Mountable Exchange Rates client for market data coming from Bloom Trade
This uses Sidekiq and sidekiq-cron to fetch messages from the rates server.
- Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'bloom_trade_client-rails'
- Copy needed migrations
rails bloom_trade_client:install:migrations
- Enable the BloomTradeClient engine by mounting in your routes. In your
mount BloomTradeClient::Engine => "/bloom_trade_client"
- Add an initializer
BloomTradeClient.configure do |c| = ""
c.reserve_currency = "PHP" # What the conversion service will use
# Returns a list of jwt, this will be used for creating and maintaining
# a different set of local ExchangeRate records per JWT.
c.jwt_callback = -> { ["my_token", "his_token", "her_token"] }
- Add the following to your sidekiq-cron schedule
cron: "*/30 * * * * *"
class: "BloomTradeClient::ExchangeRates::SyncJob"
If you're new to sidekiq-cron, see the docs.
client = "your-jwt-here")
response = client.get_quote(
base_currency: "BTC",
counter_currency: "PHP",
quote_type: "buy",
amount: 0.50, # in BTC (base currency)
If you need to how much BTC (base currency) is X PHP, you can use:
response = client.get_quote(
base_currency: "BTC",
counter_currency: "PHP",
quote_type: "buy",
amount: 5_000, # in PHP (counter currency)
amount_type: "counter", # This tells BloomTrade we're asking how much BTC we'll get for PHP5,000
response.quoted_amount # this is where you'll get the BTC amount
if there are any errors, you can inspect using:
response = client.update_quote(
memo: "#{from_client.get_quote_quote}",
destination_memo: "#{some_stellar_memo_bloom_trade_will_send_to}",
destination_address: "#{some_stellar_address_bloom_trade_will_send_to}",
This so that Bloom Trade can issue the corresponding base/counter currency (based on quote type) to fulfill the quote.
Sometimes you would want to run the sync job manually for testing purposes, here's how to do it:
- Open the rails console
Checking the value of a currency to another e.g. 1 BTC for USD. You can choose from either buy, sell, mid
. Mid is the average value.
The result object is a ConvertResult
# If you pass a type other than buy, mid or sell. This will raise an ArgumentError
result = BloomTradeClient.convert(
base_currency: "BTC",
counter_currency: "USD",
type: "buy",
jwt: "my-jwt"
# BloomTradeClient.convert will try to compute a rate from the local ExchangeRate records under that jwt.
# If you don't pass a jwt, it will use default ExchangeRate records.
result # ConvertResult
# This will return a ConvertRequest object, which essentially contains the params you passed in BloomTradeClient.convert
result.request # ConvertRequest
# valid conversion
result.success? # true
result.rate # BigDecimal
result.state # "valid"
result.valid? # true
# expired rates
result.success? # true, even if expired, .success returns that the rate is there, but it's just expired
result.expired? # true
result.state # "valid"
# can't find a currency
result.success? # false
result.message? # FOOBAR mid rate not available
result.invalid? # true
result.state # "invalid"
# Get the rate
result.rate # BigDecimal
result.rate_currency # what currency the rate amount is in
See spec/acceptance
to see more examples of calls that can be made with BloomTradeClient
- Copy the config and customize it (especially if you're re-recording cassettes):
cp spec/config.yml{.sample,}
rails db:test:prepare
The gem is hosted in gemfury under the Bloom Solutions account. The gem itself is public, to make a version and release it to the public you add the fury
git origin:
git remote add fury
git push fury master
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.