All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.7.0 (2023-12-30)
- remove image deps, now using astro buildin image tools (efe52a3)
2.6.0 (2023-12-20)
- add license and link to github (b460d0c)
2.5.1 (2023-12-20)
- unit test (a5ba7e0)
2.5.0 (2023-12-19)
- migrate to astro v4 and change browser targets (303aabe)
2.4.3 (2023-11-02)
- next page: link was not always working (941634a)
2.4.2 (2023-10-21)
2.4.1 (2023-10-21)
- main nav: link to book page (da9a3e7)
2.4.0 (2023-10-21)
- add download dropdown (a190299)
2.3.1 (2023-10-21)
- wow book: enforce hash navigation (d934233)
2.3.0 (2023-10-21)
- main nav: improve main nav (3571d12)
2.2.1 (2023-10-20)
- set real image dimensions (53bbf23)
2.2.0 (2023-10-20)
- quality variations & lazy load WowBook & deps upgrade (9cffde0)
2.1.0 (2023-09-06)
- search: init more smoothly after page transition (cbb8bcb)
2.0.2 (2023-09-06)
- pagefind (9c65e9f)
2.0.1 (2023-08-30)
- force browser to download pdf (a8f7ea9)
2.0.0 (2023-08-30)
- fix!: ignore peer deps for the new release (715287c)
- astro-pagefind needs to update there peer deps
1.2.1 (2023-08-30)
- Revert "Revert "fix: peer dependency conflict"" (ae84ab5)
1.2.0 (2023-08-30)
- add missing icon (793a8d2)
- aria label locale (8cc36bb)
- authors list creation (dfc73b2)
- breadcrubs line-height (42620af)
- breadcrumb spacing (9ed33fc)
- Chapter spelling; (56fe882)
- define event listeners (251690e)
- domains (677ff0d)
- fold & unfold (69c1027)
- header link (3d819fb)
- header links and smooth scroll (d56b0ac)
- image header missing classes (1365123)
- missing footer (a901ac7)
- missing param (d79bea4)
- missing quote style import (dbd29bf)
- more space between toc and content (595da38)
- order (2bf73a2)
- page transitions only on pub (b6148d8)
- path to css (72a3d5e)
- peer dependency conflict (9bcc584)
- pub toc: scroll to current (2cf82c1)
- pub-toc: toc was not visible when less then 100vh (7be60f6)
- quote: mobile styles (3fd3478)
- reduce dom size (e6fe93c)
- remove pages as draft (bef6cc8)
- rename search component (d24eac3)
- scroll to book on init (0f74d81)
- size breadcrumb link (2cbce70)
- toc role (ac880ea)
- ts interfaces (f67dbac)
- use framework on client:only (855c41c)
- wow book not loaded (c690f6d)
- wow book: cant resolve img (3ffd34c)
- wrong headline types and add missing footer (9d37944)
- wrong order (f80450d)
- wrong spacing (075116d)
- add author styles (a36db9f)
- References for "No blockchains on a dead planet" (2da2165)
- a lot of styling improvements (bf200cc)
- add "Beyond business as usual" (800e849)
- add "No blockchains on a dead planet" (496265e)
- add "politics under pressure" (0b237ca)
- add "transformative change: new concepts and paradigms to upgrade current socio-technicalstructures" (4dc3add)
- add "Values for transformation: foundation for a socio-ecological digitalisation" (847a333)
- add all images (ab8914a)
- add alternativ list style (9090408)
- add autor & tag component (851bbb3)
- add Bits & Bäume: Moving Forward, Moving Together & use mdx & add Quote component (13e2773)
- add blockqoute styles (ca6f783)
- add blockquote component (eae5433)
- add cache control (cea7471)
- add canonical (337bf26)
- add chapter theme colors (88630e1)
- add ci colors to pagefind (cdb3cb9)
- add ci styles for wow book (6ff05b0)
- add fallback description (b163596)
- add figure classes (8bc15fd)
- add figure component (14f3106)
- add final pdf (aaabe94)
- add frist 3 article for "a collective effort" (7129e06)
- add full width mode for block quotes (79e18af)
- add info graphics (7e8c726)
- add info graphics (4364079)
- add isMobileViewport (1151ad8)
- add last chaperts (63fbbda)
- add last chaperts for "a collective effort" (58cb5ca)
- add mobile styling to (block)quote components (b6475ba)
- add new Flipbook component (2846572)
- add next page button (45a0318)
- add page transitions (e879281)
- add pages and chapters (1bfe278)
- add pub toc aria labels (c3b0eb9)
- add robots.txt (fb98c24)
- add simple layout to author (e99ae41)
- add svg to cache control (9daea83)
- add vendor wow book and jQuery (6ed1dcb)
- adjust pub toc styles (0795884)
- book toc: change to new hash link format (2ff79ee)
- breadcrumb: add is current color (6787bf9)
- cache control for 1 year (27e046e)
- figure: add styles (c556eb9)
- flipbook: disable sound (22b3ad2)
- improve layout (f030e3b)
- improve pub styles (edff71d)
- improve quote markup and add styles (731383a)
- make pub toc controle littlebit bigger (34ec30a)
- minify logo (8c1b866)
- page list custom style (8a47522)
- provide seo fallback data (254bfe3)
- pub toc, scroll to section when not visible (fb39508)
- pub toc: add headline & adapt spacing (a5a1833)
- pub toc: control and heading in same line (a50c5c3)
- pub toc: keep chapters close when on mobile (f38fe4a)
- pub toc: persist scrolling (ff0d7f1)
- scroll main content in to view (mobile) (43f1080)
- show authors on end when isIntro is true (f2c9652)
- simplify css (4176fdc)
- submenu: add direction control (b242d53)
- toc can open and close chapters (eed583a)
- uns other hooks (12201c7)
- update content config + add headerImage (5ca3881)
- use ref instead of dom selector (82212c7)
1.1.0 (2023-06-06)
- apply index styles only on index (c2d7e15)
- asset paths (d720cfd)
- asset paths (65d5eee)
- box mobile spacing (d99a3fc)
- breakpoints (480f1ad)
- button line-height (389b916)
- citation font size (1f1e95e)
- citation font size (aece63a)
- filter non images formats from flipbook src. (066a3b8)
- flyout z-index (3a1f60d)
- grid & prevent word overflow (5fe50da)
- missing try (a0b9d9b)
- prevent heading id starting with a number (75c9dde)
- sort collection by number (30d2469)
- temporary disable critters (4ecc027)
- ts errors (d5a8dda)
- ts errors (4305dc4)
- wrong breakpoints (b52f224)
- add basic search styles (3141f87)
- add book toc content (4006cad)
- add content & order prop (f8d5b24)
- add final pdf (8462676)
- add final pdf imgs (4e830ef)
- add fluid typo to h1, h2, h3 (599bcbc)
- add new content collection (0dab2b4)
- add pub mobile styles (80a7f81)
- add publication toc displaying the complete collection (2255a4f)
- add search (61df09b)
- add sidebar, pub toc & publication styles (ba33283)
- add to top vue component (87860d2)
- add two new layouts & rename collection (bc81b2e)
- adjust box layout (6143c81)
- create html markup for publication content (211e79a)
- improve typo (77bf851)
- prefetch toc pages (32d2a26)
- reduced amount of data transferred to property & fix oberserver margin (1ddfeba)
- toc page numbers (88e41de)
- add width and height (927d038)
- add missing aria label (e9f7e51)
- add missing classes (674f0e5)
- add missing transitions (619c930)
- describe to top link (b1378e5)
- exclude submenu title from click outside (87f1584)
- flipbook: add missing disabled conditions (c73064c)
- flipbook: height on mobile (26482fc)
- footer: fsfe logo wrong file (c6cec02)
- headline type (82b9474)
- hide to big pixels mobile (0d42b6f)
- images: was not assible in prod (0336f8b)
- load preview img eager (486993c)
- logo grid: add interface (8cf9b80)
- logo path (d5ab8e0)
- make PWA work in Chrome (ea907cd)
- make sure that flyout is closed on target trigger (8077688)
- menu item: fix click outsite (9777987)
- MenuItem: close after click (0471685)
- mixins import (9337e8c)
- path to pdf (455bb3d)
- prefetch & update deps (39c82ed)
- smooth (8a9bfa6)
- smooth scroll: show for new generated links (0871ae6)
- switch back to client only (f98bd91)
- vite aliases (b2e2231)
- wrong breakpoints (f486017)
- wrong path (b22d0a8)
- add all footer logos (f75c91f)
- add basic seo data (7dc9d45)
- add basic styles (ad4c6e2)
- add box component (4bd79cb)
- add box desktop styles (c038498)
- add box mobile styles (db6725e)
- add breakpoint mixin (7866cbf)
- add button component and flip book styles (37b4994)
- add color vars (d77e0ab)
- add css reset (7148fd6)
- add css var colors (df1737c)
- add dimensions to logos (9f807e8)
- add fluid typo to h1, h2, h3 (e1d5713)
- add font size list (53a7626)
- add id to pwa (2f339d8)
- add id's for each element (411c1e8)
- add ignore click (d8bff02)
- add image config (6060662)
- add img assets & favicon (ac30ac0)
- add link styles (41eb447)
- add logo grid component (9643480)
- add main content spacing (bd84e3d)
- add main nav components (850d9fd)
- add primary button style (b4d22b7)
- add publisher, citation & description (3b4acae)
- add share component (f2c498d)
- add supporter to footer (50bb7ab)
- add table of contents component (2cd18d3)
- add to top component (bcb8a6d)
- add toc styles (f4a6ddc)
- add util classes (155f14a)
- add web shaped logo (c72e66e)
- astro: init astro (eb39790)
- basic html markup (39324de)
- center main nav (31f3dfd)
- create flipbook component (14ea6e2)
- finalize footer layout (229d988)
- flipbook: add first and last button (9ea4a6b)
- flipbook: add primary button styles (6547a73)
- flipbook: get all pdf files dynamicly (21a0f88)
- header & main nav: many styling improvements (eecaed0)
- header: update nav elements (a5fc4f2)
- implement favicon (b9478e6)
- implement smooth scroll (8c96ed0)
- improve header & main nav styling (6df3962)
- improve header padding (1029c80)
- improve responsive footer layout (901c842)
- improve style loading (c4ac535)
- logo grid: add title (5c0bc4c)
- logo: add logo component (59d87e9)
- main nav: add B&B Website (df63434)
- make flipbook more responsive (f12192c)
- make pages a prop of flipbook & calc page count in box (ede4170)
- mobile & desktop main nav (69cb175)