distributed file system for pandadb
____ _ ___________
/ __ \___ ____ _(_)___ ____ / ____/ ___/
/ /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \/ /_ \__ \
/ _, _/ __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / / __/ ___/ /
/_/ |_|\___/\__, /_/\____/_/ /_/_/ /____/
NOTE: make sure zookeeper cluster is running, suppose it has connecting string: localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183
By default, zookeeper-3.5.x
is recommended. If you are using a lower version of zookeeper, please modify version of artifact org.apache.curator.curator-recipes
in pom.xml
and mvn clean package
- write a configuration file for rfs global settings
- write gloal config setting
bin/rfs config -conf ./conf/global.conf
- write a configuration file for the node server
NOTE: node.id
should be unique in regionfs cluster
- start the node server
sbin/start-local -conf ./conf/node.conf
- shutdown remote node server
sbin/shutdown -zk localhost:2181 -node 1
rfs <command> [args]
clean clean data on all nodes (or a given node)
config dispaly (or set) global setting
delete delete remote files
get get remote files
greet notify all nodes (or a given node) to print a message to be noticed
help print usage information
put put local files into regionfs
regions list regions on all nodes (or a given node)
shutdown shutdown all nodes (or a given node)
stat report statistics of all nodes (or a given node)
key | type | default value | description |
region.min_writable | Int | 3 | minimal writable region number |
region.replica_num | Int | 1(no duplicates) | replica number of region |
region.max_size | Long | 20* 1024* 1024* 1024(20G) | upper limit of region size |
region.version_check_interval | Long | 60000 * 60(1hour) | interval of region data version checking |
region.cleanup_interval | Long | 60000 * 60(1hour) | interval of region cleanup(merging & cleaning) |
executor.thread_pool_size | Int | 20 | size of executor pool |
consistency.strategy | Enum(strong ,eventual ) |
strong | consistency strategy |
region.mem.max_alive | Long | 10* 60* 1000(10min) | max alive time of RegionMem entries |
region.mem.max_entry_count | Long | 50 | max number of RegionMem entries |
region.mem.max_total_size | Long | 1* 1024 * 1024(1M) | max total size of RegionMem |
write.max_batch_size | Long | 2* 1024 * 1024(2M) | max size of batch write |
write.max_retry_times | Int | 3 | max times of write retries |
key | type | default value | description |
zookeeper.address | String | e.g,localhost:2181 | |
server.host | String | localhost | |
server.port | Int | e.g,1224 | |
data.store_dir | String | e.g, /data/node/ | |
node.id | Int | unique id of current server, e.g, 1 |
add repository in pom.xml
val client = new FsClient("localhost:2181")
val id = Await.result(client.writeFile(new File("..."), Duration.Inf)
client.readFile(id, (is) => {
bulk write:
client.writeFiles(Array(ByteBuffer.wrap(...), ByteBuffer.wrap(...), ...))
more examples, see https://github.com/bluejoe2008/regionfs/blob/master/src/test/scala/regionfs/FileTestBase.scala
- transaction safety assurance
- hippo-rpc: enhanced RPC framework based on kraps-rpc https://github.com/bluejoe2008/hippo-rpc
- curator: zookeeper client libaray