommand of the command line interface was added to obtain a table's IDs: table-ids.

Bug fixes:

  • -o is now a required parameter of biom from-uc. This was not the case previously, which resulted in a cryptic error message if -o was not provided. See issue #683.
  • Matrices are now cast to csr on Table construction if the data evaluate as isspmatrix. This fixes #717 where some API methods assumed the data were csc or csr.
  • Table.concat was not handling tables without metadata, resulting in an exception due to mismatches metadata shape. See #724.
  • When validating a BIOM-Format 1.0.0 table, specifying the version string would trigger an error. See #664. An explicit regression test was not added as this stemmed from an integration, and there currently is not support for script usage tests; see #656.
  • Table.nnz was not calling eliminate_zeros() on the underlying sparse matrix, resulting in the possibility of counting explicitly set zero values. See #727.
  • Table.from_hdf5 was not properly turning bytes into str for the table_id and the type HDF5 attributes. See #731.
  • Table.__init__ now always performs an astype(float) on the contained spmatrix. This type normalization is beneficial for underlying Cython code on the filtering and transform operations. It is possible this will introduce some performance overhead, however in most cases the data should already be float. See #718.
  • Table.to_hdf5 was not handling lists of str appropriately in the general case. Ssee #638.
  • Table.to_hdf5 was not handling taxonomy as flat strings, which was a common mistake that was outside of expectations for the formatter. The formatter now attempts to split on semicolon if this scenario is encountered, and errors with a more informative error if a problem occurs. See #530.

biom 2.1.5

New features and bug fixes, released on 21 October 2015.


  • Codebase is now Python 2/3 compatible. It is currently tested with Python versions 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.
  • biom-serve and the accompanying html interface has been removed.

New Features:

  • Table.head has been added to retrieve the first few rows and or columns from a table. This can be accessed through the new biom head command. See issue #639.
  • biom.parse.from_uc has been added to support creation of biom.Table objects from vsearch/uclust/usearch .uc files. This can be accessed through the new biom from-uc command. See issue #648.
  • Codebase now uses click instead of pyqi for its command line interface. See issue #631.

Bug fixes:

  • Table.update_ids strict check was too aggressive. See issue #633.
  • biom --version now prints the software version (previously the individual commands did this, but not the base command).
  • Table.vlen_list_of_str_formatter was considering a str to be valid for formatting resulting in an obscure error when a str, as opposed to a list of str, was used for taxonomy. See issue #709.

biom 2.1.4

Bug fixes, released on April 22nd 2015


  • Codebase updated to reflect pep8 1.6.x

New features:

  • Table.to_hdf5 and Table.from_hdf5 now support custom parsers and formatters, see issue #608

Bug fixes:

  • Table.update_ids was not updating the internal ID lookup caches, issue #599
  • --is-json has been removed from the table validator as it was being ignored anyway, issue #591
  • biom summarize-table can now properly interact with pipes. This previously worked on OSX but did not on Linux. Issue #598
  • biom convert was recording the wrong version information from HDF5 -> JSON, issue #595
  • Table.collapse, under one_to_many was not constructing the resulting matrix properly, issue #606
  • Improve error message when trying to load an empty file, issue #614.
  • Improve error handling when filtering tables, and return tables of shape (0, n) instead of (0, 0) when fully filtering out a table along an axis, issue #620
  • Fix Table.nonzero to work on data that is not already in csr, issue #625.

biom 2.1.3

Minor fixes, released on January 29, 2014

Bug fixes:

  • Improve error message when trying to load an HDF5 file without h5py being installed.
  • Allow validating json files when h5py is not installed.

biom 2.1.2

Minor fixes, released on December 18, 2014

Bug fixes:

  • Remove syntax error from
  • Table.to_json was not serializing empty tables properly, see #571
  • biom summarize-table could not handle empty tables, see #571

biom 2.1.1

Minor fixes and performance improvements, released on November 19th 2014


  • The collapsing function to Table.collapse is now passed the entire table to allow for more complex collapses (e.g., median, random selection, etc). See #544, #545 and #547.
  • Updated version strings in the project to be Semantic Versioning-stlye. This better matches with other open source python projects, and plays nicer with pip.
  • Conversion from TSV now takes less memory. See #551.
  • Parameter header_mark has been removed from _extract_data_from_tsv() in
  • Order of magnitude improvement in parsing HDF5 BIOM tables, see #529
  • Added Table.length, see #548
  • Order of magnitude performance increase in Table.nonzero, see #538

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure that a copy is performed in Table.subsample
  • Avoided a memory leak when checking if a table is JSON or TSV, see #552.

biom 2.1

Format finalization, released on August 7th 2014

New features:

  • Group metadata (e.g., a phylogenetic tree) can now be stored within the HDF5 representation. These data are available within the Table object
  • Matrix data can now be accessed by the Table.matrix_data property
  • Table IDs are now accessed via the Table.ids method
  • Table metadata are now accessed via the Table.metadata method
  • New method Table.update_ids, which allows for updating the ids along either axis.
  • added normalize-table option to optparse and HTML interfaces which utilizes the new TableNormalizer command from


  • Metadata are now stored in individual datasets within HDF5. This resulted in a change to the BIOM-Format spec which has now been bumped to format version 2.1.
  • Table.collapse min_group_size is now 1 by default, see #480
  • General improvements to BIOM 2.x online documentation
  • now supports negative values
  • dropped old, unused scripts
  • added Table.iter_pairwise
  • added Table.min and Table.max, see #459
  • iter methods now support dense/sparse
  • added Table.matrix_data property
  • Table.filter yields a sparse vector, see #470
  • Table.subsample can now sample by IDs (e.g., get a random subset of samples or observations from a Table).
  • biom.util.generate_subsamples will generate an infinite number of subsamples and can be used for rarefaction.
  • biom summarize-table can now operate on observations.
  • 10% performance boost in Table.subsample, see #532

Bug fixes:

  • Table.transform operates on full vectors now, see #476
  • biom convert now handles taxonomy strings correctly, see #504
  • Table.sort_order was not retaining Table.type, see #474
  • convert_biom_to_table now uses load_table, see #478
  • now handles negative values, see #492
  • Table.copy was not retaining Table.type, see #494

biom 2.0.1

Bug fix release, released on June 3rd 2014


  • Light weight loading mechanism (biom.load_table) added
  • now has a default axis
  • Convert documentation updated
  • Quick start page added to documentation

Bug fixes:

  • missing fields from JSON representation reintroduced
  • TableConverter works as expected

biom 2.0.0

Major release, released on May 15th 2014


  • NumPy 1.7 or above is required
  • Support for HDF5
  • Codebase is PEP-8 compliant
  • CSMat has been removed and Scipy is now a required dependency
  • Requires pyqi 0.3.2
  • New HTML interface
  • No longer dependent on dateutil
  • Table.bin_samples_by_metadata and Table.bin_observations_by_metadata have been combined into Table.partition, which takes an axis argument
  • Table.collapse_samples_by_metadata and Table.collapse_observations_by_metadata have been combined into Table.collapse, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.filter_samples and Table.filter_observations have been combined into Table.filter, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.transform_samples and Table.transform_observations have been combined into Table.transform, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.norm_sample_by_observation and Table.norm_observation_by_sample have been combined into Table.norm, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.iter_samples and Table.iter_observations have been combined into Table.iter, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.iter_sample_data and Table.iter_observation_data have been combined into Table.iter_data, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.get_sample_index and Table.get_observation_index have been combined into Table.get_index, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.add_sample_metadata and Table.add_observation_metadata have been combined into Table.add_metadata, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.sample_data and Table.observation_data have been combined into, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.sample_exists and Table.observation_exists have been combined into Table.exists, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.sort_by_sample_ids and Table.sort_by_observation_ids have been combined into Table.sort, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.sort_sample_order and Table.sort_observation_order have been combined into Table.sort_order, which now takes an axis argument
  • Table.norm_samples_by_metadata and Table.norm_observations_by_metadata have been removed
  • Added Table.metadata to allow fetching of metadata by an ID instead of just by index
  • Added for conversion to presence/absence
  • Added Table.subsample for randomly subsampling data
  • Table now embraces numpydoc

biom 1.3.1

Documentation release, released on December 4th 2013

New Features:

  • biom-format is now installable via pip! Simply run pip install biom-format.


  • Fixed installation instructions to be clearer about the various ways of installing biom-format. Also fixed a couple of minor formatting issues.

biom 1.3.0

Feature release, released on December 4th 2013

New Features:

  • Added new sparse matrix backend ScipySparseMat, which requires that scipy is installed if this backend is in use. This backend will generally yield improvements in both runtime and memory consumption, especially with larger sparse tables. The default sparse matrix backend is still CSMat (this means that scipy is an optional dependency of the biom-format project).


  • Sparse backends SparseDict and SparseMat have been removed in favor of CSMat. Cython is no longer a dependency.
  • The BIOM Format project license is now Modified BSD (see COPYING.txt for more details) and is no longer GPL. To change the license, we obtained written permission (by email) from all past and present developers on the biom-format project. The core developers, including @gregcaporaso, @wasade, @jrrideout, and @rob-knight were included on these emails. For code that was derived from the QIIME and PyCogent projects, which are under the GPL license, written permission was obtained (by email) from the developers of the original code (tracing through the commit history, as necessary). @gregcaporaso, @wasade, @jrrideout, and @rob-knight were included on these emails.
  • Removed the top-level python-code directory, moving all contents up one level. If you are installing the biom-format project by manually setting PYTHONPATH to <dir prefix>/biom-format/python-code, you will need to change the path to <dir prefix>/biom-format instead. Please see the installation instructions for more details.
  • Reorganized sparse backend code into a new subpackage, biom.backends. This change should not affect client code.

biom 1.2.0

New Features:

  • Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, include_collapsed_metadata, which allows the user to either include or exclude collapsed metadata in the collapsed table.
  • Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, one_to_many_mode, which allows the user to specify a collapsing strategy for one-to-many metadata relationships (currently supports adding and dividing counts).
  • Table.binObservationsByMetadata, Table.binSamplesByMetadata, Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata, and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, constructor, which allows the user to choose the return type of the binned/collapsed table(s).
  • Table.delimitedSelf now has an additional argument, observation_column_name, which allows the user to specify the name of the first column in the output table (e.g. 'OTU ID', 'Taxon', etc.).
  • Added new Table.transpose method.
  • Table.__init has change from __init__(self, data, sample_ids, observation_ids, sample_metadata=None, observation_metadata=None, table_id=None, type=None, **kwargs) to __init__(self, data, observation_ids, sample_ids, observation_metadata=None, sample_metadata=None, table_id=None, type=None, **kwargs) This is for clarity, the data is in the same order as the arguments to the constructor. *table_factory has changed from table_factory(data, sample_ids, observation_ids, sample_metadata=None, observation_metadata=None, table_id=None, input_is_dense=False, transpose=False, **kwargs) to table_factory(data, observation_ids, sample_ids, observation_metadata=None, sample_metadata=None, table_id=None, input_is_dense=False, transpose=False, **kwargs) This is for clarity, the data is in the same order as the arguments to the function.


  • pyqi 0.2.0 is now a required dependency. This changes the look-and-feel of the biom-format command-line interfaces and introduces a new executable, biom, which can be used to see a list of all available biom-format command-line commands. The biom command is now used to run biom-format commands, instead of having a Python script (i.e., .py file) for each biom-format command. The old scripts (e.g.,,, etc.) are still included but are deprecated. Users are pointed to the new biom command to run instead. Bash tab completion is now supported for all command and option names (see the biom-format documentation for instructions on how to enable this).
  • The following scripts have had their names and options changed:
    • is now biom add-metadata. Changed option names:
      • --input_fp is now --input-fp
      • --output_fp is now --output-fp
      • --sample_mapping_fp is now --sample-metadata-fp
      • --observation_mapping_fp is now --observation-metadata-fp
      • --sc_separated is now --sc-separated
      • --int_fields is now --int-fields
      • --float_fields is now --float-fields
      • --sample_header is now --sample-header
      • --observation_header is now --observation-header
      • New option --sc-pipe-separated
    • is now biom validate-table. Changed option names:
      • -v/--verbose is now --detailed-report
      • --biom_fp is now --input-fp
    • is now biom convert. Changed option names:
      • --input_fp is now --input-fp
      • --output_fp is now --output-fp
      • --biom_type is now --matrix-type
      • --biom_to_classic_table is now --biom-to-classic-table
      • --sparse_biom_to_dense_biom is now --sparse-biom-to-dense-biom
      • --dense_biom_to_sparse_biom is now --dense-biom-to-sparse-biom
      • --sample_mapping_fp is now --sample-metadata-fp
      • --observation_mapping_fp is now --observation-metadata-fp
      • --header_key is now --header-key
      • --output_metadata_id is now --output-metadata-id
      • --process_obs_metadata is now --process-obs-metadata
      • --biom_table_type is now --table-type
    • is now biom show-install-info.
    • is now biom summarize-table. Changed option names:
      • --input_fp is now --input-fp
      • --output_fp is now --output-fp. This is now a required option (output is no longer printed to stdout).
      • --num_observations is now --qualitative
      • --suppress_md5 is now --suppress-md5
    • is now biom subset-table. Changed option names:
      • --biom_fp is now --input-fp
      • --output_fp is now --output-fp
      • --ids_fp is now --ids
  • biom.parse.parse_mapping has been replaced by biom.parse.MetadataMap. biom.parse.MetadataMap.from_file can be directly substituted in place of biom.parse.parse_mapping.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed performance issue with formatting BIOM tables for writing to a file.
  • Fixed issue with Table.addSampleMetadata and Table.addObservationMetadata when adding metadata to a subset of the samples/observations in a table that previously was without any sample/observation metadata.
  • Fixed issue with Table.addSampleMetadata and Table.addObservationMetadata when updating a table's existing metadata, including the case where there are sample/observation IDs that are in the metadata file but not in the table.

biom 1.1.2

New Features:

  • Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now support one-to-many relationships on the metadata field to collapse on.

  • added new script called (and accompanying tutorial) that prints summary statistics of the input BIOM table as a whole and on a per-sample basis


  • SparseMat now uses cython for loops more efficiently

Bug Fixes:

  • fixed serious performance issue with Table.transformSamples/Observations when using CSMat as the sparse backend

biom 1.1.1


  • added documentation for how to switch sparse backends via BIOM config file

Bug Fixes:

  • performance issue on table creation with CSMat where an O(N) lookup was being performed

biom 1.1.0

New Features:

  • new default sparse matrix backend CSMat (COO/CSR/CSC) more efficient than SparseDict and SparseMat (pure python + numpy)
  • support for biom config file, which allows specification of sparse backend to use. Currently supports CSMat (default), SparseMat, and SparseDict. Default can be found under support_files/biom_config, and can be copied to $HOME/.biom_config or located by setting $BIOM_CONFIG_FP
  • new script called with accompanying tutorial that allows users to add arbitrary sample and/or observation metadata to biom files
  • new script called that efficiently pulls out a subset of a biom table (either by samples or observations). Useful for very large tables where memory may be an issue


  • parser is more efficient for sparse tables and formatter is more efficient for both table types (less memory consumption)
  • biom.Table objects are now immutable (except that metadata can still be added via addSampleMetadata/addObservationMetadata). __setitem__ and setValueByIds have been removed and SampleIds, ObservationIds, SampleMetadata, and ObservationMetadata members are now tuples as a result
  • biom.Table object has a new method called getTableDensity()
  • performance testing framework has been added for Table objects

Bug Fixes:

  • now converts dense tables to sparse tables (previously it didn't do anything)
  • many misc. fixes to script help/documentation and docstrings (fixing typos, editing for clarity, etc.)

biom 1.0.0

New Features:

  • new default sparse matrix backend SparseMat (requires Cython) more efficient over existing SparseDict backend

biom 0.9.1

  • format now accepts unicode but does not accept str due to JSON parsing from Python
  • specification for metadata is now either null or an object
  • PySparse has been gutted, sparse matrix support is now through Table.SparseDict

New Features:

  • more table types!


  • Table.getBioFormatJsonString() and similar methods now require a generatedby string