+const Sidebar = ({ topSlot, children, bottomSlot, mainContent = '' }) => {
+ const sidebar = document.createElement('div');
+ sidebar.classList.add('u-flex', 'u-height-100vh', 'u-relative');
+ const nav = document.createElement('nav');
+ nav.classList.add('u-flex');
+ sidebar.appendChild(nav);
+ const sidebarLarge = document.createElement('div');
+ sidebarLarge.classList.add(
+ 'u-hidden',
+ 'o-sidebar--large',
+ 'u-flex-shrink-0',
+ 'u-bg-grayscale-light-4',
+ 'u-padding-m-top',
+ 'u-flex@l',
+ 'u-flex-col'
+ );
+ nav.appendChild(sidebarLarge);
+ const sidebarSmall = document.createElement('div');
+ sidebarSmall.classList.add(
+ 'o-sidebar--small',
+ 'u-bg-grayscale-light-4',
+ 'u-shadow-brand-1',
+ 'u-flex',
+ 'u-flex-col',
+ 'u-hidden@l'
+ );
+ nav.appendChild(sidebarSmall);
+ let sidebarOpen = false;
+ const toggleSidebar = () => {
+ sidebarOpen = !sidebarOpen;
+ sidebarSmall.style.display = sidebarOpen ? 'flex' : 'none';
+ };
+ const closeButton = () =>
+ Button({
+ children: `Close Sidebar`,
+ colorVariant: ['transparent'],
+ shapeVariant: ['square'],
+ onClick: () => toggleSidebar(),
+ });
+ sidebarSmall.appendChild(closeButton());
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:enter', 'is-transitioning');
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:enter-start', 'is-off-screen');
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:enter-end', 'is-on-screen');
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:leave', 'is-transitioning');
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:leave-start', 'is-on-screen');
+ sidebarSmall.setAttribute('x-transition:leave-end', 'is-off-screen');
+ if (topSlot) {
+ sidebarLarge.appendChild(topSlot.cloneNode(true));
+ sidebarSmall.appendChild(topSlot);
+ }
+ if (children) {
+ sidebarLarge.appendChild(children.cloneNode(true));
+ sidebarSmall.appendChild(children);
+ }
+ if (bottomSlot) {
+ sidebarLarge.appendChild(bottomSlot.cloneNode(true));
+ sidebarSmall.appendChild(bottomSlot);
+ }
+ const main = document.createElement('main');
+ main.classList.add(
+ 'u-flex-grow-1',
+ 'u-padding-l4-left@l',
+ 'u-padding-l3-right@l',
+ 'u-padding-l3-bottom',
+ 'u-padding-m',
+ 'u-overflow-y-auto'
+ );
+ sidebar.appendChild(main);
+ const headerContainer = document.createElement('div');
+ headerContainer.classList.add(
+ 'u-flex',
+ 'u-items-center',
+ 'u-margin-m-bottom'
+ );
+ main.appendChild(headerContainer);
+ const openButton = () =>
+ Button({
+ classname: [
+ 'u-flex-shrink-0',
+ 'u-margin-neg-m-left',
+ 'u-margin-s4-right',
+ 'u-hidden@l',
+ ],
+ children: `Open Sidebar`,
+ colorVariant: ['secondary'],
+ shapeVariant: ['square'],
+ onClick: () => toggleSidebar(),
+ });
+ headerContainer.appendChild(openButton());
+ const header = document.createElement('h1');
+ header.classList.add('u-margin-0');
+ header.innerHTML = 'Projects';
+ headerContainer.appendChild(header);
+ const mainContentDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ mainContentDiv.innerHTML = mainContent;
+ main.appendChild(mainContentDiv);
+ return sidebar;
+export default Sidebar;
diff --git a/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/_index.scss b/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/_index.scss
index 028f50463..75ad3b56e 100644
--- a/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/_index.scss
+++ b/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/_index.scss
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#{classname.get($classname-items: 'sidebar--small', $layer: 'organism')} {
- position: fixed;
+ position: absolute;
z-index: settings.$z-index;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
diff --git a/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/sidebar.stories.js b/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/sidebar.stories.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56643a30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/bitstyles/organisms/sidebar/sidebar.stories.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import Sidebar, { logoImg, buttonList, bottom } from './Sidebar';
+export default {
+ title: 'Organisms/Sidebar',
+ component: Sidebar,
+ argTypes: {
+ topSlot: {
+ description:
+ 'The top area of the sidebar, can be a compony logo for example',
+ },
+ children: {
+ description:
+ 'All the items that will go on the center of the sidebar, a list of buttons for example',
+ },
+ bottomSlot: {
+ description:
+ 'The bottom area of the sidebar, a footer, or avatar link for example ',
+ },
+ mainContent: {
+ description:
+ 'Content that goes on the main area, not part of the sidebar',
+ },
+ },
+const mainContent = `Cotton candy chupa chups gummi bears cupcake candy canes sweet gummi bears macaroon lollipop. Danish toffee cheesecake chocolate bar jelly-o chocolate cake. Candy canes gummi bears pie fruitcake candy canes powder cheesecake. Jelly marshmallow marzipan apple pie jelly cupcake. Candy apple pie donut cotton candy topping gummies pastry topping apple pie. Gummies ice cream cookie pudding caramels candy canes pie. Ice cream macaroon halvah pastry lemon drops cheesecake.`;
+const Template = (args) => Sidebar(args);
+export const Default = Template.bind({});
+Default.args = {
+ topSlot: logoImg,
+ children: buttonList,
+ bottomSlot: bottom,
+ mainContent,
+Default.parameters = {
+ zeplinLink: [
+ {
+ name: 'base',
+ link: 'https://app.zeplin.io/styleguide/63079b90d0bf4a646c46c227/components?coid=63c7b0d90bf0da0ef88e1f19',
+ },
+ ],
+export const Minimal = Template.bind({});
+Minimal.args = {
+ children: buttonList.cloneNode(true),
+ mainContent,
diff --git a/scss/bitstyles/ui/sidebar.stories.mdx b/scss/bitstyles/ui/sidebar.stories.mdx
index a92b89a40..df473ce7b 100644
--- a/scss/bitstyles/ui/sidebar.stories.mdx
+++ b/scss/bitstyles/ui/sidebar.stories.mdx
@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ A vertical navbar provides more space than a horizontal version, useful for a lo
Uses a fullwidth dropdown to fit with no overlap.
- These examples use AlpineJS for the behavior. If you’re using a different JS
- package, replace the blocks of html attributes starting with `x-`, and with
- `@click`.
Examples use
@@ -76,275 +68,16 @@ Uses a fullwidth dropdown to fit with no overlap.
+Default, with using all top, children and bottom slots.
+Minimal, using only the children slot.
## Customization
@@ -355,36 +88,3 @@ The width of the sidebar can be overridden for large and small screens:
$large-width: 15rem;
$small-width: 80vw;
-For the small-screen version, there are several more variables that set appearance and animations.
-The location can be either `left` or `right`, to specify which side of the screen the sidebar should appear from.
-$small-location: left;
-$small-box-shadow: var(design-token.get('size', 'm')) 0 var(
- design-token.get('size', 'l2')
- )
- rgba(var(design-token.get('color', 'brand-1')), 0.1), var(
- design-token.get('size', 'l2')
- ) 0 var(design-token.get('size', 'm')) rgba(var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-1')), 0.07),
- 0 0 var(design-token.get('size', 'l3')) rgba(
- var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-1')),
- 0.1
- );
-By default the sidebar will animate into view and back out, assuming the classes `.is-off-screen` and `.is-on-screen` will be applied using JS. The classnames and the styles to be applied can be overridden. Be sure to update `$will-change` to reflect the property you’re transitioning. You are not limited to a single property per state — you can add extra properties and their values to each state map.
-$will-change: transform;
-$transition: transform 0.12s ease-in;
-$states: (
- 'off-screen': (
- 'transform': translateX(-100%),
- ),
- 'on-screen': (
- 'transform': none,
- ),
diff --git a/scss/bitstyles/utilities/bg/_settings.scss b/scss/bitstyles/utilities/bg/_settings.scss
index 52e95d307..14a857802 100644
--- a/scss/bitstyles/utilities/bg/_settings.scss
+++ b/scss/bitstyles/utilities/bg/_settings.scss
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ $values: (
'grayscale-light-1': var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-1')),
'grayscale-light-2': var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-2')),
'grayscale-light-3': var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-3')),
+ 'grayscale-light-4': var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'light-4')),
'white': var(design-token.get('color', 'grayscale', 'white')),
) !default;
$breakpoints: () !default;
diff --git a/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles-overrides.css b/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles-overrides.css
index 64aec8426..48ee464a3 100644
--- a/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles-overrides.css
+++ b/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles-overrides.css
@@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ table {
var(--bscpn-size-m) 0 var(--bscpn-size-s1)
rgba(var(--bscpn-color-grayscale-light-1-rgb), 7%),
0 0 var(--bscpn-size-l1) rgba(var(--bscpn-color-grayscale-light-1-rgb), 10%);
- position: fixed;
+ position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
width: 80vw;
diff --git a/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles.css b/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles.css
index 123863e5f..a1422fb79 100644
--- a/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles.css
+++ b/test/scss/fixtures/bitstyles.css
@@ -2604,7 +2604,7 @@ table {
rgba(var(--bs-color-grayscale-light-1-rgb), 7%),
0 0 var(--bs-size-l1) rgba(var(--bs-color-grayscale-light-1-rgb), 10%);
left: 0;
- position: fixed;
+ position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 80vw;
z-index: var(--bs-z-index-overlay);
@@ -2731,6 +2731,9 @@ table {
.u-bg-grayscale-light-3 {
background-color: var(--bs-color-grayscale-light-3);
+.u-bg-grayscale-light-4 {
+ background-color: var(--bs-color-grayscale-light-4);
.u-bg-white {
background-color: var(--bs-color-grayscale-white);