diff --git a/src/_data/menu.yml b/src/_data/menu.yml
index 7ae070a2..075076b7 100644
--- a/src/_data/menu.yml
+++ b/src/_data/menu.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- title: Products
- {page_id: product-crazyflie-2-1-plus}
+ - {page_id: product-crazyflie-2-1-brushless}
- {page_id: product-crazyflie-bolt-1-1}
- {page_id: product-crazyradio-pa}
- {page_id: product-crazyradio-2-0}
@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@
- {title: Buy online, url: "https://store.bitcraze.io/"}
- {page_id: buy-retailers}
- - {page_id: buy-guide}
- title: Support
diff --git a/src/buy/buyers-guide.md b/src/buy/buyers-guide.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 39af02d3..00000000
--- a/src/buy/buyers-guide.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-layout: page-multi-row
-title: Buyers guide
-page_id: buy-guide
- - /crazyflie-2-0-buyers-guide/
-{% row_image_text_links I want to fly the Crazyflie 2.x from my mobile device %}
-{% row_text %}
-The Crazyflie 2.x comes with everything you need for flying from a Bluetooth LE
-enabled mobile device. Currently [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.bitcraze.crazyfliecontrol2)
-and [IOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/crazyflie-2.0/id946151480?mt=8) devices are supported.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to fly the Crazyflie 2.x from my computer using a gamepad %}
-{% row_text %}
-The {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %}
-enables you to connect the Crazyflie 2.x to a computer. Connect
-a [gamepad](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-clients-python/master/userguides/inputdevices/)
-to the computer and run our client software to control the Crazyflie 2.x.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-Note: gamepad is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to use the Crazyflie 2.x for development %}
-{% row_text %}
-The {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %}
-enables you to connect the Crazyflie 2.x
-to a computer wireless and download new firmware, modified to your liking. The logging and parameter
-frameworks provides APIs for getting and setting data in the Crazyflie 2.x live,
-even when you are flying!
-All software, firmware as well as clients on the computer is open source and the
-source code is available for you to play with as you like.
-You probably also want a [gamepad](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-clients-python/master/userguides/inputdevices/)
-to fly the Crazyflie 2.x when connected to the computer.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-Note: gamepad is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to use the Crazyflie 2.x for advanced development %}
-{% row_text %}
-A lot can be achieved with the Crazyflie 2.x and the {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} only, but for
-advanced development JTAG/SWD access to the platform is useful.
-The {% id_link product-debug-adapter-kit %}
-enables you to connect your normal JTAG/SWD debugger to
-the Crazyflie 2.x to set break points, single step and so on when debugging.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Happy hacker bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/happy-hacker-bundle)
-Note: JTAG/SWD debugger is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to add a sensor to the Crazyflie 2.x %}
-{% row_text %}
-The expansion ports on the Crazyflie 2.x enables you to connect more or less
-any hardware you like. When prototyping the Breakout deck is useful as you can
-use it to connect your Crazyflie 2.x to a bread board and easily debug your
-hardware design. When satisfied with the design you can transfer it to a Prototyping
-deck for a more permanent implementation. If you want to take it even further,
-why not manufacture a [deck PCB](https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie2-exp-template-electronics) and add Female deck connectors.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% id_link product-breakout-deck %}
-* {% poplink prototyping-deck %}
-* [Female deck connectors](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/female-deck-connector)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to paint in the dark with a Crazyflie %}
-{% row_text %}
-The Crazyflie 2.x is fun to fly as is but adding the {% poplink led-ring-deck %} and flying
-in the dark adds a new dimension. The RGB LEDs lets you chose any colour and with
-some coding any light sequence can be displayed, for instance controlled by the
-on board sensors.
-Why not take photos with an open shutter of a moving Crayflie 2.x and paint in
-the dark?
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% poplink led-ring-deck %}
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want the Crazyflie to give feedback using sound and light %}
-{% row_text %}
-The {% poplink led-ring-deck %} can be used to display light in any color and the {% poplink buzzer-deck %} can make sounds, useful for giving the user feedback. For automated implementation
-it can be very handy to indicate when the system is ready, error states or similar.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [The Artist bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/the-artist-bundle)
-* {% poplink buzzer-deck %}
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want a bigger Crazyflie 2.x %}
-{% row_text %}
-The BigQuad deck is used to control a bigger quad copter frame with a Crazyflie 2.x.
-Remove the motors on the Crazyflie, add the BigQuad deck and mount it on a bigger
-frame. Connect the motor controllers (ESCs) for the brushless motors of the frame
-to the BigQuad deck and you are ready to go. You get the full ecosystem of the
-Crazyflie 2.x but super sized.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink bigquad-deck %}
-Note: the bigger frame, brushless motors and ESCs are not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want wireless charging of my Crazyflie %}
-{% row_text %}
-The Qi deck gives the Crazyflie wireless charging capabilities. The battery is
-automatically charged when the Crazyflie 2.x is placed on top of a wireless charger,
-no need to connect a cable.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% poplink qi-1-2-wireless-charging-deck %}
-Note: wireless charger not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to record data when flying my Crazyflie 2.x %}
-{% row_text %}
-If large volumes of data needs to be recorded when flying, the {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} might
-not have sufficient bandwidth in some cases. The {% poplink sd-card-deck %} adds access to the
-filesystem of a SD card and enables storage of any data.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% poplink sd-card-deck %}
-Note: SD card is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to use a SD-card for configuration of a Crazyflie %}
-{% row_text %}
-The SD-card deck can be used to store configuration data for a Crazyflie. An
-example could be an autonomous implementation where the Crazyflie is not connected
-via radio. The configuration can be written to a SD-card in a computer and the
-SD-card is transferred to the Crazyflie before it is started. This is also a
-way to separate configuration from hardware/firmware and avoid flashing
-different firmware to Crazyflie individuals.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* {% poplink sd-card-deck %}
-Note: SD card is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want assistance when flying the Crazyflie %}
-{% row_text %}
-Flying a quadcopter like the Crazyflie manually requires some skill and
-practising. By adding the {% poplink z-ranger-deck %} or {% poplink flow-deck %} the Crazyflie gets more
-information about its motion and can assist the pilot.
-The {% poplink z-ranger-deck %} measures the distance to the ground and can be used
-to automatically stay at a constant height, while the pilot can focus on the
-The {% poplink flow-deck %} takes it even further by also detecting the motion of the Crazyflie
-relative to the ground. This enables a flight mode where the pilot tells
-the system which direction to go rather than the tilt of the quad copter, by
-releasing the controls the Crazyflie simply stays hovering on the spot.
-Currently assisted mode is only support when flying using a computer and
-gamepad, not with a mobile device.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink z-ranger-deck %}
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink flow-deck %}
-Note: gamepad is not included
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links I want to add awareness of the surroundings to the Crazyflie %}
-{% row_text %}
-The {% poplink multi-ranger-deck%} measures the distance to objects forward/back/left/right and up.
-It can be used for obstacle avoidance, mapping a room or games where the
-Crazyflie 2.x "bounces" between the walls of a room.
-Combine with a {% poplink flow-deck %} to measure the distance to the floor as well and
-support autonomous flight.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink multi-ranger-deck %}
-* {% poplink flow-deck %}
-* [STEM ranging bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/stem-ranging-bundle)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_full %}
-## Education and STEM
-The Crazyflie is great for education, from younger kids getting acquainted with
-robotics and computers up to university level.
-{% endrow_full %}
-{% row_image_text_links The STEM drone bundle %}
-{% row_text %}
-With the STEM drone bundle the Crayflie 2.x can fly autonomously using the Flow
-deck and it can be controlled from a remote computer using simple python scripts,
-perfect for getting started with robotics.
-For higher education, students can for instance re-implement the controller
-algorithms or similar for a real world robotics exercise. They can even bring
-the equipment home for extended studies and insights.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [STEM drone bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/stem-drone-bundle)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links The STEM ranging bundle %}
-{% row_text %}
-The STEM ranging bundle contains everything in the STEM drone bundle with the
-addition of the {% poplink multi-ranger-deck%}. The Multi-ranger deck makes it possible to interact
-with the Crazyflie 2.x or use it to map a room.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [STEM ranging bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/stem-ranging-bundle)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_full %}
-## I want to fly autonomously and control the Crazyflie 2.x from a computer
-For fully autonomous flight the Crazyflie must get position data from an
-external source, the internal sensors are only good for one or a few seconds of
-flight. When the Crazyflie has more position information it is possible to
-control it by using commands to tell it how to move or where to go, either from
-an internal progam or from an external computer.
-There are a number of option of how to provide position information and they
-all have different properties.
-{% endrow_full %}
-{% row_image_text_links The Flow deck %}
-{% row_text %}
-With the {% poplink flow-deck %} the Crazyflie gets the distance to, and the relative
-motion relative to the surface under it. With this information it can hover
-in one spot or follow a trajectory. The advantage of this solution is that it
-does not require any external systems and comes at a very good price.
-Since the position information is relative the Crazyflie does not really know
-where it is and any motion will be based on the starting position. Further more
-the position will drift over time, but in most cases autonomous flight can be
-maintained up to a minute.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink flow-deck %}
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links The Lighthouse positioning System %}
-{% row_text %}
-The Lighthouse positioning system is based on the Lighthouse base station. It offers
-good accuracy and very good precision tracking. The Crazyflie pose is calculated
-in the Crazyflie itself with the {% poplink lighthouse-deck %}, which allows to develop completely autonomous flight.
-The precision is in the millimeter range and the accuracy in the decimeter range.
-The lighthouse positioning is well suited to implement tracking in small indoor
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundles](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink lighthouse-deck %}
-* one or two [Lighthouse base station V2](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/lighthouse-v2-base-station)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links The Loco Positioning System %}
-{% row_text %}
-With the Loco Positioning system the Crazyflie calculates its absolute position in
-space, and it is all done in the Crazyflie! With the absolute position it
-always knows where it is and since the position estimation is done in the drone
-it is also possible to fly truly autonomously without a connection to an external
-computer. The location precision of the loco positioning system is about +/-10cm.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Indoor Explorer bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/indoor-explorer-bundle)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links Motion Capture System %}
-{% row_text %}
-Positioning systems that use external cameras (often called MoCap)
-such as solutions from Qualisys or Vicon can be used to
-measure the position of a Crazyflie with high precision. In these systems the
-position is calculated in an external computer and either the position or commands
-for pitch/roll/yaw/thrust must be sent to the Crazyflie in real time via radio.
-Depending of the camera system and its configuration the location precision of
-a camera motion tracking system can be down to millimeters.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* Contact us for further information and solution support
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_full %}
-## I want to fly a swarm
-Swarm flight with the Crazyflie is similar to autonomous flight with the added
-complexity of positioning multiple drones simultaneously and making sure they
-move along trajectories that avoid collisions. There are some support in the
-system for swarms but this requires a lot of understanding and at least some
-coding, depending on solution.
-Again, a key to swarming is the positioning technology and its properties.
-{% endrow_full %}
-{% row_image_text_links The Lighthouse Positioning system %}
-{% row_text %}
-The lighthouse positioning system is a good fit for swarms since it offers high precision
-and the position is acquired in the Crazyflie itself. This removes the need to
-setup an extra high-reliability low-latency link to transfer all the Crazyflie
-positions from a more traditional external tracking system.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Getting started bundles](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/getting-started-bundle)
-* {% poplink lighthouse-deck %}
-* one or two [Lighthouse base station V2](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/lighthouse-v2-base-station)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links The Loco Positioning System %}
-{% row_text %}
-The default mode (Two way ranging) of the Loco Positioning system supports
-positioning of only one Crazyflie so to position multiple Crazyflies the system must
-be switched to the TDoA mode. The TDoA mode works like an
-indoor GPS system where the Crazyflies only listens to positioning information from the
-anchors which makes it possible to position a large number of drones.
-Due to the nature of TDoA the position estimation works best in the space
-inside the anchors (the convex hull) and we recommend using 8 anchors for TDoA.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-* [Indoor Explorer bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/indoor-explorer-bundle)
-* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %},
-* {% poplink loco-positioning-deck %}
-* [Swarm bundle](https://store.bitcraze.io/products/the-swarm-bundle)
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
-{% row_image_text_links MoCap System %}
-{% row_text %}
-Camera based systems such as solutions from Qualisys or Vicon can track many markers
-simultaneously. To identify individual Crazyflies different physical configurations of
-markers can be used on each individual or an external system can keep track of
-the motion of markers to understand which drone that is connected to a marker.
-Again the position is calculated in an external computer and either the position or commands
-for pitch/roll/yaw/thrust must be sent to the Crazyflies in real time via radio.
-There are frameworks (for example [Crazyswarm2](https://imrclab.github.io/crazyswarm2/)) written by the community to handle these types of system and large swarms.
-{% endrow_text %}
-{% row_links %}
-**What to buy:**
-We do not sell Motion Capture systems, however some accessories are dedicated to it like the
-* {% poplink motion-capture-marker-deck %}
-* {% poplink active-marker-deck %}
-Contact us for further information and solution support
-{% endrow_links %}
-{% endrow_image_text_links %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/start.md b/src/documentation/start.md
index 33aebda8..ca9ebdcc 100644
--- a/src/documentation/start.md
+++ b/src/documentation/start.md
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ redirects:
## Let's get started!
-If you just bought a Crazyflie 2.x and a good way to start is to head over to the
+If you just bought a Crazyflie 2.x, a good way to start is to head over to the
getting started guide, to see how to assemble the kit and take off for your first flight.
-{% inline_button Getting Started with Crazyflie Tutorial; /documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-2-x/ %}
+{% inline_button Getting Started with Crazyflie 2.0, 2.1(+) Tutorial; /documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-2-x/ %}
+{% inline_button Getting Started with Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless Tutorial; /documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-brushless/ %}
If you have just gotten a new Crazyradio 2.0, here are some instructions to get it ready for usage.
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/platform/cf2-expansiondecks.md b/src/documentation/system/platform/cf2-expansiondecks.md
index 942312eb..94a68ce2 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/platform/cf2-expansiondecks.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/platform/cf2-expansiondecks.md
@@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ Compatibility matrixes
This table shows which deck that works on which platform.
-| | Crazyflie 2.x | Roadrunner|
-| **{% poplink led-ring-deck %}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink qi-1-2-wireless-charging-deck %}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink sd-card-deck %}** | yes | *1 |
-| **{% poplink loco-positioning-deck %}** | yes | |
-| **{% poplink bigquad-deck %}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink buzzer-deck %}** | yes | |
-| **{% poplink z-ranger-deck %}, Z-ranger deck V1** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink flow-deck %}, Flow deck V1** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink multi-ranger-deck%}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink motion-capture-marker-deck %}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink lighthouse-deck %}** | yes | *2 |
-| **{% poplink active-marker-deck %}** | yes | yes |
-| **{% poplink ai-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| | Crazyflie 2.0, 2.1(+)| Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless|
+| **{% poplink led-ring-deck %}** | yes | no |
+| **{% poplink qi-1-2-wireless-charging-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink sd-card-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink loco-positioning-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink bigquad-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink buzzer-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink z-ranger-deck %}, Z-ranger deck V1** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink flow-deck %}, Flow deck V1** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink multi-ranger-deck%}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink motion-capture-marker-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink lighthouse-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink active-marker-deck %}** | yes | yes |
+| **{% poplink ai-deck %}** | yes | yes |
### Deck - deck
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/platform/index.md b/src/documentation/system/platform/index.md
index 505bae2f..4ecece39 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/platform/index.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/platform/index.md
@@ -42,13 +42,14 @@ The Crazyflie can be enhanced by adding [expansion decks](https://store.bitcraze
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link cf2_expansiondecks %}
-* {% id_link buy-guide %}
{% endrow_links %}
{% endrow_image_text_links %}
{% row_image_text_links Family tree; /images/documentation/overview/familytree_thumbnail.jpg %}
{% row_text %}
-The **{% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1 %}**, **{% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}** was released in 2019, 2024 and is the base platform of the family. It is a small (27 grams) and durable quadcopter with an expansion port that enables the user to extend the hardware with expansion decks. The firmware is open source and the flexibility of the platform makes it ideal for research, education or other applications where openess and full control is important.
+The **{% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1 %}** was released in 2019 and is the base platforms of the family. It is a small (27 grams) and durable quadcopter with an expansion port that enables the user to extend the hardware with expansion decks. The firmware is open source and the flexibility of the platform makes it ideal for research, education or other applications where openess and full control is important. The **{% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}** was released in 2024, and comes with upgraded battery and propellers for an improved flight performance of up to 15%.
+The **{% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-brushless %}** was released in 2025 and is the powerhouse of the family. Weighing just 33 grams, it retains the compact size of its predecessors, while featuring brushless motors that allow it to handle heavier loads and deliver more powerful flights. Like the other models, it includes an expansion port for hardware extensions with expansion decks, and its open-source firmware provides the flexibility that makes it perfect for research, education, or any application where openness and full control are essential. This drone is designed for advanced users who need maximum power in a small, versatile package.
The **{% id_link product-crazyflie-bolt-1-1 %}** is a quadcopter control board that contains the same hardware components and firmware as the crazyflie, but supports connection of brushless motors of up to 8A per motor. It is intended for larger quadcopter platforms with greater lifting capacity and longer flight time, while still using the Crazyflie ecosystem. It has the same expansion bus as the other Crazyflie devices, making it compatible with the expansion decks.
@@ -58,14 +59,13 @@ The last member of the family is the **{% id_link product-roadrunner %}**, the o
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1 %}
+* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-brushless %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-bolt-1-1 %}
* {% id_link product-roadrunner %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-0 %}
-* {% id_link buy-guide %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/positioning/index.md b/src/documentation/system/positioning/index.md
index 4b27380b..ea4b7fbf 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/positioning/index.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/positioning/index.md
@@ -47,3 +47,16 @@ The Crazyflie can be positioned using reflective markers and infrared motion cap
* {% id_link mocap-system-overview %}
{% endrow_links %}
{% endrow_image_text_links %}
+The table below compares these three positioning systems, highlighting their differences and similarities. This side-by-side comparison provides a clear overview to help you quickly assess which system best suits your needs.
+| | Loco Positioning system | Lighthouse Positioning system | Motion Capture |
+| Area max covered | 50mx50m (not tested) | 5x5x5 | Unlimited |
+| Accuracy | cm | mm | mm |
+| Environment requirements | Line of sight preferred for better accuracy | Line of sight
No glass or mirrors | Line of sight |
+| Scalability | Good | To 4 base stations | Good |
+| Ease of setup | Medium | Easy | Difficult |
+| Positioning | On Board | On Board | Off board |
+| Cost | $$ | $ | $$$ |
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/positioning/ligthouse-positioning-system.md b/src/documentation/system/positioning/ligthouse-positioning-system.md
index 085e2132..81661e7a 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/positioning/ligthouse-positioning-system.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/positioning/ligthouse-positioning-system.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ should be installed on all {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1 %}, {% id_link produ
Two or more Lighthouse Base Stations must be installed in the room.
-For more information on how to combine the components of the Crazyflie ecosystem, please see the {% id_link buy-guide %}.
{% endrow_text%}
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/positioning/loco-positioning-system.md b/src/documentation/system/positioning/loco-positioning-system.md
index 10bd3c90..72dea7bf 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/positioning/loco-positioning-system.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/positioning/loco-positioning-system.md
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ it can act either as an Anchor or Tag. Most commonly it is used as an __Anchor__
the system. Alternatively is can also run in Tag mode when it can be attached to an object to track,
for instance a robot.
-For more information on how to combine the components of the Crazyflie ecosystem, please see the {% id_link buy-guide %}.
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/system/positioning/mocap-positioning.md b/src/documentation/system/positioning/mocap-positioning.md
index bf6ab09d..ccf13789 100644
--- a/src/documentation/system/positioning/mocap-positioning.md
+++ b/src/documentation/system/positioning/mocap-positioning.md
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ which is a deck where passive markers easily can be attached in various configur
be configured in various ways. Together with a Qualisys Mocap system it also provides the possibility to transmit
different ids for each marker.
-For more information on how to combine the components of the Crazyflie ecosystem, please see the {% id_link buy-guide %}.
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link product-crazyflie-2-1-plus %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-brushless.md b/src/documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-brushless.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64aed9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation/tutorials/getting-started-with-crazyflie-brushless.md
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+layout: page-left-menu
+title: Getting started with the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless
+page_id: getting-started-crazyflie-brushless
+ - /getting-started-crazyflie-brushless/
+{% si_intro Disclaimer %}
+You are responsible for handling the drone and its components. It is your responsibility to make sure you understand how your drone works and that it is in good working condition before flight. Using a drone in a reckless and negligent manner could cause damage or bodily harm, resulting in lawsuits, fines and jail time.
+**There are things you should do to ensure maximum safety:**
+{% si_step Safety instructons%}
+* You should check your drone before and after each flight to make sure it’s working properly and there isn’t any damage.
+* Don’t make contact with a spinning propeller. A spinning propeller is hazardous if carelessly handled. Always avoid getting your fingers close to the propellers.
+* When possible, build, test and configure your drone without its propellers attached.
+* Avoid catching the drone mid-flight or while it’s landing.
+* Always make sure that the path of your drone is clear to avoid any accidents.
+* Use the propeller guards as much as possible
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Assembly %}
+Make sure to follow the instructions below for assembling your Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_step Unpacking the Crazyflie %}
+Start by unpacking the box. It should contain the following items:
+* 1 x Crazyflie Brushless control board
+* 1 x 350mAh LiPo battery
+* 4 x Brushless motors
+* 5 x Legs (1 spare)
+* 5 x Legs/propeller guards (1 spare)
+* 14 x Short (black) screws
+* 4 x Longer (silver) screws
+* 1 x Foam battery pad
+* 5 x CCW propellers (3 spare)
+* 5 x CW propellers (3 spare)
+* 1 x Battery holder deck
+* 2 x Short male deck connectors
+* 2 x Long male deck connectors
+* 1 x Micro-USB cable (48cm)
+* 1 x Screwdriver
+* 1 x Propeller tool
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step mount the motors %}
+Push the four motors into the motor mounts. You will need some force to
+insert them. If it is difficult doing it as in the video try putting the
+motor can towards a table edge and press on the mount. However, don’t press
+on the motor axis while inserting them as it might damage the motor. The
+motor should be inserted all the way to the stop in the mount.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/screwing_motors.mp4 %}
+Attach the motor cables to their connectors and twist the wire 180 degrees to attach to the connector.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/twisting.mp4 %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step attach the propellers %}
+Now it’s time to attach the propellers.
+Note: There are two types of propellers, the clock wise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) propellers. They need to be mounted on the correct arm. As a guide, you’ll find arrows next to each motor on the PCB. When determining the direction of each propeller, make sure to note the following:
+{% si_step propeller direction %}
+* Make sure that the correct side is facing up, the top side should be convex.
+* Look at the shape of the tip, the sharper corner is on the back side of the rotation direction
+* Look at the angle of the blades. The higher side is facing forward in the rotational direction.
+{% endsi_step %}
+Here’s a detailed view of where to attach CW and CCW propellers.
+{% img Crazyflie propeller mounting; medium; /images/getting-started/cf2_props.png %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step attach the propeller guards or landing legs %}
+Choose between using the propeller guards or the landing legs.
+**We advise you to always use the guards if it is possible in your use case. These will protect the drone and you if something goes wrong.**
+Slide the legs/guards on from below hooking the little plastic part on the circular part just below the motors. Snap the straight part of the legs/guards on the arms of the Crazyflie.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/legs.mp4 %}
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/propguards_side.mp4 %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step attach the rubber pad %}
+The rubber pad should be attached to the Crazyflie between the
+expansion headers. This will create friction, keep the battery from
+slipping out and also protect the electronics.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/foam.mp4 %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step attach headers %}
+There are two types of headers in the box, long and short ones. Find the long ones and insert them into the expansion connector from below.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/pin_headers.mp4 %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step attach the battery %}
+Place the battery between the headers you just inserted and insert the battery holder board onto the headers. Watch out for the pins that can be a bit sharp when inserting it. The friction should hold the battery in place so tighten it until it does.
+The battery wires can preferably be bent and placed underneath the PCB to be out of the way.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/battery.mp4 %}
+Now connect the battery
+and you are finished with the assembly.
+Your Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless is now assembled!
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step power on! %}
+The assembly is finished, now it’s time to power it on! Note that the power
+button is a push button, not a sliding button. During the power-on
+self-test all the propellers will spin in sequence. Make sure they all
+spin, if they don’t then check the motor connections.
+{% tutorialVideo /videos/BL_power_on.mp4 %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step getting to know your Crazyflie; 2.1 Brushless leds %}
+First of all, lets look at what is front and back, this is important when flying
+and also when mounting expansion decks. The small "bump" (the antenna) is on the front and the blue LEDs are at the back.
+{% img Crazyflie board from the top; medium; /images/crazyflie2-1brushless/bl_front.png %}
+#### Start up sequence
+When the Crazyflie is powered on it will automatically go through a short
+sequence of events to get ready for flight.
+1. **Run self tests** - the Crazyflie checks that the hardware is OK
+1. **Calibrate sensors** - the Crazyflie reads its sensors to get base values.
+It must be *absolutely still* to do this, so it's best to put it on a level surface for a second.
+1. **Ready to fly!**
+#### Understanding LEDs
+You also need to understand what the LEDs mean.
+* **Power on and all is good:** The blue LEDs (2 and 3) are fully lit and the
+front right LED (1) is blinking red twice every second (see the video in the [Power on!](#power-on-) section above.).
+* **Power on and all is good but sensors are not yet calibrated:** The blue LEDs
+(2 and 3) are fully lit and the front right LED (1) is blinking red with 2 seconds interval.
+Put the Crazyflie on a level surface and keep it absolutely still to calibrate.
+* **Radio connected:** The front left LED (4) is flickering in red and/or green.
+* **Battery low:** The front right LED (1) is fully lit in red. It's time to
+land and re-charge the battery.
+* **Charging:** The back left blue LED (3) is blinking while the right back blue LED (2) is lit.
+* **Boot loader mode:** The blue LEDs (2 and 3) at the back are blinking
+approximately once every second.
+* **Self test fail:** The right front LED (1) is repeatedly blinking five short
+red pulses with a longer pause between groups.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_intro Controlling the Crazyflie %}
+You can fly the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless together with a computer running Windows, MacOs or Linux.
+The Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless is built to be flied using scripting or on board automomous navigation, however it is also possible to fly it usig our client and a gamepad.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Scripted Flight Control; inst-lib %}
+When flying using a script you also need a {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} or Crazyradio PA for communication.
+To start of you need to install and familiarize yourself with our library [cflib](http://localhost/documentation/repository/crazyflie-lib-python/master/).
+This software enables you to fly one or more quadcopters in predetermined way using python to control the quadcopter.
+To get some inspiration on what can be done, please check out the [examples](https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-lib-python/tree/master/examples)
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Manual Flight Control; inst-comp %}
+You can use any game pad connected to your computer by cable or Bluethooth. To fly using the game pad you need to install our client.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_step Client installation ; config-client%}
+There are a few options of how to run the PC client
+{% tabgroup %}
+{% tab Native install (recommended) %}
+The supported way to install and run the client on a computer currently is to install
+the Crazyflie client using the python package manager *pip*.
+You can follow the prerequisite and instructions to install the latest release on the
+[Client installation instruction page](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-clients-python/master/installation/install/).
+When you have set up the client, insert the {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} or Crazyradio PA and your gamepad in
+your USB-ports and start the client. Continue reading about how to [configure the client](#config-client)
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab Virtual Machine %}
+We have set up a virtual machine (VM) designed to assist you in getting started with flight and development. The VM includes essential software for your needs, all pre-installed to simplify the setup process.
+Running on a virtual machine allows for compatibility across various operating systems. However, please be aware that the VM may not have been regularly maintained, and there could be some issues present.
+**Note**: Since the VM is an AMD64 install of Linux, it *does not work* on Apple-silicon Mac (M1/2/... processors).
+On an apple silicon mac you need to install the tools natively.
+{% si_intro Installing on VM; inst-virtualmachine %}
+To help you get into the air as quickly as possible, the virtual machine (VM)
+has all the software you need for flight and development already installed.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_step Setup virtual Machine; inst-virtualbox %}
+Check-out the readme of the [bitcraze-VM repository](https://github.com/bitcraze/bitcraze-vm) for installation and setting-up instructions and tips.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step update source code; update-src %}
+In the virtual machine double click the "update all projects" icon on the
+desktop. This pulls down the latest source code from GitHub
+for all projects.
+{% img Update all projects icon; narrow; /images/getting-started/update-all-projects-icon.png; circle-border %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step install hardware; install-hardware-vm %}
+* Insert {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} or Crazyradio PA in a USB port.
+* Insert game controller in a USB port.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step configure USB on the virtual machine; config-usb-vm %}
+{% tabgroup %}
+{% tab Windows %}
+* Install the [Crazyradio Windows USB driver](/documentation/repository/crazyradio-firmware/master/building/usbwindows/).
+* In the bottom right corner click the USB icon and choose “Bitcraze Crazyradio PA USB dongle”.
+{% img USB settings; medium; /images/getting-started/SwPic5Final.png %}
+* Now choose your game controller in the same list.
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab Linux %}
+* In the bottom right corner click the USB icon and choose “Bitcraze Crazyradio PA USB dongle”.
+{% img USB settings; medium; /images/getting-started/SwPic5Final.png %}
+* Now choose your game controller in the same list.
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab OS X %}
+* In the bottom right corner click the USB icon, then click “USB settings".
+{% img USB settings; medium; /images/getting-started/SwPic2.1Final.png %}
+* Click the USB filter "+" icon.
+{% img USB settings; wide; /images/getting-started/SwPic3Final.png %}
+* Choose your game controller from the list. Click OK.
+{% img USB settings; wide; /images/getting-started/SwPic4Final.png %}
+* Now click the USB icon again and choose the “Bitcraze Crazyradio PA USB dongle”.
+{% img USB settings; medium; /images/getting-started/SwPic5Final.png %}
+* Now choose your game controller in the same list.
+{% endtab %}
+{% endtabgroup %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step start the Crazyflie client; start-client-vm %}
+Double click the “Crazyflie client” icon on the VM desktop
+{% img Crazyflie client icon; narrow; /images/getting-started/cf-client-icon.png; circle-border %}
+Continue reading about [configuring the client](#config-client)
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% endtab %}
+{% endtabgroup %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step configure your controller; config-controller %}
+In the client, open the input device settings. Check if the correct device
+mapping is chosen, otherwise pick your device type.
+{% img Controller settings; wide; /images/getting-started/configure_your_controller.PNG %}
+For more detailed information on input devices, see the [client user-guide](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-clients-python/master/userguides/inputdevices/).
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step connect to the Crazyflie; connect-pc-client %}
+* In the Crazyflie client click the __Scan__ button in top left corner. The radio settings for your Crazyflie is displayed in the drop-down list.
+* Choose your Crazyflie from the drop-down list.
+{% img Connect dialog; wide; /images/getting-started/connect_to_the_crazyflie.PNG %}
+* Click the __Connect__ button.
+Now that you have connected your Crazyflie to your client, telemetry data
+is continuously sent from the copter to the client. When you move the
+Crazyflie around you will see the flight data being updated in realtime, as
+well as battery status and the link quality.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_intro Update firmware in the Crazyflie; update-fw %}
+To make sure that your Crazyflie has all the latest features you should always update the firmware to the newest version. To find out how you can check out the client user-guide [here](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-clients-python/master/userguides/userguide_client/#firmware-upgrade).
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Flying; flying %}
+Now it's time to do some flying, but first there are some basics you need to know about.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_step orientation; orientation %}
+First of all, it is much easier to fly when the copter is pointing away from you.
+The blue LEDs are on the back, so keep them pointing in your direction when
+starting to fly.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step maneuvering a quadcopter; maneuvering %}
+When flying a quadcopter there are four main dimensions of controls; roll, pitch, yaw and thrust.
+{% img Axis; wide; /images/crazyflie2-1brushless/BL_roll_yaw.png %}
+* **Roll -** is the rotation around a horizontal axis going through the quadcopter
+from back to front. This literally rolls the Crazyflie and moves it left or right.
+* **Pitch -** is the rotation around a horizontal axis going through the quadcopter
+from left to right. This tilts the Crazyflie and moves it forwards or backwards.
+* **Yaw -** is the rotation around a vertical axis. This rotates the quadcopter
+left or right. Yaw is used when changing flying direction by pointing the front
+of the Crazyflie in different directions.
+* **Thrust -** adjusts the altitude, or height, of the Crazyflie.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step the ground effect; ground-effect %}
+When the copter is flying close to the ground (less than a few decimeters
+above the ground) it is effected by what is called the ground effect. The
+feeling is that the air is slippery, almost as if it is gliding on ice.
+To avoid this, particularly when learning to fly, use a lot of thrust just
+when taking off and then ease off for level flight.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step if the Crazyflie is unbalanced; unbalanced %}
+If your Crazyflie drifts a lot when taking off, there are a few things you should check.
+* Make sure the battery is centered. If it has slipped
+too far to either side, the Crazyflie might have a hard time
+compensating for it.
+* Check that the propellers are balanced, {% id_link balancing-propellers %}
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step charging the battery; charging %}
+To charge the battery of the Crazyflie, just plug in a micro USB cable. Make
+sure the Crazyflie is powered on. While the battery is charging, the back left
+blue LED will blink. When the LED is fully lit the battery is charged.
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_step go fly! %}
+Have fun!
+{% endsi_step %}
+{% si_intro Support %}
+If anything is wrong with the Crazyflie after following this guide, make sure to checkout the {% id_link support-getting-help %} page.
+{% endsi_intro %}
diff --git a/src/documentation/tutorials/index.md b/src/documentation/tutorials/index.md
index d03c11c5..b8dbbd69 100644
--- a/src/documentation/tutorials/index.md
+++ b/src/documentation/tutorials/index.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ page_id: tutorials
## Set up the Crazyflie
* {% id_link getting-started-crazyflie-2 %}
+* {% id_link getting-started-crazyflie-brushless %}
* {% id_link balancing-propellers %}
* {% id_link pid-tuning-guide %}
diff --git a/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/BL_roll_yaw.png b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/BL_roll_yaw.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03cbac50
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/BL_roll_yaw.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/bl_front.png b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/bl_front.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4a6f5e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/bl_front.png differ
diff --git a/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/brushless_585px.jpg b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/brushless_585px.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72d93652
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/crazyflie2-1brushless/brushless_585px.jpg differ
diff --git a/src/products/active-marker-deck.md b/src/products/active-marker-deck.md
index 5b63a96f..82a56bc7 100644
--- a/src/products/active-marker-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/active-marker-deck.md
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ Each marker is associated with a parameters that is used to set brightness or id
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/battery-chg-500mA.md b/src/products/battery-chg-500mA.md
index 75f4d13f..0c0c7637 100644
--- a/src/products/battery-chg-500mA.md
+++ b/src/products/battery-chg-500mA.md
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ Below are pictures of one possible setup. Don't forget to check the rating of th
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/bigquad-deck.md b/src/products/bigquad-deck.md
index c3fa3deb..afa5380f 100644
--- a/src/products/bigquad-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/bigquad-deck.md
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ Clean and build the firmware and flash it using you preferred method. Now when t
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/breakout-deck.md b/src/products/breakout-deck.md
index 5354bb4d..a09cfc34 100644
--- a/src/products/breakout-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/breakout-deck.md
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ oscilloscope.
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- {% id_link cf2_expansiondecks %}
diff --git a/src/products/buzzer-deck.md b/src/products/buzzer-deck.md
index 7f28f6e6..d9e3f33a 100644
--- a/src/products/buzzer-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/buzzer-deck.md
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ To add a new melody, use the melodyplayer function for the .call member and assi
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-brushless.md b/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-brushless.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136a4efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-brushless.md
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+layout: page-product
+title: Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless
+page_id: product-crazyflie-2-1-brushless
+ - /crazyflie-2-1-brushless/
+{% datasheet_product_status crazyflie_2_1_brushless %}
+{% buy_online https://store.bitcraze.io/products/crazyflie-2-1-brushless %}
+{% product_img Crazyflie 2.1_brushless; narrow;
+{% product_highlight
+Make your ideas fly!; Your imagination sets the limits
+{% tabgroup %}
+{% tab How it Works %}
+{% row_icon_text_links How it works; fa-cogs %}
+{% row_text %}
+The Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless a versatile open source flying development platform that only weighs 32g and fits in the palm of your hand.
+It's not only a good flyer, the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless is also equipped with low-latency/long-range
+radio as well as Bluetooth LE. This allows you to use you computer in combination with {% poplink crazyradio-2-0 %} or [Crazyradio PA](/products/crazyradio-pa/), to fly with a game pad or to do scripting to fly autonomously.
+The latest version of the successful Crazyflie development platform comes with improved flight performance, durability and radio. Together with an extensive ecosystem of software and deck expansions it's ideal for education, research and swarming.
+{% endrow_text %}
+{% row_links %}
+{% endrow_links %}
+{% endrow_icon_text_links %}
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab Specifications %}
+{% row_icon_text_links Specifications; fa-list %}
+{% row_text %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; Features %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; Mechanical specifications %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; Onboard microcontrollers %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; IMU specification %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; Flight specifications %}
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1_brushless; Radio specification %}
+{% endrow_text %}
+{% row_links %}
+- [Datasheet](/documentation/hardware/crazyflie_2_1_brushless/crazyflie_2_1_brushless-datasheet.pdf)
+- [Schematics](/documentation/hardware/crazyflie_2_1_brushless/cf2.1_bl_schematics_Rev.G.pdf)
+- [Expansion Decks]({% id_url cf2_expansiondecks %})
+{% endrow_links %}
+{% endrow_icon_text_links %}
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab Usage %}
+{% row_icon_text_links Usage; fa-book %}
+{% row_text %}
+We designed the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless to be as flexible as possible, offering a wide range of features and easily customizable firmware. It includes the same flexible expansion interface found across our entire drone lineup, allowing users to easily integrate ready-made expansion decks or access buses like UART, I2C, SPI, PWM, analog in/out, and GPIO.
+We are constantly improving the firmware, software, and documentation. At the same time, we are exploring new, creative ways of using the system. Additionally, we design new expansion decks that bring added functionality, expanding the possibilities and growing the Crazyflie ecosystem. The platform also supports wireless firmware updates via radio and Bluetooth LE, making it easy to update whenever a new version is released.
+#### Getting started
+Go to the [crazyflie 2.1 Brushless getting started tutorial]({% id_url getting-started-crazyflie-brushless %}) to assemble your Crazyflie, update its firmware and fly it. Also take a look at our {% id_link system-overview %} to learn more about the Crazyflie's ecosystem of positioning systems, clients and of course the Crazyflie itself with its expansion decks.
+#### Safety instructions
+You are responsible for handling the drone and its components. It is your responsibility to make sure you understand how your drone works and that it is in good working condition before flight. Using a drone in a reckless and negligent manner could cause damage or bodily harm, resulting in lawsuits, fines and jail time.
+Stick to these guidelines ensure maximum safety:
+- You should check your drone before and after each flight to make sure it’s working properly and there isn’t any damage.
+- Don’t make contact with a spinning propeller. A spinning propeller is hazardous if carelessly handled. Always avoid getting your fingers too close to them.
+- When possible, build, test and configure your drone without its propellers attached.
+- Avoid catching the drone mid-flight or while it’s landing.
+- Always make sure that the path of your drone is clear to avoid any accidents.
+- Use the propeller guards as much as possible
+{% endrow_text %}
+{% row_links %}
+#### Useful links
+* {% id_link system-overview %}
+* {% id_link getting-started-crazyflie-brushless %}
+* [All other tutorials]({% id_url tutorials %})
+{% endrow_links %}
+{% endrow_icon_text_links %}
+{% endtab %}
+{% tab Development %}
+{% row_icon_text_links Development; fa-laptop %}
+{% row_text %}
+#### Open Source
+The Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless is an open source project, with source code documented and available.
+Since all of our development tools are open source (except for iOS) we are
+allowed to redistribute them in an easy way for our users. Aside from the
+firmware and software projects, there are a number of community
+supported APIs written in Java, Ruby, C/C++, C#, Rust and Javascript.
+#### Development
+There are ample opportunities to play with the code regardless of which language you prefer.
+Our client API is written in Python, while there are many other client-side implementations on GitHub written
+in Ruby, C#, C/C++, JavaScript, Node.JS, Cylon.JS or Java.
+Or, why not clone our iOS repository and get into some ObjectiveC/Swift.
+If you are into C and embedded systems, the main MCU STM32F405 has a lot of processor power you can use for
+doing experiments, making improvements and adding new features. Once you have made your modifications, simply
+flash the new firmware over the radio and you are ready to go. For those interested in more advanced
+development, there is a development adapter kit that supports an easy JTAG/SWD connection to both of the MCUs
+on the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless.
+The expansion decks allow you to experiment, prototype and design your own hardware.
+We think that a development platform should be something more than
+just making the code available, therefore our software, firmware
+and utilities have functionality such as logging, real-time parameter setting and
+wireless firmware updates.
+{% datasheet_section crazyflie_2_1; Expansion connector specification %}
+{% endrow_text %}
+{% row_links %}
+- {% id_link development-overview %}
+- {% id_link repository-overview %}
+- [Github Page](https://github.com/bitcraze)
+{% endrow_links %}
+{% endrow_icon_text_links %}
+{% endtab %}
+{% endtabgroup %}
+#### Resources
+- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
+- {% id_link development-overview %}
+- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
+- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
+- [Datasheet](/documentation/hardware/crazyflie_2_1_brushless/crazyflie_2_1_brushless-datasheet.pdf)
+- [Schematics](/documentation/hardware/crazyflie_2_1_brushless/cf2.1_bl_schematics_Rev.G.pdf)
diff --git a/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-plus.md b/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-plus.md
index b7f2dad4..3044d965 100644
--- a/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-plus.md
+++ b/src/products/crazyflie-2-1-plus.md
@@ -97,10 +97,8 @@ Go to the [crazyflie 2.x getting started tutorial]({% id_url getting-started-cra
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
+#### Useful links
* {% id_link system-overview %}
-* {% id_link buy-guide %}
-#### Tutorials
* {% id_link getting-started-crazyflie-2 %}
* [All other tutorials]({% id_url tutorials %})
@@ -178,7 +176,6 @@ If you are into embedded systems, the STM32F405 has a lot of processor power you
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/crazyflie-bolt-1-1.md b/src/products/crazyflie-bolt-1-1.md
index 2597c97c..fc5a6597 100644
--- a/src/products/crazyflie-bolt-1-1.md
+++ b/src/products/crazyflie-bolt-1-1.md
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ If you are into embedded systems, the STM32F405 has a lot of processor power you
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/crazyradio-2-0.md b/src/products/crazyradio-2-0.md
index da1029a4..7c6dcd55 100644
--- a/src/products/crazyradio-2-0.md
+++ b/src/products/crazyradio-2-0.md
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ The source code for the Crazyradio 2.0 firmware can be found on [github](https:/
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- [Development](/documentation/repository/crazyradio2-firmware/main/)
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/crazyradio-pa.md b/src/products/crazyradio-pa.md
index 94ee892b..6daace25 100644
--- a/src/products/crazyradio-pa.md
+++ b/src/products/crazyradio-pa.md
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ The source code for the Crazyradio PA firmware can be found on [github](https://
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- [Development](/documentation/repository/crazyradio-firmware/master/)
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/debug-adapter-kit.md b/src/products/debug-adapter-kit.md
index bbc0ab80..082ea051 100644
--- a/src/products/debug-adapter-kit.md
+++ b/src/products/debug-adapter-kit.md
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ For some basic debug instructions go to the [instructions for the STM32](/docume
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/flow-deck-v2.md b/src/products/flow-deck-v2.md
index e4127df6..28aa8e2d 100644
--- a/src/products/flow-deck-v2.md
+++ b/src/products/flow-deck-v2.md
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ We did a light painting with the flowdeck together the {% poplink led-ring-deck
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/led-ring-deck.md b/src/products/led-ring-deck.md
index c0cac712..13e10e7d 100644
--- a/src/products/led-ring-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/led-ring-deck.md
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Light up the dark with custom patterns using the Crazyflie 2.x LED-ring expansio
Light up the dark with custom patterns using the Crazyflie 2.x LED-ring expansion board. Featuring 12 strong RGB LEDs facing downwards, you can create custom patterns in firmware that you control from your computer. Two additional strong front facing LEDs that can be switched on and off, act as headlights.
+NOTE: This deck is not compatible with the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless by default. You will need to perform a software modification.
{% endrow_text %}
{% row_links %}
{% endrow_links %}
@@ -140,7 +142,6 @@ We tested the converted LED deck with the {% poplink flow-deck %} with the CFcli
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/lighthouse-positioning-deck.md b/src/products/lighthouse-positioning-deck.md
index bed2cc6b..aa169bd5 100644
--- a/src/products/lighthouse-positioning-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/lighthouse-positioning-deck.md
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ Note: there is no software support for using the {% poplink lighthouse-deck %} w
- [Lighthouse positioning information](/documentation/repository/crazyflie-firmware/master/functional-areas/lighthouse/)
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- {% id_link cf2_expansiondecks %}
diff --git a/src/products/loco-positioning-deck.md b/src/products/loco-positioning-deck.md
index 9e00e31a..4d3cf6ba 100644
--- a/src/products/loco-positioning-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/loco-positioning-deck.md
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ It is important to have a good feel for the [stabilizer module of the crazyflie]
- {% id_link loco-pos-system-overview %}
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/loco-positioning-node.md b/src/products/loco-positioning-node.md
index 19e5e44f..d5a46cb5 100644
--- a/src/products/loco-positioning-node.md
+++ b/src/products/loco-positioning-node.md
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ Please check out the [Loco positioning node firmware](https://github.com/bitcraz
- {% id_link loco-pos-system-overview %}
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- [Datasheet](/documentation/hardware/loco_node/loco_node-datasheet.pdf)
diff --git a/src/products/micro-sd-card-deck.md b/src/products/micro-sd-card-deck.md
index 0495ae03..761a9556 100644
--- a/src/products/micro-sd-card-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/micro-sd-card-deck.md
@@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ The FatFS module will be initialized by the micro-SD deck driver when the deck i
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/motion-capture-marker-deck.md b/src/products/motion-capture-marker-deck.md
index a2fa92cd..aa773a9f 100644
--- a/src/products/motion-capture-marker-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/motion-capture-marker-deck.md
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ Designed to be used with the [Reflective marker kit 6.5mm](https://store.bitcraz
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/multi-ranger-deck.md b/src/products/multi-ranger-deck.md
index 72d4515f..42e17307 100644
--- a/src/products/multi-ranger-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/multi-ranger-deck.md
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ And here from the push demo (also featured in Usage tab)
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-0.md b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-0.md
index 7ebaa987..133b21b2 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-0.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-0.md
@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ it's a breeze to update.
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-1.md b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-1.md
index b57463c3..70308740 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-1.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-2-1.md
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Go to the [crazyflie 2.x getting started tutorial]({% id_url getting-started-cra
{% row_links %}
* {% id_link system-overview %}
-* {% id_link buy-guide %}
#### Tutorials
* {% id_link getting-started-crazyflie-2 %}
* [All other tutorials]({% id_url tutorials %})
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ If you are into embedded systems, the STM32F405 has a lot of processor power you
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-bolt.md b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-bolt.md
index 256ed54b..232fbae7 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-bolt.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/crazyflie-bolt.md
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ If you are into embedded systems, the STM32F405 has a lot of processor power you
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/flow-deck.md b/src/products/old-products/flow-deck.md
index ab9d6f79..18e5ba4d 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/flow-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/flow-deck.md
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ This creates a flying 3D robot that can be pre-programmed to fly distances in an
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/qi-charger-deck.md b/src/products/old-products/qi-charger-deck.md
index 2f44e570..a9821615 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/qi-charger-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/qi-charger-deck.md
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ Crazyflie 2.x.
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- {% id_link cf2_expansiondecks %}
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/roadrunner.md b/src/products/old-products/roadrunner.md
index 1f37f288..3b7e55a5 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/roadrunner.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/roadrunner.md
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ It is important to have a good feel for the [stabilizer module of the crazyflie]
- {% id_link loco-pos-system-overview %}
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- [Datasheet](/documentation/hardware/roadrunner/roadrunner-datasheet.pdf)
diff --git a/src/products/old-products/z-ranger-deck.md b/src/products/old-products/z-ranger-deck.md
index 02b91690..26a4b220 100644
--- a/src/products/old-products/z-ranger-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/old-products/z-ranger-deck.md
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ The maximum range for the ranger is 2 meters.
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/prototyping-deck.md b/src/products/prototyping-deck.md
index 890ce1d0..a1756c83 100644
--- a/src/products/prototyping-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/prototyping-deck.md
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ The prototype deck is already a development oriented product, so check out the '
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/products/qi-1_2-charger-deck.md b/src/products/qi-1_2-charger-deck.md
index badf7aa3..217300c9 100644
--- a/src/products/qi-1_2-charger-deck.md
+++ b/src/products/qi-1_2-charger-deck.md
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ Mount the deck under the Crazyflie and place it on a Qi charger to charge the ba
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
- {% id_link cf2_expansiondecks %}
diff --git a/src/products/z-ranger-deck-v2.md b/src/products/z-ranger-deck-v2.md
index f4d11a4a..c0457ed7 100644
--- a/src/products/z-ranger-deck-v2.md
+++ b/src/products/z-ranger-deck-v2.md
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ Its measurement is mostly used for the [Complementary Filter for state estimatio
#### Resources
- {% id_link getting-started-start %}
-- {% id_link buy-guide %}
- {% id_link development-overview %}
- {% id_link support-frequently-asked-questions %}
- {% id_link support-getting-help %}
diff --git a/src/support/f-a-q.md b/src/support/f-a-q.md
index c464a1aa..13af0783 100644
--- a/src/support/f-a-q.md
+++ b/src/support/f-a-q.md
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ it has been tested on.
{% endsi_intro %}
{% si_intro What is the range of the Crazyradio? %}
-As with all radio communication it depends. It depends on the environment, radio interference, chip production variations, etc. It also depends on if you use the Crazyradio, Crazyradio PA or a mobile device. We have done a couple of line-of-sight tests with little interference outdoor with the different configurations:
+As with all radio communication it depends. It depends on the environment, radio interference, chip production variations, etc. It also depends on if you use the Crazyradio 2.0, Crazyradio PA or a mobile device. We have done a couple of line-of-sight tests with little interference outdoor with the different configurations:
* Crazyradio PA: Up to about 1000 meters range with direct line of sight in the 250 Kbit mode and under ideal conditions (the downlink is the main limiting factor).
* Mobile device: Up to about 20 meters range (The uplink, the mobile device is limiting the range).
@@ -55,6 +55,36 @@ As with all radio communication it depends. It depends on the environment, radio
This can be done with the [BigQuad expansion deck](/products/bigquad-deck/). It's working, but not yet a turn-key solution.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Can I add sensors to my Crazyflie? %}
+The expansion ports on the Crazyflie 2.X enables you to connect more or less any hardware you like. When prototyping the [Breakout deck](/products/breakout-deck/) is useful as you can use it to connect your Crazyflie 2.X to a breadboard and easily debug your hardware design. When satisfied with the design you can transfer it to a [prototyping deck](/products/prototyping-deck/) for a more permanent implementation.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Can the Crazyflie 2.x fly autonomously? %}
+The Crazyflie 2.x does not have enough sensors to locate itself in the environment as is, it requires more information to do that.
+The easiest way to achieve that is to add the {% poplink flow-deck %}. It tells the Crazyflie how it moves relative to the floor and
+thus enables it to fly autonomously. See the [product page](/products/flow-deck-v2/) for more information.
+With an external positioning system the Crazyflie will even understand its absolute
+position which gives it even more possibilities when it comes to autonomous flight.
+Outdoors the Crazyflie could use a GPS receiver to achieve autonomous flight but indoors some other positioning system is required. Please check out our [positioning system overview page](/documentation/system/) to get know the different possiblities for position available to the Crazyflie.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro How many base stations do I need to fly in the Lighthouse positioning system? %}
+The recommended minimum number of base stations is two. This covers a 5x5x5m area. This can be scaled up to 4 base stations.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro How many loco nodes do I need to fly in the Lighthouse positioning system? %}
+A theoretical minimum of 4 Anchors is required to calculate the 3D position of a Tag, but a more realistic number is 6 to add redundancy and accuracy.
+{% endsi_intro %}
+{% si_intro Can I store data on my Crazyflie? %}
+The [SD-card deck](/products/micro-sd-card-deck/) can be used to store configuration data for a Crazyflie. An example could be an autonomous implementation where the Crazyflie is not connected via radio. The configuration can be written to a SD-card in a computer and the SD-card is transferred to the Crazyflie before it is started. This is also a way to separate configuration from hardware/firmware and avoid flashing different firmware to Crazyflie individuals.
{% endsi_intro %}
{% si_intro How durable is the Crazyflie 2.x? %}
@@ -77,15 +107,7 @@ There is ongoing development in this area:
* [Working FPV setup for Crazyflie 2.x](https://forum.bitcraze.io/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=8295).
{% endsi_intro %}
-{% si_intro Can the Crazyflie 2.x fly autonomously? %}
-The Crazyflie 2.x does not have enough sensors to locate itself in the environment as is, it requires more information to do that.
-The easiest way to achieve that is to add the {% poplink flow-deck %}. It tells the Crazyflie how it moves relative to the floor and
-thus enables it to fly autonomously. See the [product page](/products/flow-deck-v2/) for more information.
-With an external positioning system the Crazyflie will even understand its absolute
-position which gives it even more possibilities when it comes to autonomous flight.
-Outdoors the Crazyflie could use a GPS receiver to achieve autonomous flight but indoors some other positioning system is required. Please check out our [positioning system overview page](/documentation/system/) to get know the different possiblities for position available to the Crazyflie.
-{% endsi_intro %}
{% si_intro Is it possible to control a swarm of Crazyflies? %}
Yes, it is possible to control multiple Crazyflies simultaneously. It can be done with the Loco Positioning system and our [python library](https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-lib-python/blob/master/examples/swarm/swarmSequence.py) or using [ROS and the ROS driver.](https://wiki.ros.org/crazyflie) For example this video was made using the ROS driver:
diff --git a/src/videos/BL_power_on.mp4 b/src/videos/BL_power_on.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..297e9a19
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/BL_power_on.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/battery.mp4 b/src/videos/battery.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73dbecbc
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/battery.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/foam.mp4 b/src/videos/foam.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e644d6b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/foam.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/legs.mp4 b/src/videos/legs.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bea438e3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/legs.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/pin_headers.mp4 b/src/videos/pin_headers.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce71e624
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/pin_headers.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/propguards_side.mp4 b/src/videos/propguards_side.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c7a89c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/propguards_side.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/screwing_motors.mp4 b/src/videos/screwing_motors.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..310cab43
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/screwing_motors.mp4 differ
diff --git a/src/videos/twisting.mp4 b/src/videos/twisting.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..996969aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/videos/twisting.mp4 differ
diff --git a/tools/build/download_hardware_docs b/tools/build/download_hardware_docs
index 7861932b..258cb7be 100755
--- a/tools/build/download_hardware_docs
+++ b/tools/build/download_hardware_docs
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ function downloadGithubRelease() {
echo "Downloading hardware documentation..."
-downloadGithubRelease "hardware" "33"
+downloadGithubRelease "hardware" "36"