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File metadata and controls

468 lines (367 loc) · 19.7 KB

Packs Interface

  • Pack description is in manifest.json, including available Variants.
  • Everything a pack provides is done through Lua, starting at scripts/init.lua.
  • Data (that is loaded through Lua) is stored as JSON inside the pack.
  • Images (that are referenced in JSON) are PNGs, GIFs or JPEGs inside the pack.
  • Most strings/identifiers are case sensitive.


The only things of consequence right now are:

    "name": "<Readable Name>",
    "package_uid": "<unique string for saves>",
    "package_version": "<unique string for open and saves>",
    "platform": "<platform>",
    "variants": {
        "<some_variant_uid>": {
            "display_name": "<Readable Name>",
            "flags": [
                "<some flag>"
    "versions_url": "",
    "min_poptracker_version": "0.23.1"

Other fields:

    "game_name": "<Readable Name>",
    "author": "<Readbale Names>"

Each pack can have multiple variants (e.g. map or compact).

If platform is "snes", the snes autotracker is to be enabled.

Currently supported flags:

  • "ap": pack supports Archipelago autotracking. See
  • "uat": pack supports UAT autotracking. See
  • "lorom": (SNES) game has LoROM mapping - if not listed in gameinfo.cpp
  • "hirom": (SNES) game has HiROM mapping
  • "exlorom": (SNES) game has ExLoROM mapping
  • "exhirom": (SNES) game has ExHiROM mapping

versions_url can be used for automatic updates. Information from global packs.json takes precedence. See for more information.

min_poptracker_version will check if the version is compatible when loading the pack. It can be written as x, x.y or x.y.z.

Lua Interface

  • When calling a provided method, use : instead of .

  • When loading files, the search path is ./ as well as ./variant/, so that

    you can have global items in items/items.json OR per-variant items in [variant]/items/item.json

The following interfaces are provided:

global Tracker

  • string .ActiveVariantUID: variant of the pack that is currently loaded
  • bool :AddItems(jsonfilename): load items from json
  • bool :AddMaps(jsonfilename): load maps from json
  • bool :AddLocations(jsonfilename): load locations from json
  • bool :AddLayouts(jsonfilename): load layouts from json
  • int :ProviderCountForCode(code): number of items that provide the code (sum of count for consumables)
  • mixed :FindObjectForCode(string): returns items for code or location section for @location/section
  • void :UiHint(name,string): sends a hint to the Ui, see Ui Hints. Only available in PopTracker, since 0.11.0

global ScriptHost

  • bool :LoadScript(luafilename): load and execute a lua script
    • require can be used instead (since PopTracker 0.21.0)
  • bool :AddMemoryWatch(name,addr,len,callback,interal): add a memory watch for auto-tracking, see
  • bool :RemoveMemoryWatch(name): remove memory watch by name, available since 0.11.0
  • bool :AddWatchForCode(name,code,callback): callback(code) will be called whenever an item changed state that canProvide(code). Only available in PopTracker, since 0.11.0, will return a reference (name) to the watch since 0.18.2
  • bool :RemoveWatchForCode(name): remove watch by name
  • LuaItem :CreateLuaItem(): create a LuaItem (custom item) instance

global AutoTracker

global ImageReference

use ImageRef = string

  • ImageRef :FromPackRelativePath(filename): for now this will just return filename and path resoltuion is done later.

global PopVersion

a string in the form of "1.0.0" -- TODO: move to Tracker.PopVersion ?

global AccessibilityLevel (enum)

a table representing an enum with the following constants:
None, Partial, Inspeect, SequenceBreak, Normal, Cleared

type LuaItem

use ImageRef = string

  • ImageRef .Icon: change the icon. Use ImageReference:FromPackRelativePath.
  • string .IconMods: icon modifier, see JSON's img_mods. Only available in PopTracker, since 0.11.0
  • string .Name: item's name
  • object .ItemState: (any) object to track internal state in lua
  • closure(LuaItem) .OnLeftClickFunc: called when left-clicking
  • closure(LuaItem) .OnRightClickFunc: called when right-clicking
  • TODO: Middle, Forward, Backward or a generalized onClick(button)
  • closure(LuaItem,string code) .CanProvideCodeFunc: called to determine if item has code
  • closure(LuaItem,string code) .ProvidesCodeFunc: called to track progress, closure should returns 1 if code is provided (can provide && active)
  • closure(LuaItem,string code) .AdvanceToCodeFunc: called to change item's stage to provide code (not in use yet)
  • closure(LuaItem) .SaveFunc: called when saving, closure should return a lua object that works in LoadFunc
  • closure(LuaItem,object data) .LoadFunc: called when loading, data as returned by SaveFunc
  • closure(LuaItem,key,value) .PropertyChangedFunc: called when :Set is called and the value changed
  • :Set(key,value): write to property store (NOTE: property store == .ItemState)
  • :Get(key): read from property store. not sure what this is good for if we have .ItemState
  • :SetOverlay(string): set overlay text (see JsonItem), only available in PopTracker
  • :SetOverlayBackground(string): set overlay background (see JsonItem), only available in PopTracker, since 0.17.0
  • :SetOverlayFontSize(int): set overlay font size (~pixels), only available in PopTracker, since 0.17.2
  • .Owner: returns empty table at the moment for compatibility reasons, since 0.18.2
  • .Type: gets the type of the item as string (always "custom"), since 0.23.0

Probably more to come.

type JsonItem

  • bool .Active: enable/disable item
  • int .CurrentStage: set/get stage for staged items
  • int .AcquiredCount: set/get current amount for consumables
  • int .MinCount: set/get min amount for consumables (available since 0.21.0)
  • int .MaxCount: set/get max amount for consumables (available since 0.14.0)
  • :SetOverlay(string): set overlay text (like count, for non-consumables), only available in PopTracker
  • :SetOverlayBackground(string): set background: "#000000" is (A)RGB, "" is transparent, only available in PopTracker, since 0.17.0
  • :SetOverlayFontSize(int): set overlay font size (~pixels), only available in PopTracker, since 0.17.2
  • .Owner: returns empty table at the moment for compatibility reasons, since 0.18.2
  • .Increment: sets or gets the increment (left-click) value of consumables
  • .Decrement: sets or gets the decrement (right-click) value of consumables
  • .Type: gets the type of the item as string ("toggle", ...), since 0.23.0

Probably more to come.

type LocationSection

  • .Owner: returns empty table at the moment, see Locations
  • .ChestCount: how many chests are in the section
  • .AvailableChestCount: read/write how many chests are NOT checked
  • .AccessibilityLevel: read-only, giving one of the AccssibilityLevel constants



        "name": "<Readable Name>",
        "type": "<type>",


  • "progressive":

    • has any number of states ("stages")

    • adds automatic "off" stage if "allow_disabled": true (default true)

    • adds optional "loop": false to determine if the states should loop (last → first) when clicking

    • adds optional "initial_stage_idx": 0

    • adds array of states ("stages")

      "stages": [
              "img": "path/to/img.png",
              "disabled_img": "path/to/disabled.png", // optional, grey img if missing
              "codes": "check_identifier",
              "secondary_codes": "state_identifier", // unused at the moment
              "inherit_codes": false,
              "img_mods": "@disabled",
              "disabled_img_mods": "...",
              "name": "optional name override" // since 0.21.1
    • img_mods filter to be applied on the img

      • @disabled: grey-scale
      • overlay|path/to/img.png: draw a second image over it
    • inherit_codes: true will make stage3 provide codes for item, stage1, 2 and 3 (default true)

  • "toggle":

    • only has on/off

    • greyed-out version will be generated by the tracker

    • adds img and codes at the same level

          "img": "path/to/img.png",
          "img_mods": "optional_filter",
          "codes": "check_identifier"
    • adds disabled_img: override img when off

    • adds disabled_img_mods: like img_mods but for off. Defaults to img_mods + "@disabled"). Any value (e.g. "none") disables defaults.

  • "consumable":

    • has count (0 = off)
    • adds "min_quantity": 0, since 0.21.0
    • adds "max_quantity": 0
    • adds "increment": 1 can be used if an item pickup is always a certain count, since 0.18.3
    • adds "decrement": 1 can be used if using an item always uses up multiple, since 0.18.3
    • adds optional "initial_quantity": 0
    • adds optional "overlay_background": "" set text background color with "#000000" (A)RGB notation
    • adds optional "overlay_font_size": 0 set font size of overlay text
    • adds alias badge_font_size for overlay_font_size
  • "progressive_toggle":

    • like progressive with allow_disabled: false, but the current stage can be toggled between "on" and "off"
  • "composite_toggle":

    • is linked to two items left and right that have to be defined before
    • lua access is through linked items' .Active only
    • adds "item_left": "code" and "item_right": "code"
    • adds 4 stages via
    "images": [
            "left": false, "right": false,
            // img, mods like stage
            "left": true, "right": false,
            // img, mods like stage
        // ...
  • "toggle_badged":
    • display "img" over "base_item"
    • toggle visibility of "img" with right mouse button
    • change underlying item with left mouse button
        "name": "Some Item",
        "type": "...",
        "img": "path/to/item.png",
        "codes": "some_item"
        "name": "Combination's name",
        "type": "toggle_badged",
        "base_item": "some_item",
        "img": "path/to/overlay.png",
        "codes": "some_overlay"


Maps are referenced by name in layouts.

        "name": "map_identifier",
        "location_size": 24, // size of locations on the map, unit is pixels of img
        "location_border_thickness": 2, // border around the locations
        "img": "path/to/img.png"

TODO: we want to add more stuff, like displaying numbers besides locations


Locations define drops on maps, rules to have them accessible as well as the looks of it

        "name": "Area name",
        "access_rules": [
            "{<checkrule1>, <checkrule2>}",
        "visibility_rules": [
            ... // like access rules but for visibility of the location or section
        "chest_unopened_img": "path/to/chest.png", // default if children do not override
        "chest_opened_img": "path/to/chest.png",
        "overlay_background": "#000000", // set background for number of unopened chests #(AA)RRGGBB
        "parent": "parent's name", // read below
        "children": [
                "name": "Location or check name",
                "access_rules": [
                    "<rule on top of parent's>",
                "chest_unopened_img": "path/to/chest.png", // default if section does not override
                "chest_opened_img": "path/to/chest.png",
                "map_locations": [
                        "map": "map_name",
                        "x": 123,
                        "y": 234,
                        "size": 24, // override map default, since 0.21.1
                        "border_thickness": 2 // override map default, since 0.21.1
                    ... // having multiple locations seems to have problems?
                "sections": [
                        "name": "Human readable name",
                        "clear_as_group": true|false, // one click does all checks in this section
                        "chest_unopened_img": "path/to/chest.png",
                        "chest_opened_img": "path/to/chest.png",
                        "item_count": 1, // number of checks in this section (all use the same image)
                        "hosted_item": "item", // this item will be checked when cleared
                        "access_rules": [
                            "<rule on top of parent's>",
                        "visibility_rules": [
                            "<rule on top of parent's>",
                        "ref": "Path/to/another/section" // links and displays a section from another location here

Locations: Each map_location is a square on the map and shows a popup with individual chests.

Rules: Rules starting with $ will call the lua function with that name, @<location>/<section> will use the result of a different access rule, other rules will just look at items' code (runs ProviderCountForCode(rule)).

For $ rules, arguments can be supplied with |. $test|a|b will call test("a","b"). The return value has to be a number (count) or boolean (since v0.20.4).

Rules inside [ ] are optional (i.e. glitches work around this rule).

Rule-goups inside { } are a different set of rules to mark the section as "checkable but not collectible", marked blue on the map.

<rule1>-<rule4> in example above are combined as: (<rule1> AND <rule2>) OR (<rule3> AND <rule4>) have to be met to collect.

{<checkrule1>, <checkrule2>} in example above are combined as: (<checkrule1> AND <checkrule2>) have to be met to check.

In PopTracker (since 0.19.1) rules can be specified as json array instead of string, which allows to use , inside names or arguments

Parent: With "parent", the location's parent can be overwritten. Since PopTracker v0.19.2. This is useful to put a location from dungeons.json into a location from overworld.json, which could also be done with @ access rules.

Sections: The popup is segmented into sections.

A room with magic and 3 chests could have a section for 1 magic and a section for the 3 chests.

Depending on the map it is also possible to have 1 location per chest, but checking that off takes longer.

Name is optional and will be displayed above the section.

Sections can be addressed from Lua with Tracker:FindObjectForCode("@location_name/secion_name")

hosted_item is a comma separated list of item codes that are always in this section.

item_count is the number of checks (chests, ...) and defaults to 1 unless hosted_item is used, in which case it defaults to 0.

ref make this section a reference to another section, ignoring all other properties defined here. This can be used to have the same section in detailed and overworld maps.

Tracker Lua Interface:

  • Tracker:FindObjectForCode('@location_name/section_name') returns a Section or nil

Section Lua Interface:

  • .Owner: probably points to location, but we return an empty table at the moment. .Owner.ModifiedByUser is nil.
  • .ChestCount: read how many chests are in the section
  • .AvailableChestCount: read/write how many chests are NOT checked

Future: We probably want to add a different (additional) interface to Pop for this:

  • Give every chest an id
  • Tracker:setChestState(id,state)
  • we would then have pop-autotracking.lua and emo-autotracking.lua


  • layouts define how the items and maps are placed in the UI
  • layout definitions are a map of "name" => widget where widget can be some container, a reference, an item grid/array, a single item or a (world-)map
  • the named layout "tracker_default" is the root object of the tracker view
  • if "tracker_default" is missing, "tracker_horizontal" or "tracker_vertical" is used (no way for the user to pick yet)
  • the named layout "tracker_broadcast" is the root object of the broadcast view
  • the named layout "settings_popup" is the root object of a pack/variant specific settings window
  • the named layout "tracker_capture_item" is not supported yet ("item picker popup" for hints)
  • containers have "content" which can be an array of other widgets or a json object for a single other widget

the final hierarchy looks something like this: json root -> "tracker_default" -> "content" -> "content" -> ...


    "type":        "{container,dock,array,tabbed,group,item,itemgrid,map,layout,recentpins}",
    "background":  "#000000", // background color #(AA)RRGGBB
    "h_alignment": "{left,right,center,stretch}",
    "v_alignment": "{top,bottom,center,stretch}",
    "dock":        "{top,bottom,left,right}", // if inside a dock, where to dock
    "orientation": "{horizontal,vertical}", // how to orient children
    "max_height":  integer, // maximum height in px
    "max_width":   integer, // maximum width in px
    "margin":      "left,top,right,bootom",
    "item_margin": "<horizontal>,<vertical>", // margin in px
    "item_size":   "<horizontal>,<vertical>", // 3=default=32, 4=48, other TBD, 10+=size in pixels
    "item_h_alignment": "{left,right,center,stretch}", // align image inside item; PopTracker since 0.19.1
    "item_v_alignment": "{top,bottom,center,stretch}", // as above; stretch is not implemented for either
    "dropshadow":  bool // enable/disable drop shadow, not implemented yet


  • "container": has a single child (because that's how containers work IRL)
  • "dock": like array, but uses "dock" to place children
  • "array": like dock, but uses "orientation" instead of "dock" to place children
  • "tabbed": tabs that switch between multiple children, has "tabs": [ {"title":"...","content":{...}} ]
  • "group": has a single child + a header ("header": "text")
  • "item": a single item ("item": "item_code", )
  • "itemgrid": has "rows" as an array of rows, each being an array of item_code strings
  • "map": has optional "maps" which is array of map ids, if missing all maps are added
  • "layout": pastes a different named object here ("key": "name_of_layout")
  • "recentpins": pinned items, uses {"style":"{wrapped,?}","compact":bool}
  • "text": has property "text": "string" to display a string
  • "canvas": has width, height and content - children have width, height, canvas_top and canvas_left; since 0.21.1


Margin can alternatively be specified as "x,y" or single int and is an offset of the widget's position and size. Margin defaults to 0 for items and "inner arrays" (array inside array), 5 for everything else.

Ui Hints

Instead of allowing Lua direct access to the UI/Widgets, there is a "Hints" interface. See global Tracker.

  • "ActivateTab": value = tab name, since 0.11.0