July, 2023: University International Postgraduate Award of The University of New South Wales ($37,684 per year and a total of 3.5 years.) Only 2% of applications are awarded each year.
September, 2020, September, 2021, and September, 2022: First Class Graduate Fellowship (¥ 7500) Top 10% of graduate students are awarded at Beihang University.
September, 2017 and September, 2019: National Encouragement Scholarship (¥ 5000) One of the highest undergraduate awards at Beijing Institute of Technology
September, 2016 - June, 2020: First Class Undergraduate Fellowship (¥ 1100 each term) Top 5% of undergraduate are awarded at Beihang University.
September, 2017 and September, 2019: National Encouragement Scholarship (¥ 5000) One of the highest undergraduate awards at Beijing Institute of Technology.
September, 2016 - June, 2020: First Class Undergraduate Fellowship (¥ 1100 each term) Top 5% of undergraduate are awarded at Beijing Institute of Technology.
December, 2018: Champion of 2018 Champion of Formula Student Autonomous China Member of the perception group
November, 2018: First prize (Beijing Division in Group A) in the 2018 National College Student Mathematics Competition Organized by the Higher Education Press Cup. Team leader
November, 2017: First prize (Beijing Division in Group A) in the 2017 National College Student Mathematics Competition Organized by the Higher Education Press Cup. Team leader
December, 2018: Champion of 2018 Champion of Formula Student Autonomous China Member of the perception group.
November, 2018: First prize (Beijing Division in Group A) in the 2018 National College Student Mathematics Competition Organized by the Higher Education Press Cup. Team leader.
November, 2017: First prize (Beijing Division in Group A) in the 2017 National College Student Mathematics Competition Organized by the Higher Education Press Cup. Team leader.
July, 2023: Outstanding Thesis Award (Top 5%) Awarded by the Degree Evaluation Committee of Beihang University
July, 2023: Excellent Master Graduate (Top 5%) Honored by Beihang University
October, 2022: Outstanding Communist Youth League member Endorsed by Graduate Student Committee of the Communist Youth League at Beihang University
July, 2023: Outstanding Thesis Award (Top 5%) Awarded by the Degree Evaluation Committee of Beihang University.
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I chose cycling as my hobby for multiple reasons. It lets me explore nature, stay fit, relieve stress, and connect with a supportive community. Typically, I go for a weekly long ride.
I chose cycling as my hobby for multiple reasons. It lets me explore nature, stay fit, relieve stress, and connect with a supportive community. Typically, I go for a weekly long ride.
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About Me
Here is Chunyang Zhang (Cedric, 张春阳).
Chunyang Zhang is a first-year Ph.D. student specializing in Computer Science at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Weapon Science and Technology from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2020. He further pursued his Master’s degree in Control Science and Engineering from Beihang University, Beijing, China, graduating in 2023. Currently, I am conducting research on advanced machine learning techniques and modern optimization techniques under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daoyi Dong and Dr. Huadong Mo.
Chunyang Zhang is a first-year Ph.D. student specializing in Computer Science at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Weapon Science and Technology from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2020. He further pursued his Master’s degree in Control Science and Engineering from Beihang University, Beijing, China, graduating in 2023. Currently, I am conducting research on advanced machine learning algorithms and modern optimization techniques for my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daoyi Dong and Dr. Huadong Mo.
If you’re interested in collaborating or discussing any aspect of my work, please feel free to email me at bitzhangcy[at]gmail[dot]com
If you’re interested in collaborating or discussing any aspect of my work, please feel free to email me at chunyang[dot]zhang[at]unsw[dot]edu[dot]au
Academic Background
@@ -224,7 +224,12 @@
News and Updates
August, 2023:[Exciting news!] My research paper, “Robust Control of Multi-Line Re-Entrant Manufacturing Plants via Stochastic Continuum Models,” has been accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. It’s my first Trans in the past four years. Thank you to all my co-authors and valuable contributors🚀🎉🎉🚀!!!
February, 2024:[New journey!] I’ve successfully enrolled in the doctoral program in Computer Science at UNSW.💐😝💐!!!
August, 2023:[Exciting news!] My research paper, “Robust Control of Multi-Line Re-Entrant Manufacturing Plants via Stochastic Continuum Models,” has been accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. It’s my first Trans in the past four years. Thank you to all my co-authors and valuable contributors🚀🎉🎉🚀!!!
Integral Sliding-Mode Controllers for Piecewise Linear Systems with Universality Discussion Chunyang Zhang (Advisors: Prof. Dr. Kang Zhou and Prof. Dr. Qing Gao). Final Year Project. One journal paper has been published int the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, while another conference paper has been presented at the 39th Chinese Control Conference.
Integral Sliding-Mode Controllers for Piecewise Linear Systems with Universality Discussion Chunyang Zhang (Advisors: Prof. Dr. Kang Zhou and Prof. Dr. Qing Gao). Final Year Project. One journal paper has been published in the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, while another conference paper has been presented at the 39th Chinese Control Conference.
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## 晚清大舞台
** 晚清史绕不过的几个人,咸丰皇帝,慈禧太后,曾国藩,李鸿章,醇亲王,恭亲王,庆亲王,左宗棠,张之洞,翁同龢,袁世凯和摄政王载沣这几人,当然了还有湘淮两系的很多人,还有庚子国变之后崛起的一批人,更重要的是还有一批满人亲贵和重臣。当然了,在晚清这个舞台上唱戏的首先是咸丰皇帝,然后就是慈禧太后,最后是摄政王载沣,这三个人里面,慈禧太后主掌朝政的时间最长,可以说是挽大厦之将倾,救中国维护了大一统,将平衡的艺术发挥到了极致,玩弄天下英雄与鼓掌之中,四十年来功过参半。咸丰皇帝是一代治皇,可惜生不逢时,大清已是帝国黄昏,没有张居正那样的能臣下一剂猛药是难以中兴的,最后西狩承德避暑山庄,含恨于此。这几十年中华帝国也经历了三任皇帝,同治,光绪和宣统,其实同治皇帝还是有点存在感的,在他手上毕竟还有个同治中兴,依靠湘军功勋集团平定了中国历史上声势最浩大的农民起义运动,开启了一个自强的时代洋务运动,也平息了第二次鸦片战争,中华帝国再次出现了中兴的局面,可惜盛世的幻境很快破灭。同治皇帝的死亡也是历史的迷案,穆总皇帝死于十九岁,就如同帝国末年一样,小皇帝是帝国的标配。穆总无子嗣而崩,慈禧从醇亲王出抱养载湉继祧穆总皇帝宗庙。中国的宗法继承制度是非常有意思的,以后可以开一期详细谈一谈大宗和小宗之间的关系。光绪皇帝算是唐昭宗一类,本人没有祖辈的才智,却又想不断折腾,最后输光了所有的老本,徒留下一声叹息。光绪皇帝有很好的本钱,同治中兴的余光尚未完全褪去,慈禧太后在幕后平衡着地方与中央的脆弱关系,可惜暗弱无能,竟想依靠康有为的君主立宪势力完成革新。光绪皇帝一生的亮点就是百日维新,可惜连地方的汉人督抚大员都不买账,唯一可圈可点的就是建立了京师大学堂,也算是开了中国革新之先。甲午战败,忍辱负重才是历史的主流,这位皇帝太心急了,可惜没有他的祖先康熙皇帝的才谋和机会。**
** 宣统皇帝算是安乐公之后过得最好的一位末代皇帝,他一生做过三次皇帝,第一次其实是父亲摄政王载沣代行皇帝事,第二次是张勋复辟,本质上就是一次闹剧,第三次是伪满洲国,不过是傀儡皇帝。可以这么说,宣统皇帝的一生就是吉祥物的一生,用皇帝的身份在全中国招摇撞骗。说一千道一万,晚清这个舞台主要就是慈禧太后主导的,她和现在的农村老太太没什么区别,那篇错字满篇的两宫懿旨就完成了辛酉政变,不失为一代政治强人。**
## 负重前行的帝国
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index 74a76ac923..b470b26092 100644
Binary files a/file/CV-ChunyangZhang-UNSW.pdf and b/file/CV-ChunyangZhang-UNSW.pdf differ
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Here is **Chunyang Zhang (Cedric, 张春阳)**.
-Chunyang Zhang is a first-year Ph.D. student specializing in **Computer Science** at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales. He completed his Bachelor's degree in **Weapon Science and Technology** from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2020. He further pursued his Master's degree in **Control Science and Engineering** from Beihang University, Beijing, China, graduating in 2023. Currently, I am conducting research on advanced machine learning algorithms and modern optimization techniques under the supervision of [Prof. Dr. Daoyi Dong](https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/dong-dx) and [Dr. Huadong Mo](https://www.unsw.edu.au/staff/huadong-mo).
+Chunyang Zhang is a first-year Ph.D. student specializing in **Computer Science** at the School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales. He completed his Bachelor's degree in **Weapon Science and Technology** from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2020. He further pursued his Master's degree in **Control Science and Engineering** from Beihang University, Beijing, China, graduating in 2023. Currently, I am conducting research on advanced machine learning algorithms and modern optimization techniques for my Ph.D. under the supervision of [Prof. Dr. Daoyi Dong](https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/dong-dx) and [Dr. Huadong Mo](https://www.unsw.edu.au/staff/huadong-mo).
-If you're interested in collaborating or discussing any aspect of my work, please feel free to email me at *bitzhangcy[at]gmail[dot]com*
+If you're interested in collaborating or discussing any aspect of my work, please feel free to email me at *chunyang[dot]zhang[at]unsw[dot]edu[dot]au*
## Academic Background
@@ -51,4 +51,6 @@ I am currently engaged in research that centers around **deep learning-based ano
## News and Updates
+- **February, 2024**:[New journey!] I've successfully enrolled in the doctoral program in Computer Science at UNSW.💐😝💐!!!
- **August, 2023**:[Exciting news!] My research paper, **"Robust Control of Multi-Line Re-Entrant Manufacturing Plants via Stochastic Continuum Models,"** has been accepted by the **IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering**. It's my first Trans in the past four years. Thank you to all my co-authors and valuable contributors🚀🎉🎉🚀!!!
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