Releases: biolink/biolink-model
bug fixes: inverse predicate is_a hierarchy for 'affects' vs. 'affected by'
UMLS->STY prefix management
adding back in missing mixins for increases/decreases amount activity of.
bug fixes: handling one-off prefix requests
added epistemic qualifier enumeration
add original_subject and original_object edge properties
refactor id prefixes in chemical hierarchy
remove spurious mapping
remove gene and polypeptide (and children) from chemical entity is_a hierarchy
add chemical entity and gene or gene product mixin
add chemical entity and polypeptide and protein mixin
add FDA approval status enumeration and definitions
remove is_a parents from exposure classes
add prefixes back to protein
First pass at property chain specification
2.0.0 bug fixes and documentation updates
Upgrade to linkml-1.0.0
Add NCBIGene prefix (with correct capitalization) to accommodate jsonld context requirements
Refactor of the 'Molecular Entity' and 'Chemical Substance' classes and hierarchy.
New 'Information Resource' class and EPC slots.
New 'reactions' associations and slots.
Added inverses for the majority of biolink predicates.
'provided by' is deprecated and replaced by a set of more precise slots for describing the source retrieval provenance of an Association. These include 'knowledge source' and its descendants 'primary knowledge source', 'original knowledge source', and 'aggregator knowledge source'.
Added documentation and examples for mixins
Added id_prefixes to gene, protein
Added id_prefixes to gross anatomical structure
Fixed typo in 'treatement' -> 'treatment'
Removed UniProtKB from Gene class ID prefix list
Changed contact email from Deepak->Sierra