git hook [hook name]
: execute hook name (not *.sample
git hub
: open GitHub for the current repository
git iam [email]
: what e-mail address are you using on this repository? and you can update it
git monitor [service]
: open monitoring service such as heroku, opbeat or circle CI on your browser
git name
: display <username>/<repository> for your current repository
git pages
: open github pages either https://<username><repo>
or your own domain detecting CNAME
git publish
: push branch into gh-pages branch
git release increment:patch|minor|major|init|x.x.x [message]
: create a new tag by bumping the version number depending on the increment given. Also execute pre-release
and post-release
hooks that can be use to build and push/deploy your new build
git root
: find your repository root folder
git url
: URL of your origin remote
git uu
: open all conflicted files
git trim
: Go through your local branches and give you the choices to remove them.
Copy the files to /usr/local/bin
$ make
$ make clean