Speedrunning for @ShaanVP on X. https://twitter.com/ShaanVP/status/1732528736376160506
Just as a goof, I decided to build the MVP for ShaanVP's "Lil' Pedia," which is "Wikipedia, but shorter."
This repository contains a Node.js app which generates "Lil' Pedia for Animals." It is an online encyclopedia of all animals that start with the letter A (I got lazy and stopped). Clicking an animal's name will open up a modal with a 1-2 sentence description of the animal.
The purpose of this project was to speedrun this business idea in a couple hours, and not to write sensible code. There is literally no database and everything is referenced in memory. I also used the unpoly framework to avoid writing proper javascript and the preact framework to send HTML over the wire in the laziest way possible. No API's, no problem.
How to run the code:
Step 1) Open up your Node.js command prompt
Step 2) npm install
Step 3) npm run start
Step 4) Go to the following URL -> http://localhost:3000/
Step 5) Enjoy dozens of minutes of fun reading about animals