Releases: boromir674/cookiecutter-python-package
What's Changed
- Cookiecutter Python Package v1.4.1 Release by @boromir674 in #39
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
Add a CLI as an entrypoint to your Python Package
This release enables the user to optionally provide their Python Package with
a Command Line Interface (CLI) as an entrypoint.
The add_cli Generator Variable has been added to behave as an enable/disable
Python Interpreters Support and Test
This release allows the user to select the Python Interpreters they wish their Project
to support and be tested on.
The generator then creates the Test Matrix in the CI config file, which factors in the
Python Interpreter versions supplied by the user.
Consistent with the currect behaviour of the cli, passing the '--no-input' flag,
instructs the Generator to try find the selected interpreters in a config yaml file,
if given, or else to use the information in the cookiecutter.json.
If the '--no-input' flag is missing, then the user is asked for input, through
their console.
The input is read by supplying an interactive console dialog, which allows the user to
easily select the interpreters they wish to support, by enabling or disabling
'check boxes' through their console.
All tox environments related to 'Linting' now all do by default a 'check'.
Doing a 'check' means returning a 0 as exit code in case the check is successfull
and it is suitable for local and remote running on a CI server.
The aforementioned environments are 'lint', 'black', 'isort':
- tox -e lint
- tox -e black
- tox -e isort
Optionally, running as below will modify the source code to comply with
each respective 'lint check'.
Running environment 'lint', 'black', 'isort' with 'lint apply' enabled:
- APPLY_LINT= tox -e lint
- APPLY_BLACK= tox -e black
- APPLY_ISORT= tox -e isort
What's Changed
- Cookiecutter Python Package v1.2.1 Release by @boromir674 in #34
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
- migrate to poetry from setuptools as 'build-backend'
- add rule in MANIFEST to match tox.ini similar to *.md, etc non-python files
- replace hardcoded values with templated variables
- sanity check to double check that 'tox.ini' gets put in generated dir
- rewrite module docstring
- use checkout@v3 instead of @v1
- upload sdist & wheel as artefacts
- separate codecov data exchange into dedicated job
Cookiecutter Python Package v1.1.1
Installation Guide & CLI Usage
- document installation and cli usage
Cookiecutter Python Package v1.0.0
Python Generator CLI & Async
Wrapping everything in a command line interface (cli).
Speed up performance by using futures for http requests.
Cookiecutter Python Package v1.0.0
Cookiecutter Python Package v1.0
First v1.* Release
Releasing v1.0.0, the first ever v1.* version!
We are confident that the user-facing "interface" of this package is stable
and commit to (continue to) follow Semantic Versioning
As far as changes are concerned, invoking the project generator
now adds several new status badges
in your README, which automatically update based on
their corresponding CI services!
Cookiecutter Python Package v0.11.0
Documentation Website Generation
Project Generation now includes build a completely functional website that initially hosts some minimum content.
The website can be publicly hosted, if you create a free account on and make a few simple configurations
through the web ui.
Cookiecutter Python Package v0.10.1
Automatic Labeling of Pull Requests
This is release, enables automatic Pull Request labeling based on the changed files.