This is a working repository for the AT Protocol, aka the Authenticated Transfer Protocol.
To learn more about atproto, see:
- Protocol Documentation
- Overview Guide 👈 Good place to start
- The Blogpost on self-authenticating data structures
While we do accept contributions, we prioritize high-quality issues and pull requests. Adhering to the below guidelines will ensure a more timely review.
- We may not respond to your issue or PR.
- We may close an issue or PR without much feedback.
- We may lock discussions or contributions if our attention is getting DDOSed.
- Check for existing issues before filing a new one, please.
- Open an issue and give some time for discussion before submitting a PR.
- If submitting a PR that includes a lexicon change, please get sign off on the lexicon change before doing the implementation.
- Issues are for bugs & feature requests related to the TypeScript implementation of atproto and related services. For high-level discussions, please you the Discussion Forum. For client issues, please use the relevant social-app repo
- Stay away from PRs that:
- Refactor large parts of the codebase
- Add entirely new features without prior discussion
- Change the tooling or frameworks used without prior discussion
- Introduce new unnecessary dependencies
Remember, we serve a wide community of users. Our day-to-day involves us constantly asking "which top priority is our top priority." If you submit well-written PRs that solve problems concisely, that's an awesome contribution. Otherwise, as much as we'd love to accept your ideas and contributions, we really don't have the bandwidth.
Bluesky is an open social network built on the AT Protocol, a flexible technology that will never lock developers out of the ecosystems that they help build. With atproto, third-party can be as seamless as first-party through custom feeds, federated services, clients, and more.
If you're a developer interested in building on atproto, we'd love to email you a Bluesky invite code. Simply share your GitHub (or similar) profile with us via this form.
If you discover any security issues, please send an email to The email is automatically CCed to the entire team, and we'll respond promptly. See for more info.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Bluesky PBC