- Deleted version.py
- Moved version to app.py
- ⬆️ Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet for the ubi8 environment
- ⬆️ Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet for the ubi8 environment
- fixed import error
- Update pyproject.toml to use Python 3.8
- Add and update Thoth GitHub templates
- 🔥 corrected the path to version file referenced in setup
- ⬆️ Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet for the ubi8 environment
- ⬆️ Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet for the ubi8 environment
- Release of version 0.1.0
- 🐣 patch up the solver-error-classifier repo for proper release
- removed maintainers from .thoth.yaml file
- added OWNERS
- added README and updated Changelog title
- added bjoernh2000 as maintainer
- added MANIFEST.in
- added requirements.txt
- fixed setup.py
- added context manager for pickle loading
- updated cli to predict singular solver documents instead of directories
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- added setup.py, removed nested if else and added writing down clusters
- added aicoe-ci
- removed counter to limit solver documents iterated
- Implemented initial clustering and classification
- implemented classification and clustering
- 🐣 patch up the solver-error-classifier repo for proper release
- added README and updated Changelog title
- added bjoernh2000 as maintainer
- added MANIFEST.in
- added requirements.txt
- fixed setup.py
- added context manager for pickle loading
- updated cli to predict singular solver documents instead of directories
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- Update app.py
- added setup.py, removed nested if else and added writing down clusters
- added aicoe-ci
- removed counter to limit solver documents iterated
- Implemented initial clustering and classification
- implemented classification and clustering