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High energy accelerator lattice construction and manipulation. Compatible with Bmad. This is a long term project currently under development.

State of the Software

Can construct simple lattices so the tracking code being developed can use AcceleratorLattice.

2024/10: Currently Working on documentation, bug testing, regression test creation.


To use this package, in the Julia REPL run:

import Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")
using AcceleratorLattice

Simple Lattice Example

@eles begin
  begin0 = BeginningEle(pc_ref = 1e7, species_ref = Species("electron"))
  qf = Quadrupole(L = 0.6, Kn1 = 0.34)
  d = Drift(L = 0.4)
  b1 = Bend(L = 1.2, g = 0.034);

aline= BeamLine([begin0, qf, d, b1])
lat = Lattice([aline])

The result is:

julia> lat
Lattice: "lat"
Branch 1: "b1", geometry => OPEN                      L           s      s_downstream
      1  "begin0"             BeginningEle        0.000000    0.000000 ->    0.000000
      2  "qf"                 Quadrupole          0.600000    0.000000 ->    0.600000
      3  "d"                  Drift               0.400000    0.600000 ->    1.000000
      4  "b1"                 Bend                1.200000    1.000000 ->    2.200000
      5  "end_ele"            Marker              0.000000    2.200000 ->    2.200000
Branch 2: "super_lord"
     --- No Elements ---
Branch 3: "multipass_lord"
     --- No Elements ---

An individual element looks like:

Ele: "qf" (b1>>2)   Quadrupole
  branch             Branch 1: "b1" 
  ix_ele             2 
    offset               [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] m            offset_tot           [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] m
    x_rot                0 rad                        x_rot_tot            0 rad
    y_rot                0 rad                        y_rot_tot            0 rad
    tilt                 0 rad                        tilt_tot             0 rad
    x_limit                      [NaN, NaN] m         y_limit              [NaN, NaN] m
    aperture_at                  BodyLoc.ENTRANCE_END 
    aperture_type        ApertureShape.ELLIPTICAL 
    misalignment_moves_aperture  true 
    Order Integrated              Tilt (rad)
        1      false                     0.0                    0.34  Kn1                     0.0  Ks1 (1/m^2)
                                               -0.011341179236737171  Bn1                    -0.0  Bs1 (T/m^1)
  EMultipoleParams: No electric multipoles
    r (r_floor)          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] m
    q (q_floor)          1.0 + 0.0⋅i + 0.0⋅j + 0.0⋅k 
    theta (theta_floor)  0.0 rad
    phi (phi_floor)      0.0 rad                      psi (psi_floor)      0.0 rad
    L                    0.6 m                        orientation          1 
    s                    0.0 m                        s_downstream         0.6 m
... etc...

SciBmad manual

SciBmad manual