- Description
- Usage
- The configuration file
3.1. The structure - Retention
4.1. Short term
4.2. Long term
This is a script to:
- trigger an Akeeba Backup in Joomla
- download locally the file generated using SSH or FTP
- store the file based on a retention
At the end of the process, the script will send an e-mail with the total time.
The script reads all the configurations from an ini file and is intended to be run every day.
The script logs to standard output and to a file located in the same directory.
The script has some dependencies specified in requirements.txt, to install them
pip install -r requirements.txt
Provide the full path to the script so it will automatically read the config file from the same directory.
This script works on Python 3.
python3 /usr/local/bin/retrieve_akeeba_backup.py
The configuration file is a YAML file, it must be called config.yml and it must be placed in the same directory where the script is.
If you select to use ssh, you have to omit the ftp section and vice versa.
Example of a configuration file with SSH:
remote_backup_path: <Path on the FTP server to the backup folder of Akeeba Backup>
trigger_url: <The URL that you need to visit in order to start the backup with Akeeba Backup.
You can find this string going in backend of Joomla to Components > Akeeba Backup
> Scheduling Information > Url you want to execute>
short_term_retention: <Number of days that you want to keep the backup>
long_term_retention: <Number of weeks that you want to keep the backup.
Only the Sunday backup will be considered to be stored>
short_term_path: <Path to your daily backups. Integer.>
long_term_path: <Path to your weekly backups. Integer.>
domain: <Domain name of your website>
server: <SSH server>
username: <SSH username>
port: <SSH port. Integer.>
pkey_file: <Path to private key>
sender: <e-mail address of the sender>
receiver: <e-mail address of the receiver>
smtp_server: <SMTP server name>
While if you want to use FTP, delete the SSH key and add instead
ftp_server: <FTP server>
username: <FTP username>
password: <FTP password>
On the short term retention, files will be kept only for the specified days.
Example: if you run the script every day and you have set the short_term_retention to 7, all the files in the short_term_path older than 7 days will be deleted.
On the long term retention, files will be kept only for the specified weeks.
Only the backup taken on Sunday will be considered.
Example: if you run the script every day and you have set the long_term_retention to 26, all the files in the long_term_path older than 26 weeks will be deleted.