Bitrix writes .access.php
(files of access) the numerical group IDs of users, which prevents its migration from site
to site where different databases (dev zone, test, production, etc.).
Niceaccess solves this problem by substitution of IDs to character codes user groups. The character code is recorded
in the form of an API call Bex\Tools: \Bex\Tools\GroupTools::find('code')->id()
. Because of this, your files
will be relevant to with any database.
Example file .access.php
$PERM["admin"][\Bex\Tools\Group\GroupTools::find('CONTROL_PANEL_USERS', true)->id()]="R";
Class \Bex\Niceaccess\AccessManager
implements API of checking access of current user.
composer require bitrix-expert/niceaccess
- PHP >= 5.4
- Bitrix CMS >= 15.0.2