A SizeFact is a pre-computed collection of statistics about Project source code. It provides monthly running totals of lines of code, commits, and developer effort.
SizeFacts contain the running totals of ActivityFacts.
A SizeFact is derived from lower-level statistics contained in an Analysis. SizeFacts are updated whenever a Project is re-analyzed.
SizeFacts are availabled only after Open Hub has downloaded and analyzed the project source code.
- month Indicates the month covered by this SizeFact. Only the year and month fields are significant. This SizeFact record includes all development activity that occured during this month.
- code The total net lines of code, excluding comments and blanks, as of the end of this month.
- comments The total net lines of comments as of the end of this month.
- blanks The total net blank lines as of the end of this month.
- comment_ratio The fraction of net lines which are comments as of the end of this month.
- commits The cumulative total number commits to the project source control, including this month.
- man_months
The cumulative total months of effort expended by all contributors on this project, including this month. For instance, if 1 contributor has worked for 3 months and 2 developers have each worked for 5 months, man_months will be 13. This is the running total of the ActivityFact
To get all SizeFacts for a particular Analysis:
curl https://www.openhub.net/p/{project_id}/analyses/{analysis_id}/size_facts.xml
If you do not know the ID of the current best Analysis for a Project, you can use the following shortcut:
curl https://www.openhub.net/p/{project_id}/analyses/latest/size_facts.xml
The call returns one SizeFact for each month, starting at the first month in which any code exists, and ending at the month in which Open Hub last created a new Analysis for this Project. Typically, the collection ends at the current month, but if the Project has not been re-analyzed in a while, the collection may end sooner.
The results cannot be paginated or filtered. Results are sorted chronologically.