diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/client/client.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/client/client.lua
index b297d61f9..8d8259a98 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/client/client.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/client/client.lua
@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ local winner = nil
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
- CreateBlip(Config.BLIP.coords, Config.BLIP.text, Config.BLIP.sprite, Config.BLIP.color, Config.BLIP.scale)
- RunThread()
+ CreateBlip(Config.BLIP.coords, Config.BLIP.text, Config.BLIP.sprite, Config.BLIP.color, Config.BLIP.scale)
+ RunThread()
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:playerJoined', function(side, id)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:playerJoined", function(side, id)
if side == 1 then
blueJoined = true
@@ -35,14 +34,12 @@ AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:playerJoined', function(side, id)
players = players + 1
fightStatus = STATUS_JOINED
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:startFight', function(fightData)
- for _,value in ipairs(fightData) do
- if(value.id ~= GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())) then
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:startFight", function(fightData)
+ for _, value in ipairs(fightData) do
+ if value.id ~= GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) then
rival = value.id
elseif value.id == GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) then
participating = true
@@ -52,49 +49,45 @@ AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:startFight', function(fightData)
fightStatus = STATUS_STARTED
showCountDown = true
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:playerLeaveFight', function(id)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:playerLeaveFight", function(id)
if id == GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_toofar'))
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_toofar"))
SetPedMaxHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
elseif participating == true then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:pay', betAmount)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_win') .. (betAmount * 2) .. '$')
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:pay", betAmount)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_win") .. (betAmount * 2) .. "$")
SetPedMaxHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:fightFinished', function(looser)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:fightFinished", function(looser)
if participating == true then
- if(looser ~= GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) and looser ~= -2) then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:pay', betAmount)
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_win') .. (betAmount * 2) .. '$')
+ if looser ~= GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) and looser ~= -2 then
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:pay", betAmount)
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_win") .. (betAmount * 2) .. "$")
SetPedMaxHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:showWinner', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:showWinner", GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
- if(looser == GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) and looser ~= -2) then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_lost') .. betAmount .. '$' )
+ if looser == GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) and looser ~= -2 then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_lost") .. betAmount .. "$")
SetPedMaxHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
if looser == -2 then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('time_out'))
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("time_out"))
SetPedMaxHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
@@ -104,8 +97,8 @@ AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:fightFinished', function(looser)
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:raiseActualBet', function()
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:raiseActualBet", function()
betAmount = betAmount * 2
if betAmount == 0 then
betAmount = 2000
@@ -114,8 +107,8 @@ AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:raiseActualBet', function()
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:winnerText', function(id)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:winnerText", function(id)
showWinner = true
winner = id
@@ -140,59 +133,61 @@ end
function putGloves()
local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- local hash = GetHashKey('prop_boxing_glove_01')
- while not HasModelLoaded(hash) do RequestModel(hash);
- Wait(0);
+ local hash = GetHashKey("prop_boxing_glove_01")
+ while not HasModelLoaded(hash) do
+ RequestModel(hash)
+ Wait(0)
local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)
- local gloveA = CreateObject(hash, pos.x,pos.y,pos.z + 0.50, true,false,false)
- local gloveB = CreateObject(hash, pos.x,pos.y,pos.z + 0.50, true,false,false)
- table.insert(Gloves,gloveA)
- table.insert(Gloves,gloveB)
+ local gloveA = CreateObject(hash, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.50, true, false, false)
+ local gloveB = CreateObject(hash, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.50, true, false, false)
+ table.insert(Gloves, gloveA)
+ table.insert(Gloves, gloveB)
- FreezeEntityPosition(gloveA,false)
- SetEntityCollision(gloveA,false,true)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(gloveA, false)
+ SetEntityCollision(gloveA, false, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(gloveB,false)
- SetEntityCollision(gloveB,false,true)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(gloveB, false)
+ SetEntityCollision(gloveB, false, true)
- if not ped then ped = GetPlayerPed(-1); end -- gloveA = L, gloveB = R
- AttachEntityToEntity(gloveA, ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, 0xEE4F), 0.05, 0.00, 0.04, 00.0, 90.0, -90.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) -- object is attached to right hand
- AttachEntityToEntity(gloveB, ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, 0xAB22), 0.05, 0.00, -0.04, 00.0, 90.0, 90.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) -- object is attached to right hand
+ if not ped then
+ ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ end -- gloveA = L, gloveB = R
+ AttachEntityToEntity(gloveA, ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, 0xEE4F), 0.05, 0.00, 0.04, 00.0, 90.0, -90.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) -- object is attached to right hand
+ AttachEntityToEntity(gloveB, ped, GetPedBoneIndex(ped, 0xAB22), 0.05, 0.00, -0.04, 00.0, 90.0, 90.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) -- object is attached to right hand
function removeGloves()
- for _, v in pairs(Gloves)
- do DeleteObject(v);
+ for _, v in pairs(Gloves) do
+ DeleteObject(v)
function spawnMarker(coords)
- local centerRing = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, vector3(-517.61,-1712.04,20.46), true)
+ local centerRing = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, vector3(-517.61, -1712.04, 20.46), true)
if centerRing < Config.DISTANCE and fightStatus ~= STATUS_STARTED then
- DrawMarker(1, Config.BETZONE.x, Config.BETZONE.y, Config.BETZONE.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.0, 204,204, 0, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)
- DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z +1.5, 'Giocatori: ~r~' .. players .. '/2 \n ~w~Scommessa: ~r~'.. betAmount ..'$ ', 0.8)
+ DrawMarker(1, Config.BETZONE.x, Config.BETZONE.y, Config.BETZONE.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.0, 204, 204, 0, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)
+ DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z + 1.5, "Giocatori: ~r~" .. players .. "/2 \n ~w~Scommessa: ~r~" .. betAmount .. "$ ", 0.8)
local blueZone = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, vector3(Config.BLUEZONE.x, Config.BLUEZONE.y, Config.BLUEZONE.z), true)
local redZone = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, vector3(Config.REDZONE.x, Config.REDZONE.y, Config.REDZONE.z), true)
local betZone = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, vector3(Config.BETZONE.x, Config.BETZONE.y, Config.BETZONE.z), true)
if blueJoined == false then
- DrawText3D(Config.BLUEZONE.x, Config.BLUEZONE.y, Config.BLUEZONE.z +1.5, 'unisciti alla lotta [~b~E~w~]', 0.4)
+ DrawText3D(Config.BLUEZONE.x, Config.BLUEZONE.y, Config.BLUEZONE.z + 1.5, "unisciti alla lotta [~b~E~w~]", 0.4)
if blueZone < Config.DISTANCE_INTERACTION then
- ESX.ShowHelpNotification(_U('press_to_join_blue'))
+ ESX.ShowHelpNotification(_U("press_to_join_blue"))
if IsControlJustReleased(0, Config.E_KEY) and participating == false then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:join', betAmount, 0 )
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:join", betAmount, 0)
if redJoined == false then
- DrawText3D(Config.REDZONE.x, Config.REDZONE.y, Config.REDZONE.z +1.5, 'unisciti alla lotta [~r~E~w~]', 0.4)
+ DrawText3D(Config.REDZONE.x, Config.REDZONE.y, Config.REDZONE.z + 1.5, "unisciti alla lotta [~r~E~w~]", 0.4)
if redZone < Config.DISTANCE_INTERACTION then
- ESX.ShowHelpNotification(_U('press_to_join_red'))
+ ESX.ShowHelpNotification(_U("press_to_join_red"))
if IsControlJustReleased(0, Config.E_KEY) and participating == false then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:join', betAmount, 1)
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:join", betAmount, 1)
@@ -200,10 +195,9 @@ function spawnMarker(coords)
if betZone < Config.DISTANCE_INTERACTION and fightStatus ~= STATUS_JOINED and fightStatus ~= STATUS_STARTED then
ESX.ShowHelpNotification("premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per cambiare la scommessa.")
if IsControlJustReleased(0, Config.E_KEY) then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:raiseBet', betAmount)
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:raiseBet", betAmount)
@@ -228,14 +222,14 @@ function DrawText3D(x, y, z, text, scale)
function CreateBlip(coords, text, sprite, color, scale)
- local blip = AddBlipForCoord(coords.x, coords.y)
- SetBlipSprite(blip, sprite)
- SetBlipScale(blip, scale)
- SetBlipColour(blip, color)
- SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
- BeginTextCommandSetBlipName('STRING')
- AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
- EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip)
+ local blip = AddBlipForCoord(coords.x, coords.y)
+ SetBlipSprite(blip, sprite)
+ SetBlipScale(blip, scale)
+ SetBlipColour(blip, color)
+ SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
+ BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text)
+ EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip)
function reset()
@@ -261,8 +255,8 @@ CreateThread(function()
while true do
if fightStatus == STATUS_STARTED and participating == false and GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) ~= rival then
local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z,coords.x,coords.y,coords.z) < Config.TP_DISTANCE then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('step_away'))
+ if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) < Config.TP_DISTANCE then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("step_away"))
for _ = 1, 1000 do
SetPedCoordsKeepVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), -521.58, -1723.58, 19.16)
local foundGround = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(-521.58, -1723.58, 19.16)
@@ -275,7 +269,7 @@ CreateThread(function()
- end
+ end
-- Main 0 loop
@@ -283,26 +277,26 @@ CreateThread(function()
while true do
if showCountDown == true then
- DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z + 1.5, 'La lotta inizia in: ' .. actualCount, 2.0)
+ DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z + 1.5, "La lotta inizia in: " .. actualCount, 2.0)
elseif showCountDown == false and fightStatus == STATUS_STARTED then
if GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) < 150 then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:finishFight', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:finishFight", GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
fightStatus = STATUS_INITIAL
if participating == true then
local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z,coords.x,coords.y,coords.z) > Config.LEAVE_FIGHT_DISTANCE then
- TriggerServerEvent('bpt_streetfight:leaveFight', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
+ if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) > Config.LEAVE_FIGHT_DISTANCE then
+ TriggerServerEvent("bpt_streetfight:leaveFight", GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
if showWinner == true and winner ~= nil then
local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z,coords.x,coords.y,coords.z) < 15 then
- DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z + 2.5, '~r~ID: ' .. winner .. ' gana!', 2.0)
+ if get3DDistance(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) < 15 then
+ DrawText3D(Config.CENTER.x, Config.CENTER.y, Config.CENTER.z + 2.5, "~r~ID: " .. winner .. " gana!", 2.0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/config.lua
index 0272663ef..1f69848d3 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/config.lua
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
Config = {}
-Config.BLUEZONE = {x = -520.63, y = -1712.40, z = 19.45}
-Config.REDZONE = {x = -514.79, y = -1711.49, z = 19.45}
-Config.CENTER = {x = -517.61, y = -1712.04, z = 20.45}
-Config.BETZONE = {x = -523.33, y = -1715.44, z = 18.32}
+Config.BLUEZONE = { x = -520.63, y = -1712.40, z = 19.45 }
+Config.REDZONE = { x = -514.79, y = -1711.49, z = 19.45 }
+Config.CENTER = { x = -517.61, y = -1712.04, z = 20.45 }
+Config.BETZONE = { x = -523.33, y = -1715.44, z = 18.32 }
Config.DISTANCE = 10 -- Distance to see fight indicators
Config.TP_DISTANCE = 6 -- Minimum distance between fight and spectators
Config.LEAVE_FIGHT_DISTANCE = 15 -- Distance to quit fight
Config.DISTANCE_INTERACTION = 2.0 -- Interaction for fighter events
Config.E_KEY = 38 -- Action key 'E' default
-Config.Locale = 'en'
+Config.Locale = "en"
Config.BLIP = {
- coords = {x = -517.61, y = -1712.04, z = 20.45},
- text = _U('street_fighting'),
+ coords = { x = -517.61, y = -1712.04, z = 20.45 },
+ text = _U("street_fighting"),
sprite = 491,
- color = 1,
- scale = 1.0
\ No newline at end of file
+ color = 1,
+ scale = 1.0,
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/fxmanifest.lua
index a4ce4935d..9b3dad7d3 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-fx_version 'adamant'
-game 'gta5'
-description 'bpt_streetfight'
-version '1.0.0'
-server_script {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'server/server.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua'
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "server/server.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
-client_script {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'client/client.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua'
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "client/client.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
-dependencies {
- 'es_extended'
\ No newline at end of file
+ "es_extended",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/en.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/en.lua
index 85f998c89..73d9126ce 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/en.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/en.lua
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-Locales['en'] = {
- ['you_toofar'] = 'you\'ve gone too far',
- ['you_win'] = 'You have won the fight',
- ['you_lost'] = 'You have lost the fight',
- ['time out'] = 'The fight is over due to time limit',
- ['step_away'] = 'step away from the ring',
- ['successfully_signed'] = 'you have successfully signed up',
- ['not_money'] = 'not enough money',
- ['press_to_join_blue'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to join the blue side',
- ['press_to_join_red'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to join the red side.',
- ['street_fighting'] = 'Street fighting'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["en"] = {
+ ["you_toofar"] = "you've gone too far",
+ ["you_win"] = "You have won the fight",
+ ["you_lost"] = "You have lost the fight",
+ ["time out"] = "The fight is over due to time limit",
+ ["step_away"] = "step away from the ring",
+ ["successfully_signed"] = "you have successfully signed up",
+ ["not_money"] = "not enough money",
+ ["press_to_join_blue"] = "press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to join the blue side",
+ ["press_to_join_red"] = "press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to join the red side.",
+ ["street_fighting"] = "Street fighting",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/it.lua
index 1e3b695bd..21cf98c8b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/locales/it.lua
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-Locales['it'] = {
- ['you_toofar'] = 'ti sei allontanato troppo',
- ['you_win'] = 'Hai vinto il combattimento',
- ['you_lost'] = 'Hai perso il combattimento',
- ['time out'] = 'La lotta è finita per limite di tempo',
- ['step_away'] = 'allontanati dal ring',
- ['successfully_signed'] = 'Ti sei iscritto con successo',
- ['not_money'] = 'denaro non sufficente',
- ['press_to_join_blue'] = 'premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per unirti al lato blu.',
- ['press_to_join_red'] = 'premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per unirti al lato rosso.',
- ['street_fighting'] = 'Combattimenti di strada'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["it"] = {
+ ["you_toofar"] = "ti sei allontanato troppo",
+ ["you_win"] = "Hai vinto il combattimento",
+ ["you_lost"] = "Hai perso il combattimento",
+ ["time out"] = "La lotta è finita per limite di tempo",
+ ["step_away"] = "allontanati dal ring",
+ ["successfully_signed"] = "Ti sei iscritto con successo",
+ ["not_money"] = "denaro non sufficente",
+ ["press_to_join_blue"] = "premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per unirti al lato blu.",
+ ["press_to_join_red"] = "premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per unirti al lato rosso.",
+ ["street_fighting"] = "Combattimenti di strada",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/server/server.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/server/server.lua
index 3709fbfae..1d8618765 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/server/server.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_streetfight/server/server.lua
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ local fight = {}
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:join', function(betAmount, side)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:join", function(betAmount, side)
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
@@ -18,26 +17,25 @@ AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:join', function(betAmount, side)
local fighter = {
id = source,
- amount = betAmount
+ amount = betAmount,
table.insert(fight, fighter)
- local balance = xPlayer.getAccount('money').money
+ local balance = xPlayer.getAccount("money").money
if (balance > betAmount) or betAmount == 0 then
- xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('money', betAmount)
- TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('successfully_signed'))
+ xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("money", betAmount)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, _U("successfully_signed"))
if side == 0 then
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:playerJoined', -1, 1, source)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:playerJoined", -1, 1, source)
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:playerJoined', -1, 2, source)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:playerJoined", -1, 2, source)
if redPlayerReady and bluePlayerReady then
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:startFight', -1, fight)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:startFight", -1, fight)
- TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('not_money'))
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, _U("not_money"))
@@ -50,45 +48,44 @@ function countdown(copyFight)
if copyFight == fight then
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:fightFinished', -1, -2)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:fightFinished", -1, -2)
fight = {}
bluePlayerReady = false
redPlayerReady = false
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:finishFight', function(looser)
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:fightFinished', -1, looser)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:finishFight", function(looser)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:fightFinished", -1, looser)
fight = {}
bluePlayerReady = false
redPlayerReady = false
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:leaveFight', function(id)
- if
- bluePlayerReady or redPlayerReady then
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:leaveFight", function(id)
+ if bluePlayerReady or redPlayerReady then
bluePlayerReady = false
redPlayerReady = false
fight = {}
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:playerLeaveFight', -1, id)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:playerLeaveFight", -1, id)
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:pay', function(amount)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:pay", function(amount)
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
- xPlayer.addAccountMoney('money', amount * 2)
+ xPlayer.addAccountMoney("money", amount * 2)
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:raiseBet', function()
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:raiseActualBet', -1)
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:raiseBet", function()
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:raiseActualBet", -1)
-AddEventHandler('bpt_streetfight:showWinner', function(id)
- TriggerClientEvent('bpt_streetfight:winnerText', -1, id)
\ No newline at end of file
+AddEventHandler("bpt_streetfight:showWinner", function(id)
+ TriggerClientEvent("bpt_streetfight:winnerText", -1, id)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/config.lua
index 78ca21f1d..adb7fc406 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/config.lua
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Config = {}
-Config.Locale = 'en'
\ No newline at end of file
+Config.Locale = "en"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/fxmanifest.lua
index fd75e0fe8..81751c032 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-fx_version 'cerulean'
-game 'gta5'
-author 'bitpredator'
-description 'bpt_teleport'
-version '1.0.0'
-shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
-client_scripts {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua',
- 'warehouses.lua'
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
+ "warehouses.lua",
-server_scripts {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua'
\ No newline at end of file
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/en.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/en.lua
index f4858a1d7..f1f8e663d 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/en.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/en.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Locales['en'] = {
- ['press_to_enter'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to enter the building.',
- ['press_to_exit'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to exit the building.',
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["en"] = {
+ ["press_to_enter"] = "press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to enter the building.",
+ ["press_to_exit"] = "press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to exit the building.",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/it.lua
index d3d381a92..a90be62f8 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_teleport/locales/it.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Locales['it'] = {
- ['press_to_enter'] = 'Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per entrare nell edificio.',
- ['press_to_exit'] = 'Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per uscire dall edificio.',
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["it"] = {
+ ["press_to_enter"] = "Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per entrare nell edificio.",
+ ["press_to_exit"] = "Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per uscire dall edificio.",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
index 1c495bd0c..976eb2815 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
@@ -1,382 +1,381 @@
-AddEventHandler('esx:setJob', function(job)
- ESX.PlayerData.job = job
- RefreshBussHUD()
+AddEventHandler("esx:setJob", function(job)
+ ESX.PlayerData.job = job
+ RefreshBussHUD()
-AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(xPlayer)
- ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
- ESX.PlayerLoaded = true
- RefreshBussHUD()
+AddEventHandler("esx:playerLoaded", function(xPlayer)
+ ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
+ ESX.PlayerLoaded = true
+ RefreshBussHUD()
function RefreshBussHUD()
- DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
+ DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'boss' then
- EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss" then
+ EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getSocietyMoney', function(money)
- UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- end, ESX.PlayerData.job.name)
- end
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getSocietyMoney", function(money)
+ UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
+ end, ESX.PlayerData.job.name)
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_addonaccount:setMoney', function(society, money)
- if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'boss' and 'society_' .. ESX.PlayerData.job.name == society then
- UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- end
+AddEventHandler("esx_addonaccount:setMoney", function(society, money)
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss" and "society_" .. ESX.PlayerData.job.name == society then
+ UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
+ end
function EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:toggleSocietyHud', true)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", true)
function DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:toggleSocietyHud', false)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", false)
function UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:setSocietyMoney', money)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:setSocietyMoney", money)
function OpenBossMenu(society, _, options)
- options = options or {}
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U('boss_menu')}
- }
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:isBoss', function(isBoss)
- if isBoss then
- local defaultOptions = {
- checkBal = true,
- withdraw = true,
- deposit = true,
- wash = true,
- employees = true,
- salary = true,
- grades = true
- }
- for k,v in pairs(defaultOptions) do
- if options[k] == nil then
- options[k] = v
- end
- end
- if options.checkBal then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('check_society_balance'), value = "check_society_balance"}
- end
- if options.withdraw then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('withdraw_society_money'), value = "withdraw_society_money"}
- end
- if options.deposit then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('deposit_society_money'), value = "deposit_money"}
- end
- if options.wash then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('wash_money'), value = "wash_money"}
- end
- if options.employees then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U('employee_management'), value = "manage_employees"}
- end
- if options.salary then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('salary_management'), value = "manage_salary"}
- end
- if options.grades then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-scroll", title = _U('grade_management'), value = "manage_grades"}
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu,element)
- if element.value == "check_society_balance" then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:checkSocietyBalance', society)
- elseif element.value == "withdraw_society_money" then
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('withdraw_amount'), description = "Withdraw money from the society account"},
- {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to withdraw..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "withdraw"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm"},
- {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:withdrawMoney', society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "deposit_money" then
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('deposit_amount'), description = "Deposit some money into the society account"},
- {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to deposit..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "deposit"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm2"},
- {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm2" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:depositMoney', society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "wash_money" then
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('wash_money_amount'), description = "Deposit some money into the money wash"},
- {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to wash..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "wash"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm3"},
- {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm3" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:washMoney', society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "manage_employees" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "manage_salary" then
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "manage_grades" then
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end
- end, society)
+ options = options or {}
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("boss_menu") },
+ }
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:isBoss", function(isBoss)
+ if isBoss then
+ local defaultOptions = {
+ checkBal = true,
+ withdraw = true,
+ deposit = true,
+ wash = true,
+ employees = true,
+ salary = true,
+ grades = true,
+ }
+ for k, v in pairs(defaultOptions) do
+ if options[k] == nil then
+ options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if options.checkBal then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("check_society_balance"), value = "check_society_balance" }
+ end
+ if options.withdraw then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("withdraw_society_money"), value = "withdraw_society_money" }
+ end
+ if options.deposit then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("deposit_society_money"), value = "deposit_money" }
+ end
+ if options.wash then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("wash_money"), value = "wash_money" }
+ end
+ if options.employees then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_management"), value = "manage_employees" }
+ end
+ if options.salary then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("salary_management"), value = "manage_salary" }
+ end
+ if options.grades then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-scroll", title = _U("grade_management"), value = "manage_grades" }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "check_society_balance" then
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:checkSocietyBalance", society)
+ elseif element.value == "withdraw_society_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("withdraw_amount"), description = "Withdraw money from the society account" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to withdraw..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "withdraw" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:withdrawMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "deposit_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("deposit_amount"), description = "Deposit some money into the society account" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to deposit..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "deposit" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm2" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm2" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:depositMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "wash_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("wash_money_amount"), description = "Deposit some money into the money wash" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to wash..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = 250000, name = "wash" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm3" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm3" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:washMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "manage_employees" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "manage_salary" then
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "manage_grades" then
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end, society)
function OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U('employee_management')},
- {icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U('employee_list'), value = "employee_list"},
- {icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U('recruit'), value = "recruit"}
- }
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "employee_list" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "recruit" then
- OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_management") },
+ { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_list"), value = "employee_list" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("recruit"), value = "recruit" },
+ }
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "employee_list" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "recruit" then
+ OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
function OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getEmployees', function(employees)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Employees"}
- }
- for i=1, #employees, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (employees[i].job.grade_label == '' and employees[i].job.label or employees[i].job.grade_label)
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-user", title = employees[i].name .. " | " ..gradeLabel, gradeLabel = gradeLabel, data = employees[i]}
- end
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_,element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- else
- local elements2 = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = element.title},
- {icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Promote", value = "promote"},
- {icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Fire", value = "fire"},
- {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_,element2)
- local employee = element.data
- if element2.value == "promote" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
- elseif element2.value == "fire" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_have_fired', employee.name))
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end, employee.identifier, 'unemployed', 0, 'fire')
- elseif element2.value == "return" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getEmployees", function(employees)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Employees" },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #employees, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (employees[i].job.grade_label == "" and employees[i].job.label or employees[i].job.grade_label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-user", title = employees[i].name .. " | " .. gradeLabel, gradeLabel = gradeLabel, data = employees[i] }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ local elements2 = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = element.title },
+ { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Promote", value = "promote" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Fire", value = "fire" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
+ local employee = element.data
+ if element2.value == "promote" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
+ elseif element2.value == "fire" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_fired", employee.name))
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end, employee.identifier, "unemployed", 0, "fire")
+ elseif element2.value == "return" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getOnlinePlayers', function(players)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U('recruiting')}
- }
- for i=1, #players, 1 do
- if players[i].job.name ~= society then
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-user", title = players[i].name, value = players[i].source, name = players[i].name, identifier = players[i].identifier}
- end
- end
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_,element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- else
- local elements2 = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Confirm"},
- {icon = "fas fa-times", title = _U('no'), value = "no"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = _U('yes'), value = "yes"},
- }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_,element2)
- if element2.value == "yes" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_have_hired', element.name))
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function()
- OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- end, element.identifier, society, 0, 'hire')
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getOnlinePlayers", function(players)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("recruiting") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #players, 1 do
+ if players[i].job.name ~= society then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-user", title = players[i].name, value = players[i].source, name = players[i].name, identifier = players[i].identifier }
+ end
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ local elements2 = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Confirm" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-times", title = _U("no"), value = "no" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = _U("yes"), value = "yes" },
+ }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
+ if element2.value == "yes" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_hired", element.name))
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
+ end, element.identifier, society, 0, "hire")
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ end)
function OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getJob', function(job)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U('promote_employee', employee.name)}
- }
- for i=1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == '' and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-user", title = gradeLabel, value = job.grades[i].grade, selected = (employee.job.grade == job.grades[i].grade)}
- end
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('you_have_promoted', employee.name, element.title))
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end, employee.identifier, society, element.value, 'promote')
- end
- end, function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("promote_employee", employee.name) },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-user", title = gradeLabel, value = job.grades[i].grade, selected = (employee.job.grade == job.grades[i].grade) }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_promoted", employee.name, element.title))
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end, employee.identifier, society, element.value, "promote")
+ end
+ end, function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getJob', function(job)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('salary_management')}
- }
- for i=1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == '' and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements+1] = {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = ('%s - %s'):format(gradeLabel, _U('money_generic', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(job.grades[i].salary))),
- value = job.grades[i].grade
- }
- end
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu,element)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = element.title, description = "Change a grade salary amount", value = element.value},
- {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to change grade salary..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = Config.MaxSalary, name = "gradesalary"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm"}
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- if element.value == "confirm" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_value_nochanges'))
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- elseif amount > Config.MaxSalary then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_amount_max'))
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- else
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJobSalary', function()
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- end, society, menu.eles[1].value, amount)
- end
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("salary_management") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = ('%s - %s'):format(gradeLabel, _U("money_generic", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(job.grades[i].salary))),
+ value = job.grades[i].grade,
+ }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = element.title, description = "Change a grade salary amount", value = element.value },
+ { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Amount", input = true, inputType = "number", inputPlaceholder = "Amount to change grade salary..", inputMin = 1, inputMax = Config.MaxSalary, name = "gradesalary" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ if element.value == "confirm" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_value_nochanges"))
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ elseif amount > Config.MaxSalary then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount_max"))
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobSalary", function()
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ end, society, menu.eles[1].value, amount)
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getJob', function(job)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U('grade_management')}
- }
- for i=1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == '' and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = ('%s'):format(gradeLabel), value = job.grades[i].grade}
- end
- elements[#elements+1] = {icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return"}
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu,element)
- local elements = {
- {unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = element.title, description = "Change a grade label", value = element.value},
- {icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Label", input = true, inputType = "text", inputPlaceholder = "Label to change job grade label..", name = "gradelabel"},
- {icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm"}
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- if element.value == "confirm" then
- if menu.eles[2].inputValue then
- local label = tostring(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJobLabel', function()
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- end, society, menu.eles[1].value, label)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U('invalid_value_nochanges'))
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- end
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("grade_management") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = ("%s"):format(gradeLabel), value = job.grades[i].grade }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = element.title, description = "Change a grade label", value = element.value },
+ { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = "Label", input = true, inputType = "text", inputPlaceholder = "Label to change job grade label..", name = "gradelabel" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ if element.value == "confirm" then
+ if menu.eles[2].inputValue then
+ local label = tostring(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobLabel", function()
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ end, society, menu.eles[1].value, label)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_value_nochanges"))
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:openBossMenu', function(society, close, options)
- OpenBossMenu(society, close, options)
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:openBossMenu", function(society, close, options)
+ OpenBossMenu(society, close, options)
-if ESX.PlayerLoaded then RefreshBussHUD() end
\ No newline at end of file
+if ESX.PlayerLoaded then
+ RefreshBussHUD()
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/config.lua
index b81490cbe..075126601 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/config.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Config = {}
-Config.Locale = 'en'
+Config.Locale = "en"
Config.EnableESXIdentity = true
Config.MaxSalary = 3500
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/br.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/br.lua
index d690d5017..c524b3a47 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/br.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/br.lua
@@ -1,38 +1,37 @@
-Locales['br'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'ações',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'menu chefe',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'valor do depósito',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'depositar dinheiro da sociedade',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'você quer recrutar %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'empregado',
- ['employee_list'] = 'lista de empregados',
- ['employee_management'] = 'gestão de funcionários',
- ['fire'] = 'fogo',
- ['grade'] = 'grau(escolaridade)',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'você depositou ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'você retirou $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'montante inválido',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'esse salário não é permitido',
- ['no'] = 'não',
- ['promote'] = 'promover',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'promover %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'recrutar',
- ['recruiting'] = 'recrutamento',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'valor do salário',
- ['salary_management'] = 'gestão salarial',
- ['wash_money'] = 'lavar dinheiro',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'quantidade a lavar',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'retirar montante',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'retirar dinheiro da sociedade',
- ['yes'] = 'sim',
- ['you_have'] = 'você tem $%s esperando lavagem de dinheiro (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'você lavou $%s do seu dinheiro ',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'você recrutou %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'você foi contratado por %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'você demitiu %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'você foi demitido de %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'você promoveu %s a %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'você foi promovido promoted!',
+Locales["br"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "ações",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "menu chefe",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "valor do depósito",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "depositar dinheiro da sociedade",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "você quer recrutar %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "empregado",
+ ["employee_list"] = "lista de empregados",
+ ["employee_management"] = "gestão de funcionários",
+ ["fire"] = "fogo",
+ ["grade"] = "grau(escolaridade)",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "você depositou ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "você retirou $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "montante inválido",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "esse salário não é permitido",
+ ["no"] = "não",
+ ["promote"] = "promover",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "promover %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "recrutar",
+ ["recruiting"] = "recrutamento",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "valor do salário",
+ ["salary_management"] = "gestão salarial",
+ ["wash_money"] = "lavar dinheiro",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "quantidade a lavar",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "retirar montante",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "retirar dinheiro da sociedade",
+ ["yes"] = "sim",
+ ["you_have"] = "você tem $%s esperando lavagem de dinheiro (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "você lavou $%s do seu dinheiro ",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "você recrutou %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "você foi contratado por %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "você demitiu %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "você foi demitido de %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "você promoveu %s a %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "você foi promovido promoted!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/cs.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/cs.lua
index 4d40804fb..dc79eb52b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/cs.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/cs.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['cs'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'akce',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'akce šéfa',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'množství vkladu',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'vložit peníze do společnosti',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'chceš najmout %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'zaměstnanec',
- ['employee_list'] = 'seznam zaměstnanců',
- ['employee_management'] = 'správa zaměstnanců',
- ['fire'] = 'vyhodit',
- ['grade'] = 'povýšit',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'vložil jsi ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'vybral jsi $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'neplatná částka',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'tento plat není povolen',
- ['no'] = 'ne',
- ['promote'] = 'povýšit',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'povýšit %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'najmout',
- ['recruiting'] = 'najímání',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'váše platu',
- ['salary_management'] = 'správa platů',
- ['wash_money'] = 'vyprat peníze',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'množství na vyprání',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'výběr peněz',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'vybrat peníze společnosti',
- ['yes'] = 'ano',
- ['you_have'] = 'máš $%s čekajících na vyprání (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = '~r~Vypral jsi tvé peníze: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'najmul jsi %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'byl jsi najmut hráčem %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'vyhodil jsi %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'byl jsi vyhozen hráčem %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'byl jsi povýšen hráčem %s na %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'byl jsi povýšen!',
+Locales["cs"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "akce",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "akce šéfa",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "množství vkladu",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "vložit peníze do společnosti",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "chceš najmout %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "zaměstnanec",
+ ["employee_list"] = "seznam zaměstnanců",
+ ["employee_management"] = "správa zaměstnanců",
+ ["fire"] = "vyhodit",
+ ["grade"] = "povýšit",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "vložil jsi ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "vybral jsi $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "neplatná částka",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "tento plat není povolen",
+ ["no"] = "ne",
+ ["promote"] = "povýšit",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "povýšit %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "najmout",
+ ["recruiting"] = "najímání",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "váše platu",
+ ["salary_management"] = "správa platů",
+ ["wash_money"] = "vyprat peníze",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "množství na vyprání",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "výběr peněz",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "vybrat peníze společnosti",
+ ["yes"] = "ano",
+ ["you_have"] = "máš $%s čekajících na vyprání (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "~r~Vypral jsi tvé peníze: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "najmul jsi %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "byl jsi najmut hráčem %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "vyhodil jsi %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "byl jsi vyhozen hráčem %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "byl jsi povýšen hráčem %s na %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "byl jsi povýšen!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/de.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/de.lua
index ffb26e889..6d1a82f37 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/de.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/de.lua
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-Locales['de'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'Aktionen',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'Bossmenü',
- ['money_generic'] = '%s€',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'Anzahl einzahlen',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'Geld einzahlen',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Möchtest du %s einstellen?',
- ['employee'] = 'Mitarbeiter',
- ['employee_list'] = 'Mitarbeiter liste',
- ['employee_management'] = 'Mitarbeiter Management',
- ['fire'] = 'Feuern',
- ['grade'] = 'Grad',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'Du zahlst ein ~r~%s€~s~',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'Du zahlst aus ~g~%s€~s~',
- ['check_balance'] = 'Geld ist ~g~%s€',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'Dieses gehalt ist nicht erlaubt!',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'Ungültige Anzahl',
- ['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'Ungültige Anzahl! Keine Änderungen gespeichert!',
- ['no'] = 'Nein',
- ['promote'] = 'Befördern',
- ['promote_employee'] = '%s befördern',
- ['recruit'] = 'Einstellen',
- ['recruiting'] = 'Eingestellt',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'Gehaltsanzahl',
- ['salary_management'] = 'Gehaltsmanagement',
- ['grade_management'] = 'Grad Name Management',
- ['grade_label'] = 'Grad Name',
- ['check_society_balance'] = 'Überprüfe Firmengeld',
- ['wash_money'] = 'Geld Waschen',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'Anzahl zum Waschen',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'Anzahl einzahlen',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Geld auszahlen',
- ['yes'] = 'Ja',
- ['you_have'] = 'Du hast ~g~%s€~s~ wartent in deiner ~y~Geld Waschmaschine~s~ (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'Du hast dein Geld ~r~gewaschen~s~ Anzahl: ~g~%s€~s~',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'Du wurdest eingestellt %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Du wurdest eingestellt von %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'Du wurdest gefeuert %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Du wurdest gefeuert von %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'Du wurdest befördert %s zu als %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Du wurdest ~b~befördert~s~!'
+Locales["de"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "Aktionen",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "Bossmenü",
+ ["money_generic"] = "%s€",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "Anzahl einzahlen",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "Geld einzahlen",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Möchtest du %s einstellen?",
+ ["employee"] = "Mitarbeiter",
+ ["employee_list"] = "Mitarbeiter liste",
+ ["employee_management"] = "Mitarbeiter Management",
+ ["fire"] = "Feuern",
+ ["grade"] = "Grad",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "Du zahlst ein ~r~%s€~s~",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "Du zahlst aus ~g~%s€~s~",
+ ["check_balance"] = "Geld ist ~g~%s€",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "Dieses gehalt ist nicht erlaubt!",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "Ungültige Anzahl",
+ ["invalid_value_nochanges"] = "Ungültige Anzahl! Keine Änderungen gespeichert!",
+ ["no"] = "Nein",
+ ["promote"] = "Befördern",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "%s befördern",
+ ["recruit"] = "Einstellen",
+ ["recruiting"] = "Eingestellt",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "Gehaltsanzahl",
+ ["salary_management"] = "Gehaltsmanagement",
+ ["grade_management"] = "Grad Name Management",
+ ["grade_label"] = "Grad Name",
+ ["check_society_balance"] = "Überprüfe Firmengeld",
+ ["wash_money"] = "Geld Waschen",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "Anzahl zum Waschen",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "Anzahl einzahlen",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "Geld auszahlen",
+ ["yes"] = "Ja",
+ ["you_have"] = "Du hast ~g~%s€~s~ wartent in deiner ~y~Geld Waschmaschine~s~ (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "Du hast dein Geld ~r~gewaschen~s~ Anzahl: ~g~%s€~s~",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "Du wurdest eingestellt %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "Du wurdest eingestellt von %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "Du wurdest gefeuert %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "Du wurdest gefeuert von %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "Du wurdest befördert %s zu als %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Du wurdest ~b~befördert~s~!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/el.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/el.lua
index 4fac63eae..b22e7ac83 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/el.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/el.lua
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-Locales['el'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'Ενέργειες',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'Μενού αφεντικού',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'Ποσό κατάθεσης',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'Κατάθεση χρημάτων στην επιχείρηση',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Θέλετε να προσλάβετε τον/την %s;',
- ['employee'] = 'Υπάλληλος',
- ['employee_list'] = 'Κατάλογος υπαλλήλων',
- ['employee_management'] = 'Διαχείριση υπαλλήλων',
- ['fire'] = 'Απόλυση',
- ['grade'] = 'Βαθμός',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'Έχετε καταθέσει r%s €',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'Έχετε αναλάβει %s €',
- ['check_balance'] = 'Το υπόλοιπο είναι g%s €',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'Μη έγκυρο ποσό',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'Αυτό ο μισθός δεν επιτρέπεται',
- ['invalid_value'] = 'Μη έγκυρη τιμή',
- ['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'Μη έγκυρη τιμή, δεν έγιναν αλλαγές',
- ['no'] = 'Όχι',
- ['promote'] = 'Προαγωγή',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'Προαγωγή του/της %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'Πρόσληψη',
- ['recruiting'] = 'Γίνεται Πρόσληψη',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'Ποσό μισθού',
- ['salary_management'] = 'Διαχείριση μισθού',
- ['grade_management'] = 'Διαχείριση ετικέτας βαθμού',
- ['grade_label'] = 'Ετικέτα βαθμού',
- ['check_society_balance'] = 'Έλεγχος υπολοίπου της επιχείρησης',
- ['wash_money'] = 'Πλύση χρημάτων',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'Ποσό πλύσης',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'Ποσό ανάληψης',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Ανάληψη χρημάτων από την επιχείρηση',
- ['yes'] = 'Ναι',
- ['you_have'] = 'Έχετε $%s σε αναμονή πλύσης χρήματος (24ώρες).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'Έχετε πλύνει τα χρήματά σας: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'Έχετε προσλάβει τον/την %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Έχετε προσληφθεί από τον/την %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'Έχετε απολύσει τον/την %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Έχετε απολυθεί από τον/την %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'Έχετε προαγάγει τον/την %s ως %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Μόλις πήρατε προαγωγή',
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["el"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "Ενέργειες",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "Μενού αφεντικού",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "Ποσό κατάθεσης",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "Κατάθεση χρημάτων στην επιχείρηση",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Θέλετε να προσλάβετε τον/την %s;",
+ ["employee"] = "Υπάλληλος",
+ ["employee_list"] = "Κατάλογος υπαλλήλων",
+ ["employee_management"] = "Διαχείριση υπαλλήλων",
+ ["fire"] = "Απόλυση",
+ ["grade"] = "Βαθμός",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "Έχετε καταθέσει r%s €",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "Έχετε αναλάβει %s €",
+ ["check_balance"] = "Το υπόλοιπο είναι g%s €",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "Μη έγκυρο ποσό",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "Αυτό ο μισθός δεν επιτρέπεται",
+ ["invalid_value"] = "Μη έγκυρη τιμή",
+ ["invalid_value_nochanges"] = "Μη έγκυρη τιμή, δεν έγιναν αλλαγές",
+ ["no"] = "Όχι",
+ ["promote"] = "Προαγωγή",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "Προαγωγή του/της %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "Πρόσληψη",
+ ["recruiting"] = "Γίνεται Πρόσληψη",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "Ποσό μισθού",
+ ["salary_management"] = "Διαχείριση μισθού",
+ ["grade_management"] = "Διαχείριση ετικέτας βαθμού",
+ ["grade_label"] = "Ετικέτα βαθμού",
+ ["check_society_balance"] = "Έλεγχος υπολοίπου της επιχείρησης",
+ ["wash_money"] = "Πλύση χρημάτων",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "Ποσό πλύσης",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "Ποσό ανάληψης",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "Ανάληψη χρημάτων από την επιχείρηση",
+ ["yes"] = "Ναι",
+ ["you_have"] = "Έχετε $%s σε αναμονή πλύσης χρήματος (24ώρες).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "Έχετε πλύνει τα χρήματά σας: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "Έχετε προσλάβει τον/την %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "Έχετε προσληφθεί από τον/την %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "Έχετε απολύσει τον/την %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "Έχετε απολυθεί από τον/την %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "Έχετε προαγάγει τον/την %s ως %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Μόλις πήρατε προαγωγή",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fi.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fi.lua
index 0c6630f36..cb25f56a4 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fi.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fi.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['fi'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'toiminnot',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'boss menu',
- ['money_generic'] = '€%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'talletus summa',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'talleta yritykselle rahaa',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'do you want to recruit %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'työntekijä',
- ['employee_list'] = 'työntekijä lista',
- ['employee_management'] = 'työntekijöiden hallinta',
- ['fire'] = 'anna potkut',
- ['grade'] = 'taso',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'sinä talletit ~r~€%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'sinä nostit €%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'virheellinen summa',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'that salary is not allowed',
- ['no'] = 'ei',
- ['promote'] = 'ylennä',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'ylennä henkilö %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'rekrytoi',
- ['recruiting'] = 'rekrytointi',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'palkan määrä',
- ['salary_management'] = 'palkan hallinta',
- ['wash_money'] = 'pese rahaa',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'pestävä määrä',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'nostettava määrä',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'nosta yrityksen rahoja',
- ['yes'] = 'kyllä',
- ['you_have'] = 'you have €%s waiting in money laundering (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'olet ~r~pessyt rahojasi: €%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'sinä palkkasit henkilön %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'sinut on palkattu pelaajan %s toimesta',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'sinä annoit potkut pelaajalle %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'sinulle annettiin potkut työstä %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'sinä ylensit henkilön %s arvolle %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'sinut ylennettiin',
+Locales["fi"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "toiminnot",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "boss menu",
+ ["money_generic"] = "€%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "talletus summa",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "talleta yritykselle rahaa",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "do you want to recruit %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "työntekijä",
+ ["employee_list"] = "työntekijä lista",
+ ["employee_management"] = "työntekijöiden hallinta",
+ ["fire"] = "anna potkut",
+ ["grade"] = "taso",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "sinä talletit ~r~€%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "sinä nostit €%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "virheellinen summa",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "that salary is not allowed",
+ ["no"] = "ei",
+ ["promote"] = "ylennä",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "ylennä henkilö %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "rekrytoi",
+ ["recruiting"] = "rekrytointi",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "palkan määrä",
+ ["salary_management"] = "palkan hallinta",
+ ["wash_money"] = "pese rahaa",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "pestävä määrä",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "nostettava määrä",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "nosta yrityksen rahoja",
+ ["yes"] = "kyllä",
+ ["you_have"] = "you have €%s waiting in money laundering (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "olet ~r~pessyt rahojasi: €%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "sinä palkkasit henkilön %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "sinut on palkattu pelaajan %s toimesta",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "sinä annoit potkut pelaajalle %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "sinulle annettiin potkut työstä %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "sinä ylensit henkilön %s arvolle %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "sinut ylennettiin",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fr.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fr.lua
index 49fdc6a77..bd81d7894 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fr.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/fr.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['fr'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'actions',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'patron',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'montant du dépôt',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'déposer argent société',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Voulez-vous recruter %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'employé',
- ['employee_list'] = 'liste des employés',
- ['employee_management'] = 'gestion employés',
- ['fire'] = 'licencier',
- ['grade'] = 'grade',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'vous avez déposé ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'vous avez retiré $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'montant invalide',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'ce salaire est non réglementaire',
- ['no'] = 'non',
- ['promote'] = 'promouvoir',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'promouvoir %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'recruter',
- ['recruiting'] = 'recrutement',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'montant du salaire',
- ['salary_management'] = 'gestion salaires',
- ['wash_money'] = 'blanchir argent',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'montant à blanchir',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'montant du retrait',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'retirer argent société',
- ['yes'] = 'oui',
- ['you_have'] = 'vous avez $%s en attente de ~r~blanchiement (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'vous avez ~r~blanchi votre argent : $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'Vous avez recruté %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Vous avez été recruté dans la société %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'Vous avez viré %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Vous avez été viré de la société %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'Vous avez promu %s en tant que %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Vous avez été promu',
+Locales["fr"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "actions",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "patron",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "montant du dépôt",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "déposer argent société",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Voulez-vous recruter %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "employé",
+ ["employee_list"] = "liste des employés",
+ ["employee_management"] = "gestion employés",
+ ["fire"] = "licencier",
+ ["grade"] = "grade",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "vous avez déposé ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "vous avez retiré $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "montant invalide",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "ce salaire est non réglementaire",
+ ["no"] = "non",
+ ["promote"] = "promouvoir",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "promouvoir %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "recruter",
+ ["recruiting"] = "recrutement",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "montant du salaire",
+ ["salary_management"] = "gestion salaires",
+ ["wash_money"] = "blanchir argent",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "montant à blanchir",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "montant du retrait",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "retirer argent société",
+ ["yes"] = "oui",
+ ["you_have"] = "vous avez $%s en attente de ~r~blanchiement (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "vous avez ~r~blanchi votre argent : $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "Vous avez recruté %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "Vous avez été recruté dans la société %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "Vous avez viré %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "Vous avez été viré de la société %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "Vous avez promu %s en tant que %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Vous avez été promu",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/hu.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/hu.lua
index f60230cfb..f4330aaab 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/hu.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/hu.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['hu'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'Cselekvések',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'Fönök Menü',
- ['money_generic'] = '%s $',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'Frakcio pénz berakása',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'Frakcio pénz berakása',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Felszeretnéd venni %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'Munkavállalo',
- ['employee_list'] = 'Munkavállalok Listája',
- ['employee_management'] = 'Munkavállalok Kezelése',
- ['fire'] = 'Kirugás',
- ['grade'] = 'Fokozat',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'Sikeresen beraktál ~r~%s $',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'Sikeresen kivettél %s $',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'Érvénytelen mennyiség',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'Ez az összeg több mint a megengedett',
- ['no'] = 'Nem',
- ['promote'] = 'Elöléptetés',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'Elöléptetés %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'Felvétel',
- ['recruiting'] = 'Felvétel',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'Fizetés',
- ['salary_management'] = 'Fizetések kezelése',
- ['wash_money'] = 'Pénz mosás',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'Piszkos pénz mennyiség',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'Pénz mennyiség',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Frakcio pénz kivétele',
- ['yes'] = 'Igen',
- ['you_have'] = '%s$ várakozik a pénzmosásra (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = '~r~Kimostál ennyi pénzt: %s$',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'Sikeresen felvetted %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Sikeresen fel lettél véve %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'Sikeresen kirugtad %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Ki lettél rugva innen: %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'Elöléptettek: %s rang: %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Sikeresen elöléptettek!',
+Locales["hu"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "Cselekvések",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "Fönök Menü",
+ ["money_generic"] = "%s $",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "Frakcio pénz berakása",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "Frakcio pénz berakása",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Felszeretnéd venni %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "Munkavállalo",
+ ["employee_list"] = "Munkavállalok Listája",
+ ["employee_management"] = "Munkavállalok Kezelése",
+ ["fire"] = "Kirugás",
+ ["grade"] = "Fokozat",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "Sikeresen beraktál ~r~%s $",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "Sikeresen kivettél %s $",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "Érvénytelen mennyiség",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "Ez az összeg több mint a megengedett",
+ ["no"] = "Nem",
+ ["promote"] = "Elöléptetés",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "Elöléptetés %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "Felvétel",
+ ["recruiting"] = "Felvétel",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "Fizetés",
+ ["salary_management"] = "Fizetések kezelése",
+ ["wash_money"] = "Pénz mosás",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "Piszkos pénz mennyiség",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "Pénz mennyiség",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "Frakcio pénz kivétele",
+ ["yes"] = "Igen",
+ ["you_have"] = "%s$ várakozik a pénzmosásra (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "~r~Kimostál ennyi pénzt: %s$",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "Sikeresen felvetted %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "Sikeresen fel lettél véve %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "Sikeresen kirugtad %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "Ki lettél rugva innen: %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "Elöléptettek: %s rang: %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Sikeresen elöléptettek!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/it.lua
index f009412c2..87ed52634 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/it.lua
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-Locales['it'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'azioni',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'boss menu',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'importo del deposito',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'depositare i soldi della società',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'vuoi assumere %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'dipendente',
- ['employee_list'] = 'lista dipendenti',
- ['employee_management'] = 'gestione dipendenti',
- ['fire'] = 'licenzia',
- ['grade'] = 'grado',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'hai depositato ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'hai prelevato $%s',
- ['check_balance'] = 'il saldo è ~g~$%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'importo non valido',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'quel salario non è consentito',
- ['no'] = 'no',
- ['promote'] = 'promuovi',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'promuovere il dipendente %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'reclutare',
- ['recruiting'] = 'reclutamento',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'importo dello stipendio',
- ['salary_management'] = 'gestione stipendi',
- ['grade_management'] = 'gestione gradi dipendenti',
- ['grade_label'] = 'gradi',
- ['check_society_balance'] = 'controllo bilancio società',
- ['wash_money'] = 'ricicla denaro',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'importo da riciclare',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'ritira importo',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'ritira i soldi dalla società',
- ['yes'] = 'si',
- ['you_have'] = 'hai $%s in attesa di riciclaggio (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'hai ~r~riciclato i tuoi soldi: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'hai assunto %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'sei stato assunto da %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'hai licenziato %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'sei stato licenziato da %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'hai promosso %s come %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'hai avuto una promozione!',
- ['invalid_value'] = 'valore non valido',
- ['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'valore non valido nessuna modifica applicata',
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["it"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "azioni",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "boss menu",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "importo del deposito",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "depositare i soldi della società",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "vuoi assumere %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "dipendente",
+ ["employee_list"] = "lista dipendenti",
+ ["employee_management"] = "gestione dipendenti",
+ ["fire"] = "licenzia",
+ ["grade"] = "grado",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "hai depositato ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "hai prelevato $%s",
+ ["check_balance"] = "il saldo è ~g~$%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "importo non valido",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "quel salario non è consentito",
+ ["no"] = "no",
+ ["promote"] = "promuovi",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "promuovere il dipendente %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "reclutare",
+ ["recruiting"] = "reclutamento",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "importo dello stipendio",
+ ["salary_management"] = "gestione stipendi",
+ ["grade_management"] = "gestione gradi dipendenti",
+ ["grade_label"] = "gradi",
+ ["check_society_balance"] = "controllo bilancio società",
+ ["wash_money"] = "ricicla denaro",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "importo da riciclare",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "ritira importo",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "ritira i soldi dalla società",
+ ["yes"] = "si",
+ ["you_have"] = "hai $%s in attesa di riciclaggio (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "hai ~r~riciclato i tuoi soldi: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "hai assunto %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "sei stato assunto da %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "hai licenziato %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "sei stato licenziato da %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "hai promosso %s come %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "hai avuto una promozione!",
+ ["invalid_value"] = "valore non valido",
+ ["invalid_value_nochanges"] = "valore non valido nessuna modifica applicata",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/nl.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/nl.lua
index 0a5d9c74c..607cd158b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/nl.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/nl.lua
@@ -1,38 +1,37 @@
-Locales['nl'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'acties',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'baas menu',
- ['money_generic'] = '€%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'stort hoeveelheid',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'stort maatschappij geld',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Wil je %s aannemen?',
- ['employee'] = 'werknemer',
- ['employee_list'] = 'werknemer lijst',
- ['employee_management'] = 'werknemer beheer',
- ['fire'] = 'ontslaan',
- ['grade'] = 'schaal',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'je hebt gestort ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'je hebt opgenomen $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'ongeldige hoeveelheid',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'dit salaris is niet toegestaan',
- ['no'] = 'nee',
- ['promote'] = 'promoveer',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'promoveer %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'werv',
- ['recruiting'] = 'werven',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'salaris hoeveelheid',
- ['salary_management'] = 'salaris beheer',
- ['wash_money'] = 'witwas geld',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'hoeveelheid om wit te wassen',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'opneem hoeveelheid',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'neem maatschappelijk geld op',
- ['yes'] = 'ja',
- ['you_have'] = 'je hebt €%s staan in geld witwassen (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'je hebt je geld: €%s ~r~witgewassen ',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'je bent gevraagt %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'je bent aangenomen door %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'je bent ontslagen %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'je bent ondslagen van %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'je hebt gepromoveerd %s naar %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'je bent gepromoveerd!',
+Locales["nl"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "acties",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "baas menu",
+ ["money_generic"] = "€%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "stort hoeveelheid",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "stort maatschappij geld",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Wil je %s aannemen?",
+ ["employee"] = "werknemer",
+ ["employee_list"] = "werknemer lijst",
+ ["employee_management"] = "werknemer beheer",
+ ["fire"] = "ontslaan",
+ ["grade"] = "schaal",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "je hebt gestort ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "je hebt opgenomen $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "ongeldige hoeveelheid",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "dit salaris is niet toegestaan",
+ ["no"] = "nee",
+ ["promote"] = "promoveer",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "promoveer %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "werv",
+ ["recruiting"] = "werven",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "salaris hoeveelheid",
+ ["salary_management"] = "salaris beheer",
+ ["wash_money"] = "witwas geld",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "hoeveelheid om wit te wassen",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "opneem hoeveelheid",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "neem maatschappelijk geld op",
+ ["yes"] = "ja",
+ ["you_have"] = "je hebt €%s staan in geld witwassen (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "je hebt je geld: €%s ~r~witgewassen ",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "je bent gevraagt %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "je bent aangenomen door %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "je bent ontslagen %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "je bent ondslagen van %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "je hebt gepromoveerd %s naar %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "je bent gepromoveerd!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/pl.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/pl.lua
index d2051df65..ef52a54a0 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/pl.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/pl.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['pl'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'akcje',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'boss menu',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'ilość depozytu',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'zdeponuj społeczne pieniądze',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'czy chcesz zrekrutować %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'pracownik',
- ['employee_list'] = 'lista pracowników',
- ['employee_management'] = 'zarządzanie pracownikami',
- ['fire'] = 'zwolnij',
- ['grade'] = 'stopień',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'zdeponowałeś ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'wypłaciłeś $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'nieprawidłowa wartość',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'that salary is not allowed',
- ['no'] = 'nie',
- ['promote'] = 'awansuj',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'awansuj %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'zrekrutuj',
- ['recruiting'] = 'rekrutacja',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'wartość wynagrodzenia',
- ['salary_management'] = 'zarządzaj wynagrodzeniem',
- ['wash_money'] = 'wypierz pieniądze',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'wartość do wyprania',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'wartość wypłaty',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'wypłać społeczne pieniądze',
- ['yes'] = 'tak',
- ['you_have'] = 'masz %s$ czekanie w pralni pieniędzmi (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = '~r~Wyprałeś twoje pieniądze: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'zatrudniłeś %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'zostałeś zatrudniony przez %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'zwolniłeś %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'zostałeś zwolniony %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'awansowałeś %s na %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'zostałeś awansowany',
+Locales["pl"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "akcje",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "boss menu",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "ilość depozytu",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "zdeponuj społeczne pieniądze",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "czy chcesz zrekrutować %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "pracownik",
+ ["employee_list"] = "lista pracowników",
+ ["employee_management"] = "zarządzanie pracownikami",
+ ["fire"] = "zwolnij",
+ ["grade"] = "stopień",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "zdeponowałeś ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "wypłaciłeś $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "nieprawidłowa wartość",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "that salary is not allowed",
+ ["no"] = "nie",
+ ["promote"] = "awansuj",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "awansuj %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "zrekrutuj",
+ ["recruiting"] = "rekrutacja",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "wartość wynagrodzenia",
+ ["salary_management"] = "zarządzaj wynagrodzeniem",
+ ["wash_money"] = "wypierz pieniądze",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "wartość do wyprania",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "wartość wypłaty",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "wypłać społeczne pieniądze",
+ ["yes"] = "tak",
+ ["you_have"] = "masz %s$ czekanie w pralni pieniędzmi (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "~r~Wyprałeś twoje pieniądze: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "zatrudniłeś %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "zostałeś zatrudniony przez %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "zwolniłeś %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "zostałeś zwolniony %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "awansowałeś %s na %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "zostałeś awansowany",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/si.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/si.lua
index 5ca0d1a37..bd8d905c5 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/si.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/si.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['si'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'actions',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'meni šefa',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'znesek depozita',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'denar za depozit družbe',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = "ali želite zaposliti %s?",
- ['employee'] = 'zaposleni',
- ['employee_list'] = 'seznam zaposlenih',
- ['employee_management'] = 'upravljanje zaposlenih',
- ['fire'] = 'ogenj',
- ['grade'] = 'razred',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'deponirali ste ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'umaknili ste $%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'neveljaven znesek',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'ta plača ni dovoljena',
- ['no'] = 'ne',
- ['promote'] = 'spodbujam',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'promoviraj %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'zaposli',
- ["recruiting"] = "recruiting",
- ["salary_amount"] = "znesek plače",
- ['salary_management'] = 'upravljanje plač',
- ['wash_money'] = 'pranje denarja',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'znesek za pranje',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'znesek za izplačilo',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'umakni denar iz družbe',
- ['yes'] = 'da',
- ['you_have'] = 'imaš $%s, ki čaka v money laundering (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'imaš ~r~laundered svoj denar: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'zaposlil si %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'najel vas je %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'odpustili ste %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'ste bili odpuščeni iz %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'napredovali ste %s kot %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'bil si promoviran!',
+Locales["si"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "actions",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "meni šefa",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "znesek depozita",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "denar za depozit družbe",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "ali želite zaposliti %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "zaposleni",
+ ["employee_list"] = "seznam zaposlenih",
+ ["employee_management"] = "upravljanje zaposlenih",
+ ["fire"] = "ogenj",
+ ["grade"] = "razred",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "deponirali ste ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "umaknili ste $%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "neveljaven znesek",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "ta plača ni dovoljena",
+ ["no"] = "ne",
+ ["promote"] = "spodbujam",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "promoviraj %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "zaposli",
+ ["recruiting"] = "recruiting",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "znesek plače",
+ ["salary_management"] = "upravljanje plač",
+ ["wash_money"] = "pranje denarja",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "znesek za pranje",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "znesek za izplačilo",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "umakni denar iz družbe",
+ ["yes"] = "da",
+ ["you_have"] = "imaš $%s, ki čaka v money laundering (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "imaš ~r~laundered svoj denar: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "zaposlil si %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "najel vas je %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "odpustili ste %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "ste bili odpuščeni iz %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "napredovali ste %s kot %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "bil si promoviran!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sr.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sr.lua
index 2c037708a..ef87582ba 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sr.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sr.lua
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-Locales['sr'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'Akcije',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'Šef Meni',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'Iznos depozita',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'Ostavi novac firme',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'Da li želiš da regrutuješ %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'Radnik',
- ['employee_list'] = 'Lista radnika',
- ['employee_management'] = 'Upravljanje zaposlenima',
- ['fire'] = 'Otpusti',
- ['grade'] = 'Rank',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'Ostavili ste ~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'Podigli ste $%s',
- ['check_balance'] = 'Balans: ~g~$%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'Nevažeći iznos',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'Tolika plata nije dozvoljena',
- ['invalid_value'] = 'Nevažeći iznos',
- ['invalid_value_nochanges']= 'Nevažeći iznos, izmene nisu sacuvane',
- ['no'] = 'Ne',
- ['promote'] = 'Unapredi',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'Unapredi %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'Zaposli',
- ['recruiting'] = 'Zapošljavanje',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'Visina plate',
- ['salary_management'] = 'Upravljanje platom',
- ['grade_management'] = 'Upravljanje nazivom ranka',
- ['grade_label'] = 'Naziv ranka',
- ['check_society_balance'] = 'Proverite stanje na računu firme',
- ['wash_money'] = 'Operi novac',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'Iznos novca za pranje',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'Iznos za podizanje',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'Podigni novac sa računa firme',
- ['yes'] = 'Da',
- ['you_have'] = 'Imate $%s koji čekaju za pranje (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'Oprali ste ~r~vaš novac: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'Zaposlili ste %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'Zaposleni ste od strane %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'Otpustili ste %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'Otpušteni ste od strane %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'Unapredili ste %s na %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Vi ste unapređeni!'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["sr"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "Akcije",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "Šef Meni",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "Iznos depozita",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "Ostavi novac firme",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "Da li želiš da regrutuješ %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "Radnik",
+ ["employee_list"] = "Lista radnika",
+ ["employee_management"] = "Upravljanje zaposlenima",
+ ["fire"] = "Otpusti",
+ ["grade"] = "Rank",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "Ostavili ste ~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "Podigli ste $%s",
+ ["check_balance"] = "Balans: ~g~$%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "Nevažeći iznos",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "Tolika plata nije dozvoljena",
+ ["invalid_value"] = "Nevažeći iznos",
+ ["invalid_value_nochanges"] = "Nevažeći iznos, izmene nisu sacuvane",
+ ["no"] = "Ne",
+ ["promote"] = "Unapredi",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "Unapredi %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "Zaposli",
+ ["recruiting"] = "Zapošljavanje",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "Visina plate",
+ ["salary_management"] = "Upravljanje platom",
+ ["grade_management"] = "Upravljanje nazivom ranka",
+ ["grade_label"] = "Naziv ranka",
+ ["check_society_balance"] = "Proverite stanje na računu firme",
+ ["wash_money"] = "Operi novac",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "Iznos novca za pranje",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "Iznos za podizanje",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "Podigni novac sa računa firme",
+ ["yes"] = "Da",
+ ["you_have"] = "Imate $%s koji čekaju za pranje (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "Oprali ste ~r~vaš novac: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "Zaposlili ste %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "Zaposleni ste od strane %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "Otpustili ste %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "Otpušteni ste od strane %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "Unapredili ste %s na %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Vi ste unapređeni!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sv.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sv.lua
index 217009749..68b9a7795 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sv.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/sv.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['sv'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'handlingar',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'chefmeny',
- ['money_generic'] = '%s SEK',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'insättningsbelopp',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'insätt samhälls pengar',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = 'vill du anställa %s?',
- ['employee'] = 'anställd',
- ['employee_list'] = 'anställningslista',
- ['employee_management'] = 'medarbetarhantering',
- ['fire'] = 'sparka',
- ['grade'] = 'grade',
- ['have_deposited'] = 'du har satt in ~r~%s SEK',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = 'du har tagit ut %s SEK',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'ogiltigt belopp',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'den lönen är inte tillåten',
- ['no'] = 'nej',
- ['promote'] = 'befodra',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'befodra %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'rekrytera',
- ['recruiting'] = 'rekrytering',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'lön belopp',
- ['salary_management'] = 'lönhantering',
- ['wash_money'] = 'tvätta pengar',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'belopp att tvätta',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'Ta ut summan',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'ta ut samhällspengar',
- ['yes'] = 'ja',
- ['you_have'] = 'du har %s SEK som väntar på pengartvätt (24h).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = 'du har ~r~tvättat dina pengar: %s SEK',
- ['you_have_hired'] = 'du har anställt %s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = 'du har blivit anställd utav %s',
- ['you_have_fired'] = 'du har ~r~sparkat %s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = 'du har blivit ~r~sparkad utav %s',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = 'du har befodrat %s till %s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'du har blivit befodrad',
+Locales["sv"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "handlingar",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "chefmeny",
+ ["money_generic"] = "%s SEK",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "insättningsbelopp",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "insätt samhälls pengar",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "vill du anställa %s?",
+ ["employee"] = "anställd",
+ ["employee_list"] = "anställningslista",
+ ["employee_management"] = "medarbetarhantering",
+ ["fire"] = "sparka",
+ ["grade"] = "grade",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "du har satt in ~r~%s SEK",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "du har tagit ut %s SEK",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "ogiltigt belopp",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "den lönen är inte tillåten",
+ ["no"] = "nej",
+ ["promote"] = "befodra",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "befodra %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "rekrytera",
+ ["recruiting"] = "rekrytering",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "lön belopp",
+ ["salary_management"] = "lönhantering",
+ ["wash_money"] = "tvätta pengar",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "belopp att tvätta",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "Ta ut summan",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "ta ut samhällspengar",
+ ["yes"] = "ja",
+ ["you_have"] = "du har %s SEK som väntar på pengartvätt (24h).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "du har ~r~tvättat dina pengar: %s SEK",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "du har anställt %s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "du har blivit anställd utav %s",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "du har ~r~sparkat %s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "du har blivit ~r~sparkad utav %s",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "du har befodrat %s till %s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "du har blivit befodrad",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/tr.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/tr.lua
index b2bb0c16b..cfe370e62 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/tr.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/tr.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-Locales['tr'] = {
- ['actions'] = 'eylemler',
- ['boss_menu'] = 'patron menüsü',
- ['money_generic'] = '%s TL',
- ['deposit_amount'] = 'yatırılacak miktar',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = 'şirkete para yatır',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = '%s adlı kişiyi işe almak istiyor musun?',
- ['employee'] = 'işçi',
- ['employee_list'] = 'işçi listesi',
- ['employee_management'] = 'işçi yönetimi',
- ['fire'] = 'kov',
- ['grade'] = 'kıdem ver',
- ['have_deposited'] = '~r~%s lira yatırdın',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = '$%s lira çektin',
- ['invalid_amount'] = 'miktar hatalı',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = 'bu maaşa izin verilmiyor',
- ['no'] = 'hayır',
- ['promote'] = 'yükseltme',
- ['promote_employee'] = 'yükselt %s',
- ['recruit'] = 'işe al',
- ['recruiting'] = 'işe alım',
- ['salary_amount'] = 'maaş miktarı',
- ['salary_management'] = 'maaş yönetimi',
- ['wash_money'] = 'para akla',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = 'aklanacak miktar',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = 'çekilecek miktar',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = 'çekilecek şirket parası',
- ['yes'] = 'evet',
- ['you_have'] = '%s Lira para zaten aklanmayı bekliyor (24s).',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = '%s Lira para ~r~akladın',
- ['you_have_hired'] = '%s adlı kişiyi işe aldın',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = '%s tarafından işe alındın',
- ['you_have_fired'] = '%s adlı kişi kovuldu',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = '%s tarafından kovuldun',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = '%s olan kıdemin, %s yükseltildi',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = 'Kıdem aldın!',
+Locales["tr"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "eylemler",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "patron menüsü",
+ ["money_generic"] = "%s TL",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "yatırılacak miktar",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "şirkete para yatır",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "%s adlı kişiyi işe almak istiyor musun?",
+ ["employee"] = "işçi",
+ ["employee_list"] = "işçi listesi",
+ ["employee_management"] = "işçi yönetimi",
+ ["fire"] = "kov",
+ ["grade"] = "kıdem ver",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "~r~%s lira yatırdın",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "$%s lira çektin",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "miktar hatalı",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "bu maaşa izin verilmiyor",
+ ["no"] = "hayır",
+ ["promote"] = "yükseltme",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "yükselt %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "işe al",
+ ["recruiting"] = "işe alım",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "maaş miktarı",
+ ["salary_management"] = "maaş yönetimi",
+ ["wash_money"] = "para akla",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "aklanacak miktar",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "çekilecek miktar",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "çekilecek şirket parası",
+ ["yes"] = "evet",
+ ["you_have"] = "%s Lira para zaten aklanmayı bekliyor (24s).",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "%s Lira para ~r~akladın",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "%s adlı kişiyi işe aldın",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "%s tarafından işe alındın",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "%s adlı kişi kovuldu",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "%s tarafından kovuldun",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "%s olan kıdemin, %s yükseltildi",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "Kıdem aldın!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/zh-cn.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/zh-cn.lua
index ba0b57734..8c1b253ed 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/zh-cn.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/locales/zh-cn.lua
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-Locales['zh-cn'] = {
- ['actions'] = '可操作功能',
- ['boss_menu'] = '人事管理',
- ['money_generic'] = '$%s',
- ['deposit_amount'] = '存款金额',
- ['deposit_society_money'] = '存放资金',
- ['do_you_want_to_recruit'] = '确认招聘:%s?',
- ['employee'] = '人事管理',
- ['employee_list'] = '员工列表',
- ['employee_management'] = '员工管理',
- ['fire'] = '开除',
- ['grade'] = '职位职称',
- ['have_deposited'] = '成功存入资金:~r~$%s',
- ['have_withdrawn'] = '成功取出资金:$%s',
- ['check_balance'] = '当前余额: ~g~$%s',
- ['invalid_amount'] = '无效的金额输入!请重新检查',
- ['invalid_amount_max'] = '此次的薪资水平设置失败!请重新设置',
- ['invalid_value'] = '输入为无效值',
- ['invalid_value_nochanges']= '无效值,未应用任何更改',
- ['no'] = '取消',
- ['promote'] = '提升职称',
- ['promote_employee'] = '升职到: %s',
- ['recruit'] = '招募',
- ['recruiting'] = '正在完成招募员工',
- ['salary_amount'] = '薪资金额',
- ['salary_management'] = '薪资管理',
- ['grade_management'] = '职称设置',
- ['grade_label'] = '设置职称',
- ['check_society_balance'] = '查看余额',
- ['wash_money'] = '进行洗钱',
- ['wash_money_amount'] = '洗钱金额',
- ['withdraw_amount'] = '取款金额',
- ['withdraw_society_money'] = '提取公司公帐',
- ['yes'] = '确认',
- ['you_have'] = '当前一笔:$%s 的待洗钱账单!请耐心等候.',
- ['you_have_laundered'] = '完成洗钱: $%s',
- ['you_have_hired'] = '成功招聘:%s',
- ['you_have_been_hired'] = '成功被 %s 雇佣!恭喜',
- ['you_have_fired'] = '成功开除:%s',
- ['you_have_been_fired'] = '您已被 %s 开除!',
- ['you_have_promoted'] = '您已将 %s 提拔至:%s',
- ['you_have_been_promoted'] = '您获得新职位!'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["zh-cn"] = {
+ ["actions"] = "可操作功能",
+ ["boss_menu"] = "人事管理",
+ ["money_generic"] = "$%s",
+ ["deposit_amount"] = "存款金额",
+ ["deposit_society_money"] = "存放资金",
+ ["do_you_want_to_recruit"] = "确认招聘:%s?",
+ ["employee"] = "人事管理",
+ ["employee_list"] = "员工列表",
+ ["employee_management"] = "员工管理",
+ ["fire"] = "开除",
+ ["grade"] = "职位职称",
+ ["have_deposited"] = "成功存入资金:~r~$%s",
+ ["have_withdrawn"] = "成功取出资金:$%s",
+ ["check_balance"] = "当前余额: ~g~$%s",
+ ["invalid_amount"] = "无效的金额输入!请重新检查",
+ ["invalid_amount_max"] = "此次的薪资水平设置失败!请重新设置",
+ ["invalid_value"] = "输入为无效值",
+ ["invalid_value_nochanges"] = "无效值,未应用任何更改",
+ ["no"] = "取消",
+ ["promote"] = "提升职称",
+ ["promote_employee"] = "升职到: %s",
+ ["recruit"] = "招募",
+ ["recruiting"] = "正在完成招募员工",
+ ["salary_amount"] = "薪资金额",
+ ["salary_management"] = "薪资管理",
+ ["grade_management"] = "职称设置",
+ ["grade_label"] = "设置职称",
+ ["check_society_balance"] = "查看余额",
+ ["wash_money"] = "进行洗钱",
+ ["wash_money_amount"] = "洗钱金额",
+ ["withdraw_amount"] = "取款金额",
+ ["withdraw_society_money"] = "提取公司公帐",
+ ["yes"] = "确认",
+ ["you_have"] = "当前一笔:$%s 的待洗钱账单!请耐心等候.",
+ ["you_have_laundered"] = "完成洗钱: $%s",
+ ["you_have_hired"] = "成功招聘:%s",
+ ["you_have_been_hired"] = "成功被 %s 雇佣!恭喜",
+ ["you_have_fired"] = "成功开除:%s",
+ ["you_have_been_fired"] = "您已被 %s 开除!",
+ ["you_have_promoted"] = "您已将 %s 提拔至:%s",
+ ["you_have_been_promoted"] = "您获得新职位!",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
index bb3ea16b0..d23b65fd8 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
@@ -2,450 +2,441 @@ local Jobs = {}
local RegisteredSocieties = {}
function GetSociety(name)
- for i=1, #RegisteredSocieties, 1 do
- if RegisteredSocieties[i].name == name then
- return RegisteredSocieties[i]
- end
- end
+ for i = 1, #RegisteredSocieties, 1 do
+ if RegisteredSocieties[i].name == name then
+ return RegisteredSocieties[i]
+ end
+ end
-AddEventHandler('onResourceStart', function(resourceName)
- if resourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
- local result = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM jobs')
+AddEventHandler("onResourceStart", function(resourceName)
+ if resourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
+ local result = MySQL.query.await("SELECT * FROM jobs")
- for i = 1, #result, 1 do
- Jobs[result[i].name] = result[i]
- Jobs[result[i].name].grades = {}
- end
+ for i = 1, #result, 1 do
+ Jobs[result[i].name] = result[i]
+ Jobs[result[i].name].grades = {}
+ end
- local result2 = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM job_grades')
+ local result2 = MySQL.query.await("SELECT * FROM job_grades")
- for i = 1, #result2, 1 do
- Jobs[result2[i].job_name].grades[tostring(result2[i].grade)] = result2[i]
- end
- end
+ for i = 1, #result2, 1 do
+ Jobs[result2[i].job_name].grades[tostring(result2[i].grade)] = result2[i]
+ end
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:registerSociety', function(name, label, account, datastore, inventory, data)
- local found = false
- local society = {
- name = name,
- label = label,
- account = account,
- datastore = datastore,
- inventory = inventory,
- data = data
- }
- for i=1, #RegisteredSocieties, 1 do
- if RegisteredSocieties[i].name == name then
- found, RegisteredSocieties[i] = true, society
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- table.insert(RegisteredSocieties, society)
- end
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:registerSociety", function(name, label, account, datastore, inventory, data)
+ local found = false
+ local society = {
+ name = name,
+ label = label,
+ account = account,
+ datastore = datastore,
+ inventory = inventory,
+ data = data,
+ }
+ for i = 1, #RegisteredSocieties, 1 do
+ if RegisteredSocieties[i].name == name then
+ found, RegisteredSocieties[i] = true, society
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ table.insert(RegisteredSocieties, society)
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:getSocieties', function(cb)
- cb(RegisteredSocieties)
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:getSocieties", function(cb)
+ cb(RegisteredSocieties)
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:getSociety', function(name, cb)
- cb(GetSociety(name))
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:getSociety", function(name, cb)
+ cb(GetSociety(name))
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:checkSocietyBalance', function(society)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local society = GetSociety(society)
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:checkSocietyBalance", function(society)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local society = GetSociety(society)
- if xPlayer.job.name ~= society.name then
- print(('esx_society: %s attempted to call checkSocietyBalance!'):format(xPlayer.identifier))
- return
- end
+ if xPlayer.job.name ~= society.name then
+ print(("esx_society: %s attempted to call checkSocietyBalance!"):format(xPlayer.identifier))
+ return
+ end
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', society.account, function(account)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", xPlayer.source, _U('check_balance', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(account.money)))
- end)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", xPlayer.source, _U("check_balance", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(account.money)))
+ end)
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:withdrawMoney', function(societyName, amount)
- local source = source
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to withdraw from non-existing society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, societyName))
- return
- end
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
- if xPlayer.job.name == society.name then
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', society.account, function(account)
- if amount > 0 and account.money >= amount then
- account.removeMoney(amount)
- xPlayer.addMoney(amount, "Society Withdraw")
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('have_withdrawn', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- end
- end)
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to withdraw from society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, society.name))
- end
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:withdrawMoney", function(societyName, amount)
+ local source = source
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to withdraw from non-existing society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
+ if xPlayer.job.name == society.name then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
+ if amount > 0 and account.money >= amount then
+ account.removeMoney(amount)
+ xPlayer.addMoney(amount, "Society Withdraw")
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("have_withdrawn", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ end
+ end)
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to withdraw from society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, society.name))
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:depositMoney', function(societyName, amount)
- local source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to deposit to non-existing society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, societyName))
- return
- end
- amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
- if xPlayer.job.name == society.name then
- if amount > 0 and xPlayer.getMoney() >= amount then
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', society.account, function(account)
- xPlayer.removeMoney(amount, "Society Deposit")
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('have_deposited', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- account.addMoney(amount)
- end)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- end
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to deposit to society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, society.name))
- end
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:depositMoney", function(societyName, amount)
+ local source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to deposit to non-existing society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
+ if xPlayer.job.name == society.name then
+ if amount > 0 and xPlayer.getMoney() >= amount then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
+ xPlayer.removeMoney(amount, "Society Deposit")
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("have_deposited", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ account.addMoney(amount)
+ end)
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ end
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to deposit to society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, society.name))
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:washMoney', function(society, amount)
- local source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local account = xPlayer.getAccount('black_money')
- amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
- if xPlayer.job.name == society then
- if amount and amount > 0 and account.money >= amount then
- xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('black_money', amount, "Washing")
- MySQL.insert('INSERT INTO society_moneywash (identifier, society, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', {xPlayer.identifier, society, amount},
- function()
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('you_have', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- end)
- else
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('invalid_amount'))
- end
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to wash money in society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, society))
- end
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:washMoney", function(society, amount)
+ local source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local account = xPlayer.getAccount("black_money")
+ amount = ESX.Math.Round(tonumber(amount))
+ if xPlayer.job.name == society then
+ if amount and amount > 0 and account.money >= amount then
+ xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("black_money", amount, "Washing")
+ MySQL.insert("INSERT INTO society_moneywash (identifier, society, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", { xPlayer.identifier, society, amount }, function()
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ end)
+ else
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ end
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to wash money in society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, society))
+ end
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:putVehicleInGarage', function(societyName, vehicle)
- local source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to put vehicle in non-existing society garage - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, societyName))
- return
- end
- TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore', society.datastore, function(store)
- local garage = store.get('garage') or {}
- table.insert(garage, vehicle)
- store.set('garage', garage)
- end)
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:putVehicleInGarage", function(societyName, vehicle)
+ local source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to put vehicle in non-existing society garage - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ TriggerEvent("esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore", society.datastore, function(store)
+ local garage = store.get("garage") or {}
+ table.insert(garage, vehicle)
+ store.set("garage", garage)
+ end)
-AddEventHandler('esx_society:removeVehicleFromGarage', function(societyName, vehicle)
- local source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to remove vehicle from non-existing society garage - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, societyName))
- return
- end
- TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore', society.datastore, function(store)
- local garage = store.get('garage') or {}
- for i=1, #garage, 1 do
- if garage[i].plate == vehicle.plate then
- table.remove(garage, i)
- break
- end
- end
- store.set('garage', garage)
- end)
+AddEventHandler("esx_society:removeVehicleFromGarage", function(societyName, vehicle)
+ local source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to remove vehicle from non-existing society garage - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ TriggerEvent("esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore", society.datastore, function(store)
+ local garage = store.get("garage") or {}
+ for i = 1, #garage, 1 do
+ if garage[i].plate == vehicle.plate then
+ table.remove(garage, i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ store.set("garage", garage)
+ end)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:getSocietyMoney', function(source, cb, societyName)
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to get money from non-existing society - ^5%s^7!'):format(source, societyName))
- return
- end
- if society then
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', society.account, function(account)
- cb(account.money)
- end)
- else
- cb(0)
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:getSocietyMoney", function(source, cb, societyName)
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to get money from non-existing society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ if society then
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
+ cb(account.money)
+ end)
+ else
+ cb(0)
+ end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:getEmployees', function(_, cb, society)
- local employees = {}
- local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers('job', society)
- for i=1, #(xPlayers) do
- local xPlayer = xPlayers[i]
- local name = xPlayer.name
- if Config.EnableESXIdentity and name == GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source) then
- name = xPlayer.get('firstName') .. ' ' .. xPlayer.get('lastName')
- end
- table.insert(employees, {
- name = name,
- identifier = xPlayer.identifier,
- job = {
- name = society,
- label = xPlayer.job.label,
- grade = xPlayer.job.grade,
- grade_name = xPlayer.job.grade_name,
- grade_label = xPlayer.job.grade_label
- }
- })
- end
- local query = "SELECT identifier, job_grade FROM `users` WHERE `job`= ? ORDER BY job_grade DESC"
- if Config.EnableESXIdentity then
- query = "SELECT identifier, job_grade, firstname, lastname FROM `users` WHERE `job`= ? ORDER BY job_grade DESC"
- end
- MySQL.query(query, {society},
- function(result)
- for _, row in pairs(result) do
- local alreadyInTable
- local identifier = row.identifier
- for _, v in pairs(employees) do
- if v.identifier == identifier then
- alreadyInTable = true
- end
- end
- if not alreadyInTable then
- local name = "Name not found." -- maybe this should be a locale instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- if Config.EnableESXIdentity then
- name = row.firstname .. ' ' .. row.lastname
- end
- table.insert(employees, {
- name = name,
- identifier = identifier,
- job = {
- name = society,
- label = Jobs[society].label,
- grade = row.job_grade,
- grade_name = Jobs[society].grades[tostring(row.job_grade)].name,
- grade_label = Jobs[society].grades[tostring(row.job_grade)].label
- }
- })
- end
- end
- cb(employees)
- end)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:getEmployees", function(_, cb, society)
+ local employees = {}
+ local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers("job", society)
+ for i = 1, #xPlayers do
+ local xPlayer = xPlayers[i]
+ local name = xPlayer.name
+ if Config.EnableESXIdentity and name == GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source) then
+ name = xPlayer.get("firstName") .. " " .. xPlayer.get("lastName")
+ end
+ table.insert(employees, {
+ name = name,
+ identifier = xPlayer.identifier,
+ job = {
+ name = society,
+ label = xPlayer.job.label,
+ grade = xPlayer.job.grade,
+ grade_name = xPlayer.job.grade_name,
+ grade_label = xPlayer.job.grade_label,
+ },
+ })
+ end
+ local query = "SELECT identifier, job_grade FROM `users` WHERE `job`= ? ORDER BY job_grade DESC"
+ if Config.EnableESXIdentity then
+ query = "SELECT identifier, job_grade, firstname, lastname FROM `users` WHERE `job`= ? ORDER BY job_grade DESC"
+ end
+ MySQL.query(query, { society }, function(result)
+ for _, row in pairs(result) do
+ local alreadyInTable
+ local identifier = row.identifier
+ for _, v in pairs(employees) do
+ if v.identifier == identifier then
+ alreadyInTable = true
+ end
+ end
+ if not alreadyInTable then
+ local name = "Name not found." -- maybe this should be a locale instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ if Config.EnableESXIdentity then
+ name = row.firstname .. " " .. row.lastname
+ end
+ table.insert(employees, {
+ name = name,
+ identifier = identifier,
+ job = {
+ name = society,
+ label = Jobs[society].label,
+ grade = row.job_grade,
+ grade_name = Jobs[society].grades[tostring(row.job_grade)].name,
+ grade_label = Jobs[society].grades[tostring(row.job_grade)].label,
+ },
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ cb(employees)
+ end)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:getJob', function(_, cb, society)
- local job = json.decode(json.encode(Jobs[society]))
- local grades = {}
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(_, cb, society)
+ local job = json.decode(json.encode(Jobs[society]))
+ local grades = {}
- for _,v in pairs(job.grades) do
- table.insert(grades, v)
- end
+ for _, v in pairs(job.grades) do
+ table.insert(grades, v)
+ end
- table.sort(grades, function(a, b)
- return a.grade < b.grade
- end)
+ table.sort(grades, function(a, b)
+ return a.grade < b.grade
+ end)
- job.grades = grades
+ job.grades = grades
- cb(job)
+ cb(job)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function(source, cb, identifier, job, grade, type)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- local isBoss = xPlayer.job.grade_name == 'boss'
- local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(identifier)
- if isBoss then
- if xTarget then
- xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
- if type == 'hire' then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U('you_have_been_hired', job))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_hired", xTarget.getName()))
- elseif type == 'promote' then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U('you_have_been_promoted'))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_promoted", xTarget.getName()))
- elseif type == 'fire' then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U('you_have_been_fired', xTarget.getJob().label))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_fired", xTarget.getName()))
- end
- cb()
- else
- MySQL.update('UPDATE users SET job = ?, job_grade = ? WHERE identifier = ?', {job, grade, identifier},
- function()
- cb()
- end)
- end
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJob for Player ^5%s^7!'):format(source, xTarget.source))
- cb()
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function(source, cb, identifier, job, grade, type)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ local isBoss = xPlayer.job.grade_name == "boss"
+ local xTarget = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(identifier)
+ if isBoss then
+ if xTarget then
+ xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
+ if type == "hire" then
+ xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_hired", job))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_hired", xTarget.getName()))
+ elseif type == "promote" then
+ xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_promoted"))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_promoted", xTarget.getName()))
+ elseif type == "fire" then
+ xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_fired", xTarget.getJob().label))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_fired", xTarget.getName()))
+ end
+ cb()
+ else
+ MySQL.update("UPDATE users SET job = ?, job_grade = ? WHERE identifier = ?", { job, grade, identifier }, function()
+ cb()
+ end)
+ end
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJob for Player ^5%s^7!"):format(source, xTarget.source))
+ cb()
+ end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:setJobSalary', function(source, cb, job, grade, salary)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == 'boss' then
- if salary <= Config.MaxSalary then
- MySQL.update('UPDATE job_grades SET salary = ? WHERE job_name = ? AND grade = ?', {salary, job, grade},
- function()
- Jobs[job].grades[tostring(grade)].salary = salary
- ESX.RefreshJobs()
- Wait(1)
- local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers('job', job)
- for _, xTarget in pairs(xPlayers) do
- if xTarget.job.grade == grade then
- xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
- end
- end
- cb()
- end)
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobSalary over the config limit for ^5%s^7!'):format(source, job))
- cb()
- end
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobSalary for ^5%s^7!'):format(source, job))
- cb()
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:setJobSalary", function(source, cb, job, grade, salary)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == "boss" then
+ if salary <= Config.MaxSalary then
+ MySQL.update("UPDATE job_grades SET salary = ? WHERE job_name = ? AND grade = ?", { salary, job, grade }, function()
+ Jobs[job].grades[tostring(grade)].salary = salary
+ ESX.RefreshJobs()
+ Wait(1)
+ local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers("job", job)
+ for _, xTarget in pairs(xPlayers) do
+ if xTarget.job.grade == grade then
+ xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
+ end
+ end
+ cb()
+ end)
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobSalary over the config limit for ^5%s^7!"):format(source, job))
+ cb()
+ end
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobSalary for ^5%s^7!"):format(source, job))
+ cb()
+ end
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:setJobLabel', function(source, cb, job, grade, label)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
- if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == 'boss' then
- MySQL.update('UPDATE job_grades SET label = ? WHERE job_name = ? AND grade = ?', {label, job, grade},
- function()
- Jobs[job].grades[tostring(grade)].label = label
- ESX.RefreshJobs()
- Wait(1)
- local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers('job', job)
- for _, xTarget in pairs(xPlayers) do
- if xTarget.job.grade == grade then
- xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
- end
- end
- cb()
- end)
- else
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobLabel for ^5%s^7!'):format(source, job))
- cb()
- end
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:setJobLabel", function(source, cb, job, grade, label)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
+ if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == "boss" then
+ MySQL.update("UPDATE job_grades SET label = ? WHERE job_name = ? AND grade = ?", { label, job, grade }, function()
+ Jobs[job].grades[tostring(grade)].label = label
+ ESX.RefreshJobs()
+ Wait(1)
+ local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers("job", job)
+ for _, xTarget in pairs(xPlayers) do
+ if xTarget.job.grade == grade then
+ xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
+ end
+ end
+ cb()
+ end)
+ else
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to setJobLabel for ^5%s^7!"):format(source, job))
+ cb()
+ end
local getOnlinePlayers, onlinePlayers = false, {}
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:getOnlinePlayers', function(_, cb)
- if getOnlinePlayers == false and next(onlinePlayers) == nil then -- Prevent multiple xPlayer loops from running in quick succession
- getOnlinePlayers, onlinePlayers = true, {}
- local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers()
- for i=1, #(xPlayers) do
- local xPlayer = xPlayers[i]
- table.insert(onlinePlayers, {
- source = xPlayer.source,
- identifier = xPlayer.identifier,
- name = xPlayer.name,
- job = xPlayer.job
- })
- end
- cb(onlinePlayers)
- getOnlinePlayers = false
- Wait(1000) -- For the next second any extra requests will receive the cached list
- onlinePlayers = {}
- return
- end
- while getOnlinePlayers do Wait(0) end -- Wait for the xPlayer loop to finish
- cb(onlinePlayers)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:getOnlinePlayers", function(_, cb)
+ if getOnlinePlayers == false and next(onlinePlayers) == nil then -- Prevent multiple xPlayer loops from running in quick succession
+ getOnlinePlayers, onlinePlayers = true, {}
+ local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers()
+ for i = 1, #xPlayers do
+ local xPlayer = xPlayers[i]
+ table.insert(onlinePlayers, {
+ source = xPlayer.source,
+ identifier = xPlayer.identifier,
+ name = xPlayer.name,
+ job = xPlayer.job,
+ })
+ end
+ cb(onlinePlayers)
+ getOnlinePlayers = false
+ Wait(1000) -- For the next second any extra requests will receive the cached list
+ onlinePlayers = {}
+ return
+ end
+ while getOnlinePlayers do
+ Wait(0)
+ end -- Wait for the xPlayer loop to finish
+ cb(onlinePlayers)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:getVehiclesInGarage', function(_, cb, societyName)
- local society = GetSociety(societyName)
- if not society then
- print(('[^3WARNING^7] Attempting To get a non-existing society - %s!'):format(societyName))
- return
- end
- TriggerEvent('esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore', society.datastore, function(store)
- local garage = store.get('garage') or {}
- cb(garage)
- end)
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:getVehiclesInGarage", function(_, cb, societyName)
+ local society = GetSociety(societyName)
+ if not society then
+ print(("[^3WARNING^7] Attempting To get a non-existing society - %s!"):format(societyName))
+ return
+ end
+ TriggerEvent("esx_datastore:getSharedDataStore", society.datastore, function(store)
+ local garage = store.get("garage") or {}
+ cb(garage)
+ end)
-ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_society:isBoss', function(source, cb, job)
- cb(isPlayerBoss(source, job))
+ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:isBoss", function(source, cb, job)
+ cb(isPlayerBoss(source, job))
function isPlayerBoss(playerId, job)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
- if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == 'boss' then
- return true
- else
- print(('esx_society: %s attempted open a society boss menu!'):format(xPlayer.identifier))
- return false
- end
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
+ if xPlayer.job.name == job and xPlayer.job.grade_name == "boss" then
+ return true
+ else
+ print(("esx_society: %s attempted open a society boss menu!"):format(xPlayer.identifier))
+ return false
+ end
function WashMoneyCRON()
- MySQL.query('SELECT * FROM society_moneywash', function(result)
- for i=1, #result, 1 do
- local society = GetSociety(result[i].society)
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(result[i].identifier)
- -- add society money
- TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', society.account, function(account)
- account.addMoney(result[i].amount)
- end)
- -- send notification if player is online
- if xPlayer then
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U('you_have_laundered', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(result[i].amount)))
- end
- end
- MySQL.update('DELETE FROM society_moneywash')
- end)
+ MySQL.query("SELECT * FROM society_moneywash", function(result)
+ for i = 1, #result, 1 do
+ local society = GetSociety(result[i].society)
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(result[i].identifier)
+ -- add society money
+ TriggerEvent("esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
+ account.addMoney(result[i].amount)
+ end)
+ -- send notification if player is online
+ if xPlayer then
+ xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_laundered", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(result[i].amount)))
+ end
+ end
+ MySQL.update("DELETE FROM society_moneywash")
+ end)
-TriggerEvent('cron:runAt', 3, 0, WashMoneyCRON)
\ No newline at end of file
+TriggerEvent("cron:runAt", 3, 0, WashMoneyCRON)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/functions.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/functions.lua
index 843ff044b..5f02315f8 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/functions.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/functions.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
drawText3D = function(x, y, z, text)
- local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(x,y,z)
- local _ = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
- local scale = 0.30
+ local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(x, y, z)
+ local _ = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
+ local scale = 0.30
- if onScreen then
- SetTextScale(scale, scale)
- SetTextFont(4)
- SetTextProportional(1)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 215)
- SetTextOutline()
- SetTextEntry("STRING")
- SetTextCentre(1)
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawText(_x,_y)
+ if onScreen then
+ SetTextScale(scale, scale)
+ SetTextFont(4)
+ SetTextProportional(1)
+ SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 215)
+ SetTextOutline()
+ SetTextEntry("STRING")
+ SetTextCentre(1)
+ AddTextComponentString(text)
+ DrawText(_x, _y)
local _ = (string.len(text)) / 650
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+ end
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/main.lua
index b4dc8ab22..cea1a8e41 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/client/main.lua
@@ -4,124 +4,130 @@ local oPlayer = false
local playerpos = false
- while(true) do
- oPlayer = PlayerPedId()
- playerpos = GetEntityCoords(oPlayer)
+ while true do
+ oPlayer = PlayerPedId()
+ playerpos = GetEntityCoords(oPlayer)
- while true do
- Wait(1)
- local handle, ped = FindFirstPed()
- local success
- repeat
- success, ped = FindNextPed(handle)
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)
- local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, true)
- if distance < 2 and CanSlaughterPed(ped) then
- drawText3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.6, '⚙️ [H] ~b~Skin Animal~s~')
- while IsControlPressed(0, 38) do
- break
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(1,74) then
- if GetSelectedPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('WEAPON_KNIFE') then
- local oldped = ped
- SetEntityHeading(ped,GetHeadingFromVector_2d(pos.x-playerpos.x,pos.y-playerpos.y)+180)
- SetEntityHeading(oPlayer,GetHeadingFromVector_2d(pos.x-playerpos.x,pos.y-playerpos.y))
- exports.rprogress:Custom({
- Async = true,
- x = 0.5,
- y = 0.5,
- From = 0,
- To = 100,
- Duration = 5000,
- Radius = 60,
- Stroke = 10,
- MaxAngle = 360,
- Rotation = 0,
- Easing = "easeLinear",
- Label = "SKINNING",
- LabelPosition = "right",
- Color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)",
- BGColor = "rgba(107, 109, 110, 0.95)",
- Animation = {
- --scenario = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TEND_TO_DEAD", -- https://pastebin.com/6mrYTdQv
- animationDictionary = "anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle", -- https://alexguirre.github.io/animations-list/
- animationName = "gang_chatting_idle01",
- },
+ while true do
+ Wait(1)
+ local handle, ped = FindFirstPed()
+ local success
+ repeat
+ success, ped = FindNextPed(handle)
+ local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)
+ local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, true)
+ if distance < 2 and CanSlaughterPed(ped) then
+ drawText3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 0.6, "⚙️ [H] ~b~Skin Animal~s~")
+ while IsControlPressed(0, 38) do
+ break
+ end
+ if IsControlJustPressed(1, 74) then
+ if GetSelectedPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey("WEAPON_KNIFE") then
+ local oldped = ped
+ SetEntityHeading(ped, GetHeadingFromVector_2d(pos.x - playerpos.x, pos.y - playerpos.y) + 180)
+ SetEntityHeading(oPlayer, GetHeadingFromVector_2d(pos.x - playerpos.x, pos.y - playerpos.y))
+ exports.rprogress:Custom({
+ Async = true,
+ x = 0.5,
+ y = 0.5,
+ From = 0,
+ To = 100,
+ Duration = 5000,
+ Radius = 60,
+ Stroke = 10,
+ MaxAngle = 360,
+ Rotation = 0,
+ Easing = "easeLinear",
+ Label = "SKINNING",
+ LabelPosition = "right",
+ Color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)",
+ BGColor = "rgba(107, 109, 110, 0.95)",
+ Animation = {
+ --scenario = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TEND_TO_DEAD", -- https://pastebin.com/6mrYTdQv
+ animationDictionary = "anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle", -- https://alexguirre.github.io/animations-list/
+ animationName = "gang_chatting_idle01",
+ },
- DisableControls = {
- Mouse = false,
- Player = true,
- Vehicle = true
- },
- })
- Wait(5000)
+ DisableControls = {
+ Mouse = false,
+ Player = true,
+ Vehicle = true,
+ },
+ })
+ Wait(5000)
- ClearPedTasks(PlayerPedId())
- if GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_boar") then
- local item = 'boar_meat'
- local p_name = _U('boar_meat')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', item, p_name)
- elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_mtlion") then
- local item = 'pelt_mtnlion'
- local p_name = _U('pelt_mtnlion')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', item, p_name)
- elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
- local item = 'deer_meat'
- local p_name = _U('deer_meat')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', item, p_name)
- elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_coyote") then
- local item = 'pelt_coyote'
- local p_name = _U('pelt_coyote')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', item, p_name)
- elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_rabbit_01") then
- local item = 'rabbit_meat'
- local p_name = _U('rabbit_meat')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', item, p_name)
- end
+ ClearPedTasks(PlayerPedId())
+ if GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_boar") then
+ local item = "boar_meat"
+ local p_name = _U("boar_meat")
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", item, p_name)
+ elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_mtlion") then
+ local item = "pelt_mtnlion"
+ local p_name = _U("pelt_mtnlion")
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", item, p_name)
+ elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
+ local item = "deer_meat"
+ local p_name = _U("deer_meat")
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", item, p_name)
+ elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_coyote") then
+ local item = "pelt_coyote"
+ local p_name = _U("pelt_coyote")
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", item, p_name)
+ elseif GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_rabbit_01") then
+ local item = "rabbit_meat"
+ local p_name = _U("rabbit_meat")
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", item, p_name)
+ end
- Wait(10)
- SetPedAsNoLongerNeeded(oldped)
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
- DeleteEntity(ped)
- end
- Wait(1000)
- break
- else
- ESX.showNotification(_U('knife_uses'))
- end
- end
- end
- until not success
- EndFindPed(handle)
- end
+ Wait(10)
+ SetPedAsNoLongerNeeded(oldped)
+ if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
+ DeleteEntity(ped)
+ end
+ Wait(1000)
+ break
+ else
+ ESX.showNotification(_U("knife_uses"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ until not success
+ EndFindPed(handle)
+ end
local oldped
function CanSlaughterPed(ped)
- if not IsPedAPlayer(ped) and not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped,false) and not IsPedHuman(ped) and IsEntityDead(ped) and ped ~= oldped and GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_boar") or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_coyote") or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_mtlion") or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_rabbit_01") then
- return true
- end
- return false
+ if
+ not IsPedAPlayer(ped) and not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) and not IsPedHuman(ped) and IsEntityDead(ped) and ped ~= oldped and GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_boar")
+ or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_coyote")
+ or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer")
+ or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_mtlion")
+ or GetEntityModel(ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_rabbit_01")
+ then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
local blips = {
- {title="Hunters Den", colour=4, id=463, x = -1132.93, y = 4948.42, z = 221.87}
+ { title = "Hunters Den", colour = 4, id = 463, x = -1132.93, y = 4948.42, z = 221.87 },
for _, info in pairs(blips) do
- info.blip = AddBlipForCoord(info.x, info.y, info.z)
- SetBlipSprite(info.blip, info.id)
- SetBlipDisplay(info.blip, 4)
- SetBlipScale(info.blip, 0.8)
- SetBlipColour(info.blip, info.colour)
- SetBlipAsShortRange(info.blip, true)
- BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(info.title)
- EndTextCommandSetBlipName(info.blip)
+ info.blip = AddBlipForCoord(info.x, info.y, info.z)
+ SetBlipSprite(info.blip, info.id)
+ SetBlipDisplay(info.blip, 4)
+ SetBlipScale(info.blip, 0.8)
+ SetBlipColour(info.blip, info.colour)
+ SetBlipAsShortRange(info.blip, true)
+ BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(info.title)
+ EndTextCommandSetBlipName(info.blip)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/config.lua
index 78ca21f1d..adb7fc406 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/config.lua
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Config = {}
-Config.Locale = 'en'
\ No newline at end of file
+Config.Locale = "en"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/fxmanifest.lua
index 94d894590..a6f1f5731 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-fx_version 'adamant'
-games { 'gta5' }
+games({ "gta5" })
-author 'Bob code reconstruction by: bitpredator'
-description 'Bobs Hunting'
-version '1.0.0'
+author("Bob code reconstruction by: bitpredator")
+description("Bobs Hunting")
-shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
-client_scripts {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'client/*.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua'
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "client/*.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
-server_scripts {
- '@es_extended/locale.lua',
- 'locales/*.lua',
- 'config.lua',
- 'server/main.lua'
\ No newline at end of file
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
+ "server/main.lua",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/en.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/en.lua
index 4e778b9a4..831f4866b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/en.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/en.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-Locales['en'] = {
- ['knife_uses'] = 'You need to use a knife',
- ['you_collected'] = 'You picked up a',
- ['deer_meat'] = 'Deer meat',
- ['boar_meat'] = 'Boar meat',
- ['pelt_mtnlion'] = 'Mountain Lion pelt',
- ['pelt_coyote'] = 'Pelt Coyote',
- ['rabbit_meat'] = 'Rabbit meat'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["en"] = {
+ ["knife_uses"] = "You need to use a knife",
+ ["you_collected"] = "You picked up a",
+ ["deer_meat"] = "Deer meat",
+ ["boar_meat"] = "Boar meat",
+ ["pelt_mtnlion"] = "Mountain Lion pelt",
+ ["pelt_coyote"] = "Pelt Coyote",
+ ["rabbit_meat"] = "Rabbit meat",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/it.lua
index 502f631a7..5ba349a75 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/locales/it.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-Locales['it'] = {
- ['knife_uses'] = 'Devi usare un coltello',
- ['you_collected'] = 'Hai raccolto un',
- ['deer_meat'] = 'Carne di cervo',
- ['boar_meat'] = 'Carne di cinghiale',
- ['pelt_mtnlion'] = 'Pelle di leone di montagna',
- ['pelt_coyote'] = 'Pelle di coyote',
- ['rabbit_meat'] = 'Carne di coniglio'
\ No newline at end of file
+Locales["it"] = {
+ ["knife_uses"] = "Devi usare un coltello",
+ ["you_collected"] = "Hai raccolto un",
+ ["deer_meat"] = "Carne di cervo",
+ ["boar_meat"] = "Carne di cinghiale",
+ ["pelt_mtnlion"] = "Pelle di leone di montagna",
+ ["pelt_coyote"] = "Pelle di coyote",
+ ["rabbit_meat"] = "Carne di coniglio",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/server/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/server/main.lua
index f6f505168..c9984c01e 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/server/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/BOBsHunt/server/main.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
-AddEventHandler('esx_bobhunt:getPelt', function(item, p_name)
- local _source = source
- local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
- xPlayer.addInventoryItem(item, 10)
- TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('you_collected') .. p_name)
\ No newline at end of file
+AddEventHandler("esx_bobhunt:getPelt", function(item, p_name)
+ local _source = source
+ local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
+ xPlayer.addInventoryItem(item, 10)
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, _U("you_collected") .. p_name)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/blips.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/blips.lua
index fd3a008d7..63f749408 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/blips.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/blips.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
local blips = {
- -- Airports --
- { title = "Cayo Perico Runway", colour = 3, id = 90, x = 3961.97, y = -4689.05, z = 3.6 },
+ -- Airports --
+ { title = "Cayo Perico Runway", colour = 3, id = 90, x = 3961.97, y = -4689.05, z = 3.6 },
- -- Cayo Perico Island Blips --
- -- Island Beach Party
- { title = "Island Beach Party", colour = 23, id = 614, x = 4918.11, y = -4906.8, z = 3.44 },
+ -- Cayo Perico Island Blips --
+ -- Island Beach Party
+ { title = "Island Beach Party", colour = 23, id = 614, x = 4918.11, y = -4906.8, z = 3.44 },
- -- Island Weed Farm
- { title = "Island Weed Farm", colour = 25, id = 496, x = 5319.28, y = -5248.54, z = 32.58 },
+ -- Island Weed Farm
+ { title = "Island Weed Farm", colour = 25, id = 496, x = 5319.28, y = -5248.54, z = 32.58 },
-- Island Helipad 1 --
{ title = "Island Helipad", colour = 26, id = 542, x = 4890.52, y = -5736.66, z = 26.35 },
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ Citizen.CreateThread(function()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/main_peds.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/main_peds.lua
index b12d45129..615856660 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/main_peds.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/main_peds.lua
@@ -1,106 +1,125 @@
-------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PEDS -------------------------------------------------------------------
function IsNearby(playerCoords, pedCoords)
- return #(playerCoords - vector3(pedCoords.x, pedCoords.y, pedCoords.z)) <= Config.SpawnDistance
+ return #(playerCoords - vector3(pedCoords.x, pedCoords.y, pedCoords.z)) <= Config.SpawnDistance
- while true do
- local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
- for _, pedGroup in ipairs(Config.Peds) do
- for _, location in ipairs(pedGroup.locations) do
- local nearby = IsNearby(playerCoords, location)
- local spawned = location.handle and DoesEntityExist(location.handle)
- if nearby and not spawned then
- local model = GetHashKey(pedGroup.model)
- local pedType = pedGroup.pedType or 4
- if IsModelInCdimage(model) then
- RequestModel(model)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- local npc = CreatePed(pedType, model, location.x, location.y, location.z
- , location.heading, false, false)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model)
- FreezeEntityPosition(npc, true)
- SetEntityInvincible(npc, true)
- SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(npc, true)
- if pedGroup.scenario then
- TaskStartScenarioInPlace(npc, pedGroup.scenario, 0, true)
- elseif pedGroup.animation then
- local blendInSpeed = pedGroup.animation.blendInSpeed or 1.0
- local blendOutSpeed = pedGroup.animation.blendOutSpeed or 1.0
- local duration = pedGroup.animation.duration or -1
- local flag = pedGroup.animation.flag or 1
- local playbackRate = pedGroup.animation.playbackRate or 1.0
- if DoesAnimDictExist(pedGroup.animation.dict) then
- RequestAnimDict(pedGroup.animation.dict)
- while not HasAnimDictLoaded(pedGroup.animation.dict) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- TaskPlayAnim(npc, pedGroup.animation.dict, pedGroup.animation.name, blendInSpeed,
- blendOutSpeed, duration, flag, playbackRate, 0, 0, 0)
- RemoveAnimDict(pedGroup.animation.dict)
- else
- print('Unknown animation dictionary: ' .. pedGroup.animation.dict)
- end
- elseif pedGroup.canPlayAmbientAnims then
- SetPedCanPlayAmbientAnims(npc, true)
- end
- if pedGroup.weapons then
- for _, weapon in ipairs(pedGroup.weapons) do
- local ammo
- if weapon.minAmmo and weapon.maxAmmo then
- ammo = math.random(weapon.minAmmo, weapon.maxAmmo)
- else
- ammo = weapon.ammo
- end
- GiveWeaponToPed(npc, GetHashKey(weapon.name), ammo, true, false)
- end
- end
- if pedGroup.defaultWeapon then
- SetCurrentPedWeapon(npc, GetHashKey(pedGroup.defaultWeapon), true)
- end
- location.handle = npc
- else
- print('Invalid model: ' .. pedGroup.model)
- end
- elseif not nearby and spawned then
- DeletePed(location.handle)
- location.handle = nil
- end
- end
- end
- Wait(1000)
- end
+ while true do
+ local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
+ for _, pedGroup in ipairs(Config.Peds) do
+ for _, location in ipairs(pedGroup.locations) do
+ local nearby = IsNearby(playerCoords, location)
+ local spawned = location.handle and DoesEntityExist(location.handle)
+ if nearby and not spawned then
+ local model = GetHashKey(pedGroup.model)
+ local pedType = pedGroup.pedType or 4
+ if IsModelInCdimage(model) then
+ RequestModel(model)
+ while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
+ Wait(0)
+ end
+ local npc = CreatePed(
+ pedType,
+ model,
+ location.x,
+ location.y,
+ location.z,
+ location.heading,
+ false,
+ false
+ )
+ SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(npc, true)
+ SetEntityInvincible(npc, true)
+ SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(npc, true)
+ if pedGroup.scenario then
+ TaskStartScenarioInPlace(npc, pedGroup.scenario, 0, true)
+ elseif pedGroup.animation then
+ local blendInSpeed = pedGroup.animation.blendInSpeed or 1.0
+ local blendOutSpeed = pedGroup.animation.blendOutSpeed or 1.0
+ local duration = pedGroup.animation.duration or -1
+ local flag = pedGroup.animation.flag or 1
+ local playbackRate = pedGroup.animation.playbackRate or 1.0
+ if DoesAnimDictExist(pedGroup.animation.dict) then
+ RequestAnimDict(pedGroup.animation.dict)
+ while not HasAnimDictLoaded(pedGroup.animation.dict) do
+ Wait(0)
+ end
+ TaskPlayAnim(
+ npc,
+ pedGroup.animation.dict,
+ pedGroup.animation.name,
+ blendInSpeed,
+ blendOutSpeed,
+ duration,
+ flag,
+ playbackRate,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ )
+ RemoveAnimDict(pedGroup.animation.dict)
+ else
+ print("Unknown animation dictionary: " .. pedGroup.animation.dict)
+ end
+ elseif pedGroup.canPlayAmbientAnims then
+ SetPedCanPlayAmbientAnims(npc, true)
+ end
+ if pedGroup.weapons then
+ for _, weapon in ipairs(pedGroup.weapons) do
+ local ammo
+ if weapon.minAmmo and weapon.maxAmmo then
+ ammo = math.random(weapon.minAmmo, weapon.maxAmmo)
+ else
+ ammo = weapon.ammo
+ end
+ GiveWeaponToPed(npc, GetHashKey(weapon.name), ammo, true, false)
+ end
+ end
+ if pedGroup.defaultWeapon then
+ SetCurrentPedWeapon(npc, GetHashKey(pedGroup.defaultWeapon), true)
+ end
+ location.handle = npc
+ else
+ print("Invalid model: " .. pedGroup.model)
+ end
+ elseif not nearby and spawned then
+ DeletePed(location.handle)
+ location.handle = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Wait(1000)
+ end
-AddEventHandler('onResourceStop', function(resourceName)
- if GetCurrentResourceName() == resourceName then
- for _, pedGroup in ipairs(Config.Peds) do
- for _, location in ipairs(pedGroup.locations) do
- if DoesEntityExist(location.handle) then
- DeletePed(location.handle)
- end
- end
- end
- end
+AddEventHandler("onResourceStop", function(resourceName)
+ if GetCurrentResourceName() == resourceName then
+ for _, pedGroup in ipairs(Config.Peds) do
+ for _, location in ipairs(pedGroup.locations) do
+ if DoesEntityExist(location.handle) then
+ DeletePed(location.handle)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/peds_config.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/peds_config.lua
index 5cfc65835..2e81e7257 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/peds_config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/peds_config.lua
@@ -4,55 +4,54 @@ Config = {}
Config.SpawnDistance = 400
Config.Peds = {
- ----------- CAYO PERICO PEDS ----------------------
- {
- model = 's_m_m_highsec_01',
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
- locations = {
- { x = 4976.98, y = -5606.53, z = 22.80, heading = 49.44 }, -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
- { x = 5005.61, y = -5752.25, z = 27.85, heading = 248.48 } -- Island Mansion Interior Guard
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_m_highsec_02',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@peds@',
- name = 'amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base'
- },
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_microsmg', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_microsmg',
- locations = {
- { x = 4983.67, y = -5708.37, z = 19.00, heading = 55.57 }, -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
- { x = 5014.0034, y = -5755.994, z = 27.88, heading = 64.74 } -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
- }
- },
- {
- model = 'a_c_panther',
- animation = {
- dict = 'creatures@cougar@amb@world_cougar_rest@base',
- name = 'base'
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4982.1074, y = -5765.036, z = 19.94, heading = 128.0382 } -- PANTHER AT CAYO PIERCO
- }
- },
- --[[ {
+ ----------- CAYO PERICO PEDS ----------------------
+ {
+ model = "s_m_m_highsec_01",
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4976.98, y = -5606.53, z = 22.80, heading = 49.44 }, -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
+ { x = 5005.61, y = -5752.25, z = 27.85, heading = 248.48 }, -- Island Mansion Interior Guard
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_m_highsec_02",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@peds@",
+ name = "amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base",
+ },
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_microsmg", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_microsmg",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4983.67, y = -5708.37, z = 19.00, heading = 55.57 }, -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
+ { x = 5014.0034, y = -5755.994, z = 27.88, heading = 64.74 }, -- Island Mansion Guard Gate
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "a_c_panther",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "creatures@cougar@amb@world_cougar_rest@base",
+ name = "base",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4982.1074, y = -5765.036, z = 19.94, heading = 128.0382 }, -- PANTHER AT CAYO PIERCO
+ },
+ },
+ --[[ {
model = 'ig_juanstrickler',
animation = {
dict = 'anim@amb@office@seating@male@var_d@base@',
@@ -61,333 +60,334 @@ Config.Peds = {
locations = {
{ x = 5008.0474, y = -5754.133, z = 27.41, heading = 175.1963 } -- EL RUBIO SITTING NEAR FIREPLACE
- }, ]] --
- --- Beach Dancer Female
- {
- model = 'a_f_y_beach_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@solomun_entourage@',
- name = 'mi_dance_facedj_17_v1_female^1',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4892.0171, y = -4915.774, z = 2.40, heading = -20.3340 } -- Young Beach Girl 1
- }
- },
- --- Beach Dancer Male
- {
- model = 'a_m_y_beach_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity',
- name = 'hi_dance_facedj_09_v2_male^2',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4892.9990, y = -4916.062, z = 2.40, heading = 67.3608 } -- Young Beach Guy 1
- }
- },
- -- Topless Dancer
- {
- model = 'a_f_y_topless_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity',
- name = 'hi_dance_facedj_11_v2_female^1',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4895.0640, y = -4916.393, z = 2.40, heading = 8.6855 } -- Topless Girl
- }
- },
- -- Male Drinking Beer 1
- {
- model = 'a_m_y_beach_01',
- scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING',
- locations = {
- { x = 4894.72, y = -4915.29, z = 2.40, heading = 201.51 }
- }
- },
- --- Beach Dancer Female 2
- {
- model = 'a_f_y_beach_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@',
- name = 'mi_dance_facedj_13_v2_female^1',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4897.1362, y = -4913.779, z = 2.30, heading = 8.6855 }
- }
- },
- -- Jetski Dancer Male
- {
- model = 'a_m_y_jetski_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity',
- name = 'hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^2',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4897.0518, y = -4912.960, z = 2.40, heading = -160.3151 } -- Topless Girl
- }
- },
- -- Kerry McIntost Dancer
- {
- model = 'ig_kerrymcintosh',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity',
- name = 'hi_dance_facedj_17_v2_female^3',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4891.78, y = -4912.63, z = 2.45, heading = 309.39 }
- }
- },
- -- Porn Dude
- {
- model = 'csb_porndudes',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@casino@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@',
- name = 'med_center',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4892.4839, y = -4912.159, z = 2.40, heading = 125.2700 }
- }
- },
- --- Beach DJ Security With Weapons
- {
- model = 's_m_y_doorman_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@peds@',
- name = 'amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base'
- },
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_microsmg', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_microsmg',
- locations = {
- { x = 4893.7612, y = -4904.039, z = 2.48, heading = -173.3417 },
- }
- },
- -- DJ Cayo Perico -- Dr Dre's model name is ig_ary
- {
- model = 'ig_ary',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@djs@dixon@',
- name = 'dixn_sync_cntr_b_dix',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4893.5679, y = -4905.452, z = 2.48, heading = 172.2963 }
- }
- },
- -- Beach DJ Security Without Weapons
- {
- model = 's_m_m_highsec_01',
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@nightclub@peds@',
- name = 'amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base'
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4895.06, y = -4908.66, z = 2.38, heading = 188.63 },
- }
- },
- -- Seated Beach Party Goers
- {
- model = 'u_f_y_spyactress', --- Woman In Black Dress
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@office@seating@female@var_a@base@',
- name = 'idle_b'
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4885.13, y = -4914.28, z = 1.90, heading = 128.06 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 'ig_bestmen', --- Man In Wedding Suit
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@office@boardroom@crew@male@var_c@base@',
- name = 'base',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4885.8091, y = -4915.331, z = 1.90, heading = 107.5300 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_f_y_clubbar_01', --- Cayo Perico Bar Staff
- animation = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@bar@drink@base',
- name = 'idle_a',
- },
- locations = {
- { x = 4904.8154, y = -4941.528, z = 2.45, heading = 36.7061 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 'IG_Pilot',
- locations = {
- { x = 4440.37, y = -4482.26, z = 3.27, heading = 210.34 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_valet_01',
- scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_VALET',
- locations = {
- { x = 4907.2705078125, y = -4913.9614257813, z = 2.463925457, heading = 287.32322421 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_01',
- locations = {
- { x = 5030.9106445313, y = -4627.9067382813, z = 20.684608459473, heading = 34.79280090332 },
- { x = 4875.4072265625, y = -4488.1630859375, z = 25.933807373047, heading = 83.770568847656 },
- { x = 4370.2875976563, y = -4571.6118164063, z = 12.275736808777, heading = 334.50433349609 },
- { x = 5361.9082, y = -5435.1821, z = 65.1765, heading = 323.9476 },
- { x = 5146.7139, y = -5050.6099, z = 19.3915, heading = 354.6688 },
- { x = 5140.0962, y = -5241.7681, z = 25.2919, heading = 43.7077 },
- { x = 4890.0098, y = -5458.5781, z = 46.5237, heading = 269.9973 },
- { x = 5042.2295, y = -5117.4565, z = 21.9446, heading = 181.5855 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_02',
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
- locations = {
- { x = 5142.8008, y = -4950.2944, z = 13.3500, heading = 42.6497 }, -- Gate Guard
- { x = 5389.8999, y = -5198.6660, z = 30.8349, heading = 240.1498 }, -- Drug Field
- { x = 5590.2148, y = -5226.1582, z = 13.3706, heading = 231.7484 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard?
- { x = 4998.0562, y = -5168.9185, z = 1.7072, heading = 120.6005 }, -- Boat Docks Guard 1
- { x = 4563.7959, y = -4487.3418, z = 2.9870, heading = 20.6171 }, --Welcome Sign Guard
- { x = 4521.5278, y = -4457.7344, z = 3.1947, heading = 27.2946 }, --Helipad Guard
- { x = 4436.44, y = -4453.26, z = 3.3297, heading = 208.9827 }, -- Cayo Hangar
- { x = 4282.7207, y = -4539.1514, z = 3.2392, heading = 200.9217 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard Near Runway
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_01',
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
- locations = {
- { x = 5158.2783, y = -4948.9546, z = 12.9534, heading = 224.3090 }, -- Gate Guard 2
- { x = 5272.7031, y = -5420.6362, z = 64.4035, heading = 329.7317 }, -- Gate Guard, Tallest Tower On Island
- { x = 4963.0137, y = -5111.9639, z = 1.9689, heading = 160.8599 }, -- Boat Docks Guard, Drug Shed
- { x = 5109.2515, y = -5150.1997, z = 0.9325, heading = 96.1466 }, -- Boat Docks West
- { x = 5157.3232, y = -5113.3691, z = 2.2911, heading = 358.5474 }, -- Boat Docks West 2,Standing On Steps Outside Building
- { x = 4965.4629, y = -4826.4941, z = 4.8288, heading = 22.4904 }, -- Guard Outside Beach Party Gates 1
- { x = 4480.9404, y = -4580.4287, z = 4.5550, heading = 20.5372 }, -- Guard at Substation (Power Station)
- { x = 5053.6094, y = -4597.3765, z = 1.8886, heading = 159.2844 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_01', --Merryweather with patrol animation
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
- locations = {
- { x = 5139.5684, y = -4937.5210, z = 13.9347, heading = 50.7190 }, -- Gate Guard 3
- { x = 4446.5771, y = -4451.5332, z = 6.2374, heading = 111.5040 }, -- Hangar Patrol 2nd Floor
- { x = 4841.7212, y = -5176.0024, z = 1.2985, heading = 289.3102 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard?
- { x = 5087.8208, y = -4684.2808, z = 1.3888, heading = 80.0721 }, -- Boat Docks Guard, Drug Shed 2
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_02', --Merryweather with guard animation
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
- locations = {
- { x = 5006.0273, y = -4922.4644, z = 8.6626, heading = 290.6752 },
- { x = 5109.4121, y = -5524.6172, z = 53.2467, heading = 280.0641 },
- { x = 5171.5396, y = -4657.8398, z = 1.5275, heading = 77.1855 },
- { x = 4885.0913, y = -5174.4175, z = 1.4827, heading = 346.1322 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_y_blackops_01', --Merryweather with sniper in tower
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_sniperrifle', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_sniperrifle',
- locations = {
- { x = 5150.6274, y = -4933.0078, z = 29.8734, heading = 52.5540 },
- { x = 5123.5562, y = -5528.3716, z = 69.9703, heading = 122.7477 },
- }
- },
- -- Extra Mansion Guards
- {
- model = 's_m_m_highsec_01',
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
- locations = {
- { x = 4946.5654, y = -5665.4673, z = 20.6658, heading = 282.3007 },
- { x = 4910.4609, y = -5733.1348, z = 24.2037, heading = 252.8478 },
- { x = 4871.2104, y = -5735.6514, z = 26.2023, heading = 246.3334 },
- { x = 5046.8457, y = -5769.7402, z = 14.7255, heading = 47.4775 },
- { x = 5000.2114, y = -5730.1509, z = 18.9156, heading = 52.8169 },
- { x = 5001.8638, y = -5756.1729, z = 18.8802, heading = 67.9312 },
- }
- },
- {
- model = 's_m_m_highsec_02',
- weapons = {
- { name = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2', minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 }
- },
- defaultWeapon = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
- locations = {
- { x = 5051.1470, y = -5784.3750, z = 14.7277, heading = 147.6031 },
- { x = 5022.4614, y = -5800.7637, z = 16.6776, heading = 308.1763 },
- { x = 5005.8208, y = -5768.6450, z = 15.2817, heading = 236.7728 },
- { x = 4994.1494, y = -5754.9365, z = 18.9003, heading = 65.9903 },
- { x = 5082.0288, y = -5738.6846, z = 14.6775, heading = 235.2939 },
- { x = 5086.6831, y = -5732.8706, z = 14.7726, heading = 331.9359 },
- { x = 4971.1885, y = -5594.6016, z = 22.5804, heading = 334.4602 },
- }
- },
+ }, ]]
+ --
+ --- Beach Dancer Female
+ {
+ model = "a_f_y_beach_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@solomun_entourage@",
+ name = "mi_dance_facedj_17_v1_female^1",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4892.0171, y = -4915.774, z = 2.40, heading = -20.3340 }, -- Young Beach Girl 1
+ },
+ },
+ --- Beach Dancer Male
+ {
+ model = "a_m_y_beach_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity",
+ name = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v2_male^2",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4892.9990, y = -4916.062, z = 2.40, heading = 67.3608 }, -- Young Beach Guy 1
+ },
+ },
+ -- Topless Dancer
+ {
+ model = "a_f_y_topless_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity",
+ name = "hi_dance_facedj_11_v2_female^1",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4895.0640, y = -4916.393, z = 2.40, heading = 8.6855 }, -- Topless Girl
+ },
+ },
+ -- Male Drinking Beer 1
+ {
+ model = "a_m_y_beach_01",
+ scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4894.72, y = -4915.29, z = 2.40, heading = 201.51 },
+ },
+ },
+ --- Beach Dancer Female 2
+ {
+ model = "a_f_y_beach_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@",
+ name = "mi_dance_facedj_13_v2_female^1",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4897.1362, y = -4913.779, z = 2.30, heading = 8.6855 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Jetski Dancer Male
+ {
+ model = "a_m_y_jetski_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity",
+ name = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^2",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4897.0518, y = -4912.960, z = 2.40, heading = -160.3151 }, -- Topless Girl
+ },
+ },
+ -- Kerry McIntost Dancer
+ {
+ model = "ig_kerrymcintosh",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity",
+ name = "hi_dance_facedj_17_v2_female^3",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4891.78, y = -4912.63, z = 2.45, heading = 309.39 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Porn Dude
+ {
+ model = "csb_porndudes",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@casino@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@",
+ name = "med_center",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4892.4839, y = -4912.159, z = 2.40, heading = 125.2700 },
+ },
+ },
+ --- Beach DJ Security With Weapons
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_doorman_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@peds@",
+ name = "amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base",
+ },
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_microsmg", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_microsmg",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4893.7612, y = -4904.039, z = 2.48, heading = -173.3417 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- DJ Cayo Perico -- Dr Dre's model name is ig_ary
+ {
+ model = "ig_ary",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@djs@dixon@",
+ name = "dixn_sync_cntr_b_dix",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4893.5679, y = -4905.452, z = 2.48, heading = 172.2963 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Beach DJ Security Without Weapons
+ {
+ model = "s_m_m_highsec_01",
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@nightclub@peds@",
+ name = "amb_world_human_stand_guard_male_base",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4895.06, y = -4908.66, z = 2.38, heading = 188.63 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Seated Beach Party Goers
+ {
+ model = "u_f_y_spyactress", --- Woman In Black Dress
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@office@seating@female@var_a@base@",
+ name = "idle_b",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4885.13, y = -4914.28, z = 1.90, heading = 128.06 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "ig_bestmen", --- Man In Wedding Suit
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@office@boardroom@crew@male@var_c@base@",
+ name = "base",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4885.8091, y = -4915.331, z = 1.90, heading = 107.5300 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_f_y_clubbar_01", --- Cayo Perico Bar Staff
+ animation = {
+ dict = "anim@amb@clubhouse@bar@drink@base",
+ name = "idle_a",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4904.8154, y = -4941.528, z = 2.45, heading = 36.7061 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "IG_Pilot",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4440.37, y = -4482.26, z = 3.27, heading = 210.34 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_valet_01",
+ scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_VALET",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4907.2705078125, y = -4913.9614257813, z = 2.463925457, heading = 287.32322421 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_01",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5030.9106445313, y = -4627.9067382813, z = 20.684608459473, heading = 34.79280090332 },
+ { x = 4875.4072265625, y = -4488.1630859375, z = 25.933807373047, heading = 83.770568847656 },
+ { x = 4370.2875976563, y = -4571.6118164063, z = 12.275736808777, heading = 334.50433349609 },
+ { x = 5361.9082, y = -5435.1821, z = 65.1765, heading = 323.9476 },
+ { x = 5146.7139, y = -5050.6099, z = 19.3915, heading = 354.6688 },
+ { x = 5140.0962, y = -5241.7681, z = 25.2919, heading = 43.7077 },
+ { x = 4890.0098, y = -5458.5781, z = 46.5237, heading = 269.9973 },
+ { x = 5042.2295, y = -5117.4565, z = 21.9446, heading = 181.5855 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_02",
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5142.8008, y = -4950.2944, z = 13.3500, heading = 42.6497 }, -- Gate Guard
+ { x = 5389.8999, y = -5198.6660, z = 30.8349, heading = 240.1498 }, -- Drug Field
+ { x = 5590.2148, y = -5226.1582, z = 13.3706, heading = 231.7484 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard?
+ { x = 4998.0562, y = -5168.9185, z = 1.7072, heading = 120.6005 }, -- Boat Docks Guard 1
+ { x = 4563.7959, y = -4487.3418, z = 2.9870, heading = 20.6171 }, --Welcome Sign Guard
+ { x = 4521.5278, y = -4457.7344, z = 3.1947, heading = 27.2946 }, --Helipad Guard
+ { x = 4436.44, y = -4453.26, z = 3.3297, heading = 208.9827 }, -- Cayo Hangar
+ { x = 4282.7207, y = -4539.1514, z = 3.2392, heading = 200.9217 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard Near Runway
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_01",
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5158.2783, y = -4948.9546, z = 12.9534, heading = 224.3090 }, -- Gate Guard 2
+ { x = 5272.7031, y = -5420.6362, z = 64.4035, heading = 329.7317 }, -- Gate Guard, Tallest Tower On Island
+ { x = 4963.0137, y = -5111.9639, z = 1.9689, heading = 160.8599 }, -- Boat Docks Guard, Drug Shed
+ { x = 5109.2515, y = -5150.1997, z = 0.9325, heading = 96.1466 }, -- Boat Docks West
+ { x = 5157.3232, y = -5113.3691, z = 2.2911, heading = 358.5474 }, -- Boat Docks West 2,Standing On Steps Outside Building
+ { x = 4965.4629, y = -4826.4941, z = 4.8288, heading = 22.4904 }, -- Guard Outside Beach Party Gates 1
+ { x = 4480.9404, y = -4580.4287, z = 4.5550, heading = 20.5372 }, -- Guard at Substation (Power Station)
+ { x = 5053.6094, y = -4597.3765, z = 1.8886, heading = 159.2844 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_01", --Merryweather with patrol animation
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5139.5684, y = -4937.5210, z = 13.9347, heading = 50.7190 }, -- Gate Guard 3
+ { x = 4446.5771, y = -4451.5332, z = 6.2374, heading = 111.5040 }, -- Hangar Patrol 2nd Floor
+ { x = 4841.7212, y = -5176.0024, z = 1.2985, heading = 289.3102 }, -- Anti Missle Launcher Guard?
+ { x = 5087.8208, y = -4684.2808, z = 1.3888, heading = 80.0721 }, -- Boat Docks Guard, Drug Shed 2
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_02", --Merryweather with guard animation
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5006.0273, y = -4922.4644, z = 8.6626, heading = 290.6752 },
+ { x = 5109.4121, y = -5524.6172, z = 53.2467, heading = 280.0641 },
+ { x = 5171.5396, y = -4657.8398, z = 1.5275, heading = 77.1855 },
+ { x = 4885.0913, y = -5174.4175, z = 1.4827, heading = 346.1322 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_y_blackops_01", --Merryweather with sniper in tower
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_sniperrifle", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_sniperrifle",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5150.6274, y = -4933.0078, z = 29.8734, heading = 52.5540 },
+ { x = 5123.5562, y = -5528.3716, z = 69.9703, heading = 122.7477 },
+ },
+ },
+ -- Extra Mansion Guards
+ {
+ model = "s_m_m_highsec_01",
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 4946.5654, y = -5665.4673, z = 20.6658, heading = 282.3007 },
+ { x = 4910.4609, y = -5733.1348, z = 24.2037, heading = 252.8478 },
+ { x = 4871.2104, y = -5735.6514, z = 26.2023, heading = 246.3334 },
+ { x = 5046.8457, y = -5769.7402, z = 14.7255, heading = 47.4775 },
+ { x = 5000.2114, y = -5730.1509, z = 18.9156, heading = 52.8169 },
+ { x = 5001.8638, y = -5756.1729, z = 18.8802, heading = 67.9312 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ model = "s_m_m_highsec_02",
+ weapons = {
+ { name = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2", minAmmo = 20, maxAmmo = 100 },
+ },
+ defaultWeapon = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2",
+ locations = {
+ { x = 5051.1470, y = -5784.3750, z = 14.7277, heading = 147.6031 },
+ { x = 5022.4614, y = -5800.7637, z = 16.6776, heading = 308.1763 },
+ { x = 5005.8208, y = -5768.6450, z = 15.2817, heading = 236.7728 },
+ { x = 4994.1494, y = -5754.9365, z = 18.9003, heading = 65.9903 },
+ { x = 5082.0288, y = -5738.6846, z = 14.6775, heading = 235.2939 },
+ { x = 5086.6831, y = -5732.8706, z = 14.7726, heading = 331.9359 },
+ { x = 4971.1885, y = -5594.6016, z = 22.5804, heading = 334.4602 },
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/static_emitters.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/static_emitters.lua
index fa6ec0a2b..cbb20b926 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/static_emitters.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/static_emitters.lua
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ Citizen.CreateThread(function()
while true do
if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then
- SetStaticEmitterEnabled('SE_DLC_AW_ARENA_CONSTRUCTION_01', false)
- SetStaticEmitterEnabled('SE_DLC_AW_ARENA_CROWD_BACKGROUND_MAIN', false)
- SetStaticEmitterEnabled('SE_DLC_AW_CROWD_EXTERIOR_LOBBY', false)
- SetStaticEmitterEnabled('SE_DLC_AW_CROWD_INTERIOR_LOBBY', false)
+ SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_DLC_AW_ARENA_CONSTRUCTION_01", false)
+ SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_DLC_AW_ARENA_CROWD_BACKGROUND_MAIN", false)
+ SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_DLC_AW_CROWD_EXTERIOR_LOBBY", false)
+ SetStaticEmitterEnabled("SE_DLC_AW_CROWD_INTERIOR_LOBBY", false)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/twoislands.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/twoislands.lua
index 9a5f56652..3e91b7919 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/twoislands.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/twoislands.lua
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ end)
SetZoneEnabled(GetZoneFromNameId("PrLog"), false) -- REMOVES SNOW FROM CP
- SetScenarioGroupEnabled('Heist_Island_Peds', true)
- SetAmbientZoneListStatePersistent('AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Zones', 1, 1) -- Ambient Sounds For Cayo Perico
- SetAmbientZoneListStatePersistent('AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Disabled_Zones', 0, 1) -- Disable Other Ambient Sounds
+ SetScenarioGroupEnabled("Heist_Island_Peds", true)
+ SetAmbientZoneListStatePersistent("AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Zones", 1, 1) -- Ambient Sounds For Cayo Perico
+ SetAmbientZoneListStatePersistent("AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Disabled_Zones", 0, 1) -- Disable Other Ambient Sounds
while true do
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
@@ -370,7 +370,6 @@ CreateThread(function()
SetRadarAsInteriorThisFrame(GetHashKey("h4_fake_islandx"), 4700.0, -5145.0, 0, 0)
wait = 0
elseif not isCayoMinimapLoaded and nearIsland then
-- If the minimap is not loaded with SetToggleMinimapHeistIsland and the player is close to cayo perico, then we load it
isCayoMinimapLoaded = true
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/zones.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/zones.lua
index dd881a31a..d8eefd3b7 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/zones.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/CayoTwoIslands/scripts/zones.lua
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
local zones = {
- ["AIRP"] = "Los Santos International Airport",
- ["ALAMO"] = "Alamo Sea",
- ["ALTA"] = "Alta",
- ["ARMYB"] = "Fort Zancudo",
- ["BANHAMC"] = "Banham Canyon Dr",
- ["BANNING"] = "Banning",
- ["BEACH"] = "Vespucci Beach",
- ["BHAMCA"] = "Banham Canyon",
- ["BRADP"] = "Braddock Pass",
- ["BRADT"] = "Braddock Tunnel",
- ["BURTON"] = "Burton",
- ["CALAFB"] = "Calafia Bridge",
- ["CANNY"] = "Raton Canyon",
- ["CCREAK"] = "Cassidy Creek",
- ["CHAMH"] = "Chamberlain Hills",
- ["CHIL"] = "Vinewood Hills",
- ["CHU"] = "Chumash",
- ["CMSW"] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness",
- ["CYPRE"] = "Cypress Flats",
- ["DAVIS"] = "Davis",
- ["DELBE"] = "Del Perro Beach",
- ["DELPE"] = "Del Perro",
- ["DELSOL"] = "La Puerta",
- ["DESRT"] = "Grand Senora Desert",
- ["DOWNT"] = "Downtown",
- ["DTVINE"] = "Downtown Vinewood",
- ["EAST_V"] = "East Vinewood",
+ ["AIRP"] = "Los Santos International Airport",
+ ["ALAMO"] = "Alamo Sea",
+ ["ALTA"] = "Alta",
+ ["ARMYB"] = "Fort Zancudo",
+ ["BANHAMC"] = "Banham Canyon Dr",
+ ["BANNING"] = "Banning",
+ ["BEACH"] = "Vespucci Beach",
+ ["BHAMCA"] = "Banham Canyon",
+ ["BRADP"] = "Braddock Pass",
+ ["BRADT"] = "Braddock Tunnel",
+ ["BURTON"] = "Burton",
+ ["CALAFB"] = "Calafia Bridge",
+ ["CANNY"] = "Raton Canyon",
+ ["CCREAK"] = "Cassidy Creek",
+ ["CHAMH"] = "Chamberlain Hills",
+ ["CHIL"] = "Vinewood Hills",
+ ["CHU"] = "Chumash",
+ ["CMSW"] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness",
+ ["CYPRE"] = "Cypress Flats",
+ ["DAVIS"] = "Davis",
+ ["DELBE"] = "Del Perro Beach",
+ ["DELPE"] = "Del Perro",
+ ["DELSOL"] = "La Puerta",
+ ["DESRT"] = "Grand Senora Desert",
+ ["DOWNT"] = "Downtown",
+ ["DTVINE"] = "Downtown Vinewood",
+ ["EAST_V"] = "East Vinewood",
["EBURO"] = "El Burro Heights",
["ELGORL"] = "El Gordo Lighthouse",
["ELYSIAN"] = "Elysian Island",
@@ -89,4 +89,4 @@ local zones = {
["ZANCUDO"] = "Zancudo River",
["ZP_ORT"] = "Port of South Los Santos",
["ZQ_UAR"] = "Davis Quartz",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[maps]/bob74_ipl/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[maps]/bob74_ipl/fxmanifest.lua
index 6eeb0a018..1c82ddc52 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[maps]/bob74_ipl/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[maps]/bob74_ipl/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -12,119 +12,23 @@ version("2.0.15")
- "lib/common.lua",
- "lib/observers/interiorIdObserver.lua",
- "lib/observers/officeSafeDoorHandler.lua",
- "client.lua"
- -- GTA V
- "gtav/base.lua", -- Base IPLs to fix holes
- "gtav/ammunations.lua",
- "gtav/bahama.lua",
- "gtav/floyd.lua",
- "gtav/franklin.lua",
- "gtav/franklin_aunt.lua",
- "gtav/graffitis.lua",
- "gtav/pillbox_hospital.lua",
- "gtav/lester_factory.lua",
- "gtav/michael.lua",
- "gtav/north_yankton.lua",
- "gtav/red_carpet.lua",
- "gtav/simeon.lua",
- "gtav/stripclub.lua",
- "gtav/trevors_trailer.lua",
- "gtav/ufo.lua",
- "gtav/zancudo_gates.lua"
- -- GTA Online
- "gta_online/apartment_hi_1.lua",
- "gta_online/apartment_hi_2.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_1.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_2.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_3.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_4.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_5.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_6.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_7.lua",
- "gta_online/house_hi_8.lua",
- "gta_online/house_mid_1.lua",
- "gta_online/house_low_1.lua"
- -- DLC High Life
- "dlc_high_life/apartment1.lua",
- "dlc_high_life/apartment2.lua",
- "dlc_high_life/apartment3.lua",
- "dlc_high_life/apartment4.lua",
- "dlc_high_life/apartment5.lua",
- "dlc_high_life/apartment6.lua"
- -- DLC Heists
- "dlc_heists/carrier.lua",
- "dlc_heists/yacht.lua"
- -- DLC Executives & Other Criminals
- "dlc_executive/apartment1.lua",
- "dlc_executive/apartment2.lua",
- "dlc_executive/apartment3.lua"
- -- DLC Finance & Felony
- "dlc_finance/office1.lua",
- "dlc_finance/office2.lua",
- "dlc_finance/office3.lua",
- "dlc_finance/office4.lua",
- "dlc_finance/organization.lua"
- -- DLC Bikers
- "dlc_bikers/cocaine.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/counterfeit_cash.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/document_forgery.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/meth.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/weed.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/clubhouse1.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/clubhouse2.lua",
- "dlc_bikers/gang.lua"
- -- DLC Import/Export
- "dlc_import/garage1.lua",
- "dlc_import/garage2.lua",
- "dlc_import/garage3.lua",
- "dlc_import/garage4.lua",
- "dlc_import/vehicle_warehouse.lua"
- -- DLC Gunrunning
- "dlc_gunrunning/bunkers.lua",
- "dlc_gunrunning/yacht.lua"
- -- DLC Smuggler's Run
- "dlc_smuggler/hangar.lua"
- -- DLC Doomsday Heist
- "dlc_doomsday/facility.lua"
- -- DLC After Hours
- "dlc_afterhours/nightclubs.lua"
- -- DLC Diamond Casino (Requires forced build 2060 or higher)
- "dlc_casino/casino.lua",
- "dlc_casino/penthouse.lua"
- -- DLC Tuners (Requires forced build 2372 or higher)
- "dlc_tuner/garage.lua",
- "dlc_tuner/meetup.lua",
- "dlc_tuner/methlab.lua"
- -- DLC The Contract (Requires forced build 2545 or higher)
- "dlc_security/studio.lua",
- "dlc_security/billboards.lua",
- "dlc_security/musicrooftop.lua",
- "dlc_security/garage.lua",
- "dlc_security/office1.lua",
- "dlc_security/office2.lua",
- "dlc_security/office3.lua",
- "dlc_security/office4.lua"
- -- DLC The Criminal Enterprises (Requires forced build 2699 or higher)
- "gta_mpsum2/simeonfix.lua",
- "gta_mpsum2/vehicle_warehouse.lua",
- "gta_mpsum2/warehouse.lua",
+ "lib/*.lua",
+ "lib/observers/*.lua",
+ "client.lua",
+ "gtav/*.lua",
+ "gta_online/*.lua",
+ "dlc_high_life/*.lua",
+ "dlc_heists/*.lua",
+ "dlc_executive/*.lua",
+ "dlc_finance/*.lua",
+ "dlc_bikers/*.lua",
+ "dlc_import/*.lua",
+ "dlc_gunrunning/*.lua",
+ "dlc_smuggler/*.lua",
+ "dlc_doomsday/*.lua",
+ "dlc_afterhours/*.lua",
+ "dlc_casino/*.lua",
+ "dlc_tuner/*.lua",
+ "dlc_security/*.lua",
+ "gta_mpsum2/*.lua",