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TRLC Release Notes

Language support

Up to date with version 3.1 of TRLC language reference manual.


The new Markup_String type currently has limited language support, but we expect to add more features surrounding it later. (For example quantifying over all references.)

The --verify feature has several limitations that can create false alarms and cause inaccurate or impossible counter-examples to be generated in the following situations:

  • Decimal numbers may generate real or irrational examples.
  • Quantifiers.
  • Tuples in arrays.
  • Markup_Strings are treated just like strings (i.e. they do not carry a constraint yet about legal syntax of inline references).
  • The builtin matches function.



  • [TRLC] Fix help message for command line argument --no-detailed-info.


  • [TRLC] Fix an UnboundLocalError when missing a term in an expression.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Add check to detect duplicated components of a record when parsing a TRLC file. Below is an example of a *.trlc file demonstrating the new behavior.

    Something duplicated
      description = "This is fine!"
      description = "This is the duplicate."  // will be detected as an error

    The Language Reference Manual has been updated accordingly, and its version has been increased to 3.1


This new major release includes a number of incompatible changes. These have been tagged in the changelog.

  • [Incompatible, TRLC, LRM, API] New major version as all deprecated features have been removed:

    • The deprecated builtin function syntax trlc:foo has been removed. You should now use foo instead.

    • Support for check files has been removed. You can simply move any checks into the rsl file.

    • API support surrounding check files in the Source_Manager has been removed.

  • [Incompatible, TRLC, LRM, API] The LRM had rules that names need to be sufficiently distinct, for example having Foo, foo or Fo_o in the same namespace would not be allowed. This was previously not implemented at all.

    The rules have been strengthened to apply to all names (packages, types, literals, objects) and are now enforced. This is also a backwards incompatible change as it may invalidate some previously valid .trlc or .rsl files.

  • [TRLC] The --verify command is now supported on Windows without the use of an external cvc5 install, now that the Python package for CVC5 is also available on Windows.

  • [TRLC, LRM] New builtin function oneof. This can be used to test if precisely one of a number of parameters is true. For example:

  • [TRLC] The warning about late package declarations is no longer issued.

  • [TRLC] New command-line flag -I which can be used to register include directories. You can use this to automatically parse a minimal set of file. Normally when invoking e.g. trlc foo.trlc this will fail, because you did not provide e.g. foo.rsl.

    With the -I flag you can now automatically let the tool discover any dependencies. When using e.g. trlc -I . foo.trlc the tool will discover it also needs foo.rsl and maybe potato.rsl which you imported in foo.trlc.

    Especially in large projects this will be much faster than explicitly parsing everything.

  • [API] The source manager has a new function register_include which should be used before any register_file or register_dir calls.

  • [API] When using includes, the symbol table will contain packages for every discovered package. These are indistinguishable from normal (but empty) packages, so if you're relying on iterating over all known packages you will find a lot of unused and empty ones now. If the include mechanism is not used, then there is no change in behaviour.

  • [TRLC] Various performance improvements when parsing large files.

  • [TRLC] Add --version flag that can be used to figure out the installed TRLC version.

  • [TRLC] Fix bug when creating a lexer with an empty file with delivered file content. The lexer attempted to open the file instead of using the empty string passed to the constructor.

  • [TRLC] Fix a bug in the verifier mistranslating existential quantifiers. This could both lead to false alarms and missed bugs.

  • [TRLC] Fix a bug parsing record references of incorrect types, instead of an ICE we now create an error message.


  • [API] Add callbacks to the Source_Manager to notify clients of the parse progress.


  • [TRLC] New minor version release due to minor API changes and major command-line changes.

  • [TRLC] When using --verify you can now also specify a CVC5 executable using --use-cvc5-binary. This allows you to use the --verify option on platforms where there is no CVC5 PyPI package (i.e. Windows or more recent versions of OSX).

  • [TRLC] The PyVCG package is now required on all platforms. The optional dependency is now CVC5 instead.

  • [TRLC] Remove the --lint option. Lint messages are now enabled by default, and .trlc files are processed as well. Instead, there is a --no-lint option which turns off the extra warnings.

  • [TRLC] Add the --skip-trlc-files option which disables processing of .trlc files. Enabling this option is equivalent to the old --lint mode.

  • [TRLC] Add the --error-on-warnings option which generates a status code of 1 if any warning is raised.

  • [TRLC] We now always print a short summary, indicating how many files were processed and how many messages were generated. The --show-file-list option still exists and still prints the complete list of files. This summary may be suppressed with the --brief option.

  • [API] The Source_Manager has new and different constructor flags, although it can still be constructed with no parameters.

  • [API] The Message_Handler now uses an enumeration instead of a string to signal message severity/kind. For normal use this is transparent, but if you subclass the message handler then you need to deal with this. The category (for lint messages) is now also a separate parameter instead of being baked into the message.

  • [TRLC] Please note that if you parse messages in CI, the regex has changed slightly.

  • [TRLC] Fix an issue where --skip-trlc-files would incorrectly register and parse the preamble of .trlc files.

  • [TRLC] Fix a spurious space in the summary output.

  • [TRLC] Fix support for Python 3.11. The package can now be installed without issues.

  • [TRLC] Fix issue in VCG where the matches function could be generated more than once. This was only an issue in the debug output and was not visible to users.


  • [TRLC] Fix missing typechecks for numeric subtypes on value assignments. It was possible to assign an integer to a decimal component, or the other way around. This now correctly generates an error.

  • [TRLC, LRM] You can now also write """foo""" string literals. Just like the ''' strings, these can contain newlines.

  • [TRLC, LRM] User defined checks are now not allowed to contain a newline. However, you can now provide additional information that can contain a newline. For example:

    checks Requirement {
      top_level == true or derived_from != null,
        error "linkage incorrect",
        """You must either link this requirement to other requirements
           using the derived_from attribute, or you need to set
           top_level to true."""

    Would now produce something like this:

    Requirement Potato {
                ^^^^^^ checks-5/foo.trlc:3: check error: linkage incorrect
                     | You must either link this requirement to other requirements
                     | using the derived_from attribute, or you need to set
                     | top_level to true.

    For more details please refer to the LRM.


  • [TRLC] Add support for Python 3.11. We now support Python 3.8 up to and including 3.11.

  • [TRLC] Add new option --no-detailed-info which suppresses the additional information the linter may add to a message, such as counter-examples or reasoning.

  • [TRLC] The tool is now much less likely to abort on parse errors, instead we continue where it's possible to generate more errors in other unrelated packages and declarations. This may occasionally generate follow-on errors that look weird, however once you fix the earlier errors things should work out.

  • [TRLC] Add new option --no-error-recovery which restores the old behaviour w.r.t. error handling. With this option, every error you see is absolutely a real error which you need to fix; but of course there could be more errors once you fix them.

  • [LRM] Mark .check files as a deprecated feature. You should move your checks into the corresponding .rsl file. The linter also complains about these now.


  • [TRLC] Hotfix for the CVC5 API issue: pinning PyVCG to 1.0.3, which in turn pins CVC5 to 1.0.5 (the last known good version).


  • [TRLC, LRM] Fixed a missing restriction on tuple types that permitted interesting nesting of tuples with separators and optional components. The restriction forbids any tuple with declared separators from having components that are themselves tuples with separators. We may relax this restriction in the future to permit some combinations where this doesn't lead to parsing problems for values.

    The problem can be seen in this example:

    tuple T {
       a String
       separator @
       b optional Integer
    tuple Q {
       a T
       separator @
       b optional Integer

    If we now write "foo" @ 12 then there is no possible way to specify if you meant:

    • Instance of Q where a is "foo" @ 12 and b is unspecified
    • Instance of Q where a is just "foo" and b is 12
  • [TRLC, LRM] Fixed LRM and tools allowing empty enumerations. This is now explicitly forbidden. It was always unreasonable to do this as it would have been impossible to use the enumeration type, and there is no legitimate use-case anyway since you cannot add more literals later through e.g. a type extension.

  • [TRLC] Add alternative entry-point for users who cannot modify their PATH. You can now do python3 -m trlc [args...] and it works just like trlc [args...].

  • [TRLC] Fix tool crash when encountering a file not in UTF-8 encoding. We now print an error message indicating the issue.

  • [TRLC] Fix bug when parsing arrays: arrays without comma separators were accepted when they should have been rejected.

  • [TRLC] Fix tool crash when parsing a file with an unterminated /* comment.

  • [LRM] Fix typo in several places: .rls should be .rsl.


  • [TRLC] Add new option --lint --verify. This option requires PyVCG to be installed (which is only available on GNU/Linux or OSX). This option attempts to statically verify all checks for freedom of run-time errors (no null dereferences, no division by zero, and no array out of bounds access). For example with this .rsl:

    type T1 {
      x optional Integer
      y optional Integer
      z          Integer
    checks T1 {
      x != null implies y == x, fatal "potato"
      y != null implies x > 1, warning "potato"

    The --lint --verify option might say:

    y != null implies x > 1, warning "potato"
                      ^ test1.rsl:11: warning: expression could be null [vcg-evaluation-of-null]
                      | example record_type triggering error:
                      |   T1 bad_potato {
                      |     /* x is null */
                      |     y = 0
                      |     z = 0
                      |   }
  • [Package] Provide Linux and OSX packages, along with the default package, which should automatically install PyVCG where it is available. On Windows, pip should fall back to the platform-agnostic package.

  • [TRLC] Add new option --no-user-warnings to suppress any warning generated from a user-defined check.

  • [TRLC] Fix missing static check on exponents (they must not be negative).

  • [TRLC] Fix missing static check for Boolean types on check expressions (tools would crash without error message).

  • [TRLC, LRM] Fix several tool crashes when the null literal appeared in expressions outside equality. Re-worded the section on null values in the LRM to be much stricter. We consider this to be a bug-fix and not a change of semantics.

  • [LRM] Clarify equality semantics for arrays, tuples, and record references. Moved the definition of null equality into the same place.


  • [LRM, TRLC] Remove limitation on late packages. You may now declare any number of packages in trlc files; and you may even import them. It is still recommended to have a rsl file for a package spanning multiple files, even if it's basically blank; however the technical limitation and language rules surrounding late packages have been removed.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Add base 2 and base 16 integer literals. You can now write things like 0xdeadbeef and 0b10010010. Octal literals are not supported.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Add support for readability separators in integer and decimal literals. You can now write things like 1_000_000.00 or 0b1001_0010.

  • [TRLC] Improve --lint output by appending a rule name in the output (in a style similar to clang-tidy). In the future it will be possible to turn rules off you don't like.

  • [TRLC] Relax errors surrounding array sizes, they are now lint messages like the language manual suggests.

  • [TRLC] A warning is now issued by the tools when encountering a duplicate import statement.

  • [TRLC] A warning is now issued by the tools when encountering duplicate late package declarations.

  • [TRLC] New --lint check for detecting tuples with separators that could be confused with base 2 or base 16 integer literals.


  • [TRLC] Improve error messages by using a more human-readable form of expected tokens, so now you see opening brace '{' instead of C_BRA.


  • [TRLC] New API function fully_qualified_name for Record_Object which can be used to get the name for any record.

  • [TRLC] The API function to_python_object now emits fully qualified names for record references.


  • [LRM, TRLC] Also allow : and ; as a tuple field separators.


  • [LRM, TRLC] New (backwards-incompatible) keywords: tuple, separator, freeze, abstract, and final. New punctuation: @.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Support for tuple types: these are algebraic datatypes that also support user-defined syntax. The main use case is versioned identifiers, e.g. allowing you to write 12345@42 for example to refer to a codebeamer item 12345 at version 42. Instead of only allowing this use-case, tuples should be a widely applicable generic datatype, for specifying e.g. coordinates, qualified information, complex numbers, vectors, etc.

    Have a look at the new Tuples Tutorial for some examples.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Support for freezing record components: you can now declare that a particular component is always a certain value for all instances of that record type. This is not the same as a "default" value, instead that value can never be changed, overwritten, or unfrozen again.

    Have a look at the updated Catch-all base types tutorial for an example.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Support for abstract and final types: abstract must be extended before they can be used, and final types cannot gain new components.

    Have a look at the new Advanced tips & tricks tutorial for examples.

  • [TRLC] Introducing the tuple type required significant reorganisation of the AST, to mark this significant backwards incompatible change we have increased the minor version instead of just the patch version. The key incompatible changes are:

    • New base-class for record types and tuple types, called Composite_Type.

    • Components and fields now share the same type Composite_Component.

    • New base-class Typed_Entity for entities with a type, in which case the type is stored in the n_typ attribute. The entities Quantified_Variable, Composite_Component (previously Record_Component), Enumeration_Literal_Spec, and Record_Object are now typed entities, and their inconsistent attribute for their type is now n_typ consistently.

    • Renamed n_record to n_type for Composite_Component (formally Record_Component).

  • [TRLC] Fix unary operators in array aggregates; this used to crash the tools and now works as expected.

  • [TRLC] Fix anchoring of some error messages which incorrectly linked to the declaration of x instead of the part of the expression where x was used.

  • [TRLC] Warning and error messages that show source context now strip leading spaces to preserve space.

  • [TRLC] User defined types (records, enumerations, and tuples) now all subclass from Concrete_Type in the API which provides a useful new function: fully_qualified_name() which returns something like package.typename. These types are now also python hashable, so you can create dictionaries and sets with them without issues.


  • [TRLC] Do not enter (sub-)directories named bazel-*. This behaviour can be turned off by using the new option --include-bazel-dirs.

  • [TRLC] Add new option --show-file-list which dumps, on success, all files processed by the tool.

  • [TRLC] Error messages now show all files relative to the current working directory.


  • [TRLC, LRM] New type Decimal which allows you to specify values such as 0.1 with infinite precision. These are a subset of rational numbers.

  • [TRLC, LRM] New implicitly declared built-in functions Integer and Decimal which can be used to convert a value to an Integer and Decimal respectively. The language does not support implicit conversion, you will have to make sure all types are converted correctly yourself.

  • [TRLC, LRM] new type Markup_String which is a special kind of String that behaves in exactly the same way. However, you reference other TRLC records directly: for example see [[potato, package.wibble]]. These references are checked and validated by TRLC.


  • [TRLC] You can now provide more than one directory on the command-line to process, as well as individual files. If no files or directories are provided the default is now to analyse the current directory . including all subdirectories.

  • [TRLC] In error messages that reference another file+location more of the path is now shown to help you find the problem. For example instead of previous definition at foo.rsl:1 you now would get previous definition at potato/foo.rsl:1.


  • [TRLC] Fix issue where TRLC could sometimes return 0 instead of 1 if there were non-fatal errors.

  • [TRLC] Fix missing array length checks. Arrays now correctly have their desired size enforced.


  • [LRM] The LRM for TRLC is now written in TRLC. There is also an HTML version available for easier reading. During conversion, we fixed a number of issues in the LRM (missing keywords, etc.) and made a few cleanups and simplifications; however the language and its semantics have not changed.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Add support for existential quantification. This introduces a new keywords exists.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Also permit in and not in for arrays. This is a convenient short-cut for existential quantification over an array to test for membership.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Fix oversight in the LRM, not allowing true and false to appear as values.


  • [TRLC] Fix ICE when attempting to parse completely empty files.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Two minor improvements for the handling of triple quoted strings: empty lines are now ignored when removing common leading whitespace, and trailing whitespace is stripped.


  • [TRLC] Implement missing feature: integer values in record declarations can be prefixed by a unary + or -.

  • [TRLC] Make parse order of files more predictable (which also makes error messages more predictable) and not so dependent on filesystem ordering.


  • [LRM, TRLC] Support declarations of checks in the .rsl files. This means you don't need to have a separate check file, allowing you to implement your process or business logic closer to the type declarations. Dedicated check files continue to be supported.

  • [LRM, TRLC] Rework builtin functions to not have the ugly trlc: prefix. Builtin functions now look more natural, e.g. len instead of trlc:len. The legacy functions will remain as a deprecated feature, and we'll remove them at a future date.

  • [TRLC] Fix bug in array parsing and evaluation.

  • [TRLC] Add the first two checks to the --lint option: one about misleading unary operators, and another on using deprecated functions.

  • [TRLC] Fix a bug where a record reference to a type extension instead of the base type was not permitted, when it should be.


  • [TRLC] Add --brief mode intended for CI. Expand tutorial to explain how it works.

  • [TRLC] Add two new API functions (a simpler lookup and inheritance checking for record types).


  • [LRM, TRLC] First public release