Site content page
The banner features:
- Image (image size/dimensions to be determined in design and followed via editorial tooltip)
There are two options here:
- A smaller "ambiance" that serves as the background for a title
- A "hero" style banner
Needs to have a semantic If blank, it manifests as fallback image and uses page
- Header area is page title
- If you add an image that's the image
- An image should be upload-able and should appear on the front-end when added/changed
- Page title text should appear on the banner
- When no image has been uploaded the fallback state should be visible
- A tooltip or some helper text should be visible to help the editor know what size of image should be used
- Heading text should always take into account color contrast when an image is and is not present
- The banner should following the design at all screen sizes
- Typically the banner should not repeat when the banner area gets larger than the image. If there's an option to choose repeat/don't repeat a checkbox should be available for this functionality.