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vim configuration file

This document will serve as a personal reference for configuring nvim and vim on Arch Linux.

Seeing as there is no default central way to configure vim or neovim across all users including root, I figured that symlinking would be much better

Now, I am going to track these config files. So instead of creating them in the actual global locations i.e. /etc/vimrc, we are going to create a git folder and place them there.

mkdir -p /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/autoload mkdir /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/colors mkdir /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/plugged touch /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/vimrc touch /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vimrc.plug

|--- Plugins ---|

Download vim-plug:

sudo curl -fLo /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs

mkdir /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/plugged

|--- Symlinks ---|

After that we need to symlink our /etc/.vim directories and /etc/vimrc file:

Vim: ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim /etc/.vim /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/.vim ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/vimrc /etc/vimrc ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vimrc.plug /etc/.vimrc.plug ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/plugged /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/pluggedj sudo cp /etc/git/dotfiles/vim_config/.vim/colors/access_colors.vim /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors

NeoVim: (we can't link the full .vim dir because it causes a circular link):

ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/.vim/autoload /etc/xdg/nvim/autoload ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/.vim/colors /etc/xdg/nvim/colors ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/vimrc /etc/xdg/nvim/init.vim ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/.vim/plugged /etc/xdg/nvim/plugged ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/.vim/autoload/plug.vim /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/autoload/plug.vim

|--- Installation ---|

Install neovim, curl and vim-plug (vim plugin manager):


pacman -S neovim


pacman -S curl

|--- Config ---|

Add the following to /etc/git/dotfiles/vimrc:

if filereadable(expand("/etc/.vimrc.plug")) source /etc/.vimrc.plug endif

|--- Plugin Config ---|

NOTE: Please review the githubs for all plugins listed in the .vimrc.plug file as there are external dependencies like python3 and it's interface to vim

Any plugins you want to install, write them into the .vimrc.plug file you have just created.

The format is as follows:

call plug#begin('/etc/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'plugin shorthand for git'

call plug#end()


Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

Link: sudo ln -s /home/user/.local/share/nvim/rplugin.vim /root/.local/share/nvim/rplugin.vim

YCM-Generator export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/YCM-Generator

Configuration is written out to the file. This file should go in your project folder.

What this generator does is reading the makefile in your project directory and translate the setup of your build into the setup of your auto-completion. So you’ll have to know where does the C++ library locate in your machine. Type echo | clang -v -E -x c++ - into your terminal

You should tell your auto-completion program to search the same place as well. To do this, go to your YCM-Generator directory and find Find the flags variable (which is a python list) at the beginning of the source file, add your include directories like this:

flags = [ '-isystem', '/path/to/your/first/system/include/directory', '-isystem', '/path/to/your/second/system/include/directory', ... '-I', '/path/to/your/first/local/include/directory', ... ]

In short, the -isystem tag precedes all the system library paths, while -I precedes all the local include directories. Keep in mind that this is a template so you shouldn’t add any project-specific paths in there. Personally, I only add . to the local include directories in

When you generate configuration files for your project with YCM-Generator, you should run:

/path/to/YCM-Generator/ /path/to/project

|--- Plugin Installation ---|

Open up nvim or vim and run :PlugInstall

|--- Key Mappings ---|

After that, any key mappings you want to make are up to you. Just add them to the ~/.vimrc file.

|--- Git tracking ---|

As mentioned earlier, we have structured our files and links in a way that means it's easy to track without having a huge .gitignore file.

Run the following in your /etc/git/dotfiles directory

git init

Then make a .gitignore file and add the following to it:


We need to do this because the plugins folder is actually a git repo Even if we add this, it's a sub repo so it won't be tracked and just makes more mess.

|--- TL;DR Installation list ---|

Editor: Neovim Plugin Manager: Vim-plug Main Config: ~/.vimrc (symlinked to every other config location)

Key Mappings: see: Key Mappings section for complete list of my current mappings Plugins: see: Plugin Config for a complete list of my current plugins

|--- MISC ---|

colors: ln -s /etc/git/dotfiles/.vim/colors/access_colors.vim /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors/access_colors.vim

OR just copy the file over if symlinking doesn't work

Javascript plugins: npm install -g prettier

System vim plugins:

YouCompleteMe: sudo pip install future

packer -S: merlin-3.2.2-1

NOTE: you will still need to add configuration options for the above plugins in your /etc/vimrc file

|------------------- TO DO -------------------------|

Move .vimrc file to global folder /etc/vim/ and change all symlinks to this directory. See Arch Linux Vim and NeoVim pages for directions.

sudo ln -s /etc/vimrc /etc/xdg/nvim/init.vim sudo ln -s /etc/.vim /etc/xdg/nvim

/etc/xdg/nvim autoload -> /etc/.vim/autoload colors -> /etc/.vim/colors init.vim -> /etc/vimrc plugged -> /etc/.vim/plugged

Add a map command for sloccount (counts lines of code)


Create a local configuration file that applies to a new workspace upon creation.

Within this config file there should be a universal local directory structure, depending on the filetype that is created Within that local directory structure should have a default set of the following:

-git hooks -makefiles -local runtime commands for tools like nodemon, apache, etc. -ctags for each workspace -local .vimrc file related to: -filetype extension -tags -either find a way to dynamically pass in the names of include folders so that vim can include libraries. OR just have a new template for each kind of project... just include all new sdks and include paths = simple -lang specific linter config C: splint



“The build failed. NOTE: It is highly unlikely that this is a bug but rather that this is a problem with the configuration of your system or a missing dependency”. To spare the diagnostic process, what caused this was a really old version of GCC compiler. I had a newer version of the compiler at a different location which is not the standard one and hence the plugin could not find it. I added the following lines to “CMakeList s.txt” to point to the right one.

set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER <path_to_g++>) project (YouCompleteMe)