This repo bootstraps AWS cloud with EKS cluster 👇 Supported types of Cluster EKS Managed EKS Fargate What it does creates vpc creates bastion host creates eks cluster and supporting roles and infra creates databases <!--- optional ---> ❗ BEFORE RUNNING TERRAFORM PLEASE UPDATE {ENV}/{module}/ AS NEEDED ❗ Infra setup in order git clone cd terraform-eks pre-commit install // make sure you have pre-commit installed VPC/COMMON cd vpc terraform init terraform apply SHARED cd shared terraform init terraform apply EKS cd eks terraform init terraform apply ADDON cd addon terraform init terraform apply DATABASE <!--- If needed ---> cd database terraform init terraform apply APP <!--- If needed ---> cd app terraform init terraform apply CLEAN UP APP <!--- If provisioned ---> cd app terraform destroy DATABASE <!--- If provisioned ---> cd database terraform destroy ADDON cd addon terraform destroy SHARED cd shared terraform destroy CLUSTER cd eks terraform destroy VPC/COMMON cd vpc terraform destroy