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338 lines (215 loc) · 13.6 KB

Management Commands


Runs the management commands required to populate the Boost database from scratch with Boost versions, libraries, and other associated data.

Read more about boost_setup in Populating the Database for the First Time.


./ boost_setup


Options Format Description
--token string GitHub API Token. If passed, will use this value. If not passed, will use the value in settings.

Process: See Populating the Database for the First Time.


Imports Version objects from GitHub.


./ import_versions


Options Format Description
--delete-versions bool If passed, will delete all Version objects before importing Versions.
--new bool If passed, will import only new Version objects.
--token string GitHub API Token. If passed, will use this value. If not passed, will use the value in settings.


  • Retrieves the tags for the GitHub repo in BASE_GITHUB_URL
  • Loops through all tags, and discards any that do not match our inclusion logic
  • For each successful tag, import it as a Version object
  • Then, run the command to the release downloads from Artifactory as VersionFile objects


This process is run automatically as part of import_versions.

Import VersionFile objects from Artifactory.


./ import_archives_release_data


Options Format Description
--release string Format: boost-1.63.0. If passed, will import Archive urls for only that version.

More Information

  • Loops through Version objects and calls the task that retrieves the Archives data with the version information
  • Saves the Archives JSON data as VersionFile objects


This process was run automatically as part of import_versions, but has been replaced by import_archives_release_data.

Import VersionFile objects from Artifactory.


./ import_artifactory_release_data


Options Format Description
--release string Format: boost-1.63.0. If passed, will import Artifactory urls for only that version.

More Information

  • Loops through Version objects and calls the task that retrieves the Artifactory data with the version information
  • Saves the Artifactory data as VersionFile objects


Purpose: Import and update Library and Category objects. Runs the library update script, which cycles through the repos listed in the Boost library and syncs their information. Most library information comes from meta/libraries.json stored in each Boost library repo.


./ update_libraries


Options Format Description
--token string GitHub API Token. If passed, will use this value. If not passed, will use the value in settings.


Purpose: Import and update LibraryVersion objects.


./ import_library_versions


Options Format Description
--token string GitHub API Token. If passed, will use this value. If not passed, will use the value in settings.
--release string Format: boost-1.63.0. If passed, will import Artifactory urls for only that version. Partial versions are accepted (so "1.7" will import libraries for version 1.70.0, 1.71.0, etc.)


  • Loops through Version objects based on passed-in options
  • For each Version, gets the libraries in that release from the .gitmodules file using the GitHub API
  • For each library listed in the .gitmodules file, get the complete list of libraries from the library's meta/libraries.json file (in its GitHub repo) using the GitHub API. (A single library repo might contain information for multiple libraries. Example: Functional also hosts Functional/Factory).
  • Save the LibraryVersion objects
  • Call the task to import documentation urls from data hosted in the S3 bucket


This process is taken care of automatically as part of import_library_versions.

Purpose: Because of uniqueness in Boost library data, it's not possible to consistently format the URL for each Boost library-version. The current process involves hitting the url for the page in the Boost release notes that lists all the libraries and manually copying the URLs from the <ul> on that page to each LibraryVersion object.


./ get_library_version_documentation_urls --version=1.81.0


Options Format Description
--min-version string Specify the minimum version for which you want to retrieve documentation URLs. The default is defined in the settings file.
--version string Format: 1.81.0. Specify the version for which you want to retrieve documentation URLs. You can provide a specific version number (example: 1.81.0) or a partial version number to process all versions that contain the partial version number (example: 1.7 would process 1.70.0, 1.71.0, 1.72.0, etc.). If no version is specified, all active versions will be processed.


  • This command cycles through all Versions in the database, or specified versions using the --version option.
  • For each version, the command calls a celery task that retrieves and stores the library version documentation url paths from S3.
  • If a library version's documentation URL cannot be found, the command will skip and continue with the next library version.


Cycles through all library-versions and uses the maintainers element in the data JSONField to load the maintainer information from GitHub into the database.


./ update_maintainers


Options Format Description
--library-name string Name of the library. If passed, the command will load maintainers for only this library.
--release string Format: boost-1.63.0. If passed, will import Artifactory urls for only that version.

If both the --release and the --library-name are passed, the command will load maintainers for only that Library-Version.


Purpose: Cycles through all libraries and uses the authors element in the data JSONField to load the author information from GitHub into the database.


./ update_authors


Options Format Description
--library-name string Name of the library. If passed, the command will load maintainers for only this library.


Purpose: Cycles through all libraries and their library versions to import Commit, CommitAuthor, and CommitAuthorEmail models. Updates CommitAuthor github profile URLs and avatar URLs.


./ import_commits


Options Format Description
--key string Key of the library. If passed, the command will import commits for only this library.
--clean boolean If passed, will delete all existing commits before importing new ones.


Purpose: Cycles through all libraries and imports github Issues for that Library


./ update_issues


Options Format Description
--key string Key of the library. Only update_issues for one library.
--clean boolean If passed, will delete the libraries' issues just before running the import.


Purpose: Imports the most recent beta release


./ import_beta_release


Options Format Description
--token string Pass a GitHub API token. If not passed, will use the value in settings.GITHUB_TOKEN.
--delete-versions bool If passed, all existing beta Version records will be deleted before the new beta release is imported.


Purpose: Build EmailData objects from the hyperkitty email archive database.


./ sync_mailinglist_stats


Options Format Description
--clean bool If passed, all existing beta EmailData records will be deleted before running the sync.


Purpose: Read a boostdep report text file uploaded as an artifact from a github action and update dependencies for LibraryVersion models.


./ update_library_version_dependencies


Options Format Description
--token string Pass a GitHub API token. If not passed, will use the value in settings.GITHUB_TOKEN.
--clean bool If passed, existing dependencies in the M2M will be cleared before reinserting them.
--owner string The repo owner. Defaults to "boostorg", which is correct in most cases but can be useful to specify for testing.


Purpose: Execute a chain of commands which are necessary to run during a release. Imports new versions, beta versions, slack messages, github issues, commits, authors, maintainers, etc... Inspect the management command to see exactly which commands are being run.

For this to work SLACK_BOT_API must be set in the .env file.


./ release_tasks


Options Format Description
--user_id int If passed, the user with this ID will receive email notifications when this task is started and finished, or if the task raises and exception.


Purpose: Import mailing list counts from the mailman archives.

./ import_ml_counts


Options Format Description
--start_date date If passed, retrieves data from the start date supplied, d-m-y, default 20-11-1998 (the start of the data in mailman)
--end_date date If passed, If passed, retrieves data until the start date supplied, d-m-y, default today