diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/cctv.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/cctv.lua
index ef9551e5d..e884da4db 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/cctv.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/cctv.lua
@@ -1,259 +1,262 @@
function CCTV(PropertyID)
- DoScreenFadeOut(500)
- Wait(500)
- local PlyCoordsBefore = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
- local Property = Properties[PropertyID]
- local CamTakePic = true
- if Property.cctv.enabled then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CCTV", function(CanCCTV)
- if CanCCTV then
- InCCTV = true
- local NightVision = false
- local function InstructionButtonMessage(text)
- BeginTextCommandScaleformString("STRING")
- AddTextComponentScaleform(text)
- EndTextCommandScaleformString()
- end
+ DoScreenFadeOut(500)
+ Wait(500)
+ local PlyCoordsBefore = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyID]
+ local CamTakePic = true
+ if Property.cctv.enabled then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CCTV", function(CanCCTV)
+ if CanCCTV then
+ InCCTV = true
+ local NightVision = false
+ local function InstructionButtonMessage(text)
+ BeginTextCommandScaleformString("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentScaleform(text)
+ EndTextCommandScaleformString()
+ end
+ local function CreateInstuctionScaleform(scaleform)
+ local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
+ while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
+ Wait(0)
+ end
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "CLEAR_ALL")
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- local function CreateInstuctionScaleform(scaleform)
- local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
- while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "CLEAR_ALL")
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_CLEAR_SPACE")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(200)
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_CLEAR_SPACE")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(200)
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ if Config.CCTV.PictureWebook ~= "" then
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(1)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Screenshot, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("take_picture"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ end
- if Config.CCTV.PictureWebook ~= "" then
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(1)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Screenshot, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("take_picture"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- end
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(2)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Right, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Left, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_left_right"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(2)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Right, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Left, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_left_right"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(3)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Up, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_up_down"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(3)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Up, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_up_down"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(4)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomOut, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomIn, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Zoom"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(4)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomOut, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomIn, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Zoom"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(5)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.NightVision, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("night_vision"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(5)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.NightVision, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("night_vision"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Exit, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("exit"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Exit, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("exit"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(80)
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(80)
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ return scaleform
+ end
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ local cctvcam = nil
+ local angleZ = 0.0
+ ClearFocus()
+ local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
+ cctvcam = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + Config.CCTV.HeightAboveDoor), 0, 0, 0, Config.CCTV.FOV)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, Property.cctv.rot.x, Property.cctv.rot.y, Property.cctv.rot.z, 2)
+ SetCamActive(cctvcam, true)
+ SetTimecycleModifier("scanline_cam_cheap")
+ TriggerServerEvent("p_instance:s:leave")
+ DisableAllControlActions(0)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)
+ SetEntityCollision(playerPed, false, true)
+ local ShowButtons = true
+ SetEntityVisible(playerPed, false)
+ SetTimecycleModifierStrength(2.0)
+ SetFocusArea(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ PointCamAtCoord(cctvcam, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + Config.CCTV.HeightAboveDoor))
+ RenderScriptCams(true, false, 1, true, false)
+ Wait(1000)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(500)
+ RequestAmbientAudioBank("Phone_Soundset_Franklin", 0, 0)
+ RequestAmbientAudioBank("HintCamSounds", 0, 0)
+ while IsCamActive(cctvcam) do
+ Wait(5)
+ DisableAllControlActions(0)
+ EnableControlAction(0, 245, true)
+ EnableControlAction(0, 246, true)
+ EnableControlAction(0, 249, true)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(7)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(8)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(9)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(6)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(19)
+ HideHudAndRadarThisFrame()
- return scaleform
- end
- ESX.CloseContext()
- local cctvcam = nil
- local angleZ = 0.0
- ClearFocus()
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- cctvcam = CreateCamWithParams("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA",
- vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + Config.CCTV.HeightAboveDoor), 0, 0, 0, Config.CCTV.FOV)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, Property.cctv.rot.x, Property.cctv.rot.y, Property.cctv.rot.z, 2)
- SetCamActive(cctvcam, true)
- SetTimecycleModifier("scanline_cam_cheap")
- TriggerServerEvent("p_instance:s:leave")
- DisableAllControlActions(0)
- FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)
- SetEntityCollision(playerPed, false, true)
- local ShowButtons = true
- SetEntityVisible(playerPed, false)
- SetTimecycleModifierStrength(2.0)
- SetFocusArea(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- PointCamAtCoord(cctvcam, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + Config.CCTV.HeightAboveDoor))
- RenderScriptCams(true, false, 1, true, false)
- Wait(1000)
- DoScreenFadeIn(500)
- RequestAmbientAudioBank("Phone_Soundset_Franklin", 0, 0)
- RequestAmbientAudioBank("HintCamSounds", 0, 0)
- while IsCamActive(cctvcam) do
- Wait(5)
- DisableAllControlActions(0)
- EnableControlAction(0, 245, true)
- EnableControlAction(0, 246, true)
- EnableControlAction(0, 249, true)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(7)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(8)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(9)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(6)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(19)
- HideHudAndRadarThisFrame()
+ if ShowButtons then
+ local instructions = CreateInstuctionScaleform("instructional_buttons")
+ DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(instructions, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
+ end
+ local getCameraRot = GetCamRot(cctvcam, 2)
- if ShowButtons then
- local instructions = CreateInstuctionScaleform("instructional_buttons")
- DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(instructions, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
- end
- local getCameraRot = GetCamRot(cctvcam, 2)
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Left) and getCameraRot.z < Property.cctv.maxleft then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x, 0.0, getCameraRot.z + Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 2)
+ end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Right) and getCameraRot.z > Property.cctv.maxright then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x, 0.0, getCameraRot.z - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 2)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Left) and getCameraRot.z < Property.cctv.maxleft then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x, 0.0, getCameraRot.z + Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 2)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Right) and getCameraRot.z > Property.cctv.maxright then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x, 0.0, getCameraRot.z - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 2)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Up) and getCameraRot.x < Config.CCTV.MaxUpRotation then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x + Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Up) and getCameraRot.x < Config.CCTV.MaxUpRotation then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x + Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomIn) and GetCamFov(cctvcam) > Config.CCTV.MaxZoom then
+ SetCamFov(cctvcam, GetCamFov(cctvcam) - 1.0)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomIn) and GetCamFov(cctvcam) > Config.CCTV.MaxZoom then
- SetCamFov(cctvcam, GetCamFov(cctvcam) - 1.0)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomOut) and GetCamFov(cctvcam) < Config.CCTV.MinZoom then
+ SetCamFov(cctvcam, GetCamFov(cctvcam) + 1.0)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.ZoomOut) and GetCamFov(cctvcam) < Config.CCTV.MinZoom then
- SetCamFov(cctvcam, GetCamFov(cctvcam) + 1.0)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
- end
+ SetTextFont(4)
+ SetTextScale(0.8, 0.8)
+ SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
+ BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(Property.setName ~= "" and Property.setName or Property.Name)
+ EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.01)
- SetTextFont(4)
- SetTextScale(0.8, 0.8)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
- BeginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(Property.setName ~= "" and Property.setName or Property.Name)
- EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.01)
+ SetTextFont(4)
+ SetTextScale(0.7, 0.7)
+ SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
+ BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING")
+ local year, --[[ integer ]]
+ month, --[[ integer ]]
+ day, --[[ integer ]]
+ hour, --[[ integer ]]
+ minute, --[[ integer ]]
+ second --[[ integer ]] = GetPosixTime()
+ AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName("" .. day .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. year .. " " .. hour .. ":" .. minute .. ":" .. second)
+ EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.055)
- SetTextFont(4)
- SetTextScale(0.7, 0.7)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
- BeginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- local year --[[ integer ]] , month --[[ integer ]] , day --[[ integer ]] , hour --[[ integer ]] , minute --[[ integer ]] , second --[[ integer ]] =
- GetPosixTime()
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName("" .. day .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. year .. " " .. hour .. ":" .. minute .. ":" .. second)
- EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.055)
+ SetTextFont(4)
+ SetTextScale(0.6, 0.6)
+ SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
+ BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING")
+ local Zoom = ((Config.CCTV.FOV - GetCamFov(cctvcam)) / GetCamFov(cctvcam)) * 100
+ AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(_U("zoom_level", math.floor(Zoom)))
+ EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.09)
- SetTextFont(4)
- SetTextScale(0.6, 0.6)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
- BeginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- local Zoom = ((Config.CCTV.FOV - GetCamFov(cctvcam)) / GetCamFov(cctvcam)) * 100
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(_U("zoom_level", math.floor(Zoom)))
- EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.09)
+ SetTextFont(4)
+ SetTextScale(0.6, 0.6)
+ SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
+ BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(NightVision and "Night Vision: Active" or "CCTV System: Active")
+ EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.12)
- SetTextFont(4)
- SetTextScale(0.6, 0.6)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0.1, 3, 27, 27, 255)
- BeginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING')
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(NightVision and "Night Vision: Active" or "CCTV System: Active")
- EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.01, 0.12)
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
+ SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, Config.CCTV.Controls.Down) and getCameraRot.x > Config.CCTV.MaxDownRotation then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, " FocusIn", "HintCamSounds", false)
- SetCamRot(cctvcam, getCameraRot.x - Config.CCTV.RotateSpeed, 0.0, getCameraRot.z, 2)
- end
+ if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ NightVision = not NightVision
+ SetNightvision(NightVision)
+ SetTimecycleModifier("scanline_cam")
+ end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- NightVision = not NightVision
- SetNightvision(NightVision)
- SetTimecycleModifier("scanline_cam")
- end
+ if Config.CCTV.PictureWebook ~= "" and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 201) then
+ if CamTakePic then
+ ShowButtons = false
+ Wait(1)
+ PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Camera_Shoot", "Phone_Soundset_Franklin", 1)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetWebhook", function(hook)
+ if hook then
+ exports["screenshot-basic"]:requestScreenshotUpload(hook, "files[]", function(data)
+ local image = json.decode(data)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("picture_taken"), "success")
+ SendNUIMessage({ link = image.attachments[1].proxy_url })
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("clipboard"), "success")
+ ShowButtons = true
+ CamTakePic = false
+ SetTimeout(5000, function()
+ CamTakePic = true
+ end)
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("please_wait"), "error")
+ end
+ end
- if Config.CCTV.PictureWebook ~= "" and IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 201) then
- if CamTakePic then
- ShowButtons = false
- Wait(1)
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Camera_Shoot", "Phone_Soundset_Franklin", 1)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetWebhook", function(hook)
- if hook then
- exports['screenshot-basic']:requestScreenshotUpload(hook, "files[]", function(data)
- local image = json.decode(data)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("picture_taken"), "success")
- SendNUIMessage({link = image.attachments[1].proxy_url})
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("clipboard"), "success")
- ShowButtons = true
- CamTakePic = false
- SetTimeout(5000, function()
- CamTakePic = true
- end)
- end)
+ if IsDisabledControlPressed(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Exit) then
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1000)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ExitCCTV", function(CanExit)
+ if CanExit then
+ InCCTV = false
+ Wait(1000)
+ ClearFocus()
+ ClearTimecycleModifier()
+ ClearExtraTimecycleModifier()
+ RenderScriptCams(false, false, 0, true, false)
+ DestroyCam(cctvcam, false)
+ SetFocusEntity(playerPed)
+ SetNightvision(false)
+ SetSeethrough(false)
+ SetEntityCollision(playerPed, true, true)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)
+ SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true)
+ Wait(1500)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1000)
+ end
+ end, PropertyID)
+ break
+ end
- end)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("please_wait"), "error")
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(1, Config.CCTV.Controls.Exit) then
- DoScreenFadeOut(1000)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ExitCCTV", function(CanExit)
- if CanExit then
- InCCTV = false
- Wait(1000)
- ClearFocus()
- ClearTimecycleModifier()
- ClearExtraTimecycleModifier()
- RenderScriptCams(false, false, 0, true, false)
- DestroyCam(cctvcam, false)
- SetFocusEntity(playerPed)
- SetNightvision(false)
- SetSeethrough(false)
- SetEntityCollision(playerPed, true, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)
- SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true)
- Wait(1500)
- DoScreenFadeIn(1000)
- end
- end, PropertyID)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end, PropertyID)
- end
+ end, PropertyID)
+ end
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/furniture.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/furniture.lua
index 1d718e2d1..eebe61ab4 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/furniture.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/furniture.lua
@@ -16,392 +16,393 @@
along with this program. If not, see .
if Config.Furniture.Enabled then
- SpawnedFurniture = {}
- RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", function(PropertyId, Furniture)
- if Properties[PropertyId] and Furniture then
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture = Furniture
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:placeFurniture", function(Id, furniture, findex)
- if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
- ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(furniture.Name, vector3(furniture.Pos.x, furniture.Pos.y, furniture.Pos.z - 0.1), function(object)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(object, furniture.Pos.x, furniture.Pos.y, furniture.Pos.z)
- SetEntityHeading(object, furniture.Heading)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(object, true, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(object, true)
- SpawnedFurniture[findex] = {obj = object, data = furniture}
- end)
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", function(Id, furniture)
- if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
- if SpawnedFurniture[furniture] then
- DeleteEntity(SpawnedFurniture[furniture].obj)
- SpawnedFurniture[furniture] = nil
- end
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:editFurniture", function(Id, furniture, Pos, Heading)
- if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
- if SpawnedFurniture[furniture] then
- local obj = SpawnedFurniture[furniture].obj
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(obj, Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z)
- SetEntityHeading(obj, Heading)
- SpawnedFurniture[furniture].data.Pos = Pos
- SpawnedFurniture[furniture].data.Heading = Heading
- end
- end
- end)
- ------------------------ Furniture Start -------------------------------
- local inFurniture = false
- local CurrentlyEditing = nil
- function TempFurniturePlacement(PropertyId, PropName, PropIndex, PropCatagory, PropPrice, Existing, Pos, Heading)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- if CurrentlyEditing then
- DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
- CurrentlyEditing = nil
- end
- local function InstructionButtonMessage(text)
- BeginTextCommandScaleformString("STRING")
- AddTextComponentScaleform(text)
- EndTextCommandScaleformString()
- end
- local function CreateInstuctionScaleform(scaleform)
- local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
- while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "CLEAR_ALL")
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_CLEAR_SPACE")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(200)
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(1)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusX, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusX, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_left_right"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(3)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusY, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusY, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_up_down"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(5)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Up, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Down, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Height"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(7)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateLeft, true))
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateRight, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Rotation"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(9)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Confirm, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("place"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Exit, true))
- InstructionButtonMessage(_U("delete_furni"))
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR")
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
- PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(80)
- PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
- return scaleform
- end
- function GetCameraDirection()
- local rotation = GetGameplayCamRot() * (math.pi / 180)
- return vector3(-math.sin(rotation.z), math.cos(rotation.z), math.sin(rotation.x))
- end
- local Position = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- local PropSpawn = Position - vector3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
- ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(PropName, PropSpawn, function(CurrentlyEditing)
- CurrentlyEditing = CurrentlyEditing
- NetworkSetObjectForceStaticBlend(CurrentlyEditing, true)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(CurrentlyEditing, true, true)
- SetEntityCollision(CurrentlyEditing, false, true)
- if Existing then
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, vector3(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z))
- SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, Heading)
- else
- PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(CurrentlyEditing)
- end
- FreezeEntityPosition(CurrentlyEditing, true)
- while true do
- HudForceWeaponWheel(false)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(19)
- HideHudComponentThisFrame(20)
- local CurrentPos = GetEntityCoords(CurrentlyEditing)
- local CurrentHeading = GetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing)
- local Rotation = GetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 2)
- SetEntityDrawOutline(CurrentlyEditing, true)
- SetEntityDrawOutlineColor(55, 140, 191, 200)
- SetEntityDrawOutlineShader(1)
- local instructions = CreateInstuctionScaleform("instructional_buttons")
- DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(instructions, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
- Wait(0)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 202) then
- DeleteObject(CurrentlyEditing)
+ SpawnedFurniture = {}
+ RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", function(PropertyId, Furniture)
+ if Properties[PropertyId] and Furniture then
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture = Furniture
+ end)
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusY) then
- local direction = GetCameraDirection()
- CurrentPos = CurrentPos - vector3(direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z)
+ RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:placeFurniture", function(Id, furniture, findex)
+ if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
+ ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(furniture.Name, vector3(furniture.Pos.x, furniture.Pos.y, furniture.Pos.z - 0.1), function(object)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(object, furniture.Pos.x, furniture.Pos.y, furniture.Pos.z)
+ SetEntityHeading(object, furniture.Heading)
+ SetEntityAsMissionEntity(object, true, true)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(object, true)
+ SpawnedFurniture[findex] = { obj = object, data = furniture }
+ end)
+ end)
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusY) then
- local direction = GetCameraDirection()
- CurrentPos = CurrentPos + vector3(direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
+ RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", function(Id, furniture)
+ if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
+ if SpawnedFurniture[furniture] then
+ DeleteEntity(SpawnedFurniture[furniture].obj)
+ SpawnedFurniture[furniture] = nil
+ end
+ end)
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Up) then
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z + Config.Furniture.MovementZspeed)
+ RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:editFurniture", function(Id, furniture, Pos, Heading)
+ if Properties[Id] and InProperty and CurrentId == Id then
+ if SpawnedFurniture[furniture] then
+ local obj = SpawnedFurniture[furniture].obj
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(obj, Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z)
+ SetEntityHeading(obj, Heading)
+ SpawnedFurniture[furniture].data.Pos = Pos
+ SpawnedFurniture[furniture].data.Heading = Heading
+ end
+ end)
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Down) then
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z - Config.Furniture.MovementZspeed)
+ ------------------------ Furniture Start -------------------------------
+ local inFurniture = false
+ local CurrentlyEditing = nil
+ function TempFurniturePlacement(PropertyId, PropName, PropIndex, PropCatagory, PropPrice, Existing, Pos, Heading)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ if CurrentlyEditing then
+ DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
+ CurrentlyEditing = nil
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateLeft) then
- CurrentHeading = CurrentHeading + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed
- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 0, 0, CurrentHeading, 1, true)
- -- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed, 2, false)
- -- SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentHeading + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed)
+ local function InstructionButtonMessage(text)
+ BeginTextCommandScaleformString("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentScaleform(text)
+ EndTextCommandScaleformString()
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateRight) then
- CurrentHeading = CurrentHeading - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed
- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 0, 0, CurrentHeading, 1, true)
- -- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed, 2, false)
- -- SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentHeading - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed)
+ local function CreateInstuctionScaleform(scaleform)
+ local scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
+ while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
+ Wait(0)
+ end
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "CLEAR_ALL")
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_CLEAR_SPACE")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(200)
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(1)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusX, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusX, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_left_right"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(3)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusY, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusY, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("rot_up_down"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(5)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Up, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Down, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Height"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(7)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateLeft, true))
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateRight, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("Rotation"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(9)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Confirm, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("place"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ N_0xe83a3e3557a56640(GetControlInstructionalButton(1, Config.Furniture.Controls.Exit, true))
+ InstructionButtonMessage(_U("delete_furni"))
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR")
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(0)
+ PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterInt(80)
+ PopScaleformMovieFunctionVoid()
+ return scaleform
+ function GetCameraDirection()
+ local rotation = GetGameplayCamRot() * (math.pi / 180)
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusX) then
- local direction = GetCameraDirection()
- CurrentPos = CurrentPos + vector3(-direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
+ return vector3(-math.sin(rotation.z), math.cos(rotation.z), math.sin(rotation.x))
+ local Position = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ local PropSpawn = Position - vector3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
+ ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(PropName, PropSpawn, function(CurrentlyEditing)
+ CurrentlyEditing = CurrentlyEditing
+ NetworkSetObjectForceStaticBlend(CurrentlyEditing, true)
+ SetEntityAsMissionEntity(CurrentlyEditing, true, true)
+ SetEntityCollision(CurrentlyEditing, false, true)
+ if Existing then
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, vector3(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z))
+ SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, Heading)
+ else
+ PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(CurrentlyEditing)
+ end
+ FreezeEntityPosition(CurrentlyEditing, true)
+ while true do
+ HudForceWeaponWheel(false)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(19)
+ HideHudComponentThisFrame(20)
+ local CurrentPos = GetEntityCoords(CurrentlyEditing)
+ local CurrentHeading = GetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing)
+ local Rotation = GetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 2)
+ SetEntityDrawOutline(CurrentlyEditing, true)
+ SetEntityDrawOutlineColor(55, 140, 191, 200)
+ SetEntityDrawOutlineShader(1)
+ local instructions = CreateInstuctionScaleform("instructional_buttons")
+ DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(instructions, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
+ Wait(0)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 202) then
+ DeleteObject(CurrentlyEditing)
+ end
- if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusX) then
- local direction = GetCameraDirection()
- CurrentPos = CurrentPos - vector3(-direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
- end
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusY) then
+ local direction = GetCameraDirection()
+ CurrentPos = CurrentPos - vector3(direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z)
+ end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Confirm) then
- if not Existing then
- ESX.OpenContext("right",
- {{unslectable = true, title = _U("confirm_buy",Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title),
- description = _U("price",Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price), icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart"},
- {title = _U("yes"), value = "buy", icon = "fas fa-check"}, {title = _U("no"), icon = "fas fa-minus"}}, function(menu, element)
- if element.value and element.value == "buy" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:buyFurniture", function(response)
- if response then
- DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("bought_furni", Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_buy"), "error")
- end
- end, CurrentId, PropName, PropIndex, PropCatagory, vector3(CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z), CurrentHeading)
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusY) then
+ local direction = GetCameraDirection()
+ CurrentPos = CurrentPos + vector3(direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
- end)
- else
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:editFurniture", function(response)
- if response then
- DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("edited_furni"), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_edit"), "error")
- end
- end, CurrentId, PropIndex, vector3(CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z), CurrentHeading)
- end
- end
- if DoesEntityExist(CurrentlyEditing) then
- inFurniture = true
- else
- inFurniture = false
- for _, Control in pairs(Config.Furniture.Controls) do
- EnableControlAction(0, Control, true)
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end)
- end
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Up) then
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z + Config.Furniture.MovementZspeed)
+ end
- function FurnitureItems(house, Store, StoreIndex, Catagory)
- local Items = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("store_title", Catagory), icon = "fas fa-store"},
- {title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left"}}
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Down) then
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z - Config.Furniture.MovementZspeed)
+ end
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateLeft) then
+ CurrentHeading = CurrentHeading + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed
+ SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 0, 0, CurrentHeading, 1, true)
+ -- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed, 2, false)
+ -- SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentHeading + Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed)
+ end
- for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureCatagories[Catagory]) do
- table.insert(Items, {title = v.title, value = v.name, index = k, description = "Price: " .. v.price, icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart"})
- end
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.RotateRight) then
+ CurrentHeading = CurrentHeading - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed
+ SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, 0, 0, CurrentHeading, 1, true)
+ -- SetEntityRotation(CurrentlyEditing, Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed, 2, false)
+ -- SetEntityHeading(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentHeading - Config.Furniture.RotationSpeed)
+ end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Items, function(data, element)
- if element.value == "go-back" then
- FurnitureCatagories(house, Store, StoreIndex)
- else
- TempFurniturePlacement(house, element.value, element.index, Catagory)
- end
- end)
- end
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.PlusX) then
+ local direction = GetCameraDirection()
+ CurrentPos = CurrentPos + vector3(-direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
+ end
- function FurnitureCatagories(house, Store, StoreIndex)
- local Catagories = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("store_title", Store), icon = "fas fa-store"},
- {title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left"}}
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.MinusX) then
+ local direction = GetCameraDirection()
+ CurrentPos = CurrentPos - vector3(-direction.y * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, direction.x * Config.Furniture.MovementSpeed, 0)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(CurrentlyEditing, CurrentPos)
+ end
- for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureStores[StoreIndex].Catagories) do
- table.insert(Catagories, {title = v})
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, Config.Furniture.Controls.Confirm) then
+ if not Existing then
+ ESX.OpenContext(
+ "right",
+ {
+ { unslectable = true, title = _U("confirm_buy", Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title), description = _U("price", Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price), icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart" },
+ { title = _U("yes"), value = "buy", icon = "fas fa-check" },
+ { title = _U("no"), icon = "fas fa-minus" },
+ },
+ function(menu, element)
+ if element.value and element.value == "buy" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:buyFurniture", function(response)
+ if response then
+ DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("bought_furni", Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_buy"), "error")
+ end
+ end, CurrentId, PropName, PropIndex, PropCatagory, vector3(CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z), CurrentHeading)
+ end
+ end
+ )
+ else
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:editFurniture", function(response)
+ if response then
+ DeleteEntity(CurrentlyEditing)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("edited_furni"), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_edit"), "error")
+ end
+ end, CurrentId, PropIndex, vector3(CurrentPos.x, CurrentPos.y, CurrentPos.z), CurrentHeading)
+ end
+ end
+ if DoesEntityExist(CurrentlyEditing) then
+ inFurniture = true
+ else
+ inFurniture = false
+ for _, Control in pairs(Config.Furniture.Controls) do
+ EnableControlAction(0, Control, true)
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Catagories, function(data, element)
- if element.value == "go-back" then
- FurnitureStores(house)
- else
- FurnitureItems(house, Store, StoreIndex, element.title)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FurnitureEdit(propertyId, furniture)
- local furni = SpawnedFurniture[furniture]
- local Funiture = Config.FurnitureCatagories[furni.data.Catagory][furni.data.Index]
- local Catagories = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("edit_title",Funiture.title), icon = "fas fa-store"},
- {title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left"},
- {title = _U("move_title"), value = "rotate", icon = "fas fa-sync-alt"}, {title = _U("delete_furni"), value = "delete", icon = "fas fa-trash-alt"}}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Catagories, function(data, element)
- if element.value == "go-back" then
- FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "delete" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:deleteFurniture", function(response)
- if response then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("delete_confirm", Funiture.title), "success")
- FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("delete_error", Funiture.title), "error")
- end
- end, propertyId, furniture)
- end
- if element.value == "rotate" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- TempFurniturePlacement(propertyId, furni.data.Name, furniture, furni.data.Catagory, furni.data.Index, true, furni.data.Pos, furni.data.Heading)
- end
- end)
- end
+ function FurnitureItems(house, Store, StoreIndex, Catagory)
+ local Items = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("store_title", Catagory), icon = "fas fa-store" }, { title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left" } }
- function FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
- local Furni = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("owned_furni"), icon = "far fa-edit"},
- {title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left"}}
+ for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureCatagories[Catagory]) do
+ table.insert(Items, { title = v.title, value = v.name, index = k, description = "Price: " .. v.price, icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart" })
+ end
- for k, v in pairs(SpawnedFurniture) do
- local Funiture = Config.FurnitureCatagories[v.data.Catagory][v.data.Index]
- table.insert(Furni, {title = Funiture.title, value = k})
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Items, function(data, element)
+ if element.value == "go-back" then
+ FurnitureCatagories(house, Store, StoreIndex)
+ else
+ TempFurniturePlacement(house, element.value, element.index, Catagory)
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Furni, function(data, element)
- if element.value == "go-back" then
- FurnitureMenu(propertyId)
- else
- FurnitureEdit(propertyId, element.value)
- end
- end)
- end
+ function FurnitureCatagories(house, Store, StoreIndex)
+ local Catagories = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("store_title", Store), icon = "fas fa-store" }, { title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left" } }
- function FurnitureStores(house)
- local Options = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("menu_stores"), icon = "fas fa-store"},
- {title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left"}}
+ for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureStores[StoreIndex].Catagories) do
+ table.insert(Catagories, { title = v })
+ end
- for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureStores) do
- table.insert(Options, {title = v.title, Store = k})
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Catagories, function(data, element)
+ if element.value == "go-back" then
+ FurnitureStores(house)
+ else
+ FurnitureItems(house, Store, StoreIndex, element.title)
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Options, function(data, element)
- if element.Store then
- FurnitureCatagories(house, element.title, element.Store)
- elseif element.value == "go-back" then
- FurnitureMenu(house)
- end
- end)
- end
+ function FurnitureEdit(propertyId, furniture)
+ local furni = SpawnedFurniture[furniture]
+ local Funiture = Config.FurnitureCatagories[furni.data.Catagory][furni.data.Index]
+ local Catagories = {
+ { unselectable = true, title = _U("edit_title", Funiture.title), icon = "fas fa-store" },
+ { title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left" },
+ { title = _U("move_title"), value = "rotate", icon = "fas fa-sync-alt" },
+ { title = _U("delete_furni"), value = "delete", icon = "fas fa-trash-alt" },
+ }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Catagories, function(data, element)
+ if element.value == "go-back" then
+ FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "delete" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:deleteFurniture", function(response)
+ if response then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("delete_confirm", Funiture.title), "success")
+ FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("delete_error", Funiture.title), "error")
+ end
+ end, propertyId, furniture)
+ end
+ if element.value == "rotate" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ TempFurniturePlacement(propertyId, furni.data.Name, furniture, furni.data.Catagory, furni.data.Index, true, furni.data.Pos, furni.data.Heading)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
- function FurnitureMenu(PropertyId)
- local Options = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("furni_management"), icon = "fas fa-lamp"},
- {title = _U("menu_stores"), description = _U("menu_stores_desc"), icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", value = "store"}}
+ function FurnitureEditSelect(propertyId)
+ local Furni = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("owned_furni"), icon = "far fa-edit" }, { title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left" } }
- if #SpawnedFurniture > 0 then
- Options[#Options + 1] = {title = _U("menu_reset"), description = _U("menu_reset_desc"), icon = "fas fa-trash", value = "reset"}
- Options[#Options + 1] = {title = _U("menu_edit"), description = _U("menu_edit_desc"), icon = "fas fa-archive", value = "edit"}
+ for k, v in pairs(SpawnedFurniture) do
+ local Funiture = Config.FurnitureCatagories[v.data.Catagory][v.data.Index]
+ table.insert(Furni, { title = Funiture.title, value = k })
+ end
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Options, function(data, element)
- if element.value then
- if element.value == "store" then
- FurnitureStores(PropertyId)
- elseif element.value == "edit" then
- FurnitureEditSelect(PropertyId)
- elseif element.value == "reset" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveAllfurniture", function(Removed)
- if Removed then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_reset_success"), "success")
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Furni, function(data, element)
+ if element.value == "go-back" then
+ FurnitureMenu(propertyId)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_reset_error"), "error")
+ FurnitureEdit(propertyId, element.value)
- end, PropertyId)
+ end)
+ end
+ function FurnitureStores(house)
+ local Options = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("menu_stores"), icon = "fas fa-store" }, { title = _U("back"), value = "go-back", icon = "fas fa-arrow-left" } }
+ for k, v in pairs(Config.FurnitureStores) do
+ table.insert(Options, { title = v.title, Store = k })
- end
- end)
- end
- ESX.RegisterInput(_U("furni_command"), _U("furni_command_desc"), "keyboard", "M", function()
- if InProperty then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:CanOpenFurniture', function(Access)
- if Access then
- if not inFurniture then
- FurnitureMenu(CurrentId)
- else
- FurnitureStores(CurrentId)
- end
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_command_permission"), 5000, "error")
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Options, function(data, element)
+ if element.Store then
+ FurnitureCatagories(house, element.title, element.Store)
+ elseif element.value == "go-back" then
+ FurnitureMenu(house)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ function FurnitureMenu(PropertyId)
+ local Options = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("furni_management"), icon = "fas fa-lamp" }, { title = _U("menu_stores"), description = _U("menu_stores_desc"), icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", value = "store" } }
+ if #SpawnedFurniture > 0 then
+ Options[#Options + 1] = { title = _U("menu_reset"), description = _U("menu_reset_desc"), icon = "fas fa-trash", value = "reset" }
+ Options[#Options + 1] = { title = _U("menu_edit"), description = _U("menu_edit_desc"), icon = "fas fa-archive", value = "edit" }
- end, CurrentId)
- else
- return
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Options, function(data, element)
+ if element.value then
+ if element.value == "store" then
+ FurnitureStores(PropertyId)
+ elseif element.value == "edit" then
+ FurnitureEditSelect(PropertyId)
+ elseif element.value == "reset" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveAllfurniture", function(Removed)
+ if Removed then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_reset_success"), "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_reset_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
- end)
+ ESX.RegisterInput(_U("furni_command"), _U("furni_command_desc"), "keyboard", "M", function()
+ if InProperty then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CanOpenFurniture", function(Access)
+ if Access then
+ if not inFurniture then
+ FurnitureMenu(CurrentId)
+ else
+ FurnitureStores(CurrentId)
+ end
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_command_permission"), 5000, "error")
+ end
+ end, CurrentId)
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ end)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/html/copy.html b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/html/copy.html
index a3284bb27..f6ca8ea6e 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/html/copy.html
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/html/copy.html
@@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/main.lua
index 5ea33e46b..c35918473 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/client/main.lua
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local Shell = nil
local PM = Config.PlayerManagement
local CreateThread = CreateThread
local Wait = Wait
-local ShowingUIs = {Exit = false, Wardrobe = false, Storage = false, ExitShell = false}
+local ShowingUIs = { Exit = false, Wardrobe = false, Storage = false, ExitShell = false }
local ox_inventory = exports.ox_inventory
local DoScreenFadeIn = DoScreenFadeIn
local PlayerPedId = PlayerPedId
@@ -20,1485 +20,1463 @@ local IsControlJustPressed = IsControlJustPressed
local IsControlPressed = IsControlPressed
local DoScreenFadeOut = DoScreenFadeOut
function RefreshBlips()
- for i = 1, #Blips, 1 do
- RemoveBlip(Blips[i])
- Blips[i] = nil
- end
+ for i = 1, #Blips, 1 do
+ RemoveBlip(Blips[i])
+ Blips[i] = nil
+ end
- for k, v in pairs(Properties) do
- if v.Owned and Config.OwnedBlips then
- if v.Owner == ESX.PlayerData.identifier then
- local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
- SetBlipSprite(Blip, 40)
- SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
- SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.8)
- SetBlipColour(Blip, 0)
- BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
- EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
- SetBlipCategory(Blip, 11)
- Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
- elseif PlayerKeys[k] then
- local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
- SetBlipSprite(Blip, GameBuild >= 2699 and 811 or 134)
+ for k, v in pairs(Properties) do
+ if v.Owned and Config.OwnedBlips then
+ if v.Owner == ESX.PlayerData.identifier then
+ local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
+ SetBlipSprite(Blip, 40)
+ SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
+ SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.8)
+ SetBlipColour(Blip, 0)
+ BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
+ EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
+ SetBlipCategory(Blip, 11)
+ Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
+ elseif PlayerKeys[k] then
+ local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
+ SetBlipSprite(Blip, GameBuild >= 2699 and 811 or 134)
+ SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
+ SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.9)
+ SetBlipColour(Blip, 26)
+ BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
+ EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
+ SetBlipCategory(Blip, 11)
+ Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
+ end
+ elseif not v.Owned and Config.ForSaleBlips then
+ local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
+ SetBlipSprite(Blip, 350)
+ SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
+ SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.7)
+ BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
+ EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
+ SetBlipCategory(Blip, 10)
+ Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
+ end
+ end
+ if PM.Enabled then
+ local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(PM.Locations.Entrance)
+ SetBlipSprite(Blip, 374)
+ SetBlipColour(Blip, 45)
SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
- SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.9)
- SetBlipColour(Blip, 26)
+ SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.7)
- AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
+ AddTextComponentString(_U("office_blip", PM.joblabel))
- SetBlipCategory(Blip, 11)
Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
- end
- elseif not v.Owned and Config.ForSaleBlips then
- local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.Entrance.x, v.Entrance.y, v.Entrance.z)
- SetBlipSprite(Blip, 350)
- SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
- SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.7)
- BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(v.Name)
- EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
- SetBlipCategory(Blip, 10)
- Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
- end
- if PM.Enabled then
- local Blip = AddBlipForCoord(PM.Locations.Entrance)
- SetBlipSprite(Blip, 374)
- SetBlipColour(Blip, 45)
- SetBlipAsShortRange(Blip, true)
- SetBlipScale(Blip, 0.7)
- BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(_U("office_blip",PM.joblabel))
- EndTextCommandSetBlipName(Blip)
- Blips[#Blips + 1] = Blip
- end
RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", function(properties, lastProperty)
- while not ESX.PlayerLoaded and not ESX.PlayerData.identifier do
- Wait(0)
- end
- Properties = properties
- for house, data in pairs(Properties) do
- if data.Keys then
- for ident, vaues in pairs(data.Keys) do
- if vaues and ident == ESX.PlayerData.identifier then
- PlayerKeys[house] = true
+ while not ESX.PlayerLoaded and not ESX.PlayerData.identifier do
+ Wait(0)
+ end
+ Properties = properties
+ for house, data in pairs(Properties) do
+ if data.Keys then
+ for ident, vaues in pairs(data.Keys) do
+ if vaues and ident == ESX.PlayerData.identifier then
+ PlayerKeys[house] = true
+ end
+ end
- end
- end
- if lastProperty then
- if Properties[lastProperty.id] and (Properties[lastProperty.id].Owner == ESX.PlayerData.identifier or PlayerKeys[lastProperty.id]) then
- AttemptHouseEntry(lastProperty.id)
- else
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:RemoveLastProperty', function()
- SetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped, vector3(lastProperty.coords.x, lastProperty.coords.y, lastProperty.coords.z))
- end)
+ if lastProperty then
+ if Properties[lastProperty.id] and (Properties[lastProperty.id].Owner == ESX.PlayerData.identifier or PlayerKeys[lastProperty.id]) then
+ AttemptHouseEntry(lastProperty.id)
+ else
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveLastProperty", function()
+ SetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped, vector3(lastProperty.coords.x, lastProperty.coords.y, lastProperty.coords.z))
+ end)
+ end
- end
- RefreshBlips()
+ RefreshBlips()
RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:giveKeyAccess", function(Property)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ShouldHaveKey", function(Should)
- if Should then
- PlayerKeys[Property] = true
- end
- end, Property)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ShouldHaveKey", function(Should)
+ if Should then
+ PlayerKeys[Property] = true
+ end
+ end, Property)
RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:RemoveKey", function(Property)
- PlayerKeys[Property] = false
+ PlayerKeys[Property] = false
-AddEventHandler('esx:setJob', function(job)
- RefreshBlips()
+AddEventHandler("esx:setJob", function(job)
+ RefreshBlips()
exports("GetProperties", function()
- return Properties
+ return Properties
function OpenInteractionMenu(PropertyId, Interaction)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if Property.Owned then
- if Interaction == "Wardrobe" then
- Config.WardrobeInteraction(PropertyId, Interaction)
- elseif Interaction == "Storage" then
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', {id = 'property-' .. PropertyId, owner = Property.Owner})
- end
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if Property.Owned then
+ if Interaction == "Wardrobe" then
+ Config.WardrobeInteraction(PropertyId, Interaction)
+ elseif Interaction == "Storage" then
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:openInventory("stash", { id = "property-" .. PropertyId, owner = Property.Owner })
+ end
+ end
- end
function GiveKeysMenu(Property)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetInsidePlayers", function(Players)
- local Elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("nearby"), icon = "fas fa-user-plus"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back"}}
- for i = 1, #Players, 1 do
- Elements[#Elements + 1] = {title = Players[i].Name, icon = "far fa-user", index = Players[i].Id, value = "user"}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "go_back" then
- ManageKeys(Property)
- elseif element.value == "user" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GiveKey", function(KeyGiven)
- if KeyGiven then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("gave_key",element.title), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_cannot_give"), "error")
- end
- end, Property, element.index)
- end
- end)
- end, Property)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetInsidePlayers", function(Players)
+ local Elements = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("nearby"), icon = "fas fa-user-plus" }, { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back" } }
+ for i = 1, #Players, 1 do
+ Elements[#Elements + 1] = { title = Players[i].Name, icon = "far fa-user", index = Players[i].Id, value = "user" }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "go_back" then
+ ManageKeys(Property)
+ elseif element.value == "user" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GiveKey", function(KeyGiven)
+ if KeyGiven then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("gave_key", element.title), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_cannot_give"), "error")
+ end
+ end, Property, element.index)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, Property)
function RemoveKeysMenu(Property)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetPlayersWithKeys", function(Players)
- local Elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("remove_title"), icon = "fas fa-user-plus"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back"}}
- for k, v in pairs(Players) do
- local name = v.name
- local Id = k
- Elements[#Elements + 1] = {title = name, icon = "far fa-user", value = "user", id = Id}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "go_back" then
- ManageKeys(Property)
- elseif element.value == "user" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveKey", function(KeyGiven)
- if KeyGiven then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_revoke_success", element.title), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_revoke_error"), "error")
- end
- end, Property, element.id)
- end
- end)
- end, Property)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetPlayersWithKeys", function(Players)
+ local Elements = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("remove_title"), icon = "fas fa-user-plus" }, { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back" } }
+ for k, v in pairs(Players) do
+ local name = v.name
+ local Id = k
+ Elements[#Elements + 1] = { title = name, icon = "far fa-user", value = "user", id = Id }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "go_back" then
+ ManageKeys(Property)
+ elseif element.value == "user" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveKey", function(KeyGiven)
+ if KeyGiven then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_revoke_success", element.title), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("key_revoke_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, Property, element.id)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, Property)
function ManageKeys(Property)
- ESX.HideUI()
- local Elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("key_management"), icon = "fas fa-key"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back"},
- {title = _U("give_keys"), icon = "fas fa-plus", value = "give_keys"},
- {title = _U("remove_keys"), icon = "fas fa-minus", value = "remove_keys"}
- }
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ local Elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, title = _U("key_management"), icon = "fas fa-key" },
+ { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "go_back" },
+ { title = _U("give_keys"), icon = "fas fa-plus", value = "give_keys" },
+ { title = _U("remove_keys"), icon = "fas fa-minus", value = "remove_keys" },
+ }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "go_back" then
- OpenPropertyMenu(Property)
- end
- if element.value == "give_keys" then
- GiveKeysMenu(Property)
- end
- if element.value == "remove_keys" then
- RemoveKeysMenu(Property)
- end
- end)
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "go_back" then
+ OpenPropertyMenu(Property)
+ end
+ if element.value == "give_keys" then
+ GiveKeysMenu(Property)
+ end
+ if element.value == "remove_keys" then
+ RemoveKeysMenu(Property)
+ end
+ end)
function SetPropertyName(Property)
- local Name = Properties[Property].setName ~= "" and Properties[Property].setName or Properties[Property].Name
- local Elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("name_edit"), icon = "fa-solid fa-signature"},
- {icon = "", title = _U("name"), input = true, inputType = "text", inputValue = Name, inputPlaceholder = Properties[Property].Name,
- name = "setName"}, {icon = "fa-solid fa-check", title = _U("confirm"), name = "confirm"}
- }
+ local Name = Properties[Property].setName ~= "" and Properties[Property].setName or Properties[Property].Name
+ local Elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, title = _U("name_edit"), icon = "fa-solid fa-signature" },
+ { icon = "", title = _U("name"), input = true, inputType = "text", inputValue = Name, inputPlaceholder = Properties[Property].Name, name = "setName" },
+ { icon = "fa-solid fa-check", title = _U("confirm"), name = "confirm" },
+ }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.name == "confirm" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetPropertyName", function(Set)
- if Set then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("name_edit_success",menu.eles[2].inputValue), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("name_edit_error",menu.eles[2].inputValue), "error")
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.name == "confirm" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetPropertyName", function(Set)
+ if Set then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("name_edit_success", menu.eles[2].inputValue), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("name_edit_error", menu.eles[2].inputValue), "error")
+ end
+ end, Property, menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- end, Property, menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- end
- end)
+ end)
local SettingValue = ""
function PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, title = Property.setName ~= "" and Property.setName or Property.Name, icon = "fas fa-home"}}
- if Property.Owned then
- if Property.Locked then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("door_locked"), icon = "fas fa-lock", value = 'property_unlock'})
- else
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("door_unlocked"), icon = "fas fa-unlock", value = 'property_lock'})
- end
- if ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner then
- table.insert(elements,
- {title = _U("name_manage"), description = _U("name_manage_desc"), icon = "fa-solid fa-signature", value = 'property_name'})
- end
- if not InProperty then
- if ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("key_management"), description = _U("key_management_desc"), icon = "fas fa-key", value = 'property_keys'})
- table.insert(elements,
- {title = _U("sell_title"), description = _U("sell_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price * 0.6))),
- icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", value = 'property_sell'})
- end
- if Config.Raiding.Enabled and Property.Locked and ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == "police" then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("raid_title"), description = _U("raid_desc"), icon = "fas fa-bomb", value = 'property_raid'})
- end
- else
- if (Config.CCTV.Enabled and Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled) and (ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId]) then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("cctv_title"), description = _U("cctv_desc"), icon = "fas fa-video", value = 'property_cctv'})
- end
- if (ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId]) then
- if Config.CanCustomiseInventoryAndWardrobePositions then
- if Config.OxInventory then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("inventory_title"), description = _U("inventory_desc"),
- icon = "fa-solid fa-up-down-left-right", value = 'property_inventory'})
- end
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("wardrobe_title"), description = _U("wardrobe_desc"), icon = "fa-solid fa-up-down-left-right",
- value = 'property_wardrobe'})
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, title = Property.setName ~= "" and Property.setName or Property.Name, icon = "fas fa-home" } }
+ if Property.Owned then
+ if Property.Locked then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("door_locked"), icon = "fas fa-lock", value = "property_unlock" })
+ else
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("door_unlocked"), icon = "fas fa-unlock", value = "property_lock" })
+ end
+ if ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("name_manage"), description = _U("name_manage_desc"), icon = "fa-solid fa-signature", value = "property_name" })
+ end
+ if not InProperty then
+ if ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("key_management"), description = _U("key_management_desc"), icon = "fas fa-key", value = "property_keys" })
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("sell_title"), description = _U("sell_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price * 0.6))), icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", value = "property_sell" })
+ end
+ if Config.Raiding.Enabled and Property.Locked and ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == "police" then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("raid_title"), description = _U("raid_desc"), icon = "fas fa-bomb", value = "property_raid" })
+ end
+ else
+ if (Config.CCTV.Enabled and Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled) and (ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId]) then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("cctv_title"), description = _U("cctv_desc"), icon = "fas fa-video", value = "property_cctv" })
+ end
+ if ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId] then
+ if Config.CanCustomiseInventoryAndWardrobePositions then
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("inventory_title"), description = _U("inventory_desc"), icon = "fa-solid fa-up-down-left-right", value = "property_inventory" })
+ end
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("wardrobe_title"), description = _U("wardrobe_desc"), icon = "fa-solid fa-up-down-left-right", value = "property_wardrobe" })
+ end
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("furniture_title"), description = _U("furniture_desc"), icon = "fas fa-boxes-stacked", value = "property_furniture" })
+ end
+ end
+ if (not Property.Locked or Config.OwnerCanAlwaysEnter and ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner) and not InProperty then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("enter_title"), icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = "property_enter" })
+ end
+ if Property.Locked and not InProperty and not (Config.OwnerCanAlwaysEnter and ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId]) then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("knock_title"), icon = "fa-solid fa-hand-sparkles", value = "property_knock" })
- table.insert(elements,
- {title = _U("furniture_title"), description = _U("furniture_desc"), icon = "fas fa-boxes-stacked", value = 'property_furniture'})
- end
- end
- if (not Property.Locked or Config.OwnerCanAlwaysEnter and ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner) and not InProperty then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("enter_title"), icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = 'property_enter'})
- end
- if Property.Locked and not InProperty and
- not (Config.OwnerCanAlwaysEnter and ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Property.Owner or PlayerKeys[PropertyId]) then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("knock_title"), icon = "fa-solid fa-hand-sparkles", value = 'property_knock'})
- end
- else
- if not PM.Enabled then
- table.insert(elements,
- {title = _U("buy_title"), description = _U("buy_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price))), icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart",
- value = 'property_buy'})
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.SellProperty then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("sellplayer_title"), description = _U("sellplayer_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price))),
- icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart", value = 'property_sell_re'})
- end
- end
- if not Property.Locked and not InProperty then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("view_title"), icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = 'property_enter'})
+ if not PM.Enabled then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("buy_title"), description = _U("buy_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price))), icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart", value = "property_buy" })
+ else
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.SellProperty then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("sellplayer_title"), description = _U("sellplayer_desc", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(ESX.Round(Property.Price))), icon = "fas fa-shopping-cart", value = "property_sell_re" })
+ end
+ end
+ if not Property.Locked and not InProperty then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("view_title"), icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = "property_enter" })
+ end
- end
- if InProperty and (not Property.Locked or Config.CanAlwaysExit) then
- table.insert(elements, {title = _U("exit_title"), icon = "fas fa-sign-out-alt", value = 'property_exit'})
- end
+ if InProperty and (not Property.Locked or Config.CanAlwaysExit) then
+ table.insert(elements, { title = _U("exit_title"), icon = "fas fa-sign-out-alt", value = "property_exit" })
+ end
- return elements
+ return elements
function OpenPropertyMenu(PropertyId)
- if SettingValue ~= "" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("property_editing_error"))
- return
- end
- ESX.HideUI()
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local elements = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ if SettingValue ~= "" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("property_editing_error"))
+ return
+ end
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local elements = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "property_unlock" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
- if IsUnlocked then
- local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("unlock_error"), "error")
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "property_unlock" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
+ if IsUnlocked then
+ local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("unlock_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_lock" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
- if IsUnlocked then
- local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("lock_error"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_lock" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
+ if IsUnlocked then
+ local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("lock_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_cctv" then
- CCTV(PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_raid" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CanRaid", function(CanRaid)
- if CanRaid then
- ESX.Progressbar(_U("prep_raid"), 15000, {FreezePlayer = true, animation = Config.Raiding.Animation, onFinish = function()
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("raiding"), "success")
+ if element.value == "property_cctv" then
+ CCTV(PropertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "property_raid" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CanRaid", function(CanRaid)
+ if CanRaid then
+ ESX.Progressbar(_U("prep_raid"), 15000, {
+ FreezePlayer = true,
+ animation = Config.Raiding.Animation,
+ onFinish = function()
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("raiding"), "success")
+ AttemptHouseEntry(PropertyId)
+ end,
+ onCancel = function()
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cancel_raiding"), "error")
+ end,
+ })
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_raid"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "property_enter" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
- end, onCancel = function()
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cancel_raiding"), "error")
- end})
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_raid"), "error")
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_enter" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- AttemptHouseEntry(PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_keys" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ManageKeys(PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_name" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- SetPropertyName(PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_furniture" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- FurnitureMenu(PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_inventory" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ShowingUIs.Exit = false
- SettingValue = "Storage"
- Wait(20)
- ESX.TextUI(_U("storage_pos_textui"))
- while SettingValue ~= "" do
- Wait(1)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) then
- SettingValue = ""
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetInventoryPosition", function(Success)
- if Success then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("storage_pos_success"), "success")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("storage_pos_error"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_keys" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ManageKeys(PropertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "property_name" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ SetPropertyName(PropertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "property_furniture" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ FurnitureMenu(PropertyId)
+ end
+ if element.value == "property_inventory" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = false
+ SettingValue = "Storage"
+ Wait(20)
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("storage_pos_textui"))
+ while SettingValue ~= "" do
+ Wait(1)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) then
+ SettingValue = ""
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetInventoryPosition", function(Success)
+ if Success then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("storage_pos_success"), "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("storage_pos_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
+ break
+ end
- end, PropertyId, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
- break
- end
- end
- if element.value == "property_wardrobe" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ShowingUIs.Exit = false
- SettingValue = "Wardrobe"
- Wait(20)
- ESX.TextUI(_U("wardrobe_pos_textui"))
- while SettingValue ~= "" do
- Wait(1)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) then
- SettingValue = ""
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(Success)
- if Success then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("wardrobe_pos_success"), "success")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("wardrobe_pos_error"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_wardrobe" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = false
+ SettingValue = "Wardrobe"
+ Wait(20)
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("wardrobe_pos_textui"))
+ while SettingValue ~= "" do
+ Wait(1)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) then
+ SettingValue = ""
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(Success)
+ if Success then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("wardrobe_pos_success"), "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("wardrobe_pos_error"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
+ break
+ end
- end, PropertyId, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
- break
- end
- end
- if element.value == "property_exit" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- if SettingValue == "" then
- AttemptHouseExit(PropertyId)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("please_finish", SettingValue))
- end
- end
- if element.value == "property_buy" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:buyProperty", function(IsBought)
- if IsBought then
- local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_afford"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_exit" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ if SettingValue == "" then
+ AttemptHouseExit(PropertyId)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("please_finish", SettingValue))
+ end
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_sell_re" then
- local Elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("select_player")}}
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetNearbyPlayers", function(Players)
- if Players then
- for i = 1, #Players do
- Elements[#Elements + 1] = {title = Players[i].name, value = Players[i].source}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:attemptSellToPlayer", function(IsBought)
+ if element.value == "property_buy" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:buyProperty", function(IsBought)
if IsBought then
- local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
+ local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_sell"), "error")
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_afford"), "error")
- end, PropertyId, element.value)
- end
- end)
+ end, PropertyId)
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_knock" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("knock_on_door"), "success")
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:KnockOnDoor", function(HasKnocked)
- if not HasKnocked then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("nobody_home"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_sell_re" then
+ local Elements = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("select_player") } }
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:GetNearbyPlayers", function(Players)
+ if Players then
+ for i = 1, #Players do
+ Elements[#Elements + 1] = { title = Players[i].name, value = Players[i].source }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:attemptSellToPlayer", function(IsBought)
+ if IsBought then
+ local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_sell"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId, element.value)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- if element.value == "property_sell" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:sellProperty", function(IsSold)
- if IsSold then
- local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_sell"), "error")
+ if element.value == "property_knock" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("knock_on_door"), "success")
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:KnockOnDoor", function(HasKnocked)
+ if not HasKnocked then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("nobody_home"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
- end, PropertyId)
- end
- end, function(menu)
- CurrentDrawing.Showing = false
- end)
+ if element.value == "property_sell" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:sellProperty", function(IsSold)
+ if IsSold then
+ local eles = PropertyMenuElements(PropertyId)
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(eles)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_sell"), "error")
+ end
+ end, PropertyId)
+ end
+ end, function(menu)
+ CurrentDrawing.Showing = false
+ end)
function AttemptHouseExit(PropertyId)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exiting"), "success")
- FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, true)
- InProperty = false
- CurrentId = 0
- SettingValue = ""
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
- SetRainLevel(-1)
- DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
- Wait(1500)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:leave", PropertyId)
- if Shell then
- DeleteObject(Shell)
- Shell = nil
- end
- if Config.Furniture.Enabled then
- for k, v in pairs(SpawnedFurniture) do
- DeleteObject(v.obj)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exiting"), "success")
+ FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, true)
+ InProperty = false
+ CurrentId = 0
+ SettingValue = ""
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
+ SetRainLevel(-1)
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
+ Wait(1500)
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:leave", PropertyId)
+ if Shell then
+ DeleteObject(Shell)
+ Shell = nil
- SpawnedFurniture = {}
- end
- Wait(1500)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
- DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
+ if Config.Furniture.Enabled then
+ for k, v in pairs(SpawnedFurniture) do
+ DeleteObject(v.obj)
+ end
+ SpawnedFurniture = {}
+ end
+ Wait(1500)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
RegisterCommand("getoffset", function(source)
- if InProperty then
- local PlayerPed = ESX.PlayerData.ped
- local Pcoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
- local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- print(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Pcoords)
- SendNUIMessage({
- link = tostring(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Pcoords)
- })
- end
+ if InProperty then
+ local PlayerPed = ESX.PlayerData.ped
+ local Pcoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
+ local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ print(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Pcoords)
+ SendNUIMessage({
+ link = tostring(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Pcoords),
+ })
+ end
function AttemptHouseEntry(PropertyId)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- if Interior.type == "shell" and not Config.Shells then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("shell_disabled"), "error")
- return
- end
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("entering"), "success")
- CurrentId = PropertyId
- ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
- local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
- FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, true)
- DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
- Wait(1500)
- if Interior.type == "shell" then
- ESX.Streaming.RequestModel(joaat(Property.Interior), function()
- if Shell then
- DeleteObject(Shell)
- Shell = nil
- end
- local Pos = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000)
- Shell = CreateObjectNoOffset(joaat(Property.Interior), Pos + Interior.pos, false, false, false)
- SetEntityHeading(Shell, 0.0)
- while not DoesEntityExist(Shell) do
- Wait(1)
- end
- FreezeEntityPosition(Shell, true)
- end)
- end
- if Properties[PropertyId].furniture then
- for k, v in pairs(Properties[PropertyId].furniture) do
- ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(v.Name, v.Pos, function(object)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(object, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z)
- SetEntityHeading(object, v.Heading)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(object, true, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(object, true)
- SpawnedFurniture[k] = {obj = object, data = v}
- end)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ if Interior.type == "shell" and not Config.Shells then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("shell_disabled"), "error")
+ return
- end
- local ShowingTextUI2 = false
- FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:enter", PropertyId)
- Wait(1500)
- DoScreenFadeIn(1800)
- InProperty = true
- if not Config.OxInventory then
- Interior.positions.Storage = nil
- Properties[CurrentId].positions.Storage = nil
- end
- CreateThread(function()
- while InProperty do
- local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
- local Sleep = 1000
- local Near = false
- SetRainLevel(0.0)
- local PlayerPed = ESX.PlayerData.ped
- local PlayerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
- if Interior.type == "shell" then
- if #(PlayerCoords - vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999)) < 5.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000.2), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 50, 200, 200,
- false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if #(PlayerCoords.xy - vector2(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y)) <= 2.5 then
- Near = true
- if not ShowingUIs.Exit then
- local Pname = Properties[CurrentId].setName ~= "" and Properties[CurrentId].setName or Properties[CurrentId].Name
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", Pname))
- ShowingUIs.Exit = true
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenPropertyMenu(CurrentId)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("entering"), "success")
+ CurrentId = PropertyId
+ ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
+ local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
+ FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, true)
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
+ Wait(1500)
+ if Interior.type == "shell" then
+ ESX.Streaming.RequestModel(joaat(Property.Interior), function()
+ if Shell then
+ DeleteObject(Shell)
+ Shell = nil
- else
- if not Near and ShowingUIs.Exit and SettingValue == "" then
- ShowingUIs.Exit = false
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.CloseContext()
+ local Pos = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000)
+ Shell = CreateObjectNoOffset(joaat(Property.Interior), Pos + Interior.pos, false, false, false)
+ SetEntityHeading(Shell, 0.0)
+ while not DoesEntityExist(Shell) do
+ Wait(1)
- end
+ FreezeEntityPosition(Shell, true)
+ end)
+ end
+ if Properties[PropertyId].furniture then
+ for k, v in pairs(Properties[PropertyId].furniture) do
+ ESX.Game.SpawnLocalObject(v.Name, v.Pos, function(object)
+ SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(object, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z)
+ SetEntityHeading(object, v.Heading)
+ SetEntityAsMissionEntity(object, true, true)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(object, true)
+ SpawnedFurniture[k] = { obj = object, data = v }
+ end)
+ end
+ local ShowingTextUI2 = false
+ FreezeEntityPosition(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:enter", PropertyId)
+ Wait(1500)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1800)
+ InProperty = true
+ if not Config.OxInventory then
+ Interior.positions.Storage = nil
+ Properties[CurrentId].positions.Storage = nil
+ end
+ CreateThread(function()
+ while InProperty do
+ local Property = Properties[CurrentId]
+ local Sleep = 1000
+ local Near = false
+ SetRainLevel(0.0)
+ local PlayerPed = ESX.PlayerData.ped
+ local PlayerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
+ if Interior.type == "shell" then
+ if #(PlayerCoords - vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999)) < 5.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000.2), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 50, 200, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(PlayerCoords.xy - vector2(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y)) <= 2.5 then
+ Near = true
+ if not ShowingUIs.Exit then
+ local Pname = Properties[CurrentId].setName ~= "" and Properties[CurrentId].setName or Properties[CurrentId].Name
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", Pname))
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = true
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenPropertyMenu(CurrentId)
+ end
+ else
+ if not Near and ShowingUIs.Exit and SettingValue == "" then
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = false
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ end
+ end
- if Property.Owned then
- for k, v in pairs(Properties[CurrentId].positions) do
- local v = vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)
- local CanDo = true
- if CanDo then
- local Poss = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999) - v
- if #(PlayerCoords - Poss) < 5.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, Poss, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200, 50, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if #(PlayerCoords - Poss) < 2.0 and SettingValue == "" then
- Near = true
- if not ShowingUIs[k] then
- ShowingUIs[k] = true
+ if Property.Owned then
+ for k, v in pairs(Properties[CurrentId].positions) do
+ local v = vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)
+ local CanDo = true
+ if CanDo then
+ local Poss = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999) - v
+ if #(PlayerCoords - Poss) < 5.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, Poss, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200, 50, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(PlayerCoords - Poss) < 2.0 and SettingValue == "" then
+ Near = true
+ if not ShowingUIs[k] then
+ ShowingUIs[k] = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", k))
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenInteractionMenu(CurrentId, k)
- end
- else
- if not Near and ShowingUIs[k] and SettingValue == "" then
- ShowingUIs[k] = false
- ESX.HideUI()
- end
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", k))
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenInteractionMenu(CurrentId, k)
+ end
+ else
+ if not Near and ShowingUIs[k] and SettingValue == "" then
+ ShowingUIs[k] = false
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not Near and ShowingUIs and SettingValue == "" then
+ ShowingTextUI2 = false
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if #(PlayerCoords - Interior.pos) < 5.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, vector3(Interior.pos.xy, Interior.pos.z - 0.98), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 50, 200, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(PlayerCoords - Interior.pos) < 2.0 then
+ if not ShowingUIs.Exit then
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = true
+ local Pname = Properties[CurrentId].setName ~= "" and Properties[CurrentId].setName or Properties[CurrentId].Name
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", Pname))
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenPropertyMenu(CurrentId)
+ end
+ else
+ if ShowingUIs.Exit and SettingValue == "" then
+ ShowingUIs.Exit = false
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ end
- end
- end
- end
- if not Near and ShowingUIs and SettingValue == "" then
- ShowingTextUI2 = false
- ESX.HideUI()
- end
- end
- else
- if #(PlayerCoords - Interior.pos) < 5.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, vector3(Interior.pos.xy, Interior.pos.z - 0.98), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 50, 200, 200, false, false,
- 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if #(PlayerCoords - Interior.pos) < 2.0 then
- if not ShowingUIs.Exit then
- ShowingUIs.Exit = true
- local Pname = Properties[CurrentId].setName ~= "" and Properties[CurrentId].setName or Properties[CurrentId].Name
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", Pname))
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenPropertyMenu(CurrentId)
- end
- else
- if ShowingUIs.Exit and SettingValue == "" then
- ShowingUIs.Exit = false
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- end
- end
- if Property.Owned then
- for k, v in pairs(Properties[CurrentId].positions) do
- v = vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)
- local CanDo = true
+ if Property.Owned then
+ for k, v in pairs(Properties[CurrentId].positions) do
+ v = vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z)
+ local CanDo = true
- if CanDo then
- if #(PlayerCoords - v) < 5.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, vector3(v.xy, v.z - 0.98), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200, 50, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil,
- nil, false)
- if #(PlayerCoords - v) < 2.0 then
- if not ShowingUIs[k] then
- ShowingUIs[k] = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", k))
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenInteractionMenu(CurrentId, k)
- end
- else
- if ShowingUIs[k] and SettingValue == "" then
- ShowingUIs[k] = false
- ESX.HideUI()
- end
+ if CanDo then
+ if #(PlayerCoords - v) < 5.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, vector3(v.xy, v.z - 0.98), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200, 50, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(PlayerCoords - v) < 2.0 then
+ if not ShowingUIs[k] then
+ ShowingUIs[k] = true
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", k))
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenInteractionMenu(CurrentId, k)
+ end
+ else
+ if ShowingUIs[k] and SettingValue == "" then
+ ShowingUIs[k] = false
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- end
- end
+ Wait(Sleep)
- end
- Wait(Sleep)
- end
- end)
+ end)
function StoreVehicle(PropertyId)
- local Vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
- if Vehicle then
- local VehProperties = ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties(Vehicle)
- VehProperties.DisplayName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(VehProperties.model))
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:StoreVehicle", function(result)
- if result then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Vehicle, true, true)
- DeleteVehicle(Vehicle)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("store_success"), "success")
- return
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("store_error"), "error")
- return
- end
- end, PropertyId, VehProperties)
- end
+ local Vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
+ if Vehicle then
+ local VehProperties = ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties(Vehicle)
+ VehProperties.DisplayName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(VehProperties.model))
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:StoreVehicle", function(result)
+ if result then
+ SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Vehicle, true, true)
+ DeleteVehicle(Vehicle)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("store_success"), "success")
+ return
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("store_error"), "error")
+ return
+ end
+ end, PropertyId, VehProperties)
+ end
function AccessGarage(PropertyId)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:AccessGarage", function(Vehicles)
- if Vehicles then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("property_garage")}}
- for k, v in pairs(Vehicles) do
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = v.vehicle.DisplayName .. " | " .. v.vehicle.plate, Properties = v.vehicle, index = k}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.Properties then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("retriving_notify",element.Properties.DisplayName))
- if ESX.Game.IsSpawnPointClear(vector3(Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.x, Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.y,
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.z), 3.0) then
- ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle(element.Properties.model, Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos, Properties[PropertyId].garage.Heading,
- function(vehicle)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, true, true)
- ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, element.Properties)
- TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(ESX.PlayerData.ped, vehicle, -1)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(element.Properties.model)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:SetVehicleOut", PropertyId, element.index)
- end)
- end
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:AccessGarage", function(Vehicles)
+ if Vehicles then
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("property_garage") } }
+ for k, v in pairs(Vehicles) do
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = v.vehicle.DisplayName .. " | " .. v.vehicle.plate, Properties = v.vehicle, index = k }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.Properties then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("retriving_notify", element.Properties.DisplayName))
+ if ESX.Game.IsSpawnPointClear(vector3(Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.x, Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.y, Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.z), 3.0) then
+ ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle(element.Properties.model, Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos, Properties[PropertyId].garage.Heading, function(vehicle)
+ SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, true, true)
+ ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, element.Properties)
+ TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(ESX.PlayerData.ped, vehicle, -1)
+ SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(element.Properties.model)
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:SetVehicleOut", PropertyId, element.index)
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_access"), "error")
+ return
- end)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("cannot_access"), "error")
- return
- end
- end, PropertyId)
+ end, PropertyId)
- local ShowingTextUI = false
- while true do
- local Sleep = 2000
+ local ShowingTextUI = false
+ while true do
+ local Sleep = 2000
- if #(Properties) > 0 then
- Sleep = 800
- local nearby = false
- for i = 1, #(Properties) do
- if Properties[i].Entrance then
- local GetEntityCoords = GetEntityCoords
- local IsControlJustPressed = IsControlJustPressed
- local DrawMarker = DrawMarker
- local Coords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- local Entrance = vector3(Properties[i].Entrance.x, Properties[i].Entrance.y, Properties[i].Entrance.z)
- if not InCCTV then
- if #(Coords - Entrance) < 10.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, Entrance, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if #(Coords - Entrance) < 1.5 then
- nearby = true
- local PropertyName = Properties[i].setName ~= "" and Properties[i].setName or Properties[i].Name
- if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= PropertyName then
- CurrentDrawing.Name = PropertyName
- CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", PropertyName))
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenPropertyMenu(i)
+ if #Properties > 0 then
+ Sleep = 800
+ local nearby = false
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if Properties[i].Entrance then
+ local GetEntityCoords = GetEntityCoords
+ local IsControlJustPressed = IsControlJustPressed
+ local DrawMarker = DrawMarker
+ local Coords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ local Entrance = vector3(Properties[i].Entrance.x, Properties[i].Entrance.y, Properties[i].Entrance.z)
+ if not InCCTV then
+ if #(Coords - Entrance) < 10.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, Entrance, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(Coords - Entrance) < 1.5 then
+ nearby = true
+ local PropertyName = Properties[i].setName ~= "" and Properties[i].setName or Properties[i].Name
+ if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= PropertyName then
+ CurrentDrawing.Name = PropertyName
+ CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", PropertyName))
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenPropertyMenu(i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if Properties[i].garage.enabled and Properties[i].garage.pos and (ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Properties[i].Owner or PlayerKeys[i]) then
+ local Garage = vector3(Properties[i].garage.pos.x, Properties[i].garage.pos.y, Properties[i].garage.pos.z)
+ if #(Coords - Garage) < 10.0 then
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(36, Garage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if #(Coords - Garage) < 3.0 then
+ nearby = true
+ if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ESX.PlayerData.ped) ~= 0 then
+ local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
+ local vehmodel = GetEntityModel(veh)
+ local DisplayName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(vehmodel))
+ if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= DisplayName then
+ CurrentDrawing.Name = DisplayName
+ CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("store_textui", DisplayName))
+ end
+ else
+ if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= "Garage" then
+ CurrentDrawing.Name = "Garage"
+ CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", "garage"))
+ end
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ESX.PlayerData.ped) ~= 0 then
+ StoreVehicle(i)
+ else
+ AccessGarage(i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- end
- end
- if Properties[i].garage.enabled and Properties[i].garage.pos and (ESX.PlayerData.identifier == Properties[i].Owner or PlayerKeys[i]) then
- local Garage = vector3(Properties[i].garage.pos.x, Properties[i].garage.pos.y, Properties[i].garage.pos.z)
- if #(Coords - Garage) < 10.0 then
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(36, Garage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if #(Coords - Garage) < 3.0 then
- nearby = true
- if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ESX.PlayerData.ped) ~= 0 then
- local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ESX.PlayerData.ped, false)
- local vehmodel = GetEntityModel(veh)
- local DisplayName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(vehmodel))
- if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= DisplayName then
- CurrentDrawing.Name = DisplayName
- CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("store_textui", DisplayName))
- end
- else
- if not CurrentDrawing.Showing or CurrentDrawing.Name ~= "Garage" then
- CurrentDrawing.Name = "Garage"
- CurrentDrawing.Showing = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("access_textui", "garage"))
- end
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ESX.PlayerData.ped) ~= 0 then
- StoreVehicle(i)
- else
- AccessGarage(i)
- end
- end
- end
+ if not nearby and CurrentDrawing.Showing and SettingValue == "" then
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ CurrentDrawing.Showing = false
+ ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- end
- if not nearby and CurrentDrawing.Showing and SettingValue == "" then
- ESX.HideUI()
- CurrentDrawing.Showing = false
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
+ Wait(Sleep)
- Wait(Sleep)
- end
function OpenPMQuickMenu(Action)
- if Action == "Entrance" then
- DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
- Wait(1500)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:PMenterOffice", function(HasEntered)
- if HasEntered then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("enter_office"), "success")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("enter_office_error"), "error")
- end
- Wait(1500)
- DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
- end)
- elseif Action == "Exit" then
- DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
- Wait(1500)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:PMexitOffice", function(HasExited)
- if HasExited then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exit_office"), "success")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exit_office_error"), "error")
- end
- Wait(1500)
- DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
- end)
- elseif Action == "Properties" then
- TriggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
- elseif Action == "ActionsMenu" then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, title = _U("actions"), value = "RealEstateActions"}}
+ if Action == "Entrance" then
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
+ Wait(1500)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:PMenterOffice", function(HasEntered)
+ if HasEntered then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("enter_office"), "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("enter_office_error"), "error")
+ end
+ Wait(1500)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
+ end)
+ elseif Action == "Exit" then
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1500)
+ Wait(1500)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:PMexitOffice", function(HasExited)
+ if HasExited then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exit_office"), "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("exit_office_error"), "error")
+ end
+ Wait(1500)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1500)
+ end)
+ elseif Action == "Properties" then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
+ elseif Action == "ActionsMenu" then
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, title = _U("actions"), value = "RealEstateActions" } }
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job then
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.CreateProperty then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = _U("property_create"), value = "CreateProperty"}
- end
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = _U("property_manage"), value = "manage"}
- end
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job then
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.CreateProperty then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = _U("property_create"), value = "CreateProperty" }
+ end
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade >= PM.Permissions.ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = _U("property_manage"), value = "manage" }
+ end
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "CreateProperty" then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_property:CreateProperty")
+ end
+ if element.value == "manage" then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "CreateProperty" then
- TriggerEvent("esx_property:CreateProperty")
- end
- if element.value == "manage" then
- TriggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
- end
- end)
- end
ESX.RegisterInput(_U("realestate_command"), _U("realestate_command_desc"), "keyboard", "F5", function()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:CanAccessRealEstateMenu', function(Access)
- if Access then
- OpenPMQuickMenu("ActionsMenu")
- end
- end)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CanAccessRealEstateMenu", function(Access)
+ if Access then
+ OpenPMQuickMenu("ActionsMenu")
+ end
+ end)
-local PMdrawing = {Entrance = false, Exit = false}
+local PMdrawing = { Entrance = false, Exit = false }
- while PM.Enabled do
- local Sleep = 2500
- local DrawMarker = DrawMarker
- if ESX.IsPlayerLoaded() then
- if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job then
- Sleep = 1500
+ while PM.Enabled do
+ local Sleep = 2500
+ local DrawMarker = DrawMarker
+ if ESX.IsPlayerLoaded() then
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.name == PM.job then
+ Sleep = 1500
- local Coords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- local nearby = false
+ local Coords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ local nearby = false
- for k, v in pairs(PM.Locations) do
- local Dist = #(Coords - v)
- if Dist <= 10.0 then
- nearby = true
- Sleep = 0
- DrawMarker(27, v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
- if Dist <= 1.5 then
- if not PMdrawing[k] then
- PMdrawing[k] = true
- ESX.TextUI(_U("realestate_textui", k))
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- OpenPMQuickMenu(k)
- end
- end
- else
- if not nearby and PMdrawing[k] then
- ESX.HideUI()
- PMdrawing[k] = false
- ESX.CloseContext()
+ for k, v in pairs(PM.Locations) do
+ local Dist = #(Coords - v)
+ if Dist <= 10.0 then
+ nearby = true
+ Sleep = 0
+ DrawMarker(27, v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 50, 200, 50, 200, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
+ if Dist <= 1.5 then
+ if not PMdrawing[k] then
+ PMdrawing[k] = true
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("realestate_textui", k))
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ OpenPMQuickMenu(k)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if not nearby and PMdrawing[k] then
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ PMdrawing[k] = false
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ end
+ end
- end
- end
+ Wait(Sleep)
- Wait(Sleep)
- end
local HouseData = {}
RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:CreateProperty", function()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:CanCreateProperty', function(data)
- if data then
- local GetEntityCoords = GetEntityCoords
- local GetStreetNameAtCoord = GetStreetNameAtCoord
- local GetStreetNameFromHashKey = GetStreetNameFromHashKey
- local Pcoords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- local StreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(Pcoords.x, Pcoords.y, Pcoords.z)
- local StreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(StreetHash)
- local Zone = GetZoneAtCoords(Pcoords.x, Pcoords.y, Pcoords.z)
- local ZoneScum = GetZoneScumminess(Zone)
- local SuggestedPrice = Config.ZonePriceOptions.Enabled and Config.ZonePriceOptions.Default * Config.ZonePrices[ZoneScum] or nil
- HouseData = {}
- local Property = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-plus", title = _U("menu_title")},
- {value = 0, title = _U("element_title1"), icon = "fas fa-list-ol", description = _U("element_description1"), input = true,
- inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Number...", inputValue = nil, inputMin = 1, inputMax = 90000, index = "hnumber"},
- {title = _U("element_title2"), icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", input = true, inputType = "number",description = _U("element_description2"),
- inputPlaceholder = "Price...", inputValue = SuggestedPrice, inputMin = 1, inputMax = 900000000, index = "price"},
- {title = _U("element_title3"), description = _U("element_description3"), icon = "fas fa-home", index = "interior"},
- {title = _U("element_title4"), description = _U("element_description4"), icon = "fas fa-warehouse", value = {enabled = false},
- index = "garage", disabled = not (Config.Garage.Enabled)},
- {title = _U("element_title5"), description = _U("element_description5"), icon = "fas fa-video",
- value = {enabled = false, rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2), maxleft = 80, maxright = -20}, index = "cctv",
- disabled = not (Config.CCTV.Enabled)},
- {title = _U("element_title6"),description = _U("element_description6"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", index = "entrance"},
- {title = _U("element_create_title"), icon = "fas fa-check", description = _U("element_create_desc_1"), index = "creation"}}
- local function OpenCreate()
- local opos = {}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", Property, function(menu, element)
- if menu.eles[2] and menu.eles[2].inputValue and menu.eles[1].title == _U("menu_title") then
- Property[2].inputValue = menu.eles[2].inputValue
- HouseData.name = menu.eles[2].inputValue .. " " .. StreetName
- end
- if menu.eles[3] and menu.eles[3].inputValue and menu.eles[1].title == _U("menu_title") then
- Property[3].inputValue = menu.eles[3].inputValue
- HouseData.price = menu.eles[3].inputValue
- end
- if element.index then
- if element.index == "entrance" then
- local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- HouseData.entrance = {x = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.z, 2) - 0.98}
- Property[7].title = _U("entrance_set_title")
- Property[7].description = _U("entrance_set_description",HouseData.entrance.x, HouseData.entrance.y, HouseData.entrance.z)
- OpenCreate()
- end
- if element.index == "selectedinterior" then
- HouseData.interior = element.value
- Property[4].title = _U("interior_set_title")
- Property[4].description = _U("interior_set_description",element.title)
- OpenCreate()
- end
- if element.index == "IPL" then
- local ints = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("ipl_title")}}
- for i = 1, #(Config.Interiors.IPL) do
- ints[#ints + 1] = {title = Config.Interiors.IPL[i].label, index = "selectedinterior", value = Config.Interiors.IPL[i].value}
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(ints, "right")
- end
- end
- if element.index == "Shells" then
- local ints = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("shell_title")}}
- for i = 1, #(Config.Interiors.Shells) do
- ints[#ints + 1] = {title = Config.Interiors.Shells[i].label, index = "selectedinterior", value = Config.Interiors.Shells[i].value}
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(ints, "right")
- end
- end
- if element.index == "interior" then
- local catsa = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("types_title")},
- {title = _U("ipl_title"), description = _U("ipl_description"), index = "IPL"}}
- if Config.Shells then
- catsa[3] = {title = _U("shell_title"), description = _U("shell_description"), index = "Shells"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(catsa, "right")
- end
- if element.index == "return" then
- OpenCreate()
- end
- if element.index == "cctv" then
- local status = Property[6].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-video", title = _U("cctv_settings")},
- {title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fas fa-eye" or "fas fa-eye-slash",
- description = _U("toggle_description",status), index = "ToggleCCTV"},
- {title = _U("cctv_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-rotate", disabled = not Property[6].value.enabled,
- description = _U("cctv_set_description"), index = "SetCCTVangle"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return"}}
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if element.index == "ToggleCCTV" then
- Property[6].value.enabled = not Property[6].value.enabled
- local status = Property[6].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-video", title = _U("cctv_settings")},
- {title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fas fa-eye" or "fas fa-eye-slash",
- description = _U("toggle_description",status), index = "ToggleCCTV"},
- {title = _U("cctv_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-rotate", disabled = not Property[6].value.enabled,
- description = _U("cctv_set_description"), index = "SetCCTVangle"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return"}}
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if Config.Garage.Enabled and element.index == "garage" then
- local status = Property[5].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings")},
- {title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = _U("toggle_description",status), index = "ToggleGarage"}}
- if Property[5].value.enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("garage_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Property[5].value.enabled,
- description = _U("garage_set_description"), index = "SetGaragePos"}
- if Property[5].value.pos then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return"}
- end
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if element.index == "ToggleGarage" then
- Property[5].value.enabled = not Property[5].value.enabled
- local status = Property[5].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings")},
- {title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = _U("toggle_description",status), index = "ToggleGarage"}}
- if Property[5].value.enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("garage_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Property[5].value.enabled,
- description = _U("garage_set_description"), index = "SetGaragePos"}
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if element.index == "SetGaragePos" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TextUI(_U("garage_textui"))
- while true do
- Wait(0)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- Property[5].value.pos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- Property[5].value.heading = GetEntityHeading(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
- ESX.HideUI()
- OpenCreate()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if element.index == "SetCCTVangle" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_1"))
- local stage = "angle"
- while true do
- Wait(0)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- if stage == "angle" then
- Property[6].value.rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2)
- ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_2"))
- stage = "maxright"
- elseif stage == "maxright" then
- Property[6].value.maxright = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
- ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_3"))
- stage = "maxleft"
- elseif stage == "maxleft" then
- Property[6].value.maxleft = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
- ESX.HideUI()
- OpenCreate()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if element.index == "creation" then
- if HouseData.price and HouseData.name and HouseData.entrance and HouseData.interior then
- local newProperty = {name = HouseData.name, price = HouseData.price, interior = HouseData.interior, entrance = HouseData.entrance,
- cctv = Property[6].value, garage = Property[5].value}
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:server:createProperty", newProperty)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("create_success"), "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- HouseData = {}
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("missing_data"), "error")
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- OpenCreate()
- end
- end)
-RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu", function()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:IsAdmin', function(data)
- if data then
- function ManageProperty(currentProperty)
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Properties[currentProperty].Interior)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:IsAdmin', function(data)
- if data then
- local opos = {}
- local function GetData()
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-cogs", title = "Property Management"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "back"},
- {title = "Toggle Lock", icon = (Properties[currentProperty].Locked and "fas fa-lock") or "fas fa-unlock",
- description = "Lock/Unlock The Property.", value = "lock"},
- {title = "Enter", description = "Force Entry Into The Property.", icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = "enter"},
- {title = "Price", icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", description = "Alter The Price Of The Property.", value = "price"},
- {title = "Set Interior", description = "Renovate The Property`s Interior.", icon = "fas fa-home", value = "interior"},
- {title = "Entrance", description = "Set The Entrance As Your Position.", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt",
- value = "entrance"}}
- if Properties[currentProperty].setName ~= "" then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Clear Custom Name", icon = "fa-solid fa-ban",
- description = "Current Name: " .. Properties[currentProperty].setName, value = "remove_custom_name"}
- end
- if Config.Furniture.Enabled and #(Properties[currentProperty].furniture) > 0 then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Reset Furniture", description = "Delete All Property Furniture", icon = "fas fa-eraser",
- value = "refurni"}
- end
- if Config.Garage.Enabled then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Garage", description = "Change Garage Settings", icon = "fa-solid fa-warehouse", value = "garage"}
- end
- if Config.CCTV.Enabled then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "CCTV", description = "Change CCTV Settings", icon = "fa-solid fa-camera", value = "cctv"}
- end
- if (Config.OxInventory) and Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage and
- (ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Storage.x, 2) ~= Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage.x or
- ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Storage.y, 2) ~= Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage.y) then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Reset Storage Position", description = "Set Storage Position To Interior Default.",
- icon = "fas fa-eraser", value = "restorage"}
- end
- if Interior.positions.Wardrobe then
- if ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Wardrobe.x, 2) ~= ESX.Round(Properties[currentProperty].positions.Wardrobe.x, 2) or
- ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Wardrobe.y, 2) ~= ESX.Round(Properties[currentProperty].positions.Wardrobe.y, 2) then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Reset Wardrobe Position", description = "Set Wardrobe Position To Interior Default.",
- icon = "fas fa-eraser", value = "rewardrobe"}
- end
- end
- if Properties[currentProperty].Owned then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = "Remove Owner", icon = "fas fa-user-times", description = "Evict The Owner Of The Property.",
- value = "removeowner"}
- end
- return elements
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", GetData(), function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- if element.value == "lock" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
- if IsUnlocked then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Lock Toggled!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Lock This Property", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "enter" then
- AttemptHouseEntry(currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "removeowner" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:evictOwner", function(Evicted)
- if Evicted then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Owner Evicted!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Evict This Owner!", "error")
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:CanCreateProperty", function(data)
+ if data then
+ local GetEntityCoords = GetEntityCoords
+ local GetStreetNameAtCoord = GetStreetNameAtCoord
+ local GetStreetNameFromHashKey = GetStreetNameFromHashKey
+ local Pcoords = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ local StreetHash = GetStreetNameAtCoord(Pcoords.x, Pcoords.y, Pcoords.z)
+ local StreetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(StreetHash)
+ local Zone = GetZoneAtCoords(Pcoords.x, Pcoords.y, Pcoords.z)
+ local ZoneScum = GetZoneScumminess(Zone)
+ local SuggestedPrice = Config.ZonePriceOptions.Enabled and Config.ZonePriceOptions.Default * Config.ZonePrices[ZoneScum] or nil
+ HouseData = {}
+ local Property = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-plus", title = _U("menu_title") },
+ { value = 0, title = _U("element_title1"), icon = "fas fa-list-ol", description = _U("element_description1"), input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Number...", inputValue = nil, inputMin = 1, inputMax = 90000, index = "hnumber" },
+ { title = _U("element_title2"), icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", input = true, inputType = "number", description = _U("element_description2"), inputPlaceholder = "Price...", inputValue = SuggestedPrice, inputMin = 1, inputMax = 900000000, index = "price" },
+ { title = _U("element_title3"), description = _U("element_description3"), icon = "fas fa-home", index = "interior" },
+ { title = _U("element_title4"), description = _U("element_description4"), icon = "fas fa-warehouse", value = { enabled = false }, index = "garage", disabled = not Config.Garage.Enabled },
+ {
+ title = _U("element_title5"),
+ description = _U("element_description5"),
+ icon = "fas fa-video",
+ value = { enabled = false, rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2), maxleft = 80, maxright = -20 },
+ index = "cctv",
+ disabled = not Config.CCTV.Enabled,
+ },
+ { title = _U("element_title6"), description = _U("element_description6"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", index = "entrance" },
+ { title = _U("element_create_title"), icon = "fas fa-check", description = _U("element_create_desc_1"), index = "creation" },
+ }
+ local function OpenCreate()
+ local opos = {}
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", Property, function(menu, element)
+ if menu.eles[2] and menu.eles[2].inputValue and menu.eles[1].title == _U("menu_title") then
+ Property[2].inputValue = menu.eles[2].inputValue
+ HouseData.name = menu.eles[2].inputValue .. " " .. StreetName
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "garage" then
- local status = Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings")},
- {title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleGarage"}}
- if Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = "Set Position", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt",
- disabled = not Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled,
- description = "Sets the Garage Position to your Players Position", value = "SetGaragePos"}
- if Properties[currentProperty].garage.pos then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.",
- value = "return"}
- end
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if element.value == "cctv" then
- local status = Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("cctv_settings")},
- {title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleCCTV"}}
- if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = "Set Angle", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled,
- description = "Sets the Angle of the Camera.", value = "SetCCTVangle"}
- if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.rot then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.",
- value = "return"}
+ if menu.eles[3] and menu.eles[3].inputValue and menu.eles[1].title == _U("menu_title") then
+ Property[3].inputValue = menu.eles[3].inputValue
+ HouseData.price = menu.eles[3].inputValue
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- end
- if element.value == "ToggleGarage" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleGarage", function(IsUnlocked, enabled)
- if IsUnlocked then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Garage Toggled!", "success")
- local status = enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings")},
- {title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleGarage"}}
- if enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = "Set Position", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not enabled,
- description = "Sets the Garage Position to your Players Position", value = "SetGaragePos"}
- if Properties[currentProperty].garage.pos then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.",
- value = "return"}
+ if element.index then
+ if element.index == "entrance" then
+ local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ HouseData.entrance = { x = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(PlayerPos.z, 2) - 0.98 }
+ Property[7].title = _U("entrance_set_title")
+ Property[7].description = _U("entrance_set_description", HouseData.entrance.x, HouseData.entrance.y, HouseData.entrance.z)
+ OpenCreate()
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management",
- value = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Toggle This Option!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "ToggleCCTV" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleCCTV", function(IsUnlocked, enabled)
- if IsUnlocked then
- ESX.ShowNotification("CCTV Toggled!", "success")
- local status = enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
- opos = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("cctv_settings")},
- {title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off",
- description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleCCTV"}}
- if enabled then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = "Set Angle", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not enabled,
- description = "Sets the Angle of the Camera.", value = "SetCCTVangle"}
- if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.rot then
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.",
- value = "return"}
+ if element.index == "selectedinterior" then
+ HouseData.interior = element.value
+ Property[4].title = _U("interior_set_title")
+ Property[4].description = _U("interior_set_description", element.title)
+ OpenCreate()
- else
- opos[#opos + 1] = {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management",
- value = "return"}
- end
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Toggle This Option!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "SetGaragePos" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Position")
- SettingValue = "Garage"
- while SettingValue ~= "" do
- Wait(0)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetGaragePos", function(IsChanged)
- if IsChanged then
- ESX.HideUI()
- SettingValue = ""
- ESX.ShowNotification("Position Changed!", "success")
- ManageProperty(currentProperty)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Change This Option!", "error")
+ if element.index == "IPL" then
+ local ints = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("ipl_title") } }
+ for i = 1, #Config.Interiors.IPL do
+ ints[#ints + 1] = { title = Config.Interiors.IPL[i].label, index = "selectedinterior", value = Config.Interiors.IPL[i].value }
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(ints, "right")
+ end
- end, currentProperty, GetEntityHeading(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if element.value == "SetCCTVangle" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Angle")
- local stage = "angle"
- SettingValue = "cctv"
- local Angles = {}
- while stage do
- Wait(0)
- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
- if stage == "angle" then
- Angles.rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2)
- ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Right Roation")
- stage = "maxright"
- elseif stage == "maxright" then
- Angles.maxright = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
- ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Left Roation")
- stage = "maxleft"
- elseif stage == "maxleft" then
- Angles.maxleft = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetCCTVangle", function(IsChanged)
- if IsChanged then
- SettingValue = ""
- stage = nil
- ESX.HideUI()
- ESX.ShowNotification("Angle Changed!", "success")
- ManageProperty(currentProperty)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Change This Option!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty, Angles)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if element.value == "remove_custom_name" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveCustomName", function(Cleared)
- if Cleared then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Property Name Reset!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property`s Name!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "refurni" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveAllfurniture", function(Removed)
- if Removed then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Furniture Reset!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "restorage" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetInventoryPosition", function(Reset)
- if Reset then
- ESX.ShowNotification("~b~Storage~s~ Position Reset!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty, Interior.positions.Storage, true)
- end
- if element.value == "rewardrobe" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(Reset)
- if Reset then
- ESX.ShowNotification("~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position Reset!", "success")
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty, Interior.positions.Wardrobe, true)
- end
- if element.value == "back" then
- AdminOptions(currentProperty)
- end
- if element.value == "return" then
- exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
- end
- if element.value == "price" then
- ESX.UI.Menu.Open('dialog', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'PropertyPrice', {title = "Property Price"}, function(data4, menu4)
- if data4.value then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangePrice", function(IsChanged)
- if IsChanged then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Price Changed!", "success")
- menu4.close()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ if element.index == "Shells" then
+ local ints = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("shell_title") } }
+ for i = 1, #Config.Interiors.Shells do
+ ints[#ints + 1] = { title = Config.Interiors.Shells[i].label, index = "selectedinterior", value = Config.Interiors.Shells[i].value }
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(ints, "right")
+ end
- end, currentProperty, tonumber(data4.value))
- end
- end, function(data4, menu4)
- menu4.close()
- end)
- end
- if element.value == "interior" then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = "Interior Types"},
- {title = "IPL Interiors", description = "Native GTA Interiors, Made by R*", value = "IPL"}}
- if Config.Shells then
- elements[3] = {title = "Custom Interiors", description = "Custom Interiors, Made by You", value = "Shells"}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = "Interiors"}}
- for i = 1, #(Config.Interiors[element.value]) do
- elements[#elements + 1] = {title = Config.Interiors[element.value][i].label, value = Config.Interiors[element.value][i].value}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeInterior", function(IsChanged)
- if IsChanged then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Interior Changed!", "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
+ if element.index == "interior" then
+ local catsa = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("types_title") }, { title = _U("ipl_title"), description = _U("ipl_description"), index = "IPL" } }
+ if Config.Shells then
+ catsa[3] = { title = _U("shell_title"), description = _U("shell_description"), index = "Shells" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(catsa, "right")
+ end
+ if element.index == "return" then
+ OpenCreate()
+ end
+ if element.index == "cctv" then
+ local status = Property[6].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-video", title = _U("cctv_settings") },
+ { title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fas fa-eye" or "fas fa-eye-slash", description = _U("toggle_description", status), index = "ToggleCCTV" },
+ { title = _U("cctv_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-rotate", disabled = not Property[6].value.enabled, description = _U("cctv_set_description"), index = "SetCCTVangle" },
+ { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return" },
+ }
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if element.index == "ToggleCCTV" then
+ Property[6].value.enabled = not Property[6].value.enabled
+ local status = Property[6].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-video", title = _U("cctv_settings") },
+ { title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fas fa-eye" or "fas fa-eye-slash", description = _U("toggle_description", status), index = "ToggleCCTV" },
+ { title = _U("cctv_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-rotate", disabled = not Property[6].value.enabled, description = _U("cctv_set_description"), index = "SetCCTVangle" },
+ { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return" },
+ }
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if Config.Garage.Enabled and element.index == "garage" then
+ local status = Property[5].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings") },
+ { title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = _U("toggle_description", status), index = "ToggleGarage" },
+ }
+ if Property[5].value.enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("garage_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Property[5].value.enabled, description = _U("garage_set_description"), index = "SetGaragePos" }
+ if Property[5].value.pos then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return" }
+ end
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if element.index == "ToggleGarage" then
+ Property[5].value.enabled = not Property[5].value.enabled
+ local status = Property[5].value.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings") },
+ { title = _U("toggle_title"), icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = _U("toggle_description", status), index = "ToggleGarage" },
+ }
+ if Property[5].value.enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("garage_set_title"), icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Property[5].value.enabled, description = _U("garage_set_description"), index = "SetGaragePos" }
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = _U("back_description"), index = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if element.index == "SetGaragePos" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("garage_textui"))
+ while true do
+ Wait(0)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ Property[5].value.pos = GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ Property[5].value.heading = GetEntityHeading(ESX.PlayerData.ped)
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ OpenCreate()
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if element.index == "SetCCTVangle" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_1"))
+ local stage = "angle"
+ while true do
+ Wait(0)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ if stage == "angle" then
+ Property[6].value.rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2)
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_2"))
+ stage = "maxright"
+ elseif stage == "maxright" then
+ Property[6].value.maxright = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
+ ESX.TextUI(_U("cctv_textui_3"))
+ stage = "maxleft"
+ elseif stage == "maxleft" then
+ Property[6].value.maxleft = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ OpenCreate()
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if element.index == "creation" then
+ if HouseData.price and HouseData.name and HouseData.entrance and HouseData.interior then
+ local newProperty = { name = HouseData.name, price = HouseData.price, interior = HouseData.interior, entrance = HouseData.entrance, cctv = Property[6].value, garage = Property[5].value }
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_property:server:createProperty", newProperty)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("create_success"), "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ HouseData = {}
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("missing_data"), "error")
- end, currentProperty, element.value)
- end)
- end, function()
- ManageProperty(currentProperty)
- end)
- end
- if element.value == "entrance" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeEntrance", function(IsChanged)
- if IsChanged then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Entrance Changed!", "success")
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ end)
+ end
+ OpenCreate()
+ end
+ end)
+RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu", function()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:IsAdmin", function(data)
+ if data then
+ function ManageProperty(currentProperty)
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Properties[currentProperty].Interior)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:IsAdmin", function(data)
+ if data then
+ local opos = {}
+ local function GetData()
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-cogs", title = "Property Management" },
+ { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "back" },
+ { title = "Toggle Lock", icon = (Properties[currentProperty].Locked and "fas fa-lock") or "fas fa-unlock", description = "Lock/Unlock The Property.", value = "lock" },
+ { title = "Enter", description = "Force Entry Into The Property.", icon = "fas fa-door-open", value = "enter" },
+ { title = "Price", icon = "fas fa-dollar-sign", description = "Alter The Price Of The Property.", value = "price" },
+ { title = "Set Interior", description = "Renovate The Property`s Interior.", icon = "fas fa-home", value = "interior" },
+ { title = "Entrance", description = "Set The Entrance As Your Position.", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", value = "entrance" },
+ }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].setName ~= "" then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Clear Custom Name", icon = "fa-solid fa-ban", description = "Current Name: " .. Properties[currentProperty].setName, value = "remove_custom_name" }
+ end
+ if Config.Furniture.Enabled and #Properties[currentProperty].furniture > 0 then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Reset Furniture", description = "Delete All Property Furniture", icon = "fas fa-eraser", value = "refurni" }
+ end
+ if Config.Garage.Enabled then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Garage", description = "Change Garage Settings", icon = "fa-solid fa-warehouse", value = "garage" }
+ end
+ if Config.CCTV.Enabled then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "CCTV", description = "Change CCTV Settings", icon = "fa-solid fa-camera", value = "cctv" }
+ end
+ if
+ Config.OxInventory
+ and Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage
+ and (ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Storage.x, 2) ~= Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage.x or ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Storage.y, 2) ~= Properties[currentProperty].positions.Storage.y)
+ then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Reset Storage Position", description = "Set Storage Position To Interior Default.", icon = "fas fa-eraser", value = "restorage" }
+ end
+ if Interior.positions.Wardrobe then
+ if ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Wardrobe.x, 2) ~= ESX.Round(Properties[currentProperty].positions.Wardrobe.x, 2) or ESX.Round(Interior.positions.Wardrobe.y, 2) ~= ESX.Round(Properties[currentProperty].positions.Wardrobe.y, 2) then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Reset Wardrobe Position", description = "Set Wardrobe Position To Interior Default.", icon = "fas fa-eraser", value = "rewardrobe" }
+ end
+ end
+ if Properties[currentProperty].Owned then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = "Remove Owner", icon = "fas fa-user-times", description = "Evict The Owner Of The Property.", value = "removeowner" }
+ end
+ return elements
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", GetData(), function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ if element.value == "lock" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(IsUnlocked)
+ if IsUnlocked then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Lock Toggled!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Lock This Property", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "enter" then
+ AttemptHouseEntry(currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "removeowner" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:evictOwner", function(Evicted)
+ if Evicted then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Owner Evicted!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Evict This Owner!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "garage" then
+ local status = Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings") },
+ { title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleGarage" },
+ }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = "Set Position", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Properties[currentProperty].garage.enabled, description = "Sets the Garage Position to your Players Position", value = "SetGaragePos" }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].garage.pos then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.", value = "return" }
+ end
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if element.value == "cctv" then
+ local status = Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("cctv_settings") },
+ { title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleCCTV" },
+ }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = "Set Angle", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not Properties[currentProperty].cctv.enabled, description = "Sets the Angle of the Camera.", value = "SetCCTVangle" }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.rot then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.", value = "return" }
+ end
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ end
+ if element.value == "ToggleGarage" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleGarage", function(IsUnlocked, enabled)
+ if IsUnlocked then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Garage Toggled!", "success")
+ local status = enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("garage_settings") },
+ { title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleGarage" },
+ }
+ if enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = "Set Position", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not enabled, description = "Sets the Garage Position to your Players Position", value = "SetGaragePos" }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].garage.pos then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.", value = "return" }
+ end
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Toggle This Option!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "ToggleCCTV" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:toggleCCTV", function(IsUnlocked, enabled)
+ if IsUnlocked then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("CCTV Toggled!", "success")
+ local status = enabled and _U("enabled") or _U("disabled")
+ opos = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = _U("cctv_settings") },
+ { title = "Toggle Usage", icon = status == _U("enabled") and "fa-solid fa-toggle-on" or "fa-solid fa-toggle-off", description = "Current Status: " .. status, value = "ToggleCCTV" },
+ }
+ if enabled then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = "Set Angle", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", disabled = not enabled, description = "Sets the Angle of the Camera.", value = "SetCCTVangle" }
+ if Properties[currentProperty].cctv.rot then
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management.", value = "return" }
+ end
+ else
+ opos[#opos + 1] = { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", description = "return to Property Management", value = "return" }
+ end
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(opos, "right")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Toggle This Option!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "SetGaragePos" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Position")
+ SettingValue = "Garage"
+ while SettingValue ~= "" do
+ Wait(0)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetGaragePos", function(IsChanged)
+ if IsChanged then
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ SettingValue = ""
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Position Changed!", "success")
+ ManageProperty(currentProperty)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Change This Option!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, GetEntityHeading(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if element.value == "SetCCTVangle" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Angle")
+ local stage = "angle"
+ SettingValue = "cctv"
+ local Angles = {}
+ while stage do
+ Wait(0)
+ if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then
+ if stage == "angle" then
+ Angles.rot = GetGameplayCamRot(2)
+ ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Right Roation")
+ stage = "maxright"
+ elseif stage == "maxright" then
+ Angles.maxright = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
+ ESX.TextUI("Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Left Roation")
+ stage = "maxleft"
+ elseif stage == "maxleft" then
+ Angles.maxleft = GetGameplayCamRot(2).z
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetCCTVangle", function(IsChanged)
+ if IsChanged then
+ SettingValue = ""
+ stage = nil
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Angle Changed!", "success")
+ ManageProperty(currentProperty)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Change This Option!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, Angles)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if element.value == "remove_custom_name" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveCustomName", function(Cleared)
+ if Cleared then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Property Name Reset!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property`s Name!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "refurni" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveAllfurniture", function(Removed)
+ if Removed then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Furniture Reset!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "restorage" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetInventoryPosition", function(Reset)
+ if Reset then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("~b~Storage~s~ Position Reset!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, Interior.positions.Storage, true)
+ end
+ if element.value == "rewardrobe" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(Reset)
+ if Reset then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position Reset!", "success")
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Reset This Property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, Interior.positions.Wardrobe, true)
+ end
+ if element.value == "back" then
+ AdminOptions(currentProperty)
+ end
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ exports["esx_context"]:Refresh(GetData())
+ end
+ if element.value == "price" then
+ ESX.UI.Menu.Open("dialog", GetCurrentResourceName(), "PropertyPrice", { title = "Property Price" }, function(data4, menu4)
+ if data4.value then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangePrice", function(IsChanged)
+ if IsChanged then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Price Changed!", "success")
+ menu4.close()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, tonumber(data4.value))
+ end
+ end, function(data4, menu4)
+ menu4.close()
+ end)
+ end
+ if element.value == "interior" then
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = "Interior Types" }, { title = "IPL Interiors", description = "Native GTA Interiors, Made by R*", value = "IPL" } }
+ if Config.Shells then
+ elements[3] = { title = "Custom Interiors", description = "Custom Interiors, Made by You", value = "Shells" }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-warehouse", title = "Interiors" } }
+ for i = 1, #Config.Interiors[element.value] do
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { title = Config.Interiors[element.value][i].label, value = Config.Interiors[element.value][i].value }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeInterior", function(IsChanged)
+ if IsChanged then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Interior Changed!", "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, element.value)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end, function()
+ ManageProperty(currentProperty)
+ end)
+ end
+ if element.value == "entrance" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeEntrance", function(IsChanged)
+ if IsChanged then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Entrance Changed!", "success")
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Change this property!", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
+ end
+ end
+ end)
- end, currentProperty, GetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped))
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
+ end)
+ end
- function AdminOptions(currentProperty)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:IsAdmin', function(data)
- if data then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-home", title = "Property Options"},
- {title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "back"},
- {title = "Manage", icon = "fas fa-cogs", description = "Alter This Property's Settings.", value = "manage"},
- {title = "Teleport", description = "Teleport To This Property.", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", value = "goto"},
- {title = "Set GPS", description = "Set GPS position To Property.", icon = "fa-solid fa-location-dot", value = "gps"},
- {title = "Delete", icon = "fas fa-trash-alt", description = "Remove Current Property.", value = "delete"}}
+ function AdminOptions(currentProperty)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:IsAdmin", function(data)
+ if data then
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-home", title = "Property Options" },
+ { title = _U("back"), icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", value = "back" },
+ { title = "Manage", icon = "fas fa-cogs", description = "Alter This Property's Settings.", value = "manage" },
+ { title = "Teleport", description = "Teleport To This Property.", icon = "fas fa-map-marker-alt", value = "goto" },
+ { title = "Set GPS", description = "Set GPS position To Property.", icon = "fa-solid fa-location-dot", value = "gps" },
+ { title = "Delete", icon = "fas fa-trash-alt", description = "Remove Current Property.", value = "delete" },
+ }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- if element.value == "goto" then
- SetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.x, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.y,
- Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.z)
- ESX.ShowNotification("Teleported to Property!")
- end
- if element.value == "gps" then
- SetNewWaypoint(Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.x, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.y)
- ESX.ShowNotification("GPS Set!")
- end
- if element.value == "back" then
- AdminMenu()
- end
- if element.value == "delete" then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:deleteProperty", function(response)
- if response then
- ESX.ShowNotification("Property Deleted!", "success")
- ESX.CloseContext()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Delete This Property", "error")
- end
- end, currentProperty)
- end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ if element.value == "goto" then
+ SetEntityCoords(ESX.PlayerData.ped, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.x, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.y, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.z)
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Teleported to Property!")
+ end
+ if element.value == "gps" then
+ SetNewWaypoint(Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.x, Properties[currentProperty].Entrance.y)
+ ESX.ShowNotification("GPS Set!")
+ end
+ if element.value == "back" then
+ AdminMenu()
+ end
+ if element.value == "delete" then
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:deleteProperty", function(response)
+ if response then
+ ESX.ShowNotification("Property Deleted!", "success")
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You Cannot Delete This Property", "error")
+ end
+ end, currentProperty)
+ end
- if element.value == "manage" then
- ManageProperty(currentProperty)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
+ if element.value == "manage" then
+ ManageProperty(currentProperty)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
- function AdminMenu()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:IsAdmin', function(data)
- if data then
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-home", title = "Properties Management"}}
- for i = 1, #(Properties) do
- if Properties[i].Entrance then
- local description = ""
- if Properties[i].setName ~= "" then
- description = description .. "\nName: " .. Properties[i].setName
- end
- if Properties[i].Owned then
- description = description .. "\nOwner: " .. Properties[i].OwnerName
- end
- table.insert(elements, {title = Properties[i].Name, value = i, description = description, icon = "fas fa-home"})
- end
+ function AdminMenu()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:IsAdmin", function(data)
+ if data then
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-home", title = "Properties Management" } }
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if Properties[i].Entrance then
+ local description = ""
+ if Properties[i].setName ~= "" then
+ description = description .. "\nName: " .. Properties[i].setName
+ end
+ if Properties[i].Owned then
+ description = description .. "\nOwner: " .. Properties[i].OwnerName
+ end
+ table.insert(elements, { title = Properties[i].Name, value = i, description = description, icon = "fas fa-home" })
+ end
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ AdminOptions(element.value)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- AdminOptions(element.value)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- AdminMenu()
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access This Menu!", 5000, "error")
- end
- end)
+ AdminMenu()
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification("You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access This Menu!", 5000, "error")
+ end
+ end)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/config.lua
index ae74fe449..ae1bc90fd 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/config.lua
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Config.OwnedBlips = true -- Add blips for Owned Properties
--------------------- General Settings ---------------------------------
-Config.Locale = 'it'
+Config.Locale = "en"
Config.Shells = false -- Enable/Disable Shell Interiors Default: false
Config.SaveInterval = 5 -- Interval in Minutes to Save Properties
Config.CanAlwaysExit = true -- Disabling this allows players to be locked in
@@ -16,646 +16,644 @@ Config.CanCustomiseInventoryAndWardrobePositions = true -- Allow users to custom
Config.WipeCustomNameOnSell = true -- Wipe custom name on sell Default: true
Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell = true -- Wipe custom name on sell Default: true
--------------------- Zone Suggested Prices ---------------------------------
Config.ZonePriceOptions = {
- Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Zone Prices Modifiers Default: true
- Default = 250000, -- Default Price of a property Default: 250000
+ Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Zone Prices Modifiers Default: true
+ Default = 250000, -- Default Price of a property Default: 250000
-- The Amount to Multiply the Default Price by (if the above is enabled):
Config.ZonePrices = {
-[0] = 10, -- Posh
-[1] = 7, -- Nice
-[2] = 5, -- Above Average
-[3] = 3, -- Bellow Average
-[4] = 2, -- Crap
-[5] = 1, -- Scum
+ [0] = 10, -- Posh
+ [1] = 7, -- Nice
+ [2] = 5, -- Above Average
+ [3] = 3, -- Bellow Average
+ [4] = 2, -- Crap
+ [5] = 1, -- Scum
--------------------- Raid Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Raiding = {
- Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Raiding Default: true
- CanAdminsRaid = true, -- Can Admins Raid Houses Default: true
- ItemRequired = { -- Item Required to Raid -- Remove To Disable
- RemoveItem = true, -- Remove Item from Inventory Default: true
- name = "bread", -- Item Name Default: "bread"
- label = "Bread", -- Item label Default: "Bread"
- ItemCount = 1, -- Item Count Default: 1
- },
- Animation = {
- type = "Scenario",
- },
+ Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Raiding Default: true
+ CanAdminsRaid = true, -- Can Admins Raid Houses Default: true
+ ItemRequired = { -- Item Required to Raid -- Remove To Disable
+ RemoveItem = true, -- Remove Item from Inventory Default: true
+ name = "bread", -- Item Name Default: "bread"
+ label = "Bread", -- Item label Default: "Bread"
+ ItemCount = 1, -- Item Count Default: 1
+ },
+ Animation = {
+ type = "Scenario",
+ },
--------------------- Garage Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Garage = {
- Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Garage Default: true
- OwnedVehiclesOnly = true, -- Only allow owned vehicles to be stored Default: true
- MySQLquery = "UPDATE `owned_vehicles` SET `stored` = ? WHERE `plate` = ?" -- MySQL Query to store vehicles `?` = True/false, Vehicle Plate
+ Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Garage Default: true
+ OwnedVehiclesOnly = true, -- Only allow owned vehicles to be stored Default: true
+ MySQLquery = "UPDATE `owned_vehicles` SET `stored` = ? WHERE `plate` = ?", -- MySQL Query to store vehicles `?` = True/false, Vehicle Plate
--------------------- Log Settings ---------------------------------
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- Config.Logs = {
- Webhook = "",
- LogLevel = 1
+ Config.Logs = {
+ Webhook = "",
+ LogLevel = 1,
- ----------- Log Levels ------------
- -- 0 = No Logs
- -- 1 = Logs Major Actions
- -- 2 = Logs Major + Minor Actions
- -- 3 = Logs All Actions
- -------------------------------------
- }
+ ----------- Log Levels ------------
+ -- 0 = No Logs
+ -- 1 = Logs Major Actions
+ -- 2 = Logs Major + Minor Actions
+ -- 3 = Logs All Actions
+ -------------------------------------
+ }
--------------------- Furniture Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Furniture = {
- Enabled = true,
- RotationSpeed = 0.4, -- Object Rotation Speed
- MovementSpeed = 0.01, -- Object Movement Speed
- MovementZspeed = 0.05, -- Object Z Movement Speed
- WipeFurnitureOnSell = true, -- Wipe Furniture On Sell Default: true
- Controls = {
- PlusX = 174, -- lEFT Arrow
- MinusX = 175, -- RIGHT Arrow
- RotateRight = 19, -- Alt,
- RotateLeft = 21, -- Shift,
- Up = 96, -- UP Arrow
- Down = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
- Confirm = 201, -- ENTER
- Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
- PlusY = 172, -- SHIFT
- MinusY = 173, -- SHIFT
- }
+ Enabled = true,
+ RotationSpeed = 0.4, -- Object Rotation Speed
+ MovementSpeed = 0.01, -- Object Movement Speed
+ MovementZspeed = 0.05, -- Object Z Movement Speed
+ WipeFurnitureOnSell = true, -- Wipe Furniture On Sell Default: true
+ Controls = {
+ PlusX = 174, -- lEFT Arrow
+ MinusX = 175, -- RIGHT Arrow
+ RotateRight = 19, -- Alt,
+ RotateLeft = 21, -- Shift,
+ Up = 96, -- UP Arrow
+ Down = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
+ Confirm = 201, -- ENTER
+ Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
+ PlusY = 172, -- SHIFT
+ MinusY = 173, -- SHIFT
+ },
--------------------- CCTV Settings ---------------------------------
Config.CCTV = {
- Enabled = true,
- PictureWebook = IsDuplicityVersion() and "" or "DO NOT CHANGE THIS STRING", -- Set a discord webhook here to enable taking pictures of the CCTV (link is copied to user`s clipboard)
- HeightAboveDoor = 2.5, -- Height above the door to place the cctv camera
- FOV = 80.0, -- Camera Field of View
- MaxLeftRotation = 80,
- MaxZoom = 30,
- MinZoom = 100,
- MaxRightRotation = -50,
- MaxUpRotation = 10,
- MaxDownRotation = -45,
- RotateSpeed = 0.3, -- Camera Rotation Speed
- Controls = {
- Left = 34, -- lEFT Arrow
- Right = 35, -- RIGHT Arrow
- Screenshot = 201, -- ENTER
- NightVision = 38, -- E
- ZoomIn = 96, -- UP Arrow
- ZoomOut = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
- Up = 32, -- UP Arrow
- Down = 33, -- DOWN Arrow
- Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
- }
+ Enabled = true,
+ PictureWebook = IsDuplicityVersion() and "" or "DO NOT CHANGE THIS STRING", -- Set a discord webhook here to enable taking pictures of the CCTV (link is copied to user`s clipboard)
+ HeightAboveDoor = 2.5, -- Height above the door to place the cctv camera
+ FOV = 80.0, -- Camera Field of View
+ MaxLeftRotation = 80,
+ MaxZoom = 30,
+ MinZoom = 100,
+ MaxRightRotation = -50,
+ MaxUpRotation = 10,
+ MaxDownRotation = -45,
+ RotateSpeed = 0.3, -- Camera Rotation Speed
+ Controls = {
+ Left = 34, -- lEFT Arrow
+ Right = 35, -- RIGHT Arrow
+ Screenshot = 201, -- ENTER
+ NightVision = 38, -- E
+ ZoomIn = 96, -- UP Arrow
+ ZoomOut = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
+ Up = 32, -- UP Arrow
+ Down = 33, -- DOWN Arrow
+ Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
+ },
-------- Groups allowed to use Admin Functions -------------------
Config.AllowedGroups = {
- -- Note: Superadmin is not a group In ESX
- "admin"
+ -- Note: Superadmin is not a group In ESX
+ "admin",
------------------Interacting With Wardrobe Markers ------------------------------
Config.WardrobeInteraction = function()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:getPlayerDressing', function(dressing)
- local elements = {{unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-tshirt", title = "Wardrobe"}}
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:getPlayerDressing", function(dressing)
+ local elements = { { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-tshirt", title = "Wardrobe" } }
- for i=1, #dressing, 1 do
- elements[#elements + 1] = {
- title = dressing[i],
- value = i
- }
- end
+ for i = 1, #dressing, 1 do
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ title = dressing[i],
+ value = i,
+ }
+ end
- ESX.OpenContext("left", elements, function(_, element)
- TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_property:getPlayerOutfit', function(clothes)
- TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothes)
- TriggerEvent('esx_skin:setLastSkin', skin)
+ ESX.OpenContext("left", elements, function(_, element)
+ TriggerEvent("skinchanger:getSkin", function(skin)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_property:getPlayerOutfit", function(clothes)
+ TriggerEvent("skinchanger:loadClothes", skin, clothes)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_skin:setLastSkin", skin)
- TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function()
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_skin:save', skin)
- end)
- end, element.value)
- end)
+ TriggerEvent("skinchanger:getSkin", function()
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_skin:save", skin)
+ end)
+ end, element.value)
+ end)
+ end)
- end)
--------------------- Real Estate Settings ----------
Config.PlayerManagement = {
- Enabled = false, -- Enable/Disable Player Management Default: true
- job = "realestateagent", -- Job Required to Manage Players Default: "realestateagent"
- joblabel = "Estate Agent", -- Job Label Default: "Estate Agent"
- society = "society_realestateagent", -- Society Required to Manage Players Default: "society_realestateagent"
- SalePercentage = 0.25, -- Sale Percentage Default: 0.25 -- Note: This is a percentage of the price of the house
- jobRanks = {
- {
- grade = 0,
- name = "trainee",
- label = "Trainee",
- salary = 15,
+ Enabled = false, -- Enable/Disable Player Management Default: true
+ job = "realestateagent", -- Job Required to Manage Players Default: "realestateagent"
+ joblabel = "Estate Agent", -- Job Label Default: "Estate Agent"
+ society = "society_realestateagent", -- Society Required to Manage Players Default: "society_realestateagent"
+ SalePercentage = 0.25, -- Sale Percentage Default: 0.25 -- Note: This is a percentage of the price of the house
+ jobRanks = {
+ {
+ grade = 0,
+ name = "trainee",
+ label = "Trainee",
+ salary = 15,
+ },
+ {
+ grade = 1,
+ name = "agent",
+ label = "Experienced Agent",
+ salary = 30,
+ },
+ {
+ grade = 2,
+ name = "boss",
+ label = "Chief Agent",
+ salary = 45,
+ },
- {
- grade = 1,
- name = "agent",
- label = "Experienced Agent",
- salary = 30,
+ Permissions = { -- Minimum Grade Required for Action
+ CreateProperty = 0, -- Create Property
+ DeleteProperty = 2, -- Delete Property
+ ViewProperties = 0, -- View All Properties
+ SellProperty = 0, -- Sell Property to players
+ ToggleCCTV = 1, -- Change CCTV settings
+ ToggleLock = 0, -- Change Lock Settings
+ ToggleGarage = 1, -- Change Garage Settings
+ SetPropertyName = 1, -- Change Property Name
+ RemovePropertyName = 1, -- Remove Property Name
+ SetPropertyPrice = 0, -- Change Property Price
+ ChangeInterior = 1, -- Change Interior
+ ResetFurniture = 0, -- Reset Furniture
+ EvictOwner = 0, -- Evict Owners
+ ChangeEntrance = 0, -- Change Entrance
+ EditInteriorPositions = 1, -- Edit Interior Positions
+ ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions = 1, -- Manage Properties From Quick Actions (F6)
- {
- grade = 2,
- name = "boss",
- label = "Chief Agent",
- salary = 45,
+ Locations = {
+ Entrance = vector3(-199.151, -575.000, 39.489), -- Entrance Location Default: vector3( -199.151, -575.000, 39.489 )
+ Exit = vector3(-141.226, -614.166, 167.820), -- Exit Location (Interior Location) Default: vector3( -141.226, -614.166, 167.820 )
+ Properties = vector3(-138.9228, -634.1255, 167.8504), -- Property Management Menu Default: vector3(-138.9228, -634.1255, 167.8504)
- },
- Permissions = { -- Minimum Grade Required for Action
- CreateProperty = 0, -- Create Property
- DeleteProperty = 2, -- Delete Property
- ViewProperties = 0, -- View All Properties
- SellProperty = 0, -- Sell Property to players
- ToggleCCTV = 1, -- Change CCTV settings
- ToggleLock = 0, -- Change Lock Settings
- ToggleGarage = 1, -- Change Garage Settings
- SetPropertyName =1, -- Change Property Name
- RemovePropertyName = 1, -- Remove Property Name
- SetPropertyPrice = 0, -- Change Property Price
- ChangeInterior = 1, -- Change Interior
- ResetFurniture = 0, -- Reset Furniture
- EvictOwner = 0, -- Evict Owners
- ChangeEntrance = 0, -- Change Entrance
- EditInteriorPositions = 1, -- Edit Interior Positions
- ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions = 1, -- Manage Properties From Quick Actions (F6)
- },
- Locations = {
- Entrance = vector3( -199.151, -575.000, 39.489 ), -- Entrance Location Default: vector3( -199.151, -575.000, 39.489 )
- Exit = vector3( -141.226, -614.166, 167.820 ), -- Exit Location (Interior Location) Default: vector3( -141.226, -614.166, 167.820 )
- Properties = vector3(-138.9228, -634.1255, 167.8504), -- Property Management Menu Default: vector3(-138.9228, -634.1255, 167.8504)
- }
----------------------Long Lists----------------------------------------
Config.FurnitureStores = {
- {
- title = "Ikea",
- Catagories = {"Decorations", "Tables", "Sofas", "Bedroom"}
- },
- {
- title = "Electronics Store",
- Catagories = {"Electronics","Kitchen"}
- },
-Config.Interiors = {
- IPL = {
- {
- label = "Modern Apartment",
- value = "apa_v_mp_h_01_a",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vec3(-797.72, 328.03, 220.42),
- Storage = vec3(-795.67, 326.67, 217.037), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-786.8663, 315.7642, 217.6385)
- },
- {
- label = "Mody Apartment",
- value = "apa_v_mp_h_02_a",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vec3(-797.591187, 327.995605, 220.424194),
- Storage = vec3(-795.441772, 326.307678, 217.037354), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-787.0749, 315.8198, 217.6386)
- },
- {
- label = "Vibrant Apartment",
- value = "apa_v_mp_h_03_a",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vec3(-798.131897, 328.417572, 220.424194),
- Storage = vec3(-796.786804, 327.164825, 217.037354),-- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-786.6245, 315.6175, 217.6385)
- },
- {
- label = "Regal Apartment",
- value = " apa_v_mp_h_07_c",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-797.6594, 328.4619, 190.5122),
- Storage = vector3(-796.0188, 326.7346, 187.3131), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-787.0574, 315.6567, 187.9135)
- },
- {
- label = "Tinsel Towers",
- value = "tinsel_towers",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-594.5938, 55.6803, 96.9996),
- Storage = vector3(-622.8556, 54.7504, 97.5995), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-603.7109, 59.0251, 98.2002)
- },
- {
- label = "Dell Perro Heights",
- value = "dell_perro_heights",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-1467.2574, -536.9599, 50.7325),
- Storage = vector3(-1457.0121, -531.0082, 56.9373), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-1449.7212, -526.1263, 56.9290)
- },
- {
- label = "Mid-Tier Apartment",
- value = "mid-end",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(350.7425, -994.2987, -99.1472),
- Storage = vector3(343.8686, -1001.1404, -99.1962), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(346.5085, -1012.7023, -99.1962)
- },
- label = "Low-End Apartment",
- value = "low-end",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(259.9943, -1003.4595, -99.0086),
- Storage = vector3(265.9162, -999.3954, -99.0086), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(266.0285, -1007.4129, -101.0086)
+ title = "Ikea",
+ Catagories = { "Decorations", "Tables", "Sofas", "Bedroom" },
- label = "High-End House 1",
- value = "wild_oats",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-167.4227, 487.7173, 133.0),
- Storage = vector3(-174.4463, 492.5583, 130.0436), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(-174.3548, 497.7895, 137.6538)
+ title = "Electronics Store",
+ Catagories = { "Electronics", "Kitchen" },
- {
- label = "Clubhouse",
- value = "bkr_biker_interior_placement_interior_0_biker_dlc_int_01_milo",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(1116.9374, -3162.8467, -36.8705),
- Storage = vector3(1112.0820, -3151.4019, -37.5186), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "ipl",
- pos = vector3(1121.1871, -3152.6177, -37.0628)
- },
- },
- Shells = {
- {
- label = "Michael House",
- value = "shell_michael",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-12.71,8.36,-5.8), -- Wardrobe Location
- Storage = vector3(-177.77,-2.05,-1.44), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(9.290245, -5.563965, 5.053642)
- },
- {
- label = "Standard Motel",
- value = "standardmotel_shell",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-1.435, -4.74, -1.0),
- Storage = vector3(2.45, -4.37, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(0.054924, 2.459473, 1.546776)
- },
- {
- label = "Mid-Tier apartment",
- value = "furnitured_midapart",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-4.5, -18.99, -1.2),
- Storage = vector3(-5.1, -13.68, -1.2), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(-1.434044, 9.802368, 1.511887)
- },
- {
- label = "Trever`s Trailer",
- value = "shell_trevor",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-0.58, -4.85, -1.0),
- Storage = vector3(3.02, -1.467, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(-0.156189, 3.585266, 1.398056)
- },
- {
- label = "Trailer",
- value = "shell_trailer",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(3.8, -2.92, -1.0),
- Storage = vector3(-5.69, -0.57, -1.12), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(1.282555, 1.713379, 1.469521)
- },
- {
- label = "Low-End Apartment",
- value = "shell_v16low",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(7.31, -6.71, -3.0),
- Storage = vector3(0.61, -8.30, -3.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(-4.798767, 6.197479, 2.644226)
- },
- {
- label = "Store",
- value = "shell_store1",
- positions = {
- Storage = vector3(0.03, -8.4, -1.1), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(2.666809, 4.603638, 1.609573)
+Config.Interiors = {
+ IPL = {
+ {
+ label = "Modern Apartment",
+ value = "apa_v_mp_h_01_a",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vec3(-797.72, 328.03, 220.42),
+ Storage = vec3(-795.67, 326.67, 217.037), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-786.8663, 315.7642, 217.6385),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Mody Apartment",
+ value = "apa_v_mp_h_02_a",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vec3(-797.591187, 327.995605, 220.424194),
+ Storage = vec3(-795.441772, 326.307678, 217.037354), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-787.0749, 315.8198, 217.6386),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Vibrant Apartment",
+ value = "apa_v_mp_h_03_a",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vec3(-798.131897, 328.417572, 220.424194),
+ Storage = vec3(-796.786804, 327.164825, 217.037354), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-786.6245, 315.6175, 217.6385),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Regal Apartment",
+ value = " apa_v_mp_h_07_c",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-797.6594, 328.4619, 190.5122),
+ Storage = vector3(-796.0188, 326.7346, 187.3131), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-787.0574, 315.6567, 187.9135),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Tinsel Towers",
+ value = "tinsel_towers",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-594.5938, 55.6803, 96.9996),
+ Storage = vector3(-622.8556, 54.7504, 97.5995), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-603.7109, 59.0251, 98.2002),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Dell Perro Heights",
+ value = "dell_perro_heights",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-1467.2574, -536.9599, 50.7325),
+ Storage = vector3(-1457.0121, -531.0082, 56.9373), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-1449.7212, -526.1263, 56.9290),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Mid-Tier Apartment",
+ value = "mid-end",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(350.7425, -994.2987, -99.1472),
+ Storage = vector3(343.8686, -1001.1404, -99.1962), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(346.5085, -1012.7023, -99.1962),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Low-End Apartment",
+ value = "low-end",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(259.9943, -1003.4595, -99.0086),
+ Storage = vector3(265.9162, -999.3954, -99.0086), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(266.0285, -1007.4129, -101.0086),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "High-End House 1",
+ value = "wild_oats",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-167.4227, 487.7173, 133.0),
+ Storage = vector3(-174.4463, 492.5583, 130.0436), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(-174.3548, 497.7895, 137.6538),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Clubhouse",
+ value = "bkr_biker_interior_placement_interior_0_biker_dlc_int_01_milo",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(1116.9374, -3162.8467, -36.8705),
+ Storage = vector3(1112.0820, -3151.4019, -37.5186), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "ipl",
+ pos = vector3(1121.1871, -3152.6177, -37.0628),
+ },
- {
- label = "Ranch",
- value = "shell_ranch",
- positions = {
- Wardrobe = vector3(-2.78, -10.76, -1.0),
- Storage = vector3(3.1, 8.04, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
- },
- type = "shell",
- pos = vector3(0.873413, -5.749237, 2.416748)
+ Shells = {
+ {
+ label = "Michael House",
+ value = "shell_michael",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-12.71, 8.36, -5.8), -- Wardrobe Location
+ Storage = vector3(-177.77, -2.05, -1.44), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(9.290245, -5.563965, 5.053642),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Standard Motel",
+ value = "standardmotel_shell",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-1.435, -4.74, -1.0),
+ Storage = vector3(2.45, -4.37, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(0.054924, 2.459473, 1.546776),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Mid-Tier apartment",
+ value = "furnitured_midapart",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-4.5, -18.99, -1.2),
+ Storage = vector3(-5.1, -13.68, -1.2), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(-1.434044, 9.802368, 1.511887),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Trever`s Trailer",
+ value = "shell_trevor",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-0.58, -4.85, -1.0),
+ Storage = vector3(3.02, -1.467, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(-0.156189, 3.585266, 1.398056),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Trailer",
+ value = "shell_trailer",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(3.8, -2.92, -1.0),
+ Storage = vector3(-5.69, -0.57, -1.12), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(1.282555, 1.713379, 1.469521),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Low-End Apartment",
+ value = "shell_v16low",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(7.31, -6.71, -3.0),
+ Storage = vector3(0.61, -8.30, -3.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(-4.798767, 6.197479, 2.644226),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Store",
+ value = "shell_store1",
+ positions = {
+ Storage = vector3(0.03, -8.4, -1.1), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(2.666809, 4.603638, 1.609573),
+ },
+ {
+ label = "Ranch",
+ value = "shell_ranch",
+ positions = {
+ Wardrobe = vector3(-2.78, -10.76, -1.0),
+ Storage = vector3(3.1, 8.04, -1.0), -- Only Works with Ox Inventory
+ },
+ type = "shell",
+ pos = vector3(0.873413, -5.749237, 2.416748),
+ },
- }
-Config.FurnitureCatagories ={
- Decorations = {
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_bottle_01", title = "Bottle", price = 700},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_01", title = "Candles", price = 700},
- {name = "p_int_jewel_mirror", title = "Mirror", price = 700},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_dec_plate_01", title = "Decorative Plate", price = 700},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_vase_01", title = "Vase", price = 700},
- {name = "v_res_desktidy", title = "Desk Supplies", price = 700},
- {name = "ex_prop_ashtray_luxe_02", title = "Ashtray", price = 700},
- {name = "v_res_mp_ashtrayb", title = "Ashtray 2", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_bong_01", title = "Bong", price = 700},
- {name = "prop_mr_rasberryclean", title = "Mr Rasberry Clean", price = 700},
- {name = "prop_acc_guitar_01", title = "Guitar", price = 1000},
- {name = "p_planning_board_04", title = "Planning Board", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_hotel_clock_01", title = "Hotel Clock", price = 500},
- {name = "p_cs_pamphlet_01_s", title = "Pamphlet", price = 700},
- {name = "prop_big_clock_01", title = "Big Clock", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_egg_clock_01", title = "Egg Clock", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_ld_greenscreen_01", title = "Green Screen", price = 100},
- {name = "prop_dart_bd_cab_01", title = "Dart", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_dart_bd_01", title = "Dart 2", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_exercisebike", title = "Exercise Bike", price = 500},
- {name = "p_laz_j02_s", title = "Laz", price = 500},
- {name = "v_res_cherubvase", title = "White Vase", price = 500},
- {name = "v_res_d_paddedwall", title = "Padded Wall", price = 500},
- {name = "prop_dummy_01", title = "Dummy", price = 100},
- {name = "prop_el_guitar_01", title = "E Guitar 1", price = 100},
- {name = "prop_el_guitar_02", title = "E Guitar 2", price = 100},
- {name = "prop_el_guitar_03", title = "E Guitar 2", price = 100},
- {name = "v_res_mbowlornate", title = "Ornate Bowl", price = 300},
- {name = "v_res_mbronzvase", title = "Bronze Vase", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_ceramic_jug_01", title = "Ceramic Jug", price = 100},
- {name = "v_res_m_candle", title = "Candle Large 1", price = 300},
- {name = "v_res_m_candlelrg", title = "Candle Large 2", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_06", title = "Candles 1", price = 50},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_05", title = "Candles 2", price = 50},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_04", title = "Candles 3", price = 50},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwools_01", title = "Rug 1", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_01", title = "Rug 2", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwooll_04", title = "Rug 3", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwooll_03", title = "Rug 4", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_04", title = "Rug 5", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwools_03", title = "Rug 6", price = 300},
- {name = "v_res_fh_pouf", title = "Pouf", price = 300},
- {name = "v_res_fh_sculptmod", title = "Sculpture", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_v_5_bclock", title = "Vintage Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_v_15_cars_clock", title = "American Flag Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_sm_19_clock", title = "Modern Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_sports_clock_01", title = "Sports Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_mem_candle_01", title = "Candle 1", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_game_clock_01", title = "Crown Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_game_clock_02", title = "Kronos Clock", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_id2_20_clock", title = "Modern Clock 2", price = 300},
- {name = "ex_office_citymodel_01", title = "CIty name", price = 300},
- {name = "apa_mp_h_acc_dec_head_01", title = "Mask", price = 300},
- {name = "ex_mp_h_acc_vase_06", title = "Vase 1", price = 300},
- {name = "ex_mp_h_acc_vase_02", title = "Red Vase", price = 300},
- {name = "hei_prop_hei_bust_01", title = "Bust", price = 300},
- {name = "prop_arcade_01", title = "Arcade Machine", price = 300},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_beer_neon_01', title = 'Neon Sign 1'},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_beer_neon_02', title = 'Neon Sign 2'},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_beer_neon_03', title = 'Neon Sign 3'},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_beer_neon_04', title = 'Neon Sign 3'},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_patriotneon', title = 'Neon Sign Patriot'},
- {price = 6500, name = 'prop_barrachneon', title = 'Neon Sign Pussy Beer'}
- },
+Config.FurnitureCatagories = {
+ Decorations = {
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_bottle_01", title = "Bottle", price = 700 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_01", title = "Candles", price = 700 },
+ { name = "p_int_jewel_mirror", title = "Mirror", price = 700 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_dec_plate_01", title = "Decorative Plate", price = 700 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_vase_01", title = "Vase", price = 700 },
+ { name = "v_res_desktidy", title = "Desk Supplies", price = 700 },
+ { name = "ex_prop_ashtray_luxe_02", title = "Ashtray", price = 700 },
+ { name = "v_res_mp_ashtrayb", title = "Ashtray 2", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_bong_01", title = "Bong", price = 700 },
+ { name = "prop_mr_rasberryclean", title = "Mr Rasberry Clean", price = 700 },
+ { name = "prop_acc_guitar_01", title = "Guitar", price = 1000 },
+ { name = "p_planning_board_04", title = "Planning Board", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_hotel_clock_01", title = "Hotel Clock", price = 500 },
+ { name = "p_cs_pamphlet_01_s", title = "Pamphlet", price = 700 },
+ { name = "prop_big_clock_01", title = "Big Clock", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_egg_clock_01", title = "Egg Clock", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_ld_greenscreen_01", title = "Green Screen", price = 100 },
+ { name = "prop_dart_bd_cab_01", title = "Dart", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_dart_bd_01", title = "Dart 2", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_exercisebike", title = "Exercise Bike", price = 500 },
+ { name = "p_laz_j02_s", title = "Laz", price = 500 },
+ { name = "v_res_cherubvase", title = "White Vase", price = 500 },
+ { name = "v_res_d_paddedwall", title = "Padded Wall", price = 500 },
+ { name = "prop_dummy_01", title = "Dummy", price = 100 },
+ { name = "prop_el_guitar_01", title = "E Guitar 1", price = 100 },
+ { name = "prop_el_guitar_02", title = "E Guitar 2", price = 100 },
+ { name = "prop_el_guitar_03", title = "E Guitar 2", price = 100 },
+ { name = "v_res_mbowlornate", title = "Ornate Bowl", price = 300 },
+ { name = "v_res_mbronzvase", title = "Bronze Vase", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_ceramic_jug_01", title = "Ceramic Jug", price = 100 },
+ { name = "v_res_m_candle", title = "Candle Large 1", price = 300 },
+ { name = "v_res_m_candlelrg", title = "Candle Large 2", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_06", title = "Candles 1", price = 50 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_05", title = "Candles 2", price = 50 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_candles_04", title = "Candles 3", price = 50 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwools_01", title = "Rug 1", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_01", title = "Rug 2", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwooll_04", title = "Rug 3", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwooll_03", title = "Rug 4", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_04", title = "Rug 5", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_rugwools_03", title = "Rug 6", price = 300 },
+ { name = "v_res_fh_pouf", title = "Pouf", price = 300 },
+ { name = "v_res_fh_sculptmod", title = "Sculpture", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_v_5_bclock", title = "Vintage Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_v_15_cars_clock", title = "American Flag Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_sm_19_clock", title = "Modern Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_sports_clock_01", title = "Sports Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_mem_candle_01", title = "Candle 1", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_game_clock_01", title = "Crown Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_game_clock_02", title = "Kronos Clock", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_id2_20_clock", title = "Modern Clock 2", price = 300 },
+ { name = "ex_office_citymodel_01", title = "CIty name", price = 300 },
+ { name = "apa_mp_h_acc_dec_head_01", title = "Mask", price = 300 },
+ { name = "ex_mp_h_acc_vase_06", title = "Vase 1", price = 300 },
+ { name = "ex_mp_h_acc_vase_02", title = "Red Vase", price = 300 },
+ { name = "hei_prop_hei_bust_01", title = "Bust", price = 300 },
+ { name = "prop_arcade_01", title = "Arcade Machine", price = 300 },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_beer_neon_01", title = "Neon Sign 1" },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_beer_neon_02", title = "Neon Sign 2" },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_beer_neon_03", title = "Neon Sign 3" },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_beer_neon_04", title = "Neon Sign 3" },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_patriotneon", title = "Neon Sign Patriot" },
+ { price = 6500, name = "prop_barrachneon", title = "Neon Sign Pussy Beer" },
+ },
- Electronics = {
- {price = 0, title = 'Lamp', name = 'prop_cd_lamp'},
- {price = 1800, title = 'Shredder', name = 'v_ret_gc_shred'},
- {price = 800, title = 'Antique telephone', name = 'apa_mp_h_acc_phone_01'},
- {price = 14700, title = 'TV wall white-gray with electronics', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunitl_04'},
- {price = 6700, title = 'TV wooden wall with television', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunitl_01_b'},
- {price = 14300, title = 'Television with yellow speakers', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunitm_01'},
- {price = 12000, title = 'TV with white speakers', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunitm_03'},
- {price = 12900, title = 'Television with accessories', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunits_01'},
- {price = 6900, title = 'TV on a metal table', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_avunits_01'},
- {price = 5500, title = 'Notebook', name = 'bkr_prop_clubhouse_laptop_01a'},
- {price = 4400, title = 'Notebook', name = 'bkr_prop_clubhouse_laptop_01b'},
- {price = 12400, title = 'Money counter', name = 'bkr_prop_money_counter'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Large upright fan', name = 'bkr_prop_weed_fan_floor_01a'},
- {price = 2400, title = 'Tvsmash', name = 'des_tvsmash_start'},
- {price = 2700, title = 'Wall TV', name = 'ex_prop_ex_tv_flat_01'},
- {price = 3500, title = 'Desktop monitor with keyboard', name = 'ex_prop_monitor_01_ex'},
- {price = 4700, title = 'Desktop monitor with keyboard', name = 'ex_prop_trailer_monitor_01'},
- {price = 200, title = 'TV driver', name = 'ex_prop_tv_settop_remote'},
- {price = 2200, title = 'TV box', name = 'ex_prop_tv_settop_box'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Table fan', name = 'gr_prop_bunker_deskfan_01a'},
- {price = 8400, title = 'Television with speakers and all equipment', name = 'hei_heist_str_avunitl_03'},
- {price = 1700, title = 'telephone landline', name = 'hei_prop_hei_bank_phone_01'},
- {price = 3800, title = 'Alarm', name = 'hei_prop_hei_bio_panel'},
- {price = 2100, title = 'Keyboard', name = 'hei_prop_hei_cs_keyboard'},
- {price = 8900, title = 'Project board', name = 'hei_prop_hei_muster_01'},
- {price = 1800, title = 'WIFI', name = 'hei_prop_server_piece_01'},
- {price = 3300, title = 'White notebook', name = 'p_laptop_02_s'},
- {price = 10500, title = 'Safe', name = 'p_v_43_safe_s'},
- {price = 7900, title = 'Table Hockey', name = 'prop_airhockey_01'},
- {price = 2400, title = 'Portable Radio', name = 'prop_boombox_01'},
- {price = 2500, title = 'DVD player', name = 'prop_cctv_cont_03'},
- {price = 3300, title = 'CD player', name = 'prop_cctv_cont_04'},
- {price = 900, title = 'PC Mouse', name = 'prop_cs_mouse_01'},
- {price = 900, title = 'Wall clock', name = 'prop_game_clock_01'},
- {price = 600, title = 'Wall clock black', name = 'prop_game_clock_02'},
- {price = 3400, title = 'HiFi system', name = 'prop_hifi_01'},
- {price = 1500, title = 'square clock', name = 'prop_hotel_clock_01'},
- {price = 1500, title = 'Clock', name = 'prop_id2_20_clock'},
- {price = 3400, title = 'Nikon Handheld Camera', name = 'prop_ing_camera_01'},
- {price = 1700, title = 'White keyboard', name = 'prop_keyboard_01a'},
- {price = 1600, title = 'Router', name = 'prop_ld_armour'},
- {price = 1700, title = 'Old monitor', name = 'prop_ld_monitor_01'},
- {price = 2300, title = 'Small old monitor', name = 'prop_monitor_01b'},
- {price = 400, title = 'RETRO monitor', name = 'prop_monitor_03b'},
- {price = 5900, title = 'Monitor', name = 'prop_monitor_w_large'},
- {price = 4800, title = 'Repráček', name = 'prop_mp3_dock'},
- {price = 4000, title = 'White PC', name = 'prop_pc_01a'},
- {price = 4800, title = 'Black PC', name = 'prop_pc_02a'},
- {price = 2500, title = 'Mobile', name = 'prop_phone_ing'},
- {price = 2100, title = 'Mobile', name = 'prop_phone_ing_02'},
- {price = 2000, title = 'Mobile', name = 'prop_phone_ing_02_lod'},
- {price = 2300, title = 'Mobile', name = 'prop_phone_ing_03'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'RETRO radio', name = 'prop_radio_01'},
- {price = 1100, title = 'Small speaker', name = 'prop_speaker_05'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Speaker', name = 'prop_speaker_06'},
- {price = 1900, title = 'Speaker', name = 'prop_speaker_08'},
- {price = 2000, title = 'Old TV', name = 'prop_trev_tv_01'},
- {price = 500, title = 'Old TV', name = 'prop_tv_03'},
- {price = 300, title = 'Old TV', name = 'prop_tv_01'},
- {price = 400, title = 'RETRO TV', name = 'prop_tv_04'},
- {price = 1700, title = 'Old TV', name = 'prop_tv_06'},
- {price = 6500, title = 'Plasma big screen', name = 'prop_tv_flat_01'},
- {price = 12500, title = 'Plasma thin TV', name = 'prop_tv_flat_01_screen'},
- {price = 1600, title = 'Plasma small television', name = 'prop_tv_flat_02'},
- {price = 2100, title = 'Plasma small television', name = 'prop_tv_flat_02b'},
- {price = 900, title = 'Small TV with stand', name = 'prop_tv_flat_03'},
- {price = 300, title = 'Small TV on the wall', name = 'prop_tv_flat_03b'},
- {price = 9200, title = 'Television Michael 50cm', name = 'prop_tv_flat_michael'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Little US Clock', name = 'prop_v_15_cars_clock'},
- {price = 4000, title = 'Professional camera', name = 'prop_v_cam_01'},
- {price = 4700, title = 'VET player RETRO', name = 'prop_vcr_01'},
- {price = 9900, title = 'Mixing desk', name = 'v_club_vu_deckcase'},
- {price = 1500, title = 'RETRO Laptop', name = 'v_ind_ss_laptop'},
- {price = 2500, title = 'CD seda', name = 'v_res_cdstorage'},
- {price = 3300, title = 'Ipod', name = 'v_res_ipoddock'},
- {price = 2800, title = 'Silver Monitor', name = 'v_res_monitorwidelarge'},
- {price = 2400, title = 'Mouse and as a gift pad', name = 'v_res_mousemat'},
- {price = 100, title = 'PC Headphones', name = 'v_res_pcheadset'},
- {price = 1200, title = 'PC speaker', name = 'v_res_pcspeaker'},
- {price = 5000, title = 'VHS white RETRO player', name = 'v_res_vhsplayer'},
- {price = 2200, title = 'Vacuum Cleaner', name = 'v_res_vacuum'},
- {price = 5400, title = 'Shredder', name = 'v_ret_gc_shred'},
- {price = 100, title = 'Stapler', name = 'v_ret_gc_staple'},
- {price = 1900, title = 'Hardisk', name = 'xm_prop_x17_harddisk_01a'},
- {price = 5300, title = 'Computer', name = 'xm_prop_x17_res_pctower'},
- {price = 12900, title = 'Plasma TV', name = 'xm_prop_x17_tv_flat_01'},
- {price = 6600, title = 'Plasma TV', name = 'xm_prop_x17_tv_flat_02'},
- {price = 14000, title = 'Jukebox', name = 'bkr_prop_clubhouse_jukebox_01b'},
- {price = 1700, title = 'USB', name = 'hei_prop_hst_usb_drive'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Flashlight', name = 'p_cs_police_torch_s'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Microphone', name = 'p_ing_microphonel_01'},
- {price = 1600, title = 'Radio', name = 'prop_tapeplayer_01'},
- {price = 4500, title = 'Multifunction Laser Printer', name = 'prop_printer_01'},
- {price = 11200, title = 'Multifunction Laser Printer', name = 'prop_printer_02'},
- {price = 20300, title = 'Jukebox 2', name = 'prop_50s_jukebox'},
- {price = 21200, title = 'Arcade games', name = 'prop_arcade_01'},
- {price = 19400, title = 'Safe', name = 'prop_ld_int_safe_01'},
- {price = 3800, title = 'Astronomical Clock', name = 'prop_v_5_bclock'},
- {price = 22200, title = 'Table with three monitors', name = 'xm_prop_base_staff_desk_01'},
- {price = 17900, title = 'Table with three monitors', name = 'xm_prop_base_staff_desk_02'},
- {price = 1500, title = 'Napkin machine', name = 'prop_handdry_01'},
- {price = 2700, title = 'Washing Machine', name = 'prop_washer_02'},
- {price = 600, title = 'Washing machine with its years', name = 'prop_washer_03'},
- {price = 700, title = 'RETRO washing machine', name = 'v_ret_fh_dryer'}
- },
+ Electronics = {
+ { price = 0, title = "Lamp", name = "prop_cd_lamp" },
+ { price = 1800, title = "Shredder", name = "v_ret_gc_shred" },
+ { price = 800, title = "Antique telephone", name = "apa_mp_h_acc_phone_01" },
+ { price = 14700, title = "TV wall white-gray with electronics", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunitl_04" },
+ { price = 6700, title = "TV wooden wall with television", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunitl_01_b" },
+ { price = 14300, title = "Television with yellow speakers", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunitm_01" },
+ { price = 12000, title = "TV with white speakers", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunitm_03" },
+ { price = 12900, title = "Television with accessories", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunits_01" },
+ { price = 6900, title = "TV on a metal table", name = "apa_mp_h_str_avunits_01" },
+ { price = 5500, title = "Notebook", name = "bkr_prop_clubhouse_laptop_01a" },
+ { price = 4400, title = "Notebook", name = "bkr_prop_clubhouse_laptop_01b" },
+ { price = 12400, title = "Money counter", name = "bkr_prop_money_counter" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Large upright fan", name = "bkr_prop_weed_fan_floor_01a" },
+ { price = 2400, title = "Tvsmash", name = "des_tvsmash_start" },
+ { price = 2700, title = "Wall TV", name = "ex_prop_ex_tv_flat_01" },
+ { price = 3500, title = "Desktop monitor with keyboard", name = "ex_prop_monitor_01_ex" },
+ { price = 4700, title = "Desktop monitor with keyboard", name = "ex_prop_trailer_monitor_01" },
+ { price = 200, title = "TV driver", name = "ex_prop_tv_settop_remote" },
+ { price = 2200, title = "TV box", name = "ex_prop_tv_settop_box" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Table fan", name = "gr_prop_bunker_deskfan_01a" },
+ { price = 8400, title = "Television with speakers and all equipment", name = "hei_heist_str_avunitl_03" },
+ { price = 1700, title = "telephone landline", name = "hei_prop_hei_bank_phone_01" },
+ { price = 3800, title = "Alarm", name = "hei_prop_hei_bio_panel" },
+ { price = 2100, title = "Keyboard", name = "hei_prop_hei_cs_keyboard" },
+ { price = 8900, title = "Project board", name = "hei_prop_hei_muster_01" },
+ { price = 1800, title = "WIFI", name = "hei_prop_server_piece_01" },
+ { price = 3300, title = "White notebook", name = "p_laptop_02_s" },
+ { price = 10500, title = "Safe", name = "p_v_43_safe_s" },
+ { price = 7900, title = "Table Hockey", name = "prop_airhockey_01" },
+ { price = 2400, title = "Portable Radio", name = "prop_boombox_01" },
+ { price = 2500, title = "DVD player", name = "prop_cctv_cont_03" },
+ { price = 3300, title = "CD player", name = "prop_cctv_cont_04" },
+ { price = 900, title = "PC Mouse", name = "prop_cs_mouse_01" },
+ { price = 900, title = "Wall clock", name = "prop_game_clock_01" },
+ { price = 600, title = "Wall clock black", name = "prop_game_clock_02" },
+ { price = 3400, title = "HiFi system", name = "prop_hifi_01" },
+ { price = 1500, title = "square clock", name = "prop_hotel_clock_01" },
+ { price = 1500, title = "Clock", name = "prop_id2_20_clock" },
+ { price = 3400, title = "Nikon Handheld Camera", name = "prop_ing_camera_01" },
+ { price = 1700, title = "White keyboard", name = "prop_keyboard_01a" },
+ { price = 1600, title = "Router", name = "prop_ld_armour" },
+ { price = 1700, title = "Old monitor", name = "prop_ld_monitor_01" },
+ { price = 2300, title = "Small old monitor", name = "prop_monitor_01b" },
+ { price = 400, title = "RETRO monitor", name = "prop_monitor_03b" },
+ { price = 5900, title = "Monitor", name = "prop_monitor_w_large" },
+ { price = 4800, title = "Repráček", name = "prop_mp3_dock" },
+ { price = 4000, title = "White PC", name = "prop_pc_01a" },
+ { price = 4800, title = "Black PC", name = "prop_pc_02a" },
+ { price = 2500, title = "Mobile", name = "prop_phone_ing" },
+ { price = 2100, title = "Mobile", name = "prop_phone_ing_02" },
+ { price = 2000, title = "Mobile", name = "prop_phone_ing_02_lod" },
+ { price = 2300, title = "Mobile", name = "prop_phone_ing_03" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "RETRO radio", name = "prop_radio_01" },
+ { price = 1100, title = "Small speaker", name = "prop_speaker_05" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Speaker", name = "prop_speaker_06" },
+ { price = 1900, title = "Speaker", name = "prop_speaker_08" },
+ { price = 2000, title = "Old TV", name = "prop_trev_tv_01" },
+ { price = 500, title = "Old TV", name = "prop_tv_03" },
+ { price = 300, title = "Old TV", name = "prop_tv_01" },
+ { price = 400, title = "RETRO TV", name = "prop_tv_04" },
+ { price = 1700, title = "Old TV", name = "prop_tv_06" },
+ { price = 6500, title = "Plasma big screen", name = "prop_tv_flat_01" },
+ { price = 12500, title = "Plasma thin TV", name = "prop_tv_flat_01_screen" },
+ { price = 1600, title = "Plasma small television", name = "prop_tv_flat_02" },
+ { price = 2100, title = "Plasma small television", name = "prop_tv_flat_02b" },
+ { price = 900, title = "Small TV with stand", name = "prop_tv_flat_03" },
+ { price = 300, title = "Small TV on the wall", name = "prop_tv_flat_03b" },
+ { price = 9200, title = "Television Michael 50cm", name = "prop_tv_flat_michael" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Little US Clock", name = "prop_v_15_cars_clock" },
+ { price = 4000, title = "Professional camera", name = "prop_v_cam_01" },
+ { price = 4700, title = "VET player RETRO", name = "prop_vcr_01" },
+ { price = 9900, title = "Mixing desk", name = "v_club_vu_deckcase" },
+ { price = 1500, title = "RETRO Laptop", name = "v_ind_ss_laptop" },
+ { price = 2500, title = "CD seda", name = "v_res_cdstorage" },
+ { price = 3300, title = "Ipod", name = "v_res_ipoddock" },
+ { price = 2800, title = "Silver Monitor", name = "v_res_monitorwidelarge" },
+ { price = 2400, title = "Mouse and as a gift pad", name = "v_res_mousemat" },
+ { price = 100, title = "PC Headphones", name = "v_res_pcheadset" },
+ { price = 1200, title = "PC speaker", name = "v_res_pcspeaker" },
+ { price = 5000, title = "VHS white RETRO player", name = "v_res_vhsplayer" },
+ { price = 2200, title = "Vacuum Cleaner", name = "v_res_vacuum" },
+ { price = 5400, title = "Shredder", name = "v_ret_gc_shred" },
+ { price = 100, title = "Stapler", name = "v_ret_gc_staple" },
+ { price = 1900, title = "Hardisk", name = "xm_prop_x17_harddisk_01a" },
+ { price = 5300, title = "Computer", name = "xm_prop_x17_res_pctower" },
+ { price = 12900, title = "Plasma TV", name = "xm_prop_x17_tv_flat_01" },
+ { price = 6600, title = "Plasma TV", name = "xm_prop_x17_tv_flat_02" },
+ { price = 14000, title = "Jukebox", name = "bkr_prop_clubhouse_jukebox_01b" },
+ { price = 1700, title = "USB", name = "hei_prop_hst_usb_drive" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Flashlight", name = "p_cs_police_torch_s" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Microphone", name = "p_ing_microphonel_01" },
+ { price = 1600, title = "Radio", name = "prop_tapeplayer_01" },
+ { price = 4500, title = "Multifunction Laser Printer", name = "prop_printer_01" },
+ { price = 11200, title = "Multifunction Laser Printer", name = "prop_printer_02" },
+ { price = 20300, title = "Jukebox 2", name = "prop_50s_jukebox" },
+ { price = 21200, title = "Arcade games", name = "prop_arcade_01" },
+ { price = 19400, title = "Safe", name = "prop_ld_int_safe_01" },
+ { price = 3800, title = "Astronomical Clock", name = "prop_v_5_bclock" },
+ { price = 22200, title = "Table with three monitors", name = "xm_prop_base_staff_desk_01" },
+ { price = 17900, title = "Table with three monitors", name = "xm_prop_base_staff_desk_02" },
+ { price = 1500, title = "Napkin machine", name = "prop_handdry_01" },
+ { price = 2700, title = "Washing Machine", name = "prop_washer_02" },
+ { price = 600, title = "Washing machine with its years", name = "prop_washer_03" },
+ { price = 700, title = "RETRO washing machine", name = "v_ret_fh_dryer" },
+ },
- Tables = {
- {price = 5600, title = 'Glass table', name = 'apa_mp_h_din_table_04'},
- {price = 5000, title = 'Glass table', name = 'apa_mp_h_din_table_11'},
- {price = 5300, title = 'Glass table', name = 'apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_07'},
- {price = 1200, title = 'Black Round Table', name = 'apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_04'},
- {price = 1600, title = 'Glass table', name = 'apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_01'},
- {price = 5700, title = 'Decorative glass table', name = 'apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_02'},
- {price = 2600, title = 'Black coffee table', name = 'apa_mp_h_yacht_coffee_table_01'},
- {price = 4200, title = 'Square table', name = 'apa_mp_h_yacht_side_table_01'},
- {price = 3400, title = 'Small table', name = 'gr_dlc_gr_yacht_props_table_01'},
- {price = 4700, title = 'Long table', name = 'gr_dlc_gr_yacht_props_table_02'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Particleboard table', name = 'prop_rub_table_01'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Particleboard dining table', name = 'prop_rub_table_02'},
- {price = 700, title = 'TV table', name = 'prop_tv_cabinet_03'},
- {price = 300, title = 'TV table', name = 'prop_tv_cabinet_04'},
- {price = 800, title = 'TV table', name = 'prop_tv_cabinet_05'},
- {price = 5300, title = 'Black modern table', name = 'v_ilev_liconftable_sml'},
- {price = 4100, title = 'Bar', name = 'xm_prop_lab_desk_01'}
- },
+ Tables = {
+ { price = 5600, title = "Glass table", name = "apa_mp_h_din_table_04" },
+ { price = 5000, title = "Glass table", name = "apa_mp_h_din_table_11" },
+ { price = 5300, title = "Glass table", name = "apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_07" },
+ { price = 1200, title = "Black Round Table", name = "apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_04" },
+ { price = 1600, title = "Glass table", name = "apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_01" },
+ { price = 5700, title = "Decorative glass table", name = "apa_mp_h_tab_sidelrg_02" },
+ { price = 2600, title = "Black coffee table", name = "apa_mp_h_yacht_coffee_table_01" },
+ { price = 4200, title = "Square table", name = "apa_mp_h_yacht_side_table_01" },
+ { price = 3400, title = "Small table", name = "gr_dlc_gr_yacht_props_table_01" },
+ { price = 4700, title = "Long table", name = "gr_dlc_gr_yacht_props_table_02" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Particleboard table", name = "prop_rub_table_01" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Particleboard dining table", name = "prop_rub_table_02" },
+ { price = 700, title = "TV table", name = "prop_tv_cabinet_03" },
+ { price = 300, title = "TV table", name = "prop_tv_cabinet_04" },
+ { price = 800, title = "TV table", name = "prop_tv_cabinet_05" },
+ { price = 5300, title = "Black modern table", name = "v_ilev_liconftable_sml" },
+ { price = 4100, title = "Bar", name = "xm_prop_lab_desk_01" },
+ },
- Sofas = {
- {price = 11500, title = 'Couch with pillows', name = 'prop_couch_01'},
- {price = 6500, title = 'Padded bench', name = 'prop_wait_bench_01'},
- {price = 4400, title = 'White leather sofa', name = 'xm_lab_sofa_01'}
- },
+ Sofas = {
+ { price = 11500, title = "Couch with pillows", name = "prop_couch_01" },
+ { price = 6500, title = "Padded bench", name = "prop_wait_bench_01" },
+ { price = 4400, title = "White leather sofa", name = "xm_lab_sofa_01" },
+ },
- Kitchen = {
- {price = 800, title = 'Kitchen scale', name = 'bkr_prop_coke_scale_01'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Home coffee maker', name = 'prop_coffee_mac_02'},
- {price = 5200, title = 'Automatic juice mixer', name = 'prop_juice_dispenser'},
- {price = 200, title = 'White wall phone', name = 'prop_office_phone_tnt'},
- {price = 2300, title = 'Fruit Blender', name = 'p_kitch_juicer_s'},
- {price = 1500, title = 'Kettle', name = 'prop_kettle_01'},
- {price = 2600, title = 'Crushing machine', name = 'prop_slush_dispenser'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Coffee pot', name = 'xm_prop_x17_coffee_jug'},
- {price = 3700, title = 'Mini bar fridge', name = 'prop_bar_fridge_03'},
- {price = 800, title = 'Plastic red cup', name = 'apa_prop_cs_plastic_cup_01'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Trash', name = 'prop_bin_10a'},
- {price = 400, title = 'Universal Cleaner', name = 'prop_blox_spray'},
- {price = 200, title = 'Green bucket', name = 'prop_buck_spade_05'},
- {price = 400, title = 'Blue bucket', name = 'prop_buck_spade_06'},
- {price = 200, title = 'Red bucket', name = 'prop_buck_spade_07'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Cups', name = 'prop_food_cups2'},
- {price = 400, title = 'White Cup', name = 'prop_mug_02'},
- {price = 800, title = 'Bowl with donut lid', name = 'v_res_cakedome'},
- {price = 1000, title = 'Loose tea container', name = 'v_res_fa_pottea'},
- {price = 300, title = 'Deep Plate', name = 'v_res_mbowl'},
- {price = 500, title = 'Paper napkins', name = 'v_ret_ta_paproll'},
- {price = 400, title = 'Glasses', name = 'p_w_grass_gls_s'},
- {price = 300, title = 'Glasses', name = 'prop_cocktail'},
- {price = 600, title = 'Knife', name = 'prop_cs_bowie_knife'}
- },
+ Kitchen = {
+ { price = 800, title = "Kitchen scale", name = "bkr_prop_coke_scale_01" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Home coffee maker", name = "prop_coffee_mac_02" },
+ { price = 5200, title = "Automatic juice mixer", name = "prop_juice_dispenser" },
+ { price = 200, title = "White wall phone", name = "prop_office_phone_tnt" },
+ { price = 2300, title = "Fruit Blender", name = "p_kitch_juicer_s" },
+ { price = 1500, title = "Kettle", name = "prop_kettle_01" },
+ { price = 2600, title = "Crushing machine", name = "prop_slush_dispenser" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Coffee pot", name = "xm_prop_x17_coffee_jug" },
+ { price = 3700, title = "Mini bar fridge", name = "prop_bar_fridge_03" },
+ { price = 800, title = "Plastic red cup", name = "apa_prop_cs_plastic_cup_01" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Trash", name = "prop_bin_10a" },
+ { price = 400, title = "Universal Cleaner", name = "prop_blox_spray" },
+ { price = 200, title = "Green bucket", name = "prop_buck_spade_05" },
+ { price = 400, title = "Blue bucket", name = "prop_buck_spade_06" },
+ { price = 200, title = "Red bucket", name = "prop_buck_spade_07" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Cups", name = "prop_food_cups2" },
+ { price = 400, title = "White Cup", name = "prop_mug_02" },
+ { price = 800, title = "Bowl with donut lid", name = "v_res_cakedome" },
+ { price = 1000, title = "Loose tea container", name = "v_res_fa_pottea" },
+ { price = 300, title = "Deep Plate", name = "v_res_mbowl" },
+ { price = 500, title = "Paper napkins", name = "v_ret_ta_paproll" },
+ { price = 400, title = "Glasses", name = "p_w_grass_gls_s" },
+ { price = 300, title = "Glasses", name = "prop_cocktail" },
+ { price = 600, title = "Knife", name = "prop_cs_bowie_knife" },
+ },
- Bedroom = {
- {price = 3300, title = 'Single bed', name = 'v_res_msonbed'},
- {price = 100, title = 'Double bed', name = 'p_lestersbed_s'},
- {price = 600, title = 'Double bed', name = 'p_v_res_tt_bed_s'},
- {price = 400, title = 'Double modern bed', name = 'apa_mp_h_bed_double_08'},
- {price = 1100, title = 'Double modern bed', name = 'apa_mp_h_bed_wide_05'},
- {price = 2200, title = 'Double modern bed', name = 'apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_02'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Single sofa bed', name = 'ex_prop_exec_bed_01'},
- {price = 3100, title = 'Double modern bed', name = 'hei_heist_bed_double_08'},
- {price = 4400, title = 'Chest of drawers', name = 'apa_mp_h_bed_chestdrawer_02'},
- {price = 400, title = 'RETRO wardrobe', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_shelffloorm_02'},
- {price = 100, title = 'RETRO chest of drawers low', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_11'},
- {price = 2500, title = 'Gray-white low cabinet', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_13'},
- {price = 700, title = 'Wooden chest of drawers', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_14'},
- {price = 500, title = 'Wood brindle feather duster', name = 'apa_mp_h_str_sideboardm_02'},
- {price = 900, title = 'Iron open cabinet', name = 'p_cs_locker_01'},
- {price = 300, title = 'Iron used closed cabinet', name = 'p_cs_locker_01_s'}
- }
+ Bedroom = {
+ { price = 3300, title = "Single bed", name = "v_res_msonbed" },
+ { price = 100, title = "Double bed", name = "p_lestersbed_s" },
+ { price = 600, title = "Double bed", name = "p_v_res_tt_bed_s" },
+ { price = 400, title = "Double modern bed", name = "apa_mp_h_bed_double_08" },
+ { price = 1100, title = "Double modern bed", name = "apa_mp_h_bed_wide_05" },
+ { price = 2200, title = "Double modern bed", name = "apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_02" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Single sofa bed", name = "ex_prop_exec_bed_01" },
+ { price = 3100, title = "Double modern bed", name = "hei_heist_bed_double_08" },
+ { price = 4400, title = "Chest of drawers", name = "apa_mp_h_bed_chestdrawer_02" },
+ { price = 400, title = "RETRO wardrobe", name = "apa_mp_h_str_shelffloorm_02" },
+ { price = 100, title = "RETRO chest of drawers low", name = "apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_11" },
+ { price = 2500, title = "Gray-white low cabinet", name = "apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_13" },
+ { price = 700, title = "Wooden chest of drawers", name = "apa_mp_h_str_sideboardl_14" },
+ { price = 500, title = "Wood brindle feather duster", name = "apa_mp_h_str_sideboardm_02" },
+ { price = 900, title = "Iron open cabinet", name = "p_cs_locker_01" },
+ { price = 300, title = "Iron used closed cabinet", name = "p_cs_locker_01_s" },
+ },
-------------------DONT TOUCH -------------------------
Config.OxInventory = ESX.GetConfig().OxInventory
function GetInteriorValues(Interior)
- for _,type in pairs(Config.Interiors) do
- for _, interior in pairs(type) do
- if interior.value == Interior then
- return interior
- end
+ for _, type in pairs(Config.Interiors) do
+ for _, interior in pairs(type) do
+ if interior.value == Interior then
+ return interior
+ end
+ end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/fxmanifest.lua
index 8a269ef5f..01bb6ff7c 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lua54 'yes'
author 'ESX-Framework'
description 'Official ESX-Legacy Property System'
-version '0.0.4'
+version '1.0.0'
shared_scripts {'@es_extended/imports.lua', '@es_extended/locale.lua', 'locales/*.lua'}
file "client/html/copy.html"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/en.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/en.lua
index 3b3d98bf8..b668e4651 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/en.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/en.lua
@@ -1,218 +1,215 @@
-Locales['en'] = {
- --- CCTV Strings ------
- ["take_picture"] = "Take Picture",
- ["rot_left_right"] = "Left/Right",
- ["rot_up_down"] = "Up/Down",
- ["Zoom"] = "Zoom In/Out",
- ["Zoom_level"] = "Zoom Level: %s %",
- ["night_vision"] = "Toggle Night Vision",
- ["clipboard"] = "Link Copied To ~b~Cipboard",
- ["picture_taken"] = "Picture Taken!",
- ["please_wait"] = "Please Wait Before taking another ~b~Picture",
- ["exit"] = "Exit",
- --- Furniture Strings ------
- ["Height"] = "Height",
- ["rotate"] = "Rotation",
- ["place"] = "Place Furniture",
- ["delete_furni"] = "Delete",
- ["confirm_buy"] = "Do You Want To Buy %s ?",
- ["price"] = "Price: $&s",
- ["yes"] = "Yes",
- ["no"] = "No",
- ["action"] = "You %s ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["bought_furni"] = "You Have ~g~Bought~s~ A ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["edited_furni"] = "You Have Edited ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["cannot_buy"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Buy This!",
- ["cannot_edit"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Edit This!",
- ["store_title"] = "Store - %s",
- ["back"] = "Return",
- ["edit_title"] = "Editing - %s",
- ["move_title"] = "Move",
- ["deleted_confirm"] = "Deleting ~b~%s~s~!",
- ["deleted_error"] = "Cannot Delete ~b~%s~s~!",
- ["owned_furni"] = "Owned Furniture",
- ["menu_stores"] = "Furniture Stores",
- ["menu_stores_desc"] = "Buy Furniture",
- ["menu_reset"] = "Reset",
- ["menu_reset_desc"] = "Clears All Furniture",
- ["menu_edit"] = "Edit",
- ["menu_edit_desc"] = "Move and/or Delete furniture items",
- ["furni_command"] = "furniture",
- ["furni_Command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Furniture Menu",
- ["furni_command_permission"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access This Menu!",
- ["furni_reset_success"] = "Furniture Reset!",
- ["furni_cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Afford Todo this!",
- ["furni_reset_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Reset This Property!",
- ["furni_management"] = "Manage Furniture",
- --------- Key Strings ---------------
- ["you_granted"] = 'You Have Been Granted Keys To ~b~%s~s~.',
- ["already_has"] = "This Player Already Has Keys!",
- ["do_not_own"] = 'You do ~r~not~s~ own this property.',
- ["key_revoked"] = 'Your Key Access To ~b~%s~s~. Has Been ~r~Revoked~s~',
- ["no_keys"] = "This Player Does Not Have Keys!",
- ["nearby"] = "Nearby Players",
- ["gave_key"] = "Giving Keys to %s!",
- ["key_cannot_give"] = "You Cannot Give This Player A ~r~Key",
- ["remove_title"] = "Remove Keys From Player",
- ["key_revoke_success"] = "Revoking Keys From ~b~%s~s~.",
- ["key_revoke_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Remove~s~ A ~r~Key~s~ From this Person",
- ["key_management"] = "Key Management",
- ["key_management_desc"] = "Control Property Access.",
- ["give_keys"] = "Give Keys",
- ["remove_keys"] = "Remove Keys",
- --------- Real Estate Strings ---------------
- ["office_blip"] = "%s Office",
- ["actions"] = "Real Estate Actions",
- ["property_create"] = "Create Property",
- ["property_manage"] = "Manage Properties",
- ["realestate_command"] = "realestatequickmenu",
- ["realestate_command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Real Estate Quick Actions",
- ["enter_office"] = "~b~Entering~s~ Office.",
- ["enter_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Enter The Office!",
- ["exit_office"] = "~b~Exiting~s~ Office.",
- ["exit_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Exit The Office!",
- ["realestate_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Access ~b~%s",
- ------------Command Strings-----------------------
- ["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
- ["refresh_desc"] = "Refresh to Server Start State",
- ["save_name"] = "property:save",
- ["save_desc"] = "Force Save Properties",
- ["create_name"] = "property:create",
- ["create_desc"] = "Create A New Property",
- ["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
- ["admin_desc"] = "Manage/view all properties",
- ---------- Property Actions Menu -------------------------
- ["knocking"] = "Someone Is ~b~Knocking~s~ On The Door.",
- ["name_edit"] = "Edit Property Name",
- ["name"] = "Name",
- ["confirm"] = "Confirm",
- ["name_edit_success"] = "You Have Set The Property Name To ~b~%s~s~.",
- ["name_edit_error"] = "You Cannot Set The Property Name To ~r~%s~s~.",
- ["door_locked"] = "Door: Locked",
- ["door_unlocked"] = "Door: Unlocked",
- ["name_manage"] = "Manage Name",
- ["name_manage_desc"] = "Set The Name of the Property.",
- ["sell_title"] = "Sell",
- ["sell_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
- ["raid_title"] = "Raid",
- ["raid_desc"] = "Force Entry Into Property.",
- ["cctv_title"] = "CCTV",
- ["cctv_desc"] = "Check the CCTV Camera.",
- ["inventory_title"] = "Inventory",
- ["inventory_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Storage.",
- ["wardrobe_title"] = "Wardrobe",
- ["wardrobe_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Wardrobe.",
- ["furniture_title"] = "Furniture",
- ["furniture_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Furniture.",
- ["enter_title"] = "Enter",
- ["knock_title"] = "Knock On Door",
- ["buy_title"] = "Buy",
- ["buy_desc"] = "Buy This Property For $%s",
- ["sellplayer_title"] = "Sell To Player",
- ["sellplayer_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
- ["view_title"] = "Preview Interior",
- ["exit_title"] = "Exit",
- ["property_editing_error"] = "You Are Currently Editing The Property.",
- ["unlock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Unlock~s~ This Property",
- ["lock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Lock~s~ This Property",
- ["prep_raid"] = "~b~Preparing~s~ Raid!",
- ["raiding"] = "Raiding...",
- ["cancel_raiding"] = "~r~Cancelled~s~ Raid!",
- ["cannot_raid"] = "You Cannot ~b~Raid~s~ This Property.",
- ["storage_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Storage Position",
- ["storage_pos_success"] = "~b~Storage~s~ Position Set.",
- ["storage_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Storage~s~ Position.",
- ["wardrobe_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Wardrobe Position",
- ["wardrobe_pos_success"] = "~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position Set.",
- ["wardrobe_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position.",
- ["please_finish"] = "Please Finish Setting ~b~%s~s~ Position",
- ["cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Purchase This Property!",
- ["select_player"] = "Select Player",
- ["cannot_sell"] = "Cannot Sell To This Player!",
- ["knock_on_door"] = "Knocking On Door...",
- ["nobody_home"] = "It Seems Nobody is home...",
- ---------- General Strings ----------------
- ["enabled"] = "Enabled",
- ["disabled"] = "Disabled",
- ["exiting"] = "Exiting property...",
- ["entering"] = "Entering property...",
- ["shell_disabled"] ="This Interior Uses Shells, which are disabled!",
- ["access_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Access ~b~%s",
- ["raid_notify_error"] = "You need ~b~ %sx %s~s~ to be able to raid!",
- ["raid_notify_success"] = "Your Property is Currently Being ~b~Raided!",
- --------------- Garage Strings --------------
- ["store_success"] = "Vehicle ~b~Stored!",
- ["store_error"] = "You Cannot Store This Vehicle!",
- ["property_garage"] = "Property Garage",
- ["retriving_notify"] = "Retrieving ~b~%s~s~ ...",
- ["cannot_access"] = "You Cannot Access This Garage!",
- ["store_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Store ~b~%s",
- ["garage_not_enabled"] = 'Garage Not Enabled On This Property.',
- ["cannot_access_property"] = 'You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access this property.',
- ----------------- Creation Menu Strings ----------------
- ["menu_title"] = "Property Creation",
- ["element_title1"] = "Street Number",
- ["element_description1"] = "Set the Property Street Number.",
- ["element_title2"] = "Price",
- ["element_description2"] = "Set the Price of the Property.",
- ["element_title3"] = "Interior",
- ["element_description3"] = "Select An Interior For The Property",
- ["element_title4"] = "Garage",
- ["element_description4"] = "(Optional) Manage Garage Settings",
- ["element_title5"] = "CCTV",
- ["element_description5"] = "(Optional) Manage CCTV Settings",
- ["element_title6"] = "Entrance",
- ["element_description6"] = "Set The Property`s Entrance Location.",
- ["element_create_title"] = "Create Property",
- ["element_create_desc_1"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
- ["entrance_set_title"] = "Entrance Set.",
- ["entrance_set_description"] = "Entrance: %s, %s, %s",
- ["interior_set_title"] = "Interior Selected.",
- ["interior_set_description"] = "Selected: %s",
- ["ipl_title"] = "IPL Interiors",
- ["types_title"] = "Interior Types",
- ["ipl_description"] = "Native GTA Interiors, Made by R*",
- ["shell_title"] = "Custom Interiors",
- ["shell_description"] = "Custom Interiors, Made by You",
- ["cctv_settings"] = "CCTV Settings",
- ["garage_settings"] = "Garage Settings",
- ["toggle_title"] = "Toggle Usage",
- ["toggle_description"] = "Current Status: %s",
- ["cctv_set_title"] = "Set CCTV Angle",
- ["cctv_set_description"] = "Sets the Camera angle to your Cameras Direction",
- ["back_description"] = "return to property creation.",
- ["garage_set_title"] = "Set Garage Position",
- ["garage_set_description"] = "Set the position of the Property Garage.",
- ["garage_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Position",
- ["cctv_textui_1"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Angle",
- ["cctv_textui_2"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Right Roation",
- ["cctv_textui_3"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Left Roation",
- ["create_success"] = "Property created!",
- ["missing_data"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
- -- Saving Translations
- ["server_restart"] = "Server Restarting",
- ["server_shutdown"] = "Server Shutdown",
- ["manual_save"] = "Manual Save (Requested By %s)",
- ["resource_stop"] = "Resource Stopping",
- ["force_save"] = "Force Save (Requested By %s)",
- ["interval_saving"] = "Interval Saving"
- }
+Locales["en"] = {
+ --- CCTV Strings ------
+ ["take_picture"] = "Take Picture",
+ ["rot_left_right"] = "Left/Right",
+ ["rot_up_down"] = "Up/Down",
+ ["Zoom"] = "Zoom In/Out",
+ ["Zoom_level"] = "Zoom Level: %s %",
+ ["night_vision"] = "Toggle Night Vision",
+ ["clipboard"] = "Link Copied To ~b~Cipboard",
+ ["picture_taken"] = "Picture Taken!",
+ ["please_wait"] = "Please Wait Before taking another ~b~Picture",
+ ["exit"] = "Exit",
+ --- Furniture Strings ------
+ ["Height"] = "Height",
+ ["rotate"] = "Rotation",
+ ["place"] = "Place Furniture",
+ ["delete_furni"] = "Delete",
+ ["confirm_buy"] = "Do You Want To Buy %s ?",
+ ["price"] = "Price: $&s",
+ ["yes"] = "Yes",
+ ["no"] = "No",
+ ["action"] = "You %s ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["bought_furni"] = "You Have ~g~Bought~s~ A ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["edited_furni"] = "You Have Edited ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["cannot_buy"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Buy This!",
+ ["cannot_edit"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Edit This!",
+ ["store_title"] = "Store - %s",
+ ["back"] = "Return",
+ ["edit_title"] = "Editing - %s",
+ ["move_title"] = "Move",
+ ["deleted_confirm"] = "Deleting ~b~%s~s~!",
+ ["deleted_error"] = "Cannot Delete ~b~%s~s~!",
+ ["owned_furni"] = "Owned Furniture",
+ ["menu_stores"] = "Furniture Stores",
+ ["menu_stores_desc"] = "Buy Furniture",
+ ["menu_reset"] = "Reset",
+ ["menu_reset_desc"] = "Clears All Furniture",
+ ["menu_edit"] = "Edit",
+ ["menu_edit_desc"] = "Move and/or Delete furniture items",
+ ["furni_command"] = "furniture",
+ ["furni_Command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Furniture Menu",
+ ["furni_command_permission"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access This Menu!",
+ ["furni_reset_success"] = "Furniture Reset!",
+ ["furni_cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Afford Todo this!",
+ ["furni_reset_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Reset This Property!",
+ ["furni_management"] = "Manage Furniture",
+ --------- Key Strings ---------------
+ ["you_granted"] = "You Have Been Granted Keys To ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["already_has"] = "This Player Already Has Keys!",
+ ["do_not_own"] = "You do ~r~not~s~ own this property.",
+ ["key_revoked"] = "Your Key Access To ~b~%s~s~. Has Been ~r~Revoked~s~",
+ ["no_keys"] = "This Player Does Not Have Keys!",
+ ["nearby"] = "Nearby Players",
+ ["gave_key"] = "Giving Keys to %s!",
+ ["key_cannot_give"] = "You Cannot Give This Player A ~r~Key",
+ ["remove_title"] = "Remove Keys From Player",
+ ["key_revoke_success"] = "Revoking Keys From ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["key_revoke_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Remove~s~ A ~r~Key~s~ From this Person",
+ ["key_management"] = "Key Management",
+ ["key_management_desc"] = "Control Property Access.",
+ ["give_keys"] = "Give Keys",
+ ["remove_keys"] = "Remove Keys",
+ --------- Real Estate Strings ---------------
+ ["office_blip"] = "%s Office",
+ ["actions"] = "Real Estate Actions",
+ ["property_create"] = "Create Property",
+ ["property_manage"] = "Manage Properties",
+ ["realestate_command"] = "realestatequickmenu",
+ ["realestate_command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Real Estate Quick Actions",
+ ["enter_office"] = "~b~Entering~s~ Office.",
+ ["enter_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Enter The Office!",
+ ["exit_office"] = "~b~Exiting~s~ Office.",
+ ["exit_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Exit The Office!",
+ ["realestate_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Access ~b~%s",
+ ------------Command Strings-----------------------
+ ["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
+ ["refresh_desc"] = "Refresh to Server Start State",
+ ["save_name"] = "property:save",
+ ["save_desc"] = "Force Save Properties",
+ ["create_name"] = "property:create",
+ ["create_desc"] = "Create A New Property",
+ ["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
+ ["admin_desc"] = "Manage/view all properties",
+ ---------- Property Actions Menu -------------------------
+ ["knocking"] = "Someone Is ~b~Knocking~s~ On The Door.",
+ ["name_edit"] = "Edit Property Name",
+ ["name"] = "Name",
+ ["confirm"] = "Confirm",
+ ["name_edit_success"] = "You Have Set The Property Name To ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["name_edit_error"] = "You Cannot Set The Property Name To ~r~%s~s~.",
+ ["door_locked"] = "Door: Locked",
+ ["door_unlocked"] = "Door: Unlocked",
+ ["name_manage"] = "Manage Name",
+ ["name_manage_desc"] = "Set The Name of the Property.",
+ ["sell_title"] = "Sell",
+ ["sell_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
+ ["raid_title"] = "Raid",
+ ["raid_desc"] = "Force Entry Into Property.",
+ ["cctv_title"] = "CCTV",
+ ["cctv_desc"] = "Check the CCTV Camera.",
+ ["inventory_title"] = "Inventory",
+ ["inventory_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Storage.",
+ ["wardrobe_title"] = "Wardrobe",
+ ["wardrobe_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Wardrobe.",
+ ["furniture_title"] = "Furniture",
+ ["furniture_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Furniture.",
+ ["enter_title"] = "Enter",
+ ["knock_title"] = "Knock On Door",
+ ["buy_title"] = "Buy",
+ ["buy_desc"] = "Buy This Property For $%s",
+ ["sellplayer_title"] = "Sell To Player",
+ ["sellplayer_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
+ ["view_title"] = "Preview Interior",
+ ["exit_title"] = "Exit",
+ ["property_editing_error"] = "You Are Currently Editing The Property.",
+ ["unlock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Unlock~s~ This Property",
+ ["lock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Lock~s~ This Property",
+ ["prep_raid"] = "~b~Preparing~s~ Raid!",
+ ["raiding"] = "Raiding...",
+ ["cancel_raiding"] = "~r~Cancelled~s~ Raid!",
+ ["cannot_raid"] = "You Cannot ~b~Raid~s~ This Property.",
+ ["storage_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Storage Position",
+ ["storage_pos_success"] = "~b~Storage~s~ Position Set.",
+ ["storage_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Storage~s~ Position.",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Wardrobe Position",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_success"] = "~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position Set.",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position.",
+ ["please_finish"] = "Please Finish Setting ~b~%s~s~ Position",
+ ["cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Purchase This Property!",
+ ["select_player"] = "Select Player",
+ ["cannot_sell"] = "Cannot Sell To This Player!",
+ ["knock_on_door"] = "Knocking On Door...",
+ ["nobody_home"] = "It Seems Nobody is home...",
+ ---------- General Strings ----------------
+ ["enabled"] = "Enabled",
+ ["disabled"] = "Disabled",
+ ["exiting"] = "Exiting property...",
+ ["entering"] = "Entering property...",
+ ["shell_disabled"] = "This Interior Uses Shells, which are disabled!",
+ ["access_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Access ~b~%s",
+ ["raid_notify_error"] = "You need ~b~ %sx %s~s~ to be able to raid!",
+ ["raid_notify_success"] = "Your Property is Currently Being ~b~Raided!",
+ --------------- Garage Strings --------------
+ ["store_success"] = "Vehicle ~b~Stored!",
+ ["store_error"] = "You Cannot Store This Vehicle!",
+ ["property_garage"] = "Property Garage",
+ ["retriving_notify"] = "Retrieving ~b~%s~s~ ...",
+ ["cannot_access"] = "You Cannot Access This Garage!",
+ ["store_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Store ~b~%s",
+ ["garage_not_enabled"] = "Garage Not Enabled On This Property.",
+ ["cannot_access_property"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access this property.",
+ ----------------- Creation Menu Strings ----------------
+ ["menu_title"] = "Property Creation",
+ ["element_title1"] = "Street Number",
+ ["element_description1"] = "Set the Property Street Number.",
+ ["element_title2"] = "Price",
+ ["element_description2"] = "Set the Price of the Property.",
+ ["element_title3"] = "Interior",
+ ["element_description3"] = "Select An Interior For The Property",
+ ["element_title4"] = "Garage",
+ ["element_description4"] = "(Optional) Manage Garage Settings",
+ ["element_title5"] = "CCTV",
+ ["element_description5"] = "(Optional) Manage CCTV Settings",
+ ["element_title6"] = "Entrance",
+ ["element_description6"] = "Set The Property`s Entrance Location.",
+ ["element_create_title"] = "Create Property",
+ ["element_create_desc_1"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
+ ["entrance_set_title"] = "Entrance Set.",
+ ["entrance_set_description"] = "Entrance: %s, %s, %s",
+ ["interior_set_title"] = "Interior Selected.",
+ ["interior_set_description"] = "Selected: %s",
+ ["ipl_title"] = "IPL Interiors",
+ ["types_title"] = "Interior Types",
+ ["ipl_description"] = "Native GTA Interiors, Made by R*",
+ ["shell_title"] = "Custom Interiors",
+ ["shell_description"] = "Custom Interiors, Made by You",
+ ["cctv_settings"] = "CCTV Settings",
+ ["garage_settings"] = "Garage Settings",
+ ["toggle_title"] = "Toggle Usage",
+ ["toggle_description"] = "Current Status: %s",
+ ["cctv_set_title"] = "Set CCTV Angle",
+ ["cctv_set_description"] = "Sets the Camera angle to your Cameras Direction",
+ ["back_description"] = "return to property creation.",
+ ["garage_set_title"] = "Set Garage Position",
+ ["garage_set_description"] = "Set the position of the Property Garage.",
+ ["garage_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Position",
+ ["cctv_textui_1"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Angle",
+ ["cctv_textui_2"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Right Roation",
+ ["cctv_textui_3"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Left Roation",
+ ["create_success"] = "Property created!",
+ ["missing_data"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
+ -- Saving Translations
+ ["server_restart"] = "Server Restarting",
+ ["server_shutdown"] = "Server Shutdown",
+ ["manual_save"] = "Manual Save (Requested By %s)",
+ ["resource_stop"] = "Resource Stopping",
+ ["force_save"] = "Force Save (Requested By %s)",
+ ["interval_saving"] = "Interval Saving",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/it.lua
index 24496a499..044479bc2 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/locales/it.lua
@@ -1,218 +1,215 @@
-Locales['it'] = {
- --- CCTV Strings ------
- ["take_picture"] = "scatta foto",
- ["rot_left_right"] = "sinistra/destra",
- ["rot_up_down"] = "su/giu'",
- ["Zoom"] = "Zoom avanti/indietro",
- ["Zoom_level"] = "livello zoom: %s %",
- ["night_vision"] = "attiva/disattiva visione notturna",
- ["clipboard"] = "collegamento copiato in ~b~clipboard",
- ["picture_taken"] = "foto scattata!",
- ["please_wait"] = "per favore attendi prima di scattare un'altra ~b~foto",
- ["exit"] = "esci",
- --- Furniture Strings ------
- ["Height"] = "altezza",
- ["rotate"] = "Rotazione",
- ["place"] = "posiziona mobili",
- ["delete_furni"] = "elimina",
- ["confirm_buy"] = "vuoi acquistare %s ?",
- ["price"] = "Prezzo: $&s",
- ["yes"] = "si",
- ["no"] = "No",
- ["action"] = "tu %s ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["bought_furni"] = "hai ~g~comprato~s~ A ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["edited_furni"] = "hai modificato ~b~%s~s~ !",
- ["cannot_buy"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ comprare questo!",
- ["cannot_edit"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ modificarlo!",
- ["store_title"] = "negozio - %s",
- ["back"] = "Ritorna",
- ["edit_title"] = "modifica - %s",
- ["move_title"] = "sposta",
- ["deleted_confirm"] = "eliminare ~b~%s~s~!",
- ["deleted_error"] = "impossibile eliminare ~b~%s~s~!",
- ["owned_furni"] = "mobili di proprieta'",
- ["menu_stores"] = "mobilificio",
- ["menu_stores_desc"] = "acquista mobili",
- ["menu_reset"] = "Ripristina",
- ["menu_reset_desc"] = "Cancella tutti i mobili",
- ["menu_edit"] = "modifica",
- ["menu_edit_desc"] = "sposta e/o elimina i mobili",
- ["furni_command"] = "mobili",
- ["furni_Command_desc"] = "apri menu mobili",
- ["furni_command_permission"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ accedere a questo menu!",
- ["furni_reset_success"] = "ripristina mobili!",
- ["furni_cannot_afford"] = "non puoi permetterti di farlo!",
- ["furni_reset_error"] = " ~r~non puoi~s~ ripristinare questa proprieta'!",
- ["furni_management"] = "gestisci mobili",
- --------- Key Strings ---------------
- ["you_granted"] = 'ti sono state concesse le chiavi di ~b~%s~s~.',
- ["already_has"] = "questo giocatore ha gia' le chiavi!",
- ["do_not_own"] = "~r~non~s~ possiedi questa proprieta'.",
- ["key_revoked"] = 'la tua chiave di accesso a ~b~%s~s~. e\' stata ~r~revocata~s~',
- ["no_keys"] = "questo giocatore non ha le chiavi!",
- ["nearby"] = "giocatori vicini",
- ["gave_key"] = "stai dando le chiavi a %s!",
- ["key_cannot_give"] = "non puoi consegnare a questo giocatore ~r~la chiave",
- ["remove_title"] = "rimuovi le chiavi",
- ["key_revoke_success"] = "revocare le chiavi ~b~%s~s~.",
- ["key_revoke_error"] = "non puoi ~b~rimuovere~s~ la ~r~chiave~s~ a questa persona",
- ["key_management"] = "gestione chiavi",
- ["key_management_desc"] = "controlla l'accesso alla proprieta'.",
- ["give_keys"] = "dai chiavi",
- ["remove_keys"] = "rimuovi chiavi",
- --------- Real Estate Strings ---------------
- ["office_blip"] = "%s ufficio",
- ["actions"] = "azioni immobililiari",
- ["property_create"] = "crea proprieta'",
- ["property_manage"] = "gestisci proprieta'",
- ["realestate_command"] = "menu rapido immobiliare",
- ["realestate_command_desc"] = "apri azioni rapide immobiliari",
- ["enter_office"] = "~b~entra in~s~ ufficio.",
- ["enter_office_error"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ entrare in ufficio!",
- ["exit_office"] = "~b~esci~s~ dall'ufficio.",
- ["exit_office_error"] = "~r~non puoi~s~ uscire dall'ufficio!",
- ["realestate_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per accedere ~b~%s",
- ------------Command Strings-----------------------
- ["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
- ["refresh_desc"] = "aggiorna allo stato iniziale del server",
- ["save_name"] = "property:save",
- ["save_desc"] = "forza il salvataggio delle proprieta'",
- ["create_name"] = "property:create",
- ["create_desc"] = "crea una nuova proprieta'",
- ["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
- ["admin_desc"] = "gestisci/visualizza tutte le proprieta'",
- ---------- Property Actions Menu -------------------------
- ["knocking"] = "qualcuno sta ~b~bussando~s~ alla porta.",
- ["name_edit"] = "modifica il nome della proprieta'",
- ["name"] = "Nome",
- ["confirm"] = "Conferma",
- ["name_edit_success"] = "hai impostato il nome della proprieta' su ~b~%s~s~.",
- ["name_edit_error"] = "non puoi impostare il nome della proprieta' su ~r~%s~s~.",
- ["door_locked"] = "porta: chiusa",
- ["door_unlocked"] = "porta: aperta",
- ["name_manage"] = "gestisci nome",
- ["name_manage_desc"] = "imposta il nome della proprieta'.",
- ["sell_title"] = "vendi",
- ["sell_desc"] = "vendi questa proprieta' per $%s",
- ["raid_title"] = "Raid",
- ["raid_desc"] = "forza l'ingresso nella proprieta'.",
- ["cctv_title"] = "CCTV",
- ["cctv_desc"] = "controlla la telecamera CCTV.",
- ["inventory_title"] = "Inventario",
- ["inventory_desc"] = "cambia la posizione dell'inventario.",
- ["wardrobe_title"] = "guardaroba",
- ["wardrobe_desc"] = "cambia la posizione del guardaroba.",
- ["furniture_title"] = "mobili",
- ["furniture_desc"] = "Cambia la posizione dei mobili.",
- ["enter_title"] = "entra",
- ["knock_title"] = "bussare alla porta",
- ["buy_title"] = "acquista",
- ["buy_desc"] = "acquista questa proprieta' per $%s",
- ["sellplayer_title"] = "vendi al giocatore",
- ["sellplayer_desc"] = "vendi questa' proprieta' per $%s",
- ["view_title"] = "anteprima interni",
- ["exit_title"] = "Esci",
- ["property_editing_error"] = "stai modificando la proprieta'.",
- ["unlock_error"] = "non puoi ~b~sbloccare~s~ questa proprieta'",
- ["lock_error"] = "non puoi ~b~bloccare~s~ questa proprieta'",
- ["prep_raid"] = "~b~Preparazione~s~ Raid!",
- ["raiding"] = "Raid in corso...",
- ["cancel_raiding"] = "~r~Raid~s~ cancellato!",
- ["cannot_raid"] = "non puoi fare un ~b~Raid~s~ in questa proprieta'.",
- ["storage_pos_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[G]~s~ per impostare la posizione del deposito",
- ["storage_pos_success"] = "~b~deposito~s~ posizione impostata.",
- ["storage_pos_error"] = "~r~impossibile~s~ impostare il ~b~deposito~s~ qui.",
- ["wardrobe_pos_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[G]~s~ per impostare la posizione del guardaroba",
- ["wardrobe_pos_success"] = "~b~guardaroba~s~ posizione impostata.",
- ["wardrobe_pos_error"] = "~r~impossibile~s~ impostare il ~b~guardaroba~s~ qui.",
- ["please_finish"] = "per favore termina di impostare le ~b~%s~s~ posizioni",
- ["cannot_afford"] = "non puoi acquistare questa proprieta'!",
- ["select_player"] = "Seleziona giocatore",
- ["cannot_sell"] = "impossibile vendere a questo giocatore!",
- ["knock_on_door"] = "bussare alla porta...",
- ["nobody_home"] = "sembra che nessuno sia in casa...",
- ---------- General Strings ----------------
- ["enabled"] = "abilitato",
- ["disabled"] = "disattivato",
- ["exiting"] = "uscendo da casa...",
- ["entering"] = "entrando in casa...",
- ["shell_disabled"] ="questa proprieta' usa arredamenti che sono disabilitati!",
- ["access_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per accedere a ~b~%s",
- ["raid_notify_error"] = "hai bisogno di ~b~ %sx %s~s~ per poter fare il raid!",
- ["raid_notify_success"] = "la tua proprieta' e' in fase di ~b~Raid!",
- --------------- Garage Strings --------------
- ["store_success"] = "Veicolo ~b~depositato!",
- ["store_error"] = "non puoi riporre questo veicolo!",
- ["property_garage"] = "Garage di proprieta'",
- ["retriving_notify"] = "Recupera ~b~%s~s~ ...",
- ["cannot_access"] = "non puoi accedere a questo garage!",
- ["store_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per depositare ~b~%s",
- ["garage_not_enabled"] = "Garage non abilitato su questa proprieta'.",
- ["cannot_access_property"] = "~r~non puoi~s~ accedere a questa proprieta'.",
- ----------------- Creation Menu Strings ----------------
- ["menu_title"] = "creazione proprieta'",
- ["element_title1"] = "numero civico",
- ["element_description1"] = "imposta il numero civico della struttura.",
- ["element_title2"] = "Prezzo",
- ["element_description2"] = "imposta il prezzo della proprieta'.",
- ["element_title3"] = "Interni",
- ["element_description3"] = "seleziona un interno per la proprieta'",
- ["element_title4"] = "Garage",
- ["element_description4"] = "(facoltativo) gestisci le impostazioni del garage",
- ["element_title5"] = "CCTV",
- ["element_description5"] = "(facoltativo) gestisci le impostazioni CCTV",
- ["element_title6"] = "ingresso",
- ["element_description6"] = "imposta la posizione di ingresso della struttura.",
- ["element_create_title"] = "Crea proprieta'",
- ["element_create_desc_1"] = "compila tutti i campi richiesti!",
- ["entrance_set_title"] = "posiziona ingresso.",
- ["entrance_set_description"] = "Entrata: %s, %s, %s",
- ["interior_set_title"] = "Interno selezionato.",
- ["interior_set_description"] = "Selezionato: %s",
- ["ipl_title"] = "interni IPL",
- ["types_title"] = "tipi di interni",
- ["ipl_description"] = "interni nativi GTA",
- ["shell_title"] = "interni personalizzati",
- ["shell_description"] = "interni peersonalizzati, realizzati da te",
- ["cctv_settings"] = "impostazioni CCTV",
- ["garage_settings"] = " impostazioni Garage",
- ["toggle_title"] = "attiva/disattiva utilizzo",
- ["toggle_description"] = "stato corrente: %s",
- ["cctv_set_title"] = "imposta angola CCTV",
- ["cctv_set_description"] = "imposta l'angolo della telecamera",
- ["back_description"] = "ritorna alla creazione della proprieta'.",
- ["garage_set_title"] = "imposta posizione garage",
- ["garage_set_description"] = "imposta la posizione del garage di proprieta'.",
- ["garage_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la posizione",
- ["cctv_textui_1"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare l'angolo",
- ["cctv_textui_2"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la rotazione massima a destra",
- ["cctv_textui_3"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la rotazione massima a sinistra",
- ["create_success"] = "Proprieta creata!",
- ["missing_data"] = "compila tutti i campi richiesti!",
- -- Saving Translations
- ["server_restart"] = "Server in riavvio",
- ["server_shutdown"] = "spegnimento server",
- ["manual_save"] = "salvataggio manuale (richiesto da %s)",
- ["resource_stop"] = "arresto risorsa",
- ["force_save"] = "salvataggio forzato (richiesto da %s)",
- ["interval_saving"] = "Intervallo salvataggio"
- }
+Locales["it"] = {
+ --- CCTV Strings ------
+ ["take_picture"] = "scatta foto",
+ ["rot_left_right"] = "sinistra/destra",
+ ["rot_up_down"] = "su/giu'",
+ ["Zoom"] = "Zoom avanti/indietro",
+ ["Zoom_level"] = "livello zoom: %s %",
+ ["night_vision"] = "attiva/disattiva visione notturna",
+ ["clipboard"] = "collegamento copiato in ~b~clipboard",
+ ["picture_taken"] = "foto scattata!",
+ ["please_wait"] = "per favore attendi prima di scattare un'altra ~b~foto",
+ ["exit"] = "esci",
+ --- Furniture Strings ------
+ ["Height"] = "altezza",
+ ["rotate"] = "Rotazione",
+ ["place"] = "posiziona mobili",
+ ["delete_furni"] = "elimina",
+ ["confirm_buy"] = "vuoi acquistare %s ?",
+ ["price"] = "Prezzo: $&s",
+ ["yes"] = "si",
+ ["no"] = "No",
+ ["action"] = "tu %s ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["bought_furni"] = "hai ~g~comprato~s~ A ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["edited_furni"] = "hai modificato ~b~%s~s~ !",
+ ["cannot_buy"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ comprare questo!",
+ ["cannot_edit"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ modificarlo!",
+ ["store_title"] = "negozio - %s",
+ ["back"] = "Ritorna",
+ ["edit_title"] = "modifica - %s",
+ ["move_title"] = "sposta",
+ ["deleted_confirm"] = "eliminare ~b~%s~s~!",
+ ["deleted_error"] = "impossibile eliminare ~b~%s~s~!",
+ ["owned_furni"] = "mobili di proprieta'",
+ ["menu_stores"] = "mobilificio",
+ ["menu_stores_desc"] = "acquista mobili",
+ ["menu_reset"] = "Ripristina",
+ ["menu_reset_desc"] = "Cancella tutti i mobili",
+ ["menu_edit"] = "modifica",
+ ["menu_edit_desc"] = "sposta e/o elimina i mobili",
+ ["furni_command"] = "mobili",
+ ["furni_Command_desc"] = "apri menu mobili",
+ ["furni_command_permission"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ accedere a questo menu!",
+ ["furni_reset_success"] = "ripristina mobili!",
+ ["furni_cannot_afford"] = "non puoi permetterti di farlo!",
+ ["furni_reset_error"] = " ~r~non puoi~s~ ripristinare questa proprieta'!",
+ ["furni_management"] = "gestisci mobili",
+ --------- Key Strings ---------------
+ ["you_granted"] = "ti sono state concesse le chiavi di ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["already_has"] = "questo giocatore ha gia' le chiavi!",
+ ["do_not_own"] = "~r~non~s~ possiedi questa proprieta'.",
+ ["key_revoked"] = "la tua chiave di accesso a ~b~%s~s~. e' stata ~r~revocata~s~",
+ ["no_keys"] = "questo giocatore non ha le chiavi!",
+ ["nearby"] = "giocatori vicini",
+ ["gave_key"] = "stai dando le chiavi a %s!",
+ ["key_cannot_give"] = "non puoi consegnare a questo giocatore ~r~la chiave",
+ ["remove_title"] = "rimuovi le chiavi",
+ ["key_revoke_success"] = "revocare le chiavi ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["key_revoke_error"] = "non puoi ~b~rimuovere~s~ la ~r~chiave~s~ a questa persona",
+ ["key_management"] = "gestione chiavi",
+ ["key_management_desc"] = "controlla l'accesso alla proprieta'.",
+ ["give_keys"] = "dai chiavi",
+ ["remove_keys"] = "rimuovi chiavi",
+ --------- Real Estate Strings ---------------
+ ["office_blip"] = "%s ufficio",
+ ["actions"] = "azioni immobililiari",
+ ["property_create"] = "crea proprieta'",
+ ["property_manage"] = "gestisci proprieta'",
+ ["realestate_command"] = "menu rapido immobiliare",
+ ["realestate_command_desc"] = "apri azioni rapide immobiliari",
+ ["enter_office"] = "~b~entra in~s~ ufficio.",
+ ["enter_office_error"] = "tu ~r~non puoi~s~ entrare in ufficio!",
+ ["exit_office"] = "~b~esci~s~ dall'ufficio.",
+ ["exit_office_error"] = "~r~non puoi~s~ uscire dall'ufficio!",
+ ["realestate_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per accedere ~b~%s",
+ ------------Command Strings-----------------------
+ ["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
+ ["refresh_desc"] = "aggiorna allo stato iniziale del server",
+ ["save_name"] = "property:save",
+ ["save_desc"] = "forza il salvataggio delle proprieta'",
+ ["create_name"] = "property:create",
+ ["create_desc"] = "crea una nuova proprieta'",
+ ["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
+ ["admin_desc"] = "gestisci/visualizza tutte le proprieta'",
+ ---------- Property Actions Menu -------------------------
+ ["knocking"] = "qualcuno sta ~b~bussando~s~ alla porta.",
+ ["name_edit"] = "modifica il nome della proprieta'",
+ ["name"] = "Nome",
+ ["confirm"] = "Conferma",
+ ["name_edit_success"] = "hai impostato il nome della proprieta' su ~b~%s~s~.",
+ ["name_edit_error"] = "non puoi impostare il nome della proprieta' su ~r~%s~s~.",
+ ["door_locked"] = "porta: chiusa",
+ ["door_unlocked"] = "porta: aperta",
+ ["name_manage"] = "gestisci nome",
+ ["name_manage_desc"] = "imposta il nome della proprieta'.",
+ ["sell_title"] = "vendi",
+ ["sell_desc"] = "vendi questa proprieta' per $%s",
+ ["raid_title"] = "Raid",
+ ["raid_desc"] = "forza l'ingresso nella proprieta'.",
+ ["cctv_title"] = "CCTV",
+ ["cctv_desc"] = "controlla la telecamera CCTV.",
+ ["inventory_title"] = "Inventario",
+ ["inventory_desc"] = "cambia la posizione dell'inventario.",
+ ["wardrobe_title"] = "guardaroba",
+ ["wardrobe_desc"] = "cambia la posizione del guardaroba.",
+ ["furniture_title"] = "mobili",
+ ["furniture_desc"] = "Cambia la posizione dei mobili.",
+ ["enter_title"] = "entra",
+ ["knock_title"] = "bussare alla porta",
+ ["buy_title"] = "acquista",
+ ["buy_desc"] = "acquista questa proprieta' per $%s",
+ ["sellplayer_title"] = "vendi al giocatore",
+ ["sellplayer_desc"] = "vendi questa' proprieta' per $%s",
+ ["view_title"] = "anteprima interni",
+ ["exit_title"] = "Esci",
+ ["property_editing_error"] = "stai modificando la proprieta'.",
+ ["unlock_error"] = "non puoi ~b~sbloccare~s~ questa proprieta'",
+ ["lock_error"] = "non puoi ~b~bloccare~s~ questa proprieta'",
+ ["prep_raid"] = "~b~Preparazione~s~ Raid!",
+ ["raiding"] = "Raid in corso...",
+ ["cancel_raiding"] = "~r~Raid~s~ cancellato!",
+ ["cannot_raid"] = "non puoi fare un ~b~Raid~s~ in questa proprieta'.",
+ ["storage_pos_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[G]~s~ per impostare la posizione del deposito",
+ ["storage_pos_success"] = "~b~deposito~s~ posizione impostata.",
+ ["storage_pos_error"] = "~r~impossibile~s~ impostare il ~b~deposito~s~ qui.",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[G]~s~ per impostare la posizione del guardaroba",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_success"] = "~b~guardaroba~s~ posizione impostata.",
+ ["wardrobe_pos_error"] = "~r~impossibile~s~ impostare il ~b~guardaroba~s~ qui.",
+ ["please_finish"] = "per favore termina di impostare le ~b~%s~s~ posizioni",
+ ["cannot_afford"] = "non puoi acquistare questa proprieta'!",
+ ["select_player"] = "Seleziona giocatore",
+ ["cannot_sell"] = "impossibile vendere a questo giocatore!",
+ ["knock_on_door"] = "bussare alla porta...",
+ ["nobody_home"] = "sembra che nessuno sia in casa...",
+ ---------- General Strings ----------------
+ ["enabled"] = "abilitato",
+ ["disabled"] = "disattivato",
+ ["exiting"] = "uscendo da casa...",
+ ["entering"] = "entrando in casa...",
+ ["shell_disabled"] = "questa proprieta' usa arredamenti che sono disabilitati!",
+ ["access_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per accedere a ~b~%s",
+ ["raid_notify_error"] = "hai bisogno di ~b~ %sx %s~s~ per poter fare il raid!",
+ ["raid_notify_success"] = "la tua proprieta' e' in fase di ~b~Raid!",
+ --------------- Garage Strings --------------
+ ["store_success"] = "Veicolo ~b~depositato!",
+ ["store_error"] = "non puoi riporre questo veicolo!",
+ ["property_garage"] = "Garage di proprieta'",
+ ["retriving_notify"] = "Recupera ~b~%s~s~ ...",
+ ["cannot_access"] = "non puoi accedere a questo garage!",
+ ["store_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per depositare ~b~%s",
+ ["garage_not_enabled"] = "Garage non abilitato su questa proprieta'.",
+ ["cannot_access_property"] = "~r~non puoi~s~ accedere a questa proprieta'.",
+ ----------------- Creation Menu Strings ----------------
+ ["menu_title"] = "creazione proprieta'",
+ ["element_title1"] = "numero civico",
+ ["element_description1"] = "imposta il numero civico della struttura.",
+ ["element_title2"] = "Prezzo",
+ ["element_description2"] = "imposta il prezzo della proprieta'.",
+ ["element_title3"] = "Interni",
+ ["element_description3"] = "seleziona un interno per la proprieta'",
+ ["element_title4"] = "Garage",
+ ["element_description4"] = "(facoltativo) gestisci le impostazioni del garage",
+ ["element_title5"] = "CCTV",
+ ["element_description5"] = "(facoltativo) gestisci le impostazioni CCTV",
+ ["element_title6"] = "ingresso",
+ ["element_description6"] = "imposta la posizione di ingresso della struttura.",
+ ["element_create_title"] = "Crea proprieta'",
+ ["element_create_desc_1"] = "compila tutti i campi richiesti!",
+ ["entrance_set_title"] = "posiziona ingresso.",
+ ["entrance_set_description"] = "Entrata: %s, %s, %s",
+ ["interior_set_title"] = "Interno selezionato.",
+ ["interior_set_description"] = "Selezionato: %s",
+ ["ipl_title"] = "interni IPL",
+ ["types_title"] = "tipi di interni",
+ ["ipl_description"] = "interni nativi GTA",
+ ["shell_title"] = "interni personalizzati",
+ ["shell_description"] = "interni peersonalizzati, realizzati da te",
+ ["cctv_settings"] = "impostazioni CCTV",
+ ["garage_settings"] = " impostazioni Garage",
+ ["toggle_title"] = "attiva/disattiva utilizzo",
+ ["toggle_description"] = "stato corrente: %s",
+ ["cctv_set_title"] = "imposta angola CCTV",
+ ["cctv_set_description"] = "imposta l'angolo della telecamera",
+ ["back_description"] = "ritorna alla creazione della proprieta'.",
+ ["garage_set_title"] = "imposta posizione garage",
+ ["garage_set_description"] = "imposta la posizione del garage di proprieta'.",
+ ["garage_textui"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la posizione",
+ ["cctv_textui_1"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare l'angolo",
+ ["cctv_textui_2"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la rotazione massima a destra",
+ ["cctv_textui_3"] = "Premi ~b~[E]~s~ per impostare la rotazione massima a sinistra",
+ ["create_success"] = "Proprieta creata!",
+ ["missing_data"] = "compila tutti i campi richiesti!",
+ -- Saving Translations
+ ["server_restart"] = "Server in riavvio",
+ ["server_shutdown"] = "spegnimento server",
+ ["manual_save"] = "salvataggio manuale (richiesto da %s)",
+ ["resource_stop"] = "arresto risorsa",
+ ["force_save"] = "salvataggio forzato (richiesto da %s)",
+ ["interval_saving"] = "Intervallo salvataggio",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/properties.json b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/properties.json
index a99deb4e0..e728f3e95 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/properties.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/properties.json
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+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": 91.53223419189452,
+ "y": -1.3435412782314417e-8,
+ "x": -6.82489442825317
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": 27.77294158935547,
+ "y": -2.145688853261163e-7,
+ "x": -5.87094974517822
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ },
+ "setName": "",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Name": "7336 East Mirror Dr",
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 68.58999999999999,
+ "y": -620.99,
+ "x": 1250.79
+ },
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "OwnerName": "",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 67.14,
+ "y": -648.63,
+ "x": 1265.69
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7333 East Mirror Dr",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -152.5341949462891,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -14.65502071380615
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 65.05,
+ "y": -683.53,
+ "x": 1270.98
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7333 East Mirror Dr",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -171.3050994873047,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -12.5356969833374
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 63.93,
+ "y": -702.82,
+ "x": 1264.75
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7328 East Mirror Dr",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": 58.4541015625,
+ "y": 0.00000175048376,
+ "x": -12.71638584136962
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 59.98,
+ "y": -725.27,
+ "x": 1229.58
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7328 East Mirror Dr",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -88.46087646484375,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -11.09668827056884
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 59.82,
+ "y": -696.93,
+ "x": 1223.0
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7328 Mirror Park Blvd",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -81.23240661621094,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -17.37718200683593
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 62.71,
+ "y": -669.31,
+ "x": 1221.46
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7333 Mirror Park Blvd",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -164.38833618164066,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -11.55613040924072
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 65.46,
+ "y": -620.26,
+ "x": 1207.46
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7336 Mirror Park Blvd",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -87.679443359375,
+ "y": 1.3399391818325056e-8,
+ "x": -5.38702487945556
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 67.08,
+ "y": -598.41,
+ "x": 1203.75
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Storage": {
+ "z": -99.19619750976564,
+ "y": -1001.140380859375,
+ "x": 343.86859130859377
+ },
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7338 Mirror Park Blvd",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": 3.90023970603942,
+ "y": -0.0,
+ "x": -16.58763313293457
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Interior": "mid-end",
+ "Owned": false,
+ "setName": "",
+ "garage": {
+ "StoredVehicles": [],
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "Owner": "",
+ "Locked": false,
+ "Entrance": {
+ "z": 68.16,
+ "y": -575.59,
+ "x": 1201.01
+ },
+ "positions": {
+ "Storage": {
+ "z": -99.19619750976564,
+ "y": -1001.140380859375,
+ "x": 343.86859130859377
+ },
+ "Wardrobe": {
+ "z": -99.14720153808594,
+ "y": -994.2987060546876,
+ "x": 350.7424926757813
+ }
+ },
+ "Name": "7338 Mirror Park Blvd",
+ "plysinside": [],
+ "Price": 40000,
+ "Keys": [],
+ "furniture": [],
+ "cctv": {
+ "rot": {
+ "z": -37.31895446777344,
+ "y": 9.099596240957908e-7,
+ "x": -20.23956108093261
+ },
+ "maxright": -20,
+ "enabled": false,
+ "maxleft": 80
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/server/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/server/main.lua
index d340f9cc3..a379d3813 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/server/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_property/server/main.lua
@@ -1,1170 +1,1304 @@
local function Log(title, color, fields, Level)
- if Level <= Config.Logs.LogLevel then
- local webHook = Config.Logs.Webhook
- local embedData = {{
- ['title'] = title, ['color'] = color, ['footer'] = {['text'] = "ESX-Property | " .. os.date(),
- ['icon_url'] = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944789399852417096/1004915039414788116/imageedit_1_2564956129.png'},
- ['fields'] = fields, ['description'] = "", ['author'] = {['name'] = "ESX-Framework | Log Level " .. Level,
- ['icon_url'] = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/939245183621558362.webp?size=128&quality=lossless'}}}
- PerformHttpRequest(webHook, function()
- end, 'POST', json.encode({username = 'ESX-Framework', embeds = embedData}), {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'})
- end
+ if Level <= Config.Logs.LogLevel then
+ local webHook = Config.Logs.Webhook
+ local embedData = {
+ {
+ ["title"] = title,
+ ["color"] = color,
+ ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "ESX-Property | " .. os.date(), ["icon_url"] = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944789399852417096/1004915039414788116/imageedit_1_2564956129.png" },
+ ["fields"] = fields,
+ ["description"] = "",
+ ["author"] = { ["name"] = "ESX-Framework | Log Level " .. Level, ["icon_url"] = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/939245183621558362.webp?size=128&quality=lossless" },
+ },
+ }
+ PerformHttpRequest(webHook, function() end, "POST", json.encode({ username = "ESX-Framework", embeds = embedData }), { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" })
+ end
local PM = Config.PlayerManagement
local Properties = {}
function PropertiesRefresh()
- Properties = {}
- local PropertiesList = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'properties.json')
- if PropertiesList then
- Properties = json.decode(PropertiesList)
- Wait(10)
- for i = 1, #Properties do
- if not Properties[i].furniture then
- Properties[i].furniture = {}
- end
- if not Properties[i].cctv then
- Properties[i].cctv = {enabled = false}
- end
- if not Properties[i].garage then
- Properties[i].garage = {enabled = false}
- end
- if not Properties[i].garage.StoredVehicles then
- Properties[i].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
- end
- if not Properties[i].setName then
- Properties[i].setName = ""
- end
- if not Properties[i].positions then
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Properties[i].Interior)
- Properties[i].positions = Interior.positions
- end
- Properties[i].plysinside = {}
- if Config.OxInventory then
- if Properties[i].Owned then
- exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. i, Properties[i].Name, 15, 100000, Properties[i].Owner)
+ Properties = {}
+ local PropertiesList = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "properties.json")
+ if PropertiesList then
+ Properties = json.decode(PropertiesList)
+ Wait(10)
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if not Properties[i].furniture then
+ Properties[i].furniture = {}
+ end
+ if not Properties[i].cctv then
+ Properties[i].cctv = { enabled = false }
+ end
+ if not Properties[i].garage then
+ Properties[i].garage = { enabled = false }
+ end
+ if not Properties[i].garage.StoredVehicles then
+ Properties[i].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
+ end
+ if not Properties[i].setName then
+ Properties[i].setName = ""
+ end
+ if not Properties[i].positions then
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Properties[i].Interior)
+ Properties[i].positions = Interior.positions
+ end
+ Properties[i].plysinside = {}
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ if Properties[i].Owned then
+ exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. i, Properties[i].Name, 15, 100000, Properties[i].Owner)
+ end
+ else
+ Properties[i].positions.Storage = nil
+ end
- else
- Properties[i].positions.Storage = nil
- end
- end
- local Players = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers()
- Log("ESX-Property Loaded", 11141375, {{name = "Property Count", value = #Properties, inline = true},
- {name = "OX Inventory", value = Config.OxInventory and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true}}, 1)
- for _, xPlayer in pairs(Players) do
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", xPlayer.source, Properties, xPlayer.get("lastProperty"))
+ local Players = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers()
+ Log("ESX-Property Loaded", 11141375, { { name = "Property Count", value = #Properties, inline = true }, { name = "OX Inventory", value = Config.OxInventory and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true } }, 1)
+ for _, xPlayer in pairs(Players) do
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", xPlayer.source, Properties, xPlayer.get("lastProperty"))
+ end
+ else
+ Properties = {}
+ print("[^1ERROR^7]: ^5Properties.json^7 Not Found!")
- else
- Properties = {}
- print("[^1ERROR^7]: ^5Properties.json^7 Not Found!")
- end
function IsPlayerAdmin(player, action)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
- for i = 1, #Config.AllowedGroups do
- if xPlayer.group == Config.AllowedGroups[i] then
- return true
+ for i = 1, #Config.AllowedGroups do
+ if xPlayer.group == Config.AllowedGroups[i] then
+ return true
+ end
- end
- if Config.PlayerManagement.Enabled and action then
- if xPlayer.job.name == Config.PlayerManagement.job and xPlayer.job.grade >= Config.PlayerManagement.Permissions[action] then
- return true
+ if Config.PlayerManagement.Enabled and action then
+ if xPlayer.job.name == Config.PlayerManagement.job and xPlayer.job.grade >= Config.PlayerManagement.Permissions[action] then
+ return true
+ end
- end
- return false
+ return false
- Wait(3000)
- PropertiesRefresh()
- MySQL.query("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS `last_property` LONGTEXT NULL", function(result)
- if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5last_property^7 column to users table")
- end
- end)
- MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `datastore` (name, label, shared) VALUES ('property', 'Property' , 1)", function(result)
- if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5Property^7 into ^5datastore^7 table")
- end
- end)
- MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `datastore_data` (name, owner, data) VALUES ('property', NULL, '{}')", function(result)
- if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5Property^7 into ^5datastore_data^7 table")
- end
- end)
- if PM.Enabled then
- MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `addon_account` (name, label, shared) VALUES (?, ? , 1)", {PM.society, PM.joblabel}, function(result)
- if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5" .. PM.society .. " - " .. PM.joblabel .. "^7 into ^5addon_account^7 table")
- end
+ Wait(3000)
+ PropertiesRefresh()
+ MySQL.query("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS `last_property` LONGTEXT NULL", function(result)
+ if result then
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5last_property^7 column to users table")
+ end
- local Existance = ESX.DoesJobExist(PM.job, 0)
- if not Existance then
- MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `jobs` VALUES (?, ?, 1)", {PM.job, PM.joblabel}, function(result)
+ MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `datastore` (name, label, shared) VALUES ('property', 'Property' , 1)", function(result)
if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Inserting ^5" .. PM.job .. " - " .. PM.joblabel .. "^7 into ^5jobs^7 table")
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5Property^7 into ^5datastore^7 table")
- end)
- end
- for i = 1, #PM.jobRanks do
- local Existance = ESX.DoesJobExist(PM.job, PM.jobRanks[i].grade)
- if not Existance then
- MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `job_grades` (job_name, grade, name, label, salary, skin_male, skin_female) VALUES (?, ?,?, ?, ?,'{}','{}')",
- {PM.job, PM.jobRanks[i].grade, PM.jobRanks[i].name, PM.jobRanks[i].label, PM.jobRanks[i].salary}, function(result)
+ end)
+ MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `datastore_data` (name, owner, data) VALUES ('property', NULL, '{}')", function(result)
+ if result then
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5Property^7 into ^5datastore_data^7 table")
+ end
+ end)
+ if PM.Enabled then
+ MySQL.insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO `addon_account` (name, label, shared) VALUES (?, ? , 1)", { PM.society, PM.joblabel }, function(result)
if result then
- print("[^2INFO^7] Inserting ^5" .. PM.job .. " - " .. PM.jobRanks[i].grade .. " - " .. PM.jobRanks[i].label ..
- "^7 into ^5job_grades^7 table")
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Adding ^5" .. PM.society .. " - " .. PM.joblabel .. "^7 into ^5addon_account^7 table")
- end)
- end
+ end)
+ local Existance = ESX.DoesJobExist(PM.job, 0)
+ if not Existance then
+ MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `jobs` VALUES (?, ?, 1)", { PM.job, PM.joblabel }, function(result)
+ if result then
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Inserting ^5" .. PM.job .. " - " .. PM.joblabel .. "^7 into ^5jobs^7 table")
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ for i = 1, #PM.jobRanks do
+ local Existance = ESX.DoesJobExist(PM.job, PM.jobRanks[i].grade)
+ if not Existance then
+ MySQL.query("INSERT INTO `job_grades` (job_name, grade, name, label, salary, skin_male, skin_female) VALUES (?, ?,?, ?, ?,'{}','{}')", { PM.job, PM.jobRanks[i].grade, PM.jobRanks[i].name, PM.jobRanks[i].label, PM.jobRanks[i].salary }, function(result)
+ if result then
+ print("[^2INFO^7] Inserting ^5" .. PM.job .. " - " .. PM.jobRanks[i].grade .. " - " .. PM.jobRanks[i].label .. "^7 into ^5job_grades^7 table")
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ Wait(10)
+ ESX.RefreshJobs()
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:registerSociety", "realestateagent", "realestateagent", "society_realestateagent", "society_realestateagent", "society_realestateagent", { type = "private" })
- Wait(10)
- ESX.RefreshJobs()
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:registerSociety', 'realestateagent', 'realestateagent', 'society_realestateagent', 'society_realestateagent',
- 'society_realestateagent', {type = 'private'})
- end
AddEventHandler("esx:playerLoaded", function(playerId, xPlayer)
- Wait(1000)
- local lastProperty = nil
- MySQL.query("SELECT last_property FROM users WHERE identifier = ?", {xPlayer.identifier}, function(result)
- if result then
- if result[1].last_property then
- local Data = json.decode(result[1].last_property)
- xPlayer.set("lastProperty", Data)
- lastProperty = Data
- end
- end
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", playerId, Properties, lastProperty)
- end)
+ Wait(1000)
+ local lastProperty = nil
+ MySQL.query("SELECT last_property FROM users WHERE identifier = ?", { xPlayer.identifier }, function(result)
+ if result then
+ if result[1].last_property then
+ local Data = json.decode(result[1].last_property)
+ xPlayer.set("lastProperty", Data)
+ lastProperty = Data
+ end
+ end
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", playerId, Properties, lastProperty)
+ end)
--- Commands
ESX.RegisterCommand(_U("refresh_name"), Config.AllowedGroups, function()
- PropertiesRefresh()
-end, false, {help = _U("refresh_desc")})
+ PropertiesRefresh()
+end, false, { help = _U("refresh_desc") })
ESX.RegisterCommand(_U("create_name"), "user", function(xPlayer)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(xPlayer.source) or (PM.Enabled and xPlayer.job.name == PM.job) then
- xPlayer.triggerEvent("esx_property:CreateProperty")
- end
-end, false,{help = _U("create_desc")})
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(xPlayer.source) or (PM.Enabled and xPlayer.job.name == PM.job) then
+ xPlayer.triggerEvent("esx_property:CreateProperty")
+ end
+end, false, { help = _U("create_desc") })
ESX.RegisterCommand(_("admin_name"), Config.AllowedGroups, function(xPlayer)
- xPlayer.triggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
-end, false,{help = _U("admin_desc")})
+ xPlayer.triggerEvent("esx_property:AdminMenu")
+end, false, { help = _U("admin_desc") })
-- Buy Property
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:buyProperty", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Price = Properties[PropertyId].Price
- if xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price then
- xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Bought Property")
- Properties[PropertyId].Owner = xPlayer.identifier
- Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = xPlayer.getName()
- Properties[PropertyId].Owned = true
- Log("Property Bought", 65280, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 1)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].Name, 15, 100000, xPlayer.identifier)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Price = Properties[PropertyId].Price
+ if xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price then
+ xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Bought Property")
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owner = xPlayer.identifier
+ Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = xPlayer.getName()
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owned = true
+ Log("Property Bought", 65280, {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ }, 1)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].Name, 15, 100000, xPlayer.identifier)
+ end
- end
- cb(xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price)
+ cb(xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price)
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:attemptSellToPlayer", function(source, cb, PropertyId, PlayerId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(PlayerId)
- local Price = Properties[PropertyId].Price
- if xTarget and (xTarget.getAccount("bank").money >= Price) and (xPlayer.job.name == PM.job) then
- xTarget.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Sold Property")
- Properties[PropertyId].Owner = xTarget.identifier
- Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = xTarget.getName()
- Properties[PropertyId].Owned = true
- Log("Property Sold To Player", 65280, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xTarget.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Agent**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 1)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].Name, 15, 100000, xTarget.identifier)
- end
- if PM.Enabled then
- local PlayerPrice = Price * PM.SalePercentage
- local SocietyPrice = Price - PlayerPrice
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', PM.society, function(account)
- account.addMoney(SocietyPrice)
- end)
- xPlayer.addAccountMoney("bank", PlayerPrice, "Sold Property")
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(PlayerId)
+ local Price = Properties[PropertyId].Price
+ if xTarget and (xTarget.getAccount("bank").money >= Price) and (xPlayer.job.name == PM.job) then
+ xTarget.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Sold Property")
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owner = xTarget.identifier
+ Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = xTarget.getName()
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owned = true
+ Log(
+ "Property Sold To Player",
+ 65280,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xTarget.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Agent**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash("property-" .. PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].Name, 15, 100000, xTarget.identifier)
+ end
+ if PM.Enabled then
+ local PlayerPrice = Price * PM.SalePercentage
+ local SocietyPrice = Price - PlayerPrice
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", PM.society, function(account)
+ account.addMoney(SocietyPrice)
+ end)
+ xPlayer.addAccountMoney("bank", PlayerPrice, "Sold Property")
+ end
- end
- cb(xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price)
+ cb(xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price)
-- Buy Property
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:buyFurniture", function(source, cb, PropertyId, PropName, PropIndex, PropCatagory, pos, heading)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- local Price = Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price
- if xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price then
- xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Furniture")
- cb(true)
- local furniture = {Name = PropName, Index = PropIndex, Catagory = PropCatagory, Pos = pos, Heading = heading, Price = Price}
- table.insert(Properties[PropertyId].furniture, furniture)
- for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:placeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furniture,
- #Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- end
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ local Price = Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price
+ if xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Price then
+ xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Furniture")
+ cb(true)
+ local furniture = { Name = PropName, Index = PropIndex, Catagory = PropCatagory, Pos = pos, Heading = heading, Price = Price }
+ table.insert(Properties[PropertyId].furniture, furniture)
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:placeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furniture, #Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
+ end
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_cannot_afford"))
+ end
- cb(false)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("furni_cannot_afford"))
+ cb(false)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
- Log("Furniture Bought", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Has Access**",
- value = (xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or
- (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No", inline = true},
- {name = "**Prop Name**", value = Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title, inline = true},
- {name = "**Price**", value = tostring(Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price), inline = true},
- {name = "**Can Afford**",
- value = xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price and "Yes" or "No", inline = true}}, 1)
+ Log(
+ "Furniture Bought",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Has Access**", value = (xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Prop Name**", value = Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].title, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Price**", value = tostring(Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Can Afford**", value = xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money >= Config.FurnitureCatagories[PropCatagory][PropIndex].price and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
-- Selling Property
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:sellProperty", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner then
- local Price = ESX.Math.Round(Properties[PropertyId].Price * 0.6)
- xPlayer.addAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Sold Property")
- Properties[PropertyId].Owner = ""
- Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = ""
- Properties[PropertyId].Owned = false
- Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
- Properties[PropertyId].Keys = {}
- local furn = #(Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- if Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell then
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
- end
- if Config.WipeCustomNameOnSell then
- Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
- end
- Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
- Log("Property Sold", 16711680, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Furniture Count**", value = tostring(furn), inline = true},
- {name = "**Vehicle Count**", value = tostring(Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles and #Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles or "N/A"), inline = true}}, 1)
- if Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles then
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
- end
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner then
+ local Price = ESX.Math.Round(Properties[PropertyId].Price * 0.6)
+ xPlayer.addAccountMoney("bank", Price, "Sold Property")
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owner = ""
+ Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = ""
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owned = false
+ Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
+ Properties[PropertyId].Keys = {}
+ local furn = #Properties[PropertyId].furniture
+ if Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell then
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
+ end
+ if Config.WipeCustomNameOnSell then
+ Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
+ end
+ Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
+ Log(
+ "Property Sold",
+ 16711680,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Price), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Furniture Count**", value = tostring(furn), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Vehicle Count**", value = tostring(Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles and #Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles or "N/A"), inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ if Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles then
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
+ end
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ end
- end
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner)
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner)
-- Admin Menu Options
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:toggleLock", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleLock") or
- (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- Properties[PropertyId].Locked = not Properties[PropertyId].Locked
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- end
- Log("Lock Toggled", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Executing User**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Locked and "Locked" or "Unlocked", inline = true}}, 3)
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleLock") or
- (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleLock") or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ Properties[PropertyId].Locked = not Properties[PropertyId].Locked
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Lock Toggled",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Executing User**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Locked and "Locked" or "Unlocked", inline = true },
+ },
+ 3
+ )
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleLock") or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:toggleGarage", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleGarage") then
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled = not Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Garage Toggled", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled",
- inline = true}}, 2)
- cb(true, Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleGarage") then
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled = not Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Garage Toggled",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
+ cb(true, Properties[PropertyId].garage.enabled)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:toggleCCTV", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleCCTV") then
- Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled = not Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- cb(true, Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled)
- Log("Property CCTV Toggled", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled",
- inline = true}}, 2)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleCCTV") then
+ Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled = not Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ cb(true, Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled)
+ Log(
+ "Property CCTV Toggled",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Status**", value = Properties[PropertyId].cctv.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetGaragePos", function(source, cb, PropertyId, heading)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleGarage") then
- local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
- local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local Original = Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos and Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.x .. ", " .. Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.y .. ", " .. Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.z or "N/A"
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos = PlayerPos
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.Heading = heading
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Garage Location Changed", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Original Position**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true},
- {name = "**New Position**", value = tostring(PlayerPos), inline = true}}, 2)
- cb(true)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleGarage") then
+ local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
+ local PlayerPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local Original = Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos and Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.x .. ", " .. Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.y .. ", " .. Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos.z or "N/A"
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.pos = PlayerPos
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.Heading = heading
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Garage Location Changed",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Original Position**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true },
+ { name = "**New Position**", value = tostring(PlayerPos), inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetCCTVangle", function(source, cb, PropertyId, angles)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleCCTV") then
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- Properties[PropertyId].cctv.rot = angles.rot
- Properties[PropertyId].cctv.maxleft = angles.maxleft
- Properties[PropertyId].cctv.maxright = angles.maxright
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- cb(true)
- Log("Property CCTV Angle Changed", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 2)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ToggleCCTV") then
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ Properties[PropertyId].cctv.rot = angles.rot
+ Properties[PropertyId].cctv.maxleft = angles.maxleft
+ Properties[PropertyId].cctv.maxright = angles.maxright
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ cb(true)
+ Log("Property CCTV Angle Changed", 3640511, {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ }, 2)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:CCTV", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + 5.0))
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0)
- end
- Log("Player Entered CCTV", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 3)
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z + 5.0))
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0)
+ end
+ Log("Player Entered CCTV", 3640511, { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true } }, 3)
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:ExitCCTV", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- if Interior.type == "shell" then
- SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2001))
- else
- SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), Interior.pos)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ if Interior.type == "shell" then
+ SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2001))
+ else
+ SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), Interior.pos)
+ end
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, PropertyId + 1)
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, PropertyId + 1)
- end
- Log("Player Exited CCTV", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 3)
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ Log("Player Exited CCTV", 3640511, { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true } }, 3)
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetPropertyName", function(source, cb, PropertyId, name)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) then
- if name and #name <= Config.MaxNameLength then
- Properties[PropertyId].setName = name
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Name Changed", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**New Name**", value = name, inline = true}}, 2)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) then
+ if name and #name <= Config.MaxNameLength then
+ Properties[PropertyId].setName = name
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log("Property Name Changed", 3640511, { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true }, { name = "**New Name**", value = name, inline = true } }, 2)
+ end
- end
- cb((xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyName")) and name and #name <= Config.MaxNameLength)
+ cb((xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyName")) and name and #name <= Config.MaxNameLength)
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:KnockOnDoor", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local Owner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Property.Owner)
- if Owner then
- for i = 1, #(Property.plysinside) do
- if Property.plysinside[i] == Owner.source then
- Owner.showNotification(_U("knocking"), "info")
- cb(true)
- Log("Player Knocked On Door", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 3)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local Owner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Property.Owner)
+ if Owner then
+ for i = 1, #Property.plysinside do
+ if Property.plysinside[i] == Owner.source then
+ Owner.showNotification(_U("knocking"), "info")
+ cb(true)
+ Log("Player Knocked On Door", 3640511, {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ }, 3)
+ end
+ end
+ cb(false)
+ else
+ cb(false)
- cb(false)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveCustomName", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "RemovePropertyName") then
- local n = Properties[PropertyId].setName
- Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Name Reset", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Removed Name**", value = n, inline = true}}, 3)
- cb(true)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "RemovePropertyName") then
+ local n = Properties[PropertyId].setName
+ Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Name Reset",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Removed Name**", value = n, inline = true },
+ },
+ 3
+ )
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:deleteProperty", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "DeleteProperty") then
- Log("Property Deleted", 16711680,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName ~= "" and Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName or "N/A", inline = true},
- {name = "**Furniture Count**", value = #(Properties[PropertyId].furniture), inline = true},
- {name = "**Vehicle Count**", value = Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles and #(Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles) or "N/A", inline = true}}, 1)
- table.remove(Properties, PropertyId)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "DeleteProperty") then
+ Log(
+ "Property Deleted",
+ 16711680,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName ~= "" and Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName or "N/A", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Furniture Count**", value = #Properties[PropertyId].furniture, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Vehicle Count**", value = Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles and #Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles or "N/A", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ table.remove(Properties, PropertyId)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ end
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "DeleteProperty"))
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "DeleteProperty"))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:ChangePrice", function(source, cb, PropertyId, NewPrice)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyPrice") then
- local Original = Properties[PropertyId].Price
- Properties[PropertyId].Price = NewPrice
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Price Changed", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Original Price**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true},
- {name = "**New Price**", value = tostring(NewPrice), inline = true}}, 2)
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyPrice"))
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyPrice") then
+ local Original = Properties[PropertyId].Price
+ Properties[PropertyId].Price = NewPrice
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Price Changed",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Original Price**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true },
+ { name = "**New Price**", value = tostring(NewPrice), inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
+ end
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "SetPropertyPrice"))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeInterior", function(source, cb, PropertyId, Interior)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeInterior") then
- local Original = GetInteriorValues(Properties[PropertyId].Interior).label
- Properties[PropertyId].Interior = Interior
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
- Properties[PropertyId].positions = GetInteriorValues(Interior).positions
- if not Config.OxInventory then
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = nil
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeInterior") then
+ local Original = GetInteriorValues(Properties[PropertyId].Interior).label
+ Properties[PropertyId].Interior = Interior
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions = GetInteriorValues(Interior).positions
+ if not Config.OxInventory then
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = nil
+ end
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Interior Changed",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Original**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true },
+ { name = "**New Interior**", value = GetInteriorValues(Properties[PropertyId].Interior).label, inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Interior Changed", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Original**", value = tostring(Original), inline = true},
- {name = "**New Interior**", value = GetInteriorValues(Properties[PropertyId].Interior).label, inline = true}}, 2)
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeInterior"))
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeInterior"))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveAllfurniture", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ResetFurniture") or
- (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
- for furniture = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].furniture do
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furniture)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ResetFurniture") or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ for furniture = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].furniture do
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furniture)
+ end
+ end
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- end
- Log("Property Furniture Reset", 16711680, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 1)
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ResetFurniture") or
- (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ Log("Property Furniture Reset", 16711680, { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true } }, 1)
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ResetFurniture") or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:deleteFurniture", function(source, cb, PropertyId, furnitureIndex)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- if Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] then
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] = nil
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- end
- for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furnitureIndex)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ if Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] then
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] = nil
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
+ end
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:removeFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furnitureIndex)
+ end
- end
- Log("Property Furniture Deleted", 16711680,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Furniture Name**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}}, 3)
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ Log("Property Furniture Deleted", 16711680, { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true }, { name = "**Furniture Name**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true } }, 3)
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:editFurniture", function(source, cb, PropertyId, furnitureIndex, Pos, Heading)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
- if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- if Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] then
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex].Pos = Pos
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex].Heading = Heading
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
- for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:editFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furnitureIndex, Pos, Heading)
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Owner = Properties[PropertyId].Owner
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ if Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex] then
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex].Pos = Pos
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture[furnitureIndex].Heading = Heading
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncFurniture", -1, PropertyId, Properties[PropertyId].furniture)
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:editFurniture", Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i], PropertyId, furnitureIndex, Pos, Heading)
+ end
+ end
- end
- cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ cb(xPlayer.identifier == Owner or IsPlayerAdmin(source) or (Properties[PropertyId].Keys and Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:evictOwner", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner") then
- local xOwner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Properties[PropertyId].Owner)
- if xOwner then
- xOwner.showNotification("Your Have Been ~r~Evicted~s~.", "error")
- end
- local pName = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName
- Properties[PropertyId].Owner = ""
- Properties[PropertyId].Owned = false
- Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = ""
- Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
- Properties[PropertyId].Keys = {}
- if Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell then
- Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
- end
- Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
- Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
- if Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles then
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
- end
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- if Config.OxInventory then
- exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner") then
+ local xOwner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Properties[PropertyId].Owner)
+ if xOwner then
+ xOwner.showNotification("Your Have Been ~r~Evicted~s~.", "error")
+ end
+ local pName = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owner = ""
+ Properties[PropertyId].Owned = false
+ Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName = ""
+ Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
+ Properties[PropertyId].Keys = {}
+ if Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell then
+ Properties[PropertyId].furniture = {}
+ end
+ Properties[PropertyId].setName = ""
+ Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
+ if Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles then
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles = {}
+ end
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory("property-" .. PropertyId)
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Property Owner Evicted",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = pName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Has Access**", value = IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner") and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
- Log("Property Owner Evicted", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = pName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Has Access**", value = IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner") and "Yes" or "No", inline = true}}, 1)
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner"))
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EvictOwner"))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:CanRaid", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Can = false
- if Config.Raiding.Enabled then
- if (Config.CanAdminsRaid and IsPlayerAdmin(source)) or xPlayer.job.name == "police" then
- if Config.Raiding.ItemRequired then
- local itemCount = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name).count
- if itemCount >= Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount then
- if Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.RemoveItem then
- xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name, Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount)
- end
- Can = true
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("raid_notify_error", Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount, Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name), "error")
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Can = false
+ if Config.Raiding.Enabled then
+ if (Config.CanAdminsRaid and IsPlayerAdmin(source)) or xPlayer.job.name == "police" then
+ if Config.Raiding.ItemRequired then
+ local itemCount = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name).count
+ if itemCount >= Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount then
+ if Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.RemoveItem then
+ xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name, Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount)
+ end
+ Can = true
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("raid_notify_error", Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.ItemCount, Config.Raiding.ItemRequired.name), "error")
+ end
+ else
+ Can = true
+ end
- else
- Can = true
- end
- end
- cb(Can)
- if Can then
- local xOwner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Properties[PropertyId].Owner)
- if xOwner then
- xOwner.showNotification(_U("raid_notify_success"), "error")
+ cb(Can)
+ if Can then
+ local xOwner = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(Properties[PropertyId].Owner)
+ if xOwner then
+ xOwner.showNotification(_U("raid_notify_success"), "error")
+ end
+ Wait(15000)
+ Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Wait(15000)
- Properties[PropertyId].Locked = false
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- end
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:ChangeEntrance", function(source, cb, PropertyId, Coords)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance") then
- local Origonal = Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.x .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.y .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.z
- Properties[PropertyId].Entrance = {x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2) - 0.8}
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- Log("Property Entrance Changed", 3640511, {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Has Access**", value = IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance") and "Yes" or "No",
- inline = true}, {name = "**Original**", value = Origonal, inline = true},
- {name = "**New**",
- value = Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.x .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.y .. "," ..
- Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.z, inline = true}}, 1)
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance"))
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance") then
+ local Origonal = Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.x .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.y .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.z
+ Properties[PropertyId].Entrance = { x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2) - 0.8 }
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ Log(
+ "Property Entrance Changed",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Properties[PropertyId].OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Has Access**", value = IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance") and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Original**", value = Origonal, inline = true },
+ { name = "**New**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.x .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.y .. "," .. Properties[PropertyId].Entrance.z, inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ end
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ChangeEntrance"))
ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetInventoryPosition", function(source, cb, PropertyId, Coords, Reset)
- if Config.OxInventory then
+ if Config.OxInventory then
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ if Reset then
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = { x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2) }
+ else
+ if Interior.type == "ipl" then
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = { x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2) }
+ else
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Coords
+ end
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Property Storage Location Set",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ {
+ name = "**Has Access**",
+ value = (IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No",
+ inline = true,
+ },
+ { name = "**Reset?**", value = Reset and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ end
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
+-- Wardrobe
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(source, cb, PropertyId, Coords, Reset)
local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- if Reset then
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = {x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2)}
- else
- if Interior.type == "ipl" then
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = {x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2),
- z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2)}
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ if Reset then
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe = Interior.positions.Wardrobe
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Storage = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2000) - Coords
+ if Interior.type == "ipl" then
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe = { x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2) }
+ else
+ Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999.8) - Coords
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Property Wardrobe Location Set",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ {
+ name = "**Has Access**",
+ value = (IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No",
+ inline = true,
+ },
+ { name = "**Reset?**", value = Reset and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
- end
- Log("Property Storage Location Set", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Has Access**",
- value = (IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or
- (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No", inline = true},
- {name = "**Reset?**", value = Reset and "Yes" or "No", inline = true}}, 1)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
- else
- cb(false)
- end
--- Wardrobe
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:SetWardrobePosition", function(source, cb, PropertyId, Coords, Reset)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) then
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- if Reset then
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe = Interior.positions.Wardrobe
- else
- if Interior.type == "ipl" then
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe =
- {x = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.x, 2), y = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.y, 2), z = ESX.Math.Round(Coords.z, 2)}
- else
- Properties[PropertyId].positions.Wardrobe = vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 1999.8) - Coords
- end
- Log("Property Wardrobe Location Set", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Has Access**",
- value = (IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or
- (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])) and "Yes" or "No", inline = true},
- {name = "**Reset?**", value = Reset and "Yes" or "No", inline = true}}, 1)
- end
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
- end
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "EditInteriorPositions") or (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:getPlayerDressing', function(source, cb)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:getPlayerDressing", function(source, cb)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getDataStore', 'property', xPlayer.identifier, function(store)
- local count = store.count('dressing')
- local labels = {}
+ TriggerEvent("esx_datastore:getDataStore", "property", xPlayer.identifier, function(store)
+ local count = store.count("dressing")
+ local labels = {}
- for i = 1, count, 1 do
- local entry = store.get('dressing', i)
- table.insert(labels, entry.label)
- end
+ for i = 1, count, 1 do
+ local entry = store.get("dressing", i)
+ table.insert(labels, entry.label)
+ end
- cb(labels)
- end)
+ cb(labels)
+ end)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:GetInsidePlayers', function(source, cb, property)
- local Property = Properties[property]
- local Players = {}
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local NearbyPlayers = Property.plysinside
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:GetInsidePlayers", function(source, cb, property)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
+ local Players = {}
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local NearbyPlayers = Property.plysinside
- for _, v in pairs(NearbyPlayers) do
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(v)
- if not Properties[property].Keys then
- Properties[property].Keys = {}
- end
- if xPlayer.identifier ~= Property.Owner and not Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
- Players[#Players + 1] = {Name = xPlayer.getName(), Id = xPlayer.source}
+ for _, v in pairs(NearbyPlayers) do
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(v)
+ if not Properties[property].Keys then
+ Properties[property].Keys = {}
+ end
+ if xPlayer.identifier ~= Property.Owner and not Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
+ Players[#Players + 1] = { Name = xPlayer.getName(), Id = xPlayer.source }
+ end
- end
- cb(Players)
+ cb(Players)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:GetNearbyPlayers', function(source, cb, property)
- local Property = Properties[property]
- local Players = {}
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local NearbyPlayers = ESX.OneSync.GetPlayersInArea(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z), 5.0)
- Wait(100)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:GetNearbyPlayers", function(source, cb, property)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
+ local Players = {}
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local NearbyPlayers = ESX.OneSync.GetPlayersInArea(vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z), 5.0)
+ Wait(100)
for _, v in pairs(NearbyPlayers) do
- local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(v.id)
- if xPlayer.identifier ~= xTarget.identifier then
- Players[#Players + 1] = {name = xTarget.getName(), source = xTarget.source}
- end
+ local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(v.id)
+ if xPlayer.identifier ~= xTarget.identifier then
+ Players[#Players + 1] = { name = xTarget.getName(), source = xTarget.source }
+ end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:GetPlayersWithKeys', function(source, cb, property)
- local Property = Properties[property]
- local Players = {}
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if xPlayer.identifier == Property.Owner then
- cb(Property.Keys or {})
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:GetPlayersWithKeys", function(source, cb, property)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
+ local Players = {}
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if xPlayer.identifier == Property.Owner then
+ cb(Property.Keys or {})
+ end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:ShouldHaveKey', function(source, cb, property)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- cb(Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:ShouldHaveKey", function(source, cb, property)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ cb(Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier])
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:GetWebhook', function(_, cb)
- cb(Config.CCTV.PictureWebook)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:GetWebhook", function(_, cb)
+ cb(Config.CCTV.PictureWebook)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:RemoveLastProperty', function(source, cb)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = NULL WHERE `identifier` = ?", {xPlayer.identifier}) -- Remove Saved Data
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0) -- Reset Routing Bucket
- xPlayer.set("lastProperty", nil)
- cb()
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveLastProperty", function(source, cb)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = NULL WHERE `identifier` = ?", { xPlayer.identifier }) -- Remove Saved Data
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0) -- Reset Routing Bucket
+ xPlayer.set("lastProperty", nil)
+ cb()
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:GiveKey', function(source, cb, property, player)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
- local Property = Properties[property]
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:GiveKey", function(source, cb, property, player)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
- if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier then
- if not Property.Keys then
- Properties[property].Keys = {}
- end
+ if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier then
+ if not Property.Keys then
+ Properties[property].Keys = {}
+ end
- local id = xTarget.identifier
- if not Properties[property].Keys[id] then
- Property.Keys[id] = {name = xTarget.getName(), identifier = id}
- xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_granted", Property.Name), 'success')
- xTarget.triggerEvent("esx_property:giveKeyAccess")
- cb(true)
+ local id = xTarget.identifier
+ if not Properties[property].Keys[id] then
+ Property.Keys[id] = { name = xTarget.getName(), identifier = id }
+ xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_granted", Property.Name), "success")
+ xTarget.triggerEvent("esx_property:giveKeyAccess")
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("already_has"), "error")
+ cb(false)
+ end
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("already_has"), 'error')
- cb(false)
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("do_not_own"), "error")
+ cb(false)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("do_not_own"), 'error')
- cb(false)
- end
- Log("Property Key Given", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Has Access**", value = Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier and "Yes" or "No", inline = true}}, 1)
+ Log(
+ "Property Key Given",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Has Access**", value = Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:StoreVehicle', function(source, cb, PropertyId, VehicleProperties)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
- if Property.garage.enabled then
- if Config.Garage.OwnedVehiclesOnly then
- MySQL.scalar("SELECT `owner` FROM `owned_vehicles` WHERE `plate` = ?", {VehicleProperties.plate}, function(result)
- if result then
- if result == xPlayer.identifier then
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = {owner = xPlayer.identifier,
- vehicle = VehicleProperties}
- cb(true)
- elseif (Properties[PropertyId].Keys[result] or Property.Owner == result) then
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = {owner = xPlayer.identifier,
- vehicle = VehicleProperties}
- cb(true)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:StoreVehicle", function(source, cb, PropertyId, VehicleProperties)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
+ if Property.garage.enabled then
+ if Config.Garage.OwnedVehiclesOnly then
+ MySQL.scalar("SELECT `owner` FROM `owned_vehicles` WHERE `plate` = ?", { VehicleProperties.plate }, function(result)
+ if result then
+ if result == xPlayer.identifier then
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = { owner = xPlayer.identifier, vehicle = VehicleProperties }
+ cb(true)
+ elseif Properties[PropertyId].Keys[result] or Property.Owner == result then
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = { owner = xPlayer.identifier, vehicle = VehicleProperties }
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
+ end)
- cb(false)
+ Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = { owner = xPlayer.identifier, vehicle = VehicleProperties }
+ cb(true)
- else
+ MySQL.query(Config.Garage.MySQLquery, { 1, VehicleProperties.plate }) -- Set vehicle as stored in MySQL
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("garage_not_enabled"), "error")
- end
- end)
- else
- Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[#Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles + 1] = {owner = xPlayer.identifier,
- vehicle = VehicleProperties}
- cb(true)
- end
- MySQL.query(Config.Garage.MySQLquery, {1, VehicleProperties.plate}) -- Set vehicle as stored in MySQL
+ end
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("garage_not_enabled"), 'error')
- cb(false)
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("cannot_access_property"), "error")
+ cb(false)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("cannot_access_property"), 'error')
- cb(false)
- end
- Log("User Attempted To Store Vehicle", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Has Access**", value = (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) and "Yes" or "No",
- inline = true}, {name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true},
- {name = "**Vehicle Name**", value = VehicleProperties.DisplayName, inline = true}}, 2)
+ Log(
+ "User Attempted To Store Vehicle",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Has Access**", value = (Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]) and "Yes" or "No", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Vehicle Name**", value = VehicleProperties.DisplayName, inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:AccessGarage', function(source, cb, PropertyId)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:AccessGarage", function(source, cb, PropertyId)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
- if Property.garage.enabled then
- cb(Property.garage.StoredVehicles)
+ if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or Properties[PropertyId].Keys[xPlayer.identifier] then
+ if Property.garage.enabled then
+ cb(Property.garage.StoredVehicles)
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("garage_not_enabled"), "error")
+ cb(false)
+ end
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("garage_not_enabled"), 'error')
- cb(false)
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("cannot_access_property"), "error")
+ cb(false)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("cannot_access_property"), 'error')
- cb(false)
- end
- Log("User Opened Garage Menu", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true}}, 2)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:RemoveKey', function(source, cb, property, player)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(player)
- local Property = Properties[property]
+ Log(
+ "User Opened Garage Menu",
+ 3640511,
+ {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = Property.OwnerName, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ },
+ 2
+ )
- if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier then
- if Property.Keys then
- if Properties[property].Keys[player] then
- Log("Property Key Revoked", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true}, {name = "**Owner**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Removed From**", value = tostring(Properties[property].Keys[player].name), inline = true}}, 3)
- Properties[property].Keys[player] = nil
- xTarget.showNotification(_U("key_revoked", Property.Name), 'error')
- xTarget.triggerEvent("esx_property:RemoveKeyAccess", property)
- cb(true)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("no_keys"), 'error')
- cb(false)
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:RemoveKey", function(source, cb, property, player)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(player)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
+ if Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier then
+ if Property.Keys then
+ if Properties[property].Keys[player] then
+ Log("Property Key Revoked", 3640511, {
+ { name = "**Property Name**", value = Property.Name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Owner**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Removed From**", value = tostring(Properties[property].Keys[player].name), inline = true },
+ }, 3)
+ Properties[property].Keys[player] = nil
+ xTarget.showNotification(_U("key_revoked", Property.Name), "error")
+ xTarget.triggerEvent("esx_property:RemoveKeyAccess", property)
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("no_keys"), "error")
+ cb(false)
+ end
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
- cb(false)
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("do_not_own"), "error")
+ cb(false)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("do_not_own"), 'error')
- cb(false)
- end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:CanOpenFurniture', function(source, cb, property)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Property = Properties[property]
- cb(Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or (Property.Keys and Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:CanOpenFurniture", function(source, cb, property)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Property = Properties[property]
+ cb(Property.Owner == xPlayer.identifier or (Property.Keys and Properties[property].Keys[xPlayer.identifier]))
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:getPlayerOutfit', function(source, cb, num)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:getPlayerOutfit", function(source, cb, num)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getDataStore', 'property', xPlayer.identifier, function(store)
- local outfit = store.get('dressing', num)
- cb(outfit.skin)
- end)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_datastore:getDataStore", "property", xPlayer.identifier, function(store)
+ local outfit = store.get("dressing", num)
+ cb(outfit.skin)
+ end)
-- Player Management
if PM.Enabled then
- ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:PMenterOffice', function(source, cb)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
- if xPlayer.job.name == PM.job then
- SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, PM.Locations.Exit)
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 1)
- cb(true)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
- end)
+ ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:PMenterOffice", function(source, cb)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
+ if xPlayer.job.name == PM.job then
+ SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, PM.Locations.Exit)
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 1)
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
+ end)
- ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:PMexitOffice', function(source, cb)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
+ ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:PMexitOffice", function(source, cb)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
- if xPlayer.job.name == PM.job then
- SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, PM.Locations.Entrance)
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0)
- cb(true)
- else
- cb(false)
- end
- end)
+ if xPlayer.job.name == PM.job then
+ SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, PM.Locations.Entrance)
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(source, 0)
+ cb(true)
+ else
+ cb(false)
+ end
+ end)
-- Enter/leave Events
-RegisterNetEvent('esx_property:enter', function(PropertyId)
- local player = source
- local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
- if not Properties[PropertyId].plysinside then
- Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
- end
- table.insert(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, player)
- local PropertyData = {id = PropertyId, coords = Property.Entrance} -- Save the property data to the table
- MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = ? WHERE `identifier` = ?", {json.encode(PropertyData), xPlayer.identifier}) -- Save the property data to the database
- xPlayer.set("lastProperty", PropertyData)
- if Interior.type == "shell" then
- SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2001))
- else
- SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, Interior.pos)
- SetEntityHeading(PlayerPed, 0.0)
- end
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(player, PropertyId + 1)
- Log("Player Entered Property", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Property Player Count**", value = tostring(#(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside)), inline = true}}, 3)
+RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:enter", function(PropertyId)
+ local player = source
+ local PlayerPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.Interior)
+ if not Properties[PropertyId].plysinside then
+ Properties[PropertyId].plysinside = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, player)
-RegisterNetEvent('esx_property:leave', function(PropertyId)
- local player = source
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
- MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = NULL WHERE `identifier` = ?", {xPlayer.identifier}) -- Remove Saved Data
- xPlayer.set("lastProperty", nil)
- SetEntityCoords(player, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z))
- SetEntityHeading(player, 0.0)
- SetPlayerRoutingBucket(player, 0)
- for i = 1, #(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside) do
- if Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i] == player then
- table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, i)
- break
+ local PropertyData = { id = PropertyId, coords = Property.Entrance } -- Save the property data to the table
+ MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = ? WHERE `identifier` = ?", { json.encode(PropertyData), xPlayer.identifier }) -- Save the property data to the database
+ xPlayer.set("lastProperty", PropertyData)
+ if Interior.type == "shell" then
+ SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, 2001))
+ else
+ SetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, Interior.pos)
+ SetEntityHeading(PlayerPed, 0.0)
- end
- Log("Player Left Property", 3640511,
- {{name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true},
- {name = "**Property Player Count**", value = tostring(#(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside)), inline = true}}, 3)
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(player, PropertyId + 1)
+ Log(
+ "Player Entered Property",
+ 3640511,
+ { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true }, { name = "**Property Player Count**", value = tostring(#Properties[PropertyId].plysinside), inline = true } },
+ 3
+ )
-RegisterNetEvent('esx_property:SetVehicleOut', function(PropertyId, VehIndex)
- local VehicleData = Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[VehIndex]
- local plate = VehicleData.vehicle.plate
- table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles, VehIndex)
- MySQL.query(Config.Garage.MySQLquery, {0, plate}) -- Set vehicle as no longer stored
+RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:leave", function(PropertyId)
+ local player = source
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(player)
+ MySQL.query("UPDATE `users` SET `last_property` = NULL WHERE `identifier` = ?", { xPlayer.identifier }) -- Remove Saved Data
+ xPlayer.set("lastProperty", nil)
+ SetEntityCoords(player, vector3(Property.Entrance.x, Property.Entrance.y, Property.Entrance.z))
+ SetEntityHeading(player, 0.0)
+ SetPlayerRoutingBucket(player, 0)
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ if Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i] == player then
+ table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Player Left Property",
+ 3640511,
+ { { name = "**Property Name**", value = Properties[PropertyId].Name, inline = true }, { name = "**Player**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true }, { name = "**Property Player Count**", value = tostring(#Properties[PropertyId].plysinside), inline = true } },
+ 3
+ )
+RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:SetVehicleOut", function(PropertyId, VehIndex)
+ local VehicleData = Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles[VehIndex]
+ local plate = VehicleData.vehicle.plate
+ table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].garage.StoredVehicles, VehIndex)
+ MySQL.query(Config.Garage.MySQLquery, { 0, plate }) -- Set vehicle as no longer stored
-AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function()
- local source = source
- for PropertyId = 1, #Properties do
- for i = 1, #(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside) do
- if Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i] == source then
- table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, i)
- break
- end
+AddEventHandler("playerDropped", function()
+ local source = source
+ for PropertyId = 1, #Properties do
+ for i = 1, #Properties[PropertyId].plysinside do
+ if Properties[PropertyId].plysinside[i] == source then
+ table.remove(Properties[PropertyId].plysinside, i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
- end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:CanCreateProperty', function(source, cb)
- local Re = false
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:CanCreateProperty", function(source, cb)
+ local Re = false
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if xPlayer then
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "CreateProperty") then
- Re = true
+ if xPlayer then
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "CreateProperty") then
+ Re = true
+ end
- end
- cb(Re)
+ cb(Re)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:IsAdmin', function(source, cb)
- cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ViewProperties"))
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:IsAdmin", function(source, cb)
+ cb(IsPlayerAdmin(source, "ViewProperties"))
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_property:CanAccessRealEstateMenu', function(source, cb)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Re = (Config.PlayerManagement.Enabled and xPlayer.job.name == Config.PlayerManagement.job and xPlayer.job.grade >= Config.PlayerManagement.Permissions.ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions) and true or false
- cb(Re)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_property:CanAccessRealEstateMenu", function(source, cb)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Re = (Config.PlayerManagement.Enabled and xPlayer.job.name == Config.PlayerManagement.job and xPlayer.job.grade >= Config.PlayerManagement.Permissions.ManagePropertiesFromQuickActions) and true or false
+ cb(Re)
-RegisterNetEvent('esx_property:server:createProperty', function(Property)
- local source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.interior)
- local garageData =
- Property.garage.enabled and {enabled = true, pos = Property.garage.pos, Heading = Property.garage.heading, StoredVehicles = {}} or
- {enabled = false}
- if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "CreateProperty") then
- local ActualProperty = {Name = Property.name, setName = "", Price = Property.price, furniture = {}, plysinside = {}, Interior = Property.interior,
- Entrance = Property.entrance, Owner = "", Keys = {}, positions = Interior.positions, cctv = Property.cctv,
- garage = garageData, Owned = false, Locked = false}
- Properties[#Properties + 1] = ActualProperty
- end
- Log("Property Created", 65280,
- {{name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true}, {name = "**Name**", value = Property.name, inline = true},
- {name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Property.price), inline = true},
- {name = "**Interior**", value = Interior.label, inline = true},
- {name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true},
- {name = "**CCTV Status**", value = Property.cctv.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true},
- {name = "**Entrance**", value = tostring(Property.entrance.x .. ", " .. Property.entrance.y .. ", " .. Property.entrance.z), inline = true}}, 1)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
+RegisterNetEvent("esx_property:server:createProperty", function(Property)
+ local source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local Interior = GetInteriorValues(Property.interior)
+ local garageData = Property.garage.enabled and { enabled = true, pos = Property.garage.pos, Heading = Property.garage.heading, StoredVehicles = {} } or { enabled = false }
+ if IsPlayerAdmin(source, "CreateProperty") then
+ local ActualProperty = {
+ Name = Property.name,
+ setName = "",
+ Price = Property.price,
+ furniture = {},
+ plysinside = {},
+ Interior = Property.interior,
+ Entrance = Property.entrance,
+ Owner = "",
+ Keys = {},
+ positions = Interior.positions,
+ cctv = Property.cctv,
+ garage = garageData,
+ Owned = false,
+ Locked = false,
+ }
+ Properties[#Properties + 1] = ActualProperty
+ end
+ Log(
+ "Property Created",
+ 65280,
+ {
+ { name = "**Admin**", value = xPlayer.getName(), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Name**", value = Property.name, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Price**", value = ESX.Math.GroupDigits(Property.price), inline = true },
+ { name = "**Interior**", value = Interior.label, inline = true },
+ { name = "**Garage Status**", value = Property.garage.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ { name = "**CCTV Status**", value = Property.cctv.enabled and "Enabled" or "Disabled", inline = true },
+ { name = "**Entrance**", value = tostring(Property.entrance.x .. ", " .. Property.entrance.y .. ", " .. Property.entrance.z), inline = true },
+ },
+ 1
+ )
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx_property:syncProperties", -1, Properties)
-- Json File Saving
--- Save Properties On Server Scheduled Restart
-AddEventHandler('txAdmin:events:scheduledRestart', function(eventData)
- if eventData.secondsRemaining == 60 then
- CreateThread(function()
- Wait(50000)
- if Properties and #Properties > 0 then
- SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'properties.json', json.encode(Properties))
- Log("Properties Saving", 11141375, {{name = "**Reason**", value = "Scheduled Server Restart", inline = true},
- {name = "**Property Count**", value = tostring(#Properties), inline = true}}, 1)
- end
- end)
- end
+AddEventHandler("txAdmin:events:scheduledRestart", function(eventData)
+ if eventData.secondsRemaining == 60 then
+ CreateThread(function()
+ Wait(50000)
+ if Properties and #Properties > 0 then
+ SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "properties.json", json.encode(Properties))
+ Log("Properties Saving", 11141375, { { name = "**Reason**", value = "Scheduled Server Restart", inline = true }, { name = "**Property Count**", value = tostring(#Properties), inline = true } }, 1)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
function PropertySave(Reason)
- if Properties and #Properties > 0 then
- SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'properties.json', json.encode(Properties))
- Log("Properties Saving", 11141375,
- {{name = "**Reason**", value = Reason, inline = true}, {name = "**Property Count**", value = tostring(#Properties), inline = true}}, 1)
- end
+ if Properties and #Properties > 0 then
+ SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "properties.json", json.encode(Properties))
+ Log("Properties Saving", 11141375, { { name = "**Reason**", value = Reason, inline = true }, { name = "**Property Count**", value = tostring(#Properties), inline = true } }, 1)
+ end
--- Save Properties On Server Stop/Restart
-AddEventHandler('txAdmin:events:serverShuttingDown', function()
- PropertySave(_U("server_shutdown"))
+AddEventHandler("txAdmin:events:serverShuttingDown", function()
+ PropertySave(_U("server_shutdown"))
--- Save Properties On Resource Stop/Restart
-AddEventHandler('onResourceStop', function(ResourceName)
- if ResourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
- PropertySave(_U("resource_stop"))
- end
+AddEventHandler("onResourceStop", function(ResourceName)
+ if ResourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
+ PropertySave(_U("resource_stop"))
+ end
-AddEventHandler('onServerResourceStop', function(ResourceName)
- if ResourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
- PropertySave(_U("resource_stop"))
- end
+AddEventHandler("onServerResourceStop", function(ResourceName)
+ if ResourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
+ PropertySave(_U("resource_stop"))
+ end
--- Save Properties every x Minutes
+-- Save Properties every x Minutes
- while true do
- Wait(60000 * Config.SaveInterval)
- PropertySave(_U("interval_save"))
- end
+ while true do
+ Wait(60000 * Config.SaveInterval)
+ PropertySave(_U("interval_save"))
+ end
ESX.RegisterCommand(_("save_name"), Config.AllowedGroups, function(xPlayer)
- PropertySave(_U("manual_save", GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source)))
-end, false,{help = _U("save_desc")})
+ PropertySave(_U("manual_save", GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source)))
+end, false, { help = _U("save_desc") })
----- Exports -----
exports("GetProperties", function()
- return Properties
+ return Properties
exports("GetOwnedProperties", function()
- local OwnedProperties = {}
- for i=1, #Properties do
- if Properties[i].Owned then
- OwnedProperties[#OwnedProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ local OwnedProperties = {}
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if Properties[i].Owned then
+ OwnedProperties[#OwnedProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ end
- end
- return OwnedProperties
+ return OwnedProperties
exports("GetNonOwnedProperties", function()
- local NonOwnedProperties = {}
- for i=1, #Properties do
- if not Properties[i].Owned then
- NonOwnedProperties[#NonOwnedProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ local NonOwnedProperties = {}
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if not Properties[i].Owned then
+ NonOwnedProperties[#NonOwnedProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ end
- end
- return NonOwnedProperties
+ return NonOwnedProperties
exports("GetPlayerProperties", function(identifier)
- local PlayerProperties = {}
- for i=1, #Properties do
- if Properties[i].Owned and Properties[i].Owner == identifier then
- PlayerProperties[#PlayerProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ local PlayerProperties = {}
+ for i = 1, #Properties do
+ if Properties[i].Owned and Properties[i].Owner == identifier then
+ PlayerProperties[#PlayerProperties + 1] = Properties[i]
+ end
- end
- return PlayerProperties
+ return PlayerProperties
exports("GetPropertyKeys", function(PropertyId)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if Property.Keys then
- return Property.Keys
- end
- return {}
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if Property.Keys then
+ return Property.Keys
+ end
+ return {}
exports("DoesPlayerHaveKeys", function(PropertyId, Identifier)
- local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
- if Property.Keys then
- return Property.Keys[Identifier] and true or false
- end
- return {}
+ local Property = Properties[PropertyId]
+ if Property.Keys then
+ return Property.Keys[Identifier] and true or false
+ end
+ return {}
exports("ForceSaveProperties", function()
- local ExecutingResource = GetInvokingResource()
- PropertySave(_U("forced_save", ExecutingResource))
\ No newline at end of file
+ local ExecutingResource = GetInvokingResource()
+ PropertySave(_U("forced_save", ExecutingResource))