- App Features
- Add Archipelago "Manual" support: packs can opt in and send locations to a MultiServer
- Always append .json to export state filename on Windows
- Pack Features
- Add "location_shape" to maps and "shape" to map locations, supporting
- "rect" (default)
- "diamond" (new, 45° rotated rect)
- Lua: AddOnLocationSectionChangedHandler to react to changed locations sections
- Lua: Archipelago:LocationChecks and :LocationScouts for "apmanual"
- Lua: Added LocationSection.FullID to get the full location/section string
- Added flag "apmanual" to enable sending in Archipelago
- Add "location_shape" to maps and "shape" to map locations, supporting
- Fixes
- Fix map tooltip placement being wrong under certain cirumstances
- Fix sections with sequence break + inspect not showing up correctly
- Fix a race condition in snes autotracking
- Ignore "allow_disabled" for items where behavior wasn't documented: toggle, static, toggle_badged
- Fixes some typos in docs and error messages
- App Features
- Properly detect visibility and fix window position on start
- Save and restore window size when loading a pack
- AP: detect common copy & paste mistakes in server:port
- Pack Features
- Don't warn for empty (
) rules - Switch DEBUG to flags and initialize DEBUG from config's "debug"
- default to none (
) - disabling FPS logging by default
- see docs/PACKS.md for more info
- default to none (
- Don't warn for empty (
- Dev Features
- Add unit testing framework
- Fix building on M1
- Fixes
- Fix rules not working correctly for renamed duplicate locations
- Fix ':' breaking '@' and '^' rules
- Fix build on M1 with homebrew
- App Features
- Default to split colors for map locations - press Ctrl+P to toggle
- Archipelago: suggest last used slot name even if server changed
- Pack Features
- Lua: OnFrame event (via ScriptHost:AddOnFrameHandler)
- Lua: ScriptHost:RunScriptAsync and ScriptHost:RunStringAsync to run longer computations without blocking the UI
- overlay_align and SetOverlayAlign for overlay text alignment
- Rework how access and visibility rules work
- Fixes complex @-Rules not resolving correctly
- Allows to use Item.AccessibilityLevel from Lua rules
- Doc improvements
- Error message improvements
- Fixes
- Fix some access and visibility rules that were being used by packs
- Fix per-map-location visibility rules not working if multiple are on the same map
- App Features
- Make pack selection "stick" when clicking it
- Increase scrolling distance/speed
- Pack Features
- SNES auto-tracking: add SA-1 mapping
- LuaItem: add OnMiddleClickFunc
- Add LuaLS definition file - see Lua Interface in PACKS.md
- Update example packs
- Fixes
- SNES auto-tracking: fix reconnect not working properly (breaking the mapping)
- Fix scrolling behavior in map tooltip when last element is hidden
- Fix unnamed map tooltip section not properly updating
- Fix handling of leading comma in json and Item.IconMods
- Fix save state export dialog not opening when pack name has special characters in it
- Fixes
- Fix updating map locations that use
(speedup in 0.25.6 broke this)
- Fix updating map locations that use
- App Features
- Add some topics to readme: Bizhawk connector, pack install, user override, portable mode
- Add F1 hotkey to open the readme
- Implement user overrides for packs
- Speedup rule evaluation when modifying locations (from Lua)
- Pack Features
- Add support for image mods on overlay images using
- Add
rule syntax to directly set AccessibilityLevel from Lua (instead of count/bool) - Add shorter single string rule syntax option
"access_rules": "one_code"
- Add smooth_map_scaling to settings.json
- json schema for settings.json
- Lua: properly implement require, set
variable to current module - Allow setting and reading the Tracker.BulkUpdate flag
- automatically set while loading state
- when set to
, rule evaluation is deferred until set tofalse
- Add support for image mods on overlay images using
- Fixes
- Correctly encode non-ASCII paths on windows when saving (instead of crashing)
- Lua: increase execution limit of rules to 500k instructions - some packs ran into the limit
- Internal doc update/cleanup
- App Features
- AP: Implement upcoming protocol changes for Archipelago (per-game IDs)
- AP: try WSS (SSL) first, then WS (unencrypted)
- Add F2 hotkey to open broadcast window
- Show base item name in tooltip for badged_toggle while badge is off
- Pack Features
- Implement initial_active_state for progressive_toggle
- Update Lua to 5.4.6+3
- Lua: abort (recursive) Lua
-rules after 100k instructions - Lua: add global boolean
, set to true to produce more verbose debug output - Lua: add Locations to Tracker:FindObjectForCode
- Lua: add special "*" code for ScriptHost:AddWatchForCode to receive all code changes
- Fixes
- Don't crash when internet is unavailable
- Glitched + Inspect only = Unreachable
- Fix possible crash in MemoryWatch handling
- AP: Use embedded SSL certificates, fixing connection problems on MacOS and outdated Windows
- Some json schema and doc fixes
- Avoid memory leaks when throwing Lua errors from native code
- App Features
- Add N64 auto-tracking beta for BizHawk
- Update map tooltip (visibility) without closing/recreating it
- Pack Features
- Add restrict_visibility_rules and force_invisibility_rules to MapLocations
- Add initial_active_state to toggle and toggle_badged
- Lua: implement JsonItem.Icon (for toggles only)
- Lua: implement ImageReference.FromImageReference
- Lua: allow returning false from MemoryWatch to have it trigger again
- Lua: print traceback for errors in Lua rules
- Fixes
- Warn instead of crash for invalid tabs (tabbed with no tabs)
- Windows: avoid showing duplicates of packs
- Don't crash for clear_as_group of multiple hosted items
- Some json schema fixes
- App Features
- Long hover shows tooltips in settings window
- Pack Features
- Add
to manifest (currently unused)
- Add
- Fixes
- Archipelago: properly support item and location IDs > 2147483647 everywhere
- Fix HOME/PopTracker/packs and HOME/PopTracker/assets not always being added to search paths on Linux and macOS
- Properly detect if the same pack folder is listed twice in the search path
- Linux: detect and warn if dialogs will fail due to missing dependencies
- Linux: skip check-for-updates question if dialog might fail
- Pack Features
- Add support for Archipelago.TeamNumber, .CheckedLocations and .MissingLocations
- Fixes
- Clip scrollable map tooltips to expected size
- Correctly handle clicking hosted items with clear_as_group
- Allow boolean values for LuaItems' ProvidesCodeFunc - some packs do that
- Don't panic when getting an unexpected value from LuaItems' ProvidesCodeFunc
- Pack update: fix wrong % display for downloads > 42.9MB
- Pack update: don't ask to update if latest version is already installed
- Pack update: don't fail if backups have a naming collision
- Pack update: don't update progress until size is known and don't crash
- Fixes
- Fix missing question if checking for updates should be enabled on first start
- App Features
- Reset window position when saved value is definitely invalid
- Use map colors from [Color Picker] (https://poptracker.github.io/color-picker.html) for map tooltips as well
- Fixes
- Archipelago Autotracking: reapply autotracking when resetting/loading state while connected
- Correctly apply hide_cleared_locations/hide_unreachable_locations on app start
- Don't warn about recursion when changing item state inside Lua access rule exactly once
- App Features
- Hide empty sections in cases where a hosted item does not exist
- Hide map location if it has no sections
- Make map tooltips scroll vertically on overflow
- Automatically ping Archipelago host to keep the connection alive
- Pack Features
- settings.json:
{ "smooth_scaling": true }
enables high quality / smooth scaling for the pack
- settings.json:
- Fixes
- Default itemgrid horizontal alignment to center
- Lua: skip/ignore BOM and print warning if found in a .lua file.
- Fixes
- Fix PopTracker sometimes selecting potable mode when it shouldn't
- Fixes
- Fixed Archipelago SSL support - this was a build issue and only affects the Windows release build.
- App Features
- Split-color map locations - press Ctrl+P to toggle
- Load customizable map location colors from
or ~/.config/PopTracker/colors.json` - Color Picker: https://poptracker.github.io/color-picker.html
- Additional Hotkeys: ctrl+R to reload, ctrl+shift+R to force-reload
- Portable mode: create
next to the EXE to skip using user's%appdata%
- Update Archipelago client lib (better support for APWorlds through data package checksum, wss/SSL support)
- Enable Server Name Identification (SNI) on HTTPS - required to get updates from github in some regions
- Disable tls1.1 and older for HTTPS
- Pack Features
- Allow
in manifest.json to disable loading of incompatible packs.
- Allow
- App Features
- Remember Archipelago auto-tracking host and slot in saved states
- Clarify Archipelago host input, detect some errors
- Different FPS limit for software renderer (default 60) and hardware renderer (default 120)
- Include version info in Windows build (.exe -> right click -> Properties -> Details)
- Updated
- Pack Features
- Lua: Allow the use of .Active for progressive that can't be disabled (always true)
- Lua: JSONItem.Type and LuaItem.Type is the type of the item as string
- Sections can be placed into multiple locations by using
{"ref": "path/to/original", "name": "New name"}
- Fixes
- Fixed always ending up with software renderer on Windows (high CPU load, since 0.22.0)
- Fix that sections with both items and hosted items could show up in the wrong color on maps
- Update tooltip when a LuaItem changes its .Name, don't reload image if it's unchanged
- Make some dialogs thread-safe
- App Features
- Show stage name instead of item name when possible
- F11 and ctrl+H to toggle location visibility
- F5 to reload pack
- Ctrl+F5 to force-reload pack
- Update included libraries
- Pack Features
- Add support for Archipelago data storage api
- Add read access of AccessibilityLevel from Lua
- Allow overriding specific map location size and border
- Add support for alpha when specifying colors
- Implement canvas
- Implement tab icons
- Fixes
- Correctly draw background for groups, add default
- App Features
- Lua: replace default libs with sandboxed custom ones. It's still not recommended to run untrusted packs.
- Autotracking: better naming in tooltips
- SNES Autotracking: right-click cycles through devices (if multiple)
- More warnings and better handling for packs doing unexpected things
- More command line features, see
poptracker --help
- Pack Features
- Lua: support require (from ZIP or folder)
- Lua: stripped-down os and io (read-only, only from current pack)
- Support min quantity for consumables: min_quantity (JSON), MinCount (Lua)
- Support for more things in LuaItem saves
- Support odd ZIP variant
- Fixes
- Fixed glitched reachable for referenced locations (
) - Don't crash when loading invalid files as state
- Fixed setting MaxCount from Lua
- Fixed fuzzy pack matching not always selecting the expected one
- Updated library versions (fixing some potential security issues)
- Fix makeGreyscale for 24bpp
- Fixed glitched reachable for referenced locations (
- App Features
- New Icon by Cyb3R
- Added support for pack updates
- Added some CLI (command line interface) features
- Pack Features
- Allow returning bool from lua for $-rules
- Allow empty arrays in access/visibility rules
- Fixes
- Fixed bug in AP UUID generation
- Use correct bottom end of items for hit test
- Load integrated SSL certificates from any asset dir
- Catch exceptions when aborting HTTPs to avoid crashing
- App Features
- Update apclient to 0.2.6
- App Features
- Allow continuous resizing of windows on Windows and Mac
- Pack Features
- Allow non-integers in margin (ignoring the fraction)
- Add Player number as argument to Archipelago ItemHandler
- Add AutoTracker:GetConnectionState
- Fixes
- Fix "AT" button sometimes being invisible
- Re-add memory watches when toggling "AT"
- Change background fill to cover margin
- Fix wrong min/max size of groups
- Pack Features
- Allow case mismatch of codes in layout json
- App Features
- Allow multiple auto-tracking back-ends at the same time
- Clear all checks in a location with right mouse button
- Fixes
- Detect access/visibility rule recursion
- Fix order of events for Archipelago auto-tracking
- Make consumable decrement step default to increment step
- App Features
- Automatically switch between horizontal and vertical layout
- Limit maximum min window size based on screen size
- Limit window size to 96x96 - 8kx4k
- Add drag&drop support for packs and saves into the main window
- Add option to set usb2snes ip/host to PopTracker.json
- Pack Features
- Add support for more legacy packs
- Add support for
- Add partial support for
in item grids - Add
- Allow rules to be arrays instead of comma separated strings
- Allow most integers to be in quotes in json
- Fixes
- Fix modifying watches from watch callbacks
- Fix vertical stretch of some widgets
- Fix/ignore composite toggles with bad left/right
- Fix what codes composite toggles provide
- Fix setting progressive with allow_disabled from Lua
- Change progressive with allow_disabled to what people expect
- App Features
- Actually reload pack with the reload button when files changed
- Make pack list scrollable
- Make snes auto-tracking work for SRAM (requires usb2snes mapping)
- Pack Features
- Add support for consumable increment and decrement
- Added snes memory mapping flags (hirom, lorom, exhirom, exlorom) for AT
- Support @-rules for locations (not just sections)
- More lenient typing from Lua and json
- Change return value of
to be a watch reference (currently name) - Allow saving/loading nil for Lua items
- Make overlay's/badge's pink background transparent
- Partial support for 'legacy' packs
- Fixes
- Fix some locations not updating when loading/resetting state
- Fix "glitch-reachable" for @-access_rules
- Fixed multiple issues handling Archipelago connect errors and disconnect
- App Features
- Win32: enable "visual style" (fancier MessageBoxes)
- Remember last import/export file when loading state
- Pack Features
- Return empty table for Item.Owner to support more packs
- Fixes
- Warn instead of crash when trying to call a missing Lua function
- Fix crash when cancelling import/load state
- Fix some minor memory leaks
- App Features
- Added preliminary support for Archipelago Multiworld connection
- Allow most texts to break into multiple lines ('\n')
- Allow tabs to break into multiple lines (automatically)
- Auto-save every 60 seconds
- Pack Features
- Add support for text nodes
- Add support for overlay_background in location items
- Fixes
- Fix a bug in rules parsing (accessibility used as visibility)
- Fix a memory leak when unloading pack
- Fix indexed images with overlay not rendering transparent
- App Features
- Option to exclude pre-installed packs
- Option to check for updates
- Export/Import current state
- Support for custom FPS limit:
run+exit app, modify
- Better debug output for some errors / warnings
- Pack Features
- Add support for
item type
- Add support for
- Fixes
- save and restore overlay background for JSON items
- Pack Features
- allow setting overlay font size through JSON (
) and Lua (SetOverlayFontSize()
) - alias
- allow setting overlay font size through JSON (
- Fixes
- Fix y position of items in item grid
- Fix UAT-related crash when changing packs/variants
- App Features
- Hide "AT" if no auto-tracking backend is available
- Fixes
- Make clear_as_group also check hosted_item
- Make clear_as_group default to true
- Pack Features
- Allow Lua "codes" (
) in ProviderCountForCode - Add support for visibility_rules
- Add overlay_background for consumables and LuaItems
- Allow Lua "codes" (
- Fixes
- Don't access SNES ROM if not supported
- Fix location border not being drawn
- Sane defaults for location size and border
- App Features
- Add support for UAT protocol
- Click on "AT" to toggle auto-tracking
- Add dummy variables to Items for Lua to get more packs to load
- Fixes
- Fix crash when loading packs on older CPUs: make liblua build not target a specific CPU
- App Features
- More verbose debug output
- Use --console to open a dos prompt for debug output on windows
- Debug output to terminal/dos prompt when starting from terminal
- Debug output to file:
run+exit app, modify
, run app - Support for software renderer:
run+exit app, modify
, run app - Don't disable compositing in X11
- Fixes
- make static items default to "on" for access_rules
- Pack Features
- work around bug in IoGR's logic with random starting location
- added
item type
- Fixes
- Make items' pink background transparent (disabled/with img_mods)
- App Features
- Accept mouse clicks when window is not focused
- Add support for zipped packs (no need to unpack anymore)
- Auto-save should now always work
- More debug output
- Pack Features
- arguments to lua access rules
now readable and writable- dummy
to allow packs to load - Make items' pink background transparent
- Fixes
- don't let SNES auto-tracking block unloading packs
- fix bug in creating (auto-save) directories
- fix a memory leak when creating directories
- Fixes
- fix potential crash when changing packs/variants
- App Features
- macOS support
- allow locations to be on multiple points on a map
- Pack Features
- support more layouts/packs
- Fixes
- fix crash when listing a pack with no variants
- work around slow shutdown for watch with slow update interval
- App Features
command line switch- save and restore ui state/hints (active tabs)
- Pack Features
- Fixes
- fix some potential crashes from lua
- fix a crash when closing
- fix restoring window position on win32
- sanitize save paths
- changed sizing in dock, hbox and vbox (hopefully for the better)
- fix memory leaks for lua
- initial release