Each LOBSTER JSON file shares the following common structure:
"data" : LIST,
"generator" : STRING,
"schema" : STRING,
"version" : INTEGER
- data is the main content
- generator is the name of the program that created the artefact
- schema is one of the following:
- lobster-req-trace for requirements traces
- lobster-imp-trace for implementation traces
- lobster-act-trace for activity traces
- lobster-report for the tracing report
- version is the version ID for this report; later version of LOBSTER may change data in an incompatible way and the version ID allows us to generate more useful error messages in this case
Some schemas may add additional top-level items, but these four are always present.
A SOURCE_REF is an object with varying forms. One field is always present:
"kind" : REF_KIND,
Based on the value of kind this object takes different forms.
File references look like this:
"kind" : "file",
"file" : STRING,
"line" : INTEGER or null,
"column" : INTEGER or null
References to github look like this:
"kind" : "github",
"gh_root" : STRING,
"gh_repo" : STRING,
"filename" : INTEGER,
"line" : INTEGER or null,
"commit" : STRING
The gh_root is the github instance, for example
. The gh_repo is the combination of user and
repo, for example bmw-software-engineering/trlc
. The commit is
a SHA on which the user had checked out before executing the
tool. Finally,
filename and line has the usual meaning.
References to the proprietary codebeamer tool look like this:
"kind" : "codebeamer",
"cb_root" : STRING,
"tracker" : INTEGER,
"item" : INTEGER,
"version" : INTEGER or null,
"name" : STRING
The cb_root refers to the root codebeamer URL (everything up to, but
excluding, the /cb/
), tracker to the tracker that contains the
item, and item is the numeric id itself. The version if specified,
references a specific version, otherwise the reference is to the
HEAD. Finally name is the short human-readable name of the item.
Note: we are considering to retire this kind of reference as it is too specific, and replace with a "online" reference that consists out of a tool indicator (e.g. codebeamer) and a url. A design goal of LOBSTER is after all that adding support for a new tool doesn't require a change in LOBSTER itself.
A void reference can be used if an item cannot be given a proper location or link, for whatever reason.
"kind" : "void",
All items (requirements, implementation, and activities) share a few basic properties.
"location": SOURCE_REF,
"name": STRING,
"just_up": LIST-OF-STRING,
"just_down": LIST-OF-STRING,
"just_global": LIST-OF-STRING
is right now a string that matches this regex:
[a-z]+ .+
The first letter group is a namespace for the tag, e.g. req
(for all
requirements) or e.g. cpp
(for C++ code). The next letter group is
the actual tag name e.g. example.requirement
or 12345
; and the
final optional group is a version. Some examples:
req example.requirement
TRLC requirement example.requirementreq 12345@42
codebeamer requirement 12345 at version 42cpp kitten::foo
C++ function foo (in namespace kitten)
In the future we may make this an object.
The name is a more human readable name, which doesn't have to be unique. For the names for the three examples above might be:
(just the trlc identifier)requirement
(the actual title for item 12345 in cb)foo
(just the function name)
The three justification lists just_up, just_down, and just_global collect justification reasons why a link might be missing. Generally you just use just_up since we link up; but in some cases we might have to justify "from the top down". The global justifications are both up and down, and should be used very sparingly.
The refs is a list of TRACING_TAG
referencing other items in
lobster this item should trace up to.
Requirements are items, with the following additional fields:
<< the common item fields >>
"framework" : STRING
"kind" : STRING
"text" : STRING or null
- framework is the data source, for example "codebeamer" or "TRLC".
- kind is a free text string describing what kind of requirement this is. For example "functional requirement".
- text is an optional copy or a summary of the requirement text.
As above, but adds one new field:
<< version 3 fields >>
"status" : STRING or null
- status indicates the state of a requirement. This is used by some proprietary tools; and lobster can check that the status is one of the permitted ones.
Implementation are items, with the following additional fields:
<< the common item fields >>
"language" : STRING
"kind" : STRING
- language is a free text string indicating the implementation language. For example "Ada", "C++", or "Python".
- kind is a free text string describing the entity. For example "function", "method", "named number", "class".
Activity are items, with the following additional fields:
<< the common item fields >>
"framework" : STRING
"kind" : STRING
"status" : STRING or null
- framework a free text string that describes where the activity takes place. For example "GTest", "SMTLIB Model", or "Hand-written analysis".
- kind is the type of activity. Generally, it is free text, but the following kinds have special meaning:
Test activities can (but are not required to) have another mapping for "status" describing the test status. If set it can be one of the following:
- ok if the test was run and no problems were found
- fail if the test was run and it failed
- not run if the test was not run for any reason
If the status is not explicitly set, then LOBSTER will assume it is "ok". This makes sense because in a modern workflow you should have pre-commit checks in your repo that block a commit where the tests fail (hence we don't need to explicitly get the test status in LOBSTER since it must always be OK).
The report schema is currently internal to LOBSTER.